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Denver @ Indianapolis - Who Are You Rooting For?


Denver @ Indianapolis  

211 members have voted

  1. 1. Who are you rooting for to win?

    • Colts - I'm a Colts Fan
    • Broncos - I'm a Manning/Broncos Fan
    • Neither - I'm Not a Fan of Either Team

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I'm a Patriots fan and I hope the Colts put the end to the streak.

Nothing more I love then a true Patriots fan..................Enjoy this everyone, the only time you will ever see a true Patriot fan root for the Colts is when we play Manning.



The only thing that HATE more then the Colts is Manning himself, therefore it is only logical that we conclude that would want the Colts to win. :lol:












Welcome aboard, we here at Colts nation will gladly accept your 1 game support

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Bill Polian said his heart is with the Broncos.


polian is just jealous he is out after all he was the designer behind the  unbalanced offense & defese philospohy that Irasy was talking about



 Glad he has a heart though,after not going for perfect season i wondered

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I'm from Canada and Manning was the reason why I became a Colts fan in '99. Still a huge Manning fan but it's Colts all the way for me. I'm flying in and this will be my first time in Indy and first live NFL game. Any tips on what I should do for the full experience? When does the tailgating start and where do I go for it? Since I won't have a car, I won't have a tailgate...LOL.

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Here s the real question.  How many "COLTS FANS" will be wearing a number 18 jersey on sunday.   If you do then just start cheering for the broncos.  Cause your not a colts fan.  True fans respect what peyton did.  But moved on.



Let people have their fun with it. I'm telling you straight up, if I had tickets, I'd wear my #18 Colts jersey. Wearing a Broncos jersey though, taboo. Don't do that. 

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Here s the real question.  How many "COLTS FANS" will be wearing a number 18 jersey on sunday.   If you do then just start cheering for the broncos.  Cause your not a colts fan.  True fans respect what peyton did.  But moved on.


What of they wore their jersey out of respect, but still want the Colts to win.


No offense, but you and everyone like you with your "so hardcore fandom" are the reason this week is miserable. No one can try to enjoy it without being criticized.

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What of they wore their jersey out of respect, but still want the Colts to win.


No offense, but you and everyone like you with your "so hardcore fandom" are the reason this week is miserable. No one can try to enjoy it without being criticized.









I would hope that most Colts fans would see a #18 Colts Jersey as a sign of respect. 

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Let people have their fun with it. I'm telling you straight up, if I had tickets, I'd wear my #18 Colts jersey. Wearing a Broncos jersey though, taboo. Don't do that. 

Agree 100%. Perfectly fine to wear your Colts Manning jersey. I mean how cool would we look on national T.V. paying homage to the face the placed us on the map, yet proving loyalty to the team by wearing the Colts colors.


 No orange 18 though. That's just straight bad bugaboo.

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Why are people voting for the Broncos?


They are

a) Bronco fans

b) former Colts fans and now Broncos fans because Peyton plays there now

c) Peyton Manning fans who believe that he should still be the Colts QB


I think I got them all.  I like Peyton Manning; he was truly great here, but he's 37 years old.  So Irsay could either keep him for 3 or 4 (tops) and get whoever comes out then or sign Luck and keep him for more than a decade.  It was a business decision, a hard one, and Peyton understands that.  It would have been easier on all Colts fans had he retired last year, but he wanted to play more, which is his decision. I just hope he doesn't turn into Brett Favre.

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They are

a) Bronco fans

b) former Colts fans and now Broncos fans because Peyton plays there now

c) Peyton Manning fans who believe that he should still be the Colts QB


I think I got them all.  I like Peyton Manning; he was truly great here, but he's 37 years old.  So Irsay could either keep him for 3 or 4 (tops) and get whoever comes out then or sign Luck and keep him for more than a decade.  It was a business decision, a hard one, and Peyton understands that.  It would have been easier on all Colts fans had he retired last year, but he wanted to play more, which is his decision. I just hope he doesn't turn into Brett Favre.

Already has thanks to Irsay...If we win this game someone needs to lock him in a room without his phone so he doesn't gloat and alienate Peyton more..I want him to come back here as a coach 1 day...

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Here s the real question.  How many "COLTS FANS" will be wearing a number 18 jersey on sunday.   If you do then just start cheering for the broncos.  Cause your not a colts fan.  True fans respect what peyton did.  But moved on.

I voted Colts because i'm a diehard colts fan. but I must admit I would not feel as bad as normal losing to PM and the broncos. for one reason I would like to see him have an undefeated season, break the 50 td pass mark while winning another super bowl.

This all stems from the so many manning vs brady topics on this board, and I still want PM to best brady in everything. sounds crazy but it still seems to be an ongoing fight for colts fans.

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Already has thanks to Irsay...If we win this game someone needs to lock him in a room without his phone so he doesn't gloat and alienate Peyton more..I want him to come back here as a coach 1 day...


I agree with everything you posted on this.   The two have been friends for years and the media loves this type of thing anyway-so they feed it.


Peyton probably knew what Irsay meant without Irsay having to explain it.  I think Peyton will return to the Colts in an administrative capacity.  Denver is his temporary home. 

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(sorry for my rant here, but I have not had my bacon yet this morning) :thmup:



I root for fans having the fortitude to either:


See PM as a player of another team and accept that he is not a Colt....

Let things go, move on and stay true to the Colts (but always hold love for PM in their hearts) ...

Change their alliances and root for another team without animosity.....

Get bitter about the whole mess and go away permanently.....



But noooooooooooo, we have those who are so wronged that they have to make sure the rest of Colts fans are forever made aware of their feelings and how much they hate those responsible. Thanks so much for dragging the rest of us through your inability to deal with this. Like it wasn't challenge for us as well. And the funny part? I'll bet some of those folks have been vocal about Ravens fans not letting the Colt move go.





(Now back to your regularly scheduled poll)

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I tried to handle this subject as delicately as possible, leading up to the game.    I even stated,  I had No idea how I was going to feel until I was actually there.


I am sure the people around me thought I was Crazy :nutz:   and rightfully so, I suppose.    I found myself cheering for both teams.  I was cheering on the Colts, but I also cheered when Peyton threw his TD's... :td:       I was just trying to take it "all in"  as weird as it was for me at times..


The woman next to me, at one point,  stood up and pointed her finger in my face, and YELLED very loudly  "NO ~ YOU ARE NOT CHEERING FOR BOTH TEAMS"     I had to restrain my husband...


I will continue to be the Fan I am,   as hard as that is for some to understand.      

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The woman next to me, at one point,  stood up and pointed her finger in my face, and YELLED very loudly  "NO ~ YOU ARE NOT CHEERING FOR BOTH TEAMS"     I had to restrain my husband...


Seriously? NFL fan violence has become the NFL's dirty little secret. 






We see it all the time on this forum, the gang mentality. "Who you down with?"


I was punked on just last week by another member here for fraternizing with "the enemy" for having an account on the Denver Broncos fan forum. To which I replied "I have no enemies". 


That mentality, the one aimed at me from a member that will remain nameless, is exactly the attitude which leads to this;


"The National Football League keeps detailed records of crime, alcohol abuse and security failures inside every NFL stadium on game day, but, in an effort to protect certain teams from public scrutiny, keeps the data secret."

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Seriously? NFL fan violence has become the NFL's dirty little secret. 






We see it all the time on this forum, the gang mentality. "Who you down with?"


I was punked on just last week by another member here for fraternizing with "the enemy" for having an account on the Denver Broncos fan forum. To which I replied "I have no enemies". 


That mentality, the one aimed at me from a member that will remain nameless, is exactly the attitude which leads to this;


"The National Football League keeps detailed records of crime, alcohol abuse and security failures inside every NFL stadium on game day, but, in an effort to protect certain teams from public scrutiny, keeps the data secret."

Don't take things so seriously.......

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I tried to handle this subject as delicately as possible, leading up to the game.    I even stated,  I had No idea how I was going to feel until I was actually there.


I am sure the people around me thought I was Crazy :nutz:   and rightfully so, I suppose.    I found myself cheering for both teams.  I was cheering on the Colts, but I also cheered when Peyton threw his TD's... :td:       I was just trying to take it "all in"  as weird as it was for me at times..


The woman next to me, at one point,  stood up and pointed her finger in my face, and YELLED very loudly  "NO ~ YOU ARE NOT CHEERING FOR BOTH TEAMS"     I had to restrain my husband...


I will continue to be the Fan I am,   as hard as that is for some to understand.      


That's sad and I'm sorry you had to endure that.


If I had been there, I would have also been cheering for the Colts and for Peyton.


I think many look at being a fan as a black and white issue.  But, my fandom is ruled by my heart.


My heart wouldn't have let me cheer against Peyton, but I would have been cheering for the Colts to win.


Anyhow, I am one who has no problem understanding how you felt.  I just feel really bad that you were subjected to that jerk.

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Don't take things so seriously.......

Ironic that you say this, because "taking things too seriously" has led to numerous people being beaten and sent to the hospital right in front of their families, just for wearing the wrong colors. 


To put an end to this, the fans need to change their attitudes, and that change begins here. 

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Ironic that you say this, because "taking things too seriously" has led to numerous people being beaten and sent to the hospital right in front of their families, just for wearing the wrong colors. 


To put an end to this, the fans need to change their attitudes, and that change begins here. 

If someone would take it to that level that have deeper issues than that just saying...It's still just a game..

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Ironic that you say this, because "taking things too seriously" has led to numerous people being beaten and sent to the hospital right in front of their families, just for wearing the wrong colors. 


To put an end to this, the fans need to change their attitudes, and that change begins here.

Meh, there is a huge difference breaking balls and being violent. I have given my own brother a hard time for being a bandwagon jumper for years, it doesn't mean I wanna punch him in the mouth. Yes, there are people who taking fandom too seriously, but many people take a lil needling the same.

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I don't see how anyone cheering broncos td's can remotely claim to be a colts fan

Not helpful.


Ironically, this is exactly the attitude which made last week so much "fun".


The fact that you can't "see" something doesn't mean it isn't true, and to be a Colts fan yet have to deal with those insisting that you aren't is utterly infuriating.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I don't see how anyone cheering broncos td's can remotely claim to be a colts fan

I was of the mindset, I didn't want the Broncos to score at all. But if someone has to score I want it to be Peyton.  Kind of like if you have a fantasy player going against the Colts.  I don't want them to score, but if someone does score, I want it to be my player.

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I was of the mindset, I didn't want the Broncos to score at all. But if someone has to score I want it to be Peyton. Kind of like if you have a fantasy player going against the Colts. I don't want them to score, but if someone does score, I want it to be my player.

i get that, but to cheer a td against the colts and claiming to be a colts fan is wrong
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Guest TeamLoloJones

i get that, but to cheer a td against the colts and claiming to be a colts fan is wrong

Trust me, I wasn't cheering when the Broncos scored.  Unless yelling profanities at the television in disgust is considered cheering.

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