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Bill Polian's comments on the TRich trade


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Bill Polian was on Mike & Mike this morning and was asked about the trade.


He said that Richardson is a very good fit for the power scheme Pep Hamilton is trying to run and this furthers the investment they have in this scheme. He said that while he may not have been a good fit for a Peyton run offense, it is a very good fit for Luck's offense.


He also said that if Richardson gives anything close to what Joseph Addai gave the Colts, the deal would be worth it.


He also commented on the Eagles game and said rookies should not be playing right tackle right away in the NFL as a rule of thumb. Hmmm....:)

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Bill Polian was on Mike & Mike this morning and was asked about the trade.

He said that Richardson is a very good fit for the power scheme Pep Hamilton is trying to run and this furthers the investment they have in this scheme. He said that while he may not have been a good fit for a Peyton run offense, it is a very good fit for Luck's offense.

He also said that if Richardson gives anything close to what Joseph Addai gave the Colts, the deal would be worth it.

He also commented on the Eagles game and said rookies should not be playing right tackle right away in the NFL as a rule of thumb. Hmmm....:)

I heard him say that on nfl insiders.......senile bill...The Addai part I mean
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addai was a major part of us winning a Super Bowl if Trent does that for us he was worth it.

I get that, but using Addai as an example is eye rolling.....almost like bill is trying to pat himself on the back for a questionable 1st round pick.

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I really feel that Richardson compares favorably to Maurice Jones-Drew. He is a shorter and stockier back that can get lost behind blockers but has great speed. He is like a bowling ball who hits like a ton of bricks and is tough to bring down. He is a tremendous upgrade at RB and much better than Addai.

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I heard him say that on nfl insiders.......senile bill...The Addai part I mean



Joseph Addai.....wait, what?!


Exactly gentlemen! What in the hades is Bill talking about? Is he saying that Joseph Addai was a game changer? That he literally pushed blockers out of the way like Trent will? Huh? That is delusional & hilarious! I need to see that Mike & Mike interview. I'll be right back after some internet searching...

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I really feel that Richardson compares favorably to Maurice Jones-Drew. He is a shorter and stockier back that can get lost behind blockers but has great speed. He is like a bowling ball who hits like a ton of bricks and is tough to bring down. He is a tremendous upgrade at RB and much better than Addai.


Good comparison. He is very strong in his legs (very thick) just like MJD. 

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I think what Polian means was Richardson's pass blocking was key same with Addai.

My question is...why wouldn't Polian have said Edge instead of Addai?  That to me would be a more accurate comparison.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Bill Polian was on Mike & Mike this morning and was asked about the trade.


He said that Richardson is a very good fit for the power scheme Pep Hamilton is trying to run and this furthers the investment they have in this scheme. He said that while he may not have been a good fit for a Peyton run offense, it is a very good fit for Luck's offense.


He also said that if Richardson gives anything close to what Joseph Addai gave the Colts, the deal would be worth it.


He also commented on the Eagles game and said rookies should not be playing right tackle right away in the NFL as a rule of thumb. Hmmm.... :)

Did he actually mean LT? Since the RT is Vick's blindside?

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My question is...why wouldn't Polian have said Edge instead of Addai?  That to me would be a more accurate comparison.


He did say "not like Edge production but if he can give the Colts what Addai gave, it would be worth it". In other words, he did not think TRich was as good as Edge.


Verbatim, here is the link: http://espn.go.com/espnradio/play?id=9696967

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I wasn't sure how to interpret it because Ugoh and Castanzo were rookie LTs, weren't they?

If he meant blindside protector I totally agree, but I wouldn't take issue with a rookie RT if the QB was right handed.

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Okay, I went to Mike & Mike site, but I'm not going subscribe to the site for $8 bucks a month for 1 tid bit of info I want to hear. Not worth it. Is Bill just promoting all the draft picks he made in INDY to inflate his own front office ego? Bill is crazy if he thinks Addai was a great RB & claiming that Richardson should match Addai's production. You don't compare an average RB to a potential great RB in Richardson. That is simply nuts IMO.


I have no idea what Cleveland is doing though as a franchise. You never give up your best player in Richardson & think you are improved. You add pieces around him. I agree with Mike Holmgren actually.






I have no idea what Cleveland is doing. You can't start over every draft. It's chaotic & too cruel to your fan base man.  

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Thanks Chad. My reaction? "I'm going over to the dark side." Really Bill? I seem to remember you referring to the media as "liars & rats" when people said unflattering things about your son in the GM position in INDY & questioning his judgment skills, but that's a whole other issue I won't get into right now.


What's this obsession with Joseph Addai Bill? I don't put him on a pedestal like you do. If he was as good as you claim he is, Bill Belichick & the Patriots would have signed him after we released him Bill. I seem to recall NE brought him in for a workout & said no to him almost immediately, but I digress...


Just out of curiousity, who was your 1st choice as QB when Peyton Manning went down for the season? Kerry Collins was a last resort then? You do deserve credit for admitting publicly that you made a mistake trusting that Painter could hold down the fort. I respect that. It's tough to admit that you missed both the boat & the harbor on a QB. I will acknowledge that.


Cleveland is so doomed like the Curse Of the Pharaohs. This is snake bit voodoo black magic stigma that has lasted for decades. Is there any glimmer of hope? History suggests otherwise...

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Thanks Chad. My reaction? "I'm going over to the dark side." Really Bill? I seem to remember you referring to the media as "liars & rats" when people said unflattering things about your son in the GM position in INDY & questioning his judgment skills, but that's a whole other issue I won't get into right now.


What's this obsession with Joseph Addai Bill? I don't put him on a pedestal like you do. If he was as good as you claim he is, Bill Belichick & the Patriots would have signed him after we released him Bill. I seem to recall NE brought him in for a workout & said no to him almost immediately, but I digress...


Just out of curiousity, who was your 1st choice as QB when Peyton Manning went down for the season? Kerry Collins was a last resort then? You do deserve credit for admitting publicly that you made a mistake trusting that Painter could hold down the fort. I respect that. It's tough to admit that you missed both the boat & the harbor on a QB. I will acknowledge that.


Cleveland is so doomed like the Curse Of the Pharaohs. This is snake bit voodoo black magic stigma that has lasted for decades. Is there any glimmer of hope? History suggests otherwise...


Hey, Belichick came from the Browns too. :)

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I think he's jealous haha


Joseph Addai.....wait, what?!


I get that, but using Addai as an example is eye rolling.....almost like bill is trying to pat himself on the back for a questionable 1st round pick.


Exactly gentlemen! What in the hades is Bill talking about? Is he saying that Joseph Addai was a game changer? That he literally pushed blockers out of the way like Trent will? Huh? That is delusional & hilarious! I need to see that Mike & Mike interview. I'll be right back after some internet searching...

Someone who doesn't bizarrely resent Polian might suggest that:


a)he was offering comparisons of players that had played for him because the context of his personal experience is relevant - that's why he has the job in the first place.


b) It's a Colts transaction and he knows that Colts fans are listening (and perhaps more interested in his opinion that other fans are). He's offering a comparison that the average Colts fan can relate to - Colts running backs drafted in the first round. It's not that complicated.


Wasn't the context "the level of performance needed to justify a first round pick"? He didn't say that Addai was more talented than Richardson - although considering that Addai was a key component of several astonishingly successful teams while Richardson has yet to accomplish anything at the pro level, I'm not clear what you're offended by.


I suspect that his starting point was assuming that the Colts fans listening actually liked and appreciated Addai. The fact that you apparently didn't is the problem, not his comments.

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Thanks Chad. My reaction? "I'm going over to the dark side." Really Bill? I seem to remember you referring to the media as "liars & rats" when people said unflattering things about your son in the GM position in INDY & questioning his judgment skills, but that's a whole other issue I won't get into right now.


What's this obsession with Joseph Addai Bill? I don't put him on a pedestal like you do. If he was as good as you claim he is, Bill Belichick & the Patriots would have signed him after we released him Bill. I seem to recall NE brought him in for a workout & said no to him almost immediately, but I digress...


Just out of curiousity, who was your 1st choice as QB when Peyton Manning went down for the season? Kerry Collins was a last resort then? You do deserve credit for admitting publicly that you made a mistake trusting that Painter could hold down the fort. I respect that. It's tough to admit that you missed both the boat & the harbor on a QB. I will acknowledge that.


Cleveland is so doomed like the Curse Of the Pharaohs. This is snake bit voodoo black magic stigma that has lasted for decades. Is there any glimmer of hope? History suggests otherwise...

New England did sign him, Addai walked out of there camp saying his heart wasn't in it & was out of shape. Honestly I think he had just had enough!

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I listen to the interview and he did not compare Richardson with either Edgerrin or Addai. He just said that Richardson doesn't have to be as successful as Edge for the trade to be good. It should be enough enough if he performs at the same level as Addai. 


Common guys, I am not even born in America and I got what the guy meant to say. Why are people so suspicious and looking for controversy in everything? Sure it feels good to hear some reassurance about this trade from somebody like Polian but in the end only time will tell. 

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 Just for the heck of it, I decided to go to the Browns official website. Here's what I found there: 




"The entire roster has been put on notice." Who cares? This happens every darn year. It's like an abusive relationship. Every year management says this season will be different, every year the team falls flat & underachieves, every year management says you're on notice...improve or else...Yawn...Same crap. Same final result.


"Insanity: Doing the same thing over & over again expecting a different result." Besides, how can anyone flourish under a constant "you suck" motif & expect meaningful improvement? Look at Jeff Fisher in St. Louis. He's turned that team around & made everyone believe that they can get into the Playoffs & compete for division titles again slowly but surely.  You can't expect a franchise to win with so much coaching turnover & negativity all the time.


You need stability & few coaching/coordinator changes. Now, to their credit, they do appear to be keeping Norv Turner & the remainder of their staff in place so perhaps this organization is learning & their GM Michael Lombardi does have legitimate experience drafting players. See below: 




It's gonna be bleak for a awhile Cleveland Browns fans, but then again you are will versed & familiar with dismal disappointments & colossal shortcomings right? Hang in there Ohio. How much worse can it get? Eventually, the arrow must point up. God willing... :goodluck:  :number1:   

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Someone who doesn't bizarrely resent Polian might suggest that:


a)he was offering comparisons of players that had played for him because the context of his personal experience is relevant - that's why he has the job in the first place.


b) It's a Colts transaction and he knows that Colts fans are listening (and perhaps more interested in his opinion that other fans are). He's offering a comparison that the average Colts fan can relate to - Colts running backs drafted in the first round. It's not that complicated.


Wasn't the context "the level of performance needed to justify a first round pick"? He didn't say that Addai was more talented than Richardson - although considering that Addai was a key component of several astonishingly successful teams while Richardson has yet to accomplish anything at the pro level, I'm not clear what you're offended by.


I suspect that his starting point was assuming that the Colts fans listening actually liked and appreciated Addai. The fact that you apparently didn't is the problem, not his comments.

That doesn't change the fact that if Richardson turns out to be Joe Addai/have a similar impact it will be a huge disappointment. And considering the fact that he said it on NFL Insiders, which is a fairly hardcore NFL fan show, I don't think people needed to be fed Colts centric info.

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I really feel that Richardson compares favorably to Maurice Jones-Drew. He is a shorter and stockier back that can get lost blockers but has great speed. He is like a ball who hits like a ton of bricks and is tough to bring down. He is a tremendous upgrade at RB and much better than Addai.

MJD was a 4.3 guy. Big difference. And he's built like a tank.

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Someone who doesn't bizarrely resent Polian might suggest that:


a)he was offering comparisons of players that had played for him because the context of his personal experience is relevant - that's why he has the job in the first place.


b) It's a Colts transaction and he knows that Colts fans are listening (and perhaps more interested in his opinion that other fans are). He's offering a comparison that the average Colts fan can relate to - Colts running backs drafted in the first round. It's not that complicated.


Wasn't the context "the level of performance needed to justify a first round pick"? He didn't say that Addai was more talented than Richardson - although considering that Addai was a key component of several astonishingly successful teams while Richardson has yet to accomplish anything at the pro level, I'm not clear what you're offended by.


I suspect that his starting point was assuming that the Colts fans listening actually liked and appreciated Addai. The fact that you apparently didn't is the problem, not his comments.



I like you & clearly we have a difference of opinion here & that's fine. I don't want my friends to always agree with me. Bill Polian got the job in INDY strictly on what he did in Buffalo. 4 consecutive SB appearances & 4 losses I might add. Sometimes, to hear Bill talk you'd swear he thinks he won 5 SBs. Also, the only reason people care what Bill thinks on ESPN or Sirus Satellite Radio is due to his connection with Peyton Manning. Remove 18 from the equation & I seriously doubt anyone would care what he thinks & he wouldn't be the media darling he is now. Yes, Jim Kelly & Thurman Thomas never won rings either. Okay, Bill does deserve credit for our 2006 & 2009 seasons, but the last 4 years at GM left a lot of holes answered & our defense was slowing down Gary Brakett comes to mind for 1. 


I perceived Bill to be making a comparison between Richard & Addai & inferring that Addai was a better RB, which is completed unfounded & asinine IMHO. Yes, Addai was crucial in helping us win the AFC Championship game in 2006, but let's not elevate him to the level of Marshall Faulk either that's all I'm saying. 


Why so many people romantize Bill Polian's GM prowess is beyond me. Yes, he did a wonderful job for the Bills & a decent job for us for nearly a decade, but if we hold players to the idea of what have you done for me lately why not GMs & front office executives? I don't give them a pass or life long immunity. Why run to a cushy ESPN job in the media when you had such an adversarial stance with them once they disagreed with you? Why not pursue the GM job in NY with the Jets to prove your GM chops Bill? 


"The fact that you apparently didn't is the problem, not his comments." No MAC. I don't miss the forest for the trees. I look at Bill Polian's entire NFL GM legacy everything not just dark corners of the forest he wants the world to ignore or bypass completely.  

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Someone who doesn't bizarrely resent Polian might suggest that:


a)he was offering comparisons of players that had played for him because the context of his personal experience is relevant - that's why he has the job in the first place.


b) It's a Colts transaction and he knows that Colts fans are listening (and perhaps more interested in his opinion that other fans are). He's offering a comparison that the average Colts fan can relate to - Colts running backs drafted in the first round. It's not that complicated.


Wasn't the context "the level of performance needed to justify a first round pick"? He didn't say that Addai was more talented than Richardson - although considering that Addai was a key component of several astonishingly successful teams while Richardson has yet to accomplish anything at the pro level, I'm not clear what you're offended by.


I suspect that his starting point was assuming that the Colts fans listening actually liked and appreciated Addai. The fact that you apparently didn't is the problem, not his comments.

That was one of the most spot on posts I've read on here. Bravo!

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I like you & clearly we have a difference of opinion here & that's fine. I don't want my friends to always agree with me. Bill Polian got the job in INDY strictly on what he did in Buffalo. 4 consecutive SB appearances & 4 losses I might add. Sometimes, to hear Bill talk you'd swear he thinks he won 5 SBs. Also, the only reason people care what Bill thinks on ESPN or Sirus Satellite Radio is due to his connection with Peyton Manning. Remove 18 from the equation & I seriously doubt anyone would care what he thinks & he wouldn't be the media darling he is now. Yes, Jim Kelly & Thurman Thomas never won rings either. Okay, Bill does deserve credit for our 2006 & 2009 seasons, but the last 4 years at GM left a lot of holes answered & our defense was slowing down Gary Brakett comes to mind for 1. 


I perceived Bill to be making a comparison between Richard & Addai & inferring that Addai was a better RB, which is completed unfounded & asinine IMHO. Yes, Addai was crucial in helping us win the AFC Championship game in 2006, but let's not elevate him to the level of Marshall Faulk either that's all I'm saying. 


Why so many people romantize Bill Polian's GM prowess is beyond me. Yes, he did a wonderful job for the Bills & a decent job for us for nearly a decade, but if we hold players to the idea of what have you done for me lately why not GMs & front office executives? I don't give them a pass or life long immunity. Why run to a cushy ESPN job in the media when you had such an adversarial stance with them once they disagreed with you? Why not pursue the GM job in NY with the Jets to prove your GM chops Bill? 


"The fact that you apparently didn't is the problem, not his comments." No MAC. I don't miss the forest for the trees. I look at Bill Polian's entire NFL GM legacy everything not just dark corners of the forest he wants the world to ignore or bypass completely.  

I don't hate Bill. I appreciate his contributions to this game & 3 cities, but Bill isn't Jesus. He doesn't walk on GM water to me. I just don't care for his selective amnesia. His complete reversal position on resting players before the Playoffs comes to mind. Reality own works with a clear picture. No revisionist history please Bill. Thank you. Tell the truth Bill. That's all I ask. Leave the rose colored glasses at home...

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I really feel that Richardson compares favorably to Maurice Jones-Drew. He is a shorter and stockier back that can get lost behind blockers but has great speed. He is like a bowling ball who hits like a ton of bricks and is tough to bring down. He is a tremendous upgrade at RB and much better than Addai.

His yards after contact is 1.6 ?Not too tough to bring down

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I like you & clearly we have a difference of opinion here & that's fine. I don't want my friends to always agree with me. Bill Polian got the job in INDY strictly on what he did in Buffalo. 4 consecutive SB appearances & 4 losses I might add. Sometimes, to hear Bill talk you'd swear he thinks he won 5 SBs. Also, the only reason people care what Bill thinks on ESPN or Sirus Satellite Radio is due to his connection with Peyton Manning. Remove 18 from the equation & I seriously doubt anyone would care what he thinks & he wouldn't be the media darling he is now. Yes, Jim Kelly & Thurman Thomas never won rings either. Okay, Bill does deserve credit for our 2006 & 2009 seasons, but the last 4 years at GM left a lot of holes answered & our defense was slowing down Gary Brakett comes to mind for 1. 


I perceived Bill to be making a comparison between Richard & Addai & inferring that Addai was a better RB, which is completed unfounded & asinine IMHO. Yes, Addai was crucial in helping us win the AFC Championship game in 2006, but let's not elevate him to the level of Marshall Faulk either that's all I'm saying. 


Why so many people romantize Bill Polian's GM prowess is beyond me. Yes, he did a wonderful job for the Bills & a decent job for us for nearly a decade, but if we hold players to the idea of what have you done for me lately why not GMs & front office executives? I don't give them a pass or life long immunity. Why run to a cushy ESPN job in the media when you had such an adversarial stance with them once they disagreed with you? Why not pursue the GM job in NY with the Jets to prove your GM chops Bill? 


"The fact that you apparently didn't is the problem, not his comments." No MAC. I don't miss the forest for the trees. I look at Bill Polian's entire NFL GM legacy everything not just dark corners of the forest he wants the world to ignore or bypass completely.  

I am usually pretty agreable with you southwest but I disagree this time. Bill also took an expansion franchise to the nfc championship game too....his successes much much outweight his failures. Especially since two of those SBs his team were favorites in. That first one was amazing that they lost and the second with us we should have beat the Saints...neither was his fault for not building a good enough team. I agree with you he is kinda hypocritical in that he hated dealing with the media before but really he isn't interviewing other gms or anything...just giving his opinions and insight. I mean the guy has to be pushing 80 right...how long should he have to "work" in the stressful NFL exec role. His biggest errors was letting his son take over but to me that is an Irsay error. If his heart wasn't 100% in it to do his job he should have been let go earlier. There have been qbs just as good as Peyton over the years (some just a season or two at a time) that their gms couldn't surround them with playoff or SB talent and Bill did a good job building the team to suit the coach/Peyton.


I think to take his words about Addai as a straight comparrison of talent or to say that Bill thought he was a "great" back is really looking at things warped. Bill was inferring that Addai was exactly what our team needed and fit the offense perfectly (just as Richardson should Peps) and if it allows them to run what they want and it gets them to the SB just as Addai did for us then it is worth it. If Polian was so caught up with his own grandure he would have compared Richardson to Brown...both 1st Rd picks...but clearly Brown hasn't helped us get to anything..while Addai was a key performer in our SB run. Despite how great Edge was we never got to the mountain  top with him so Polian is just saying Trent doesn't have to be a pro bowl runner....just a really good rb that fits our system and allows us to get to the SB. At least that is how I took it...but those that have a different opinion of Polian may think otherwise. I simply agree with MAC.

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I don't hate Bill. I appreciate his contributions to this game & 3 cities, but Bill isn't Jesus. He doesn't walk on GM water to me. I just don't care for his selective amnesia. His complete reversal position on resting players before the Playoffs comes to mind. Reality own works with a clear picture. No revisionist history please Bill. Thank you. Tell the truth Bill. That's all I ask. Leave the rose colored glasses at home...

Some reality for you might be to name some GMs that have accomplished more than Bill Polian.  Like him or not, he's one of the best GM's this game has had.  Not to mention the best GM we could have hoped to have.

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I like you & clearly we have a difference of opinion here & that's fine. I don't want my friends to always agree with me. Bill Polian got the job in INDY strictly on what he did in Buffalo. 4 consecutive SB appearances & 4 losses I might add. Sometimes, to hear Bill talk you'd swear he thinks he won 5 SBs. Also, the only reason people care what Bill thinks on ESPN or Sirus Satellite Radio is due to his connection with Peyton Manning. Remove 18 from the equation & I seriously doubt anyone would care what he thinks & he wouldn't be the media darling he is now. Yes, Jim Kelly & Thurman Thomas never won rings either. Okay, Bill does deserve credit for our 2006 & 2009 seasons, but the last 4 years at GM left a lot of holes answered & our defense was slowing down Gary Brakett comes to mind for 1. 





Do you realize Bill Polian didn't play in those super bowls? or offer any game planning or strategy?  He did his job in getting them the pieces to get there 4 years in a row which, by the way, they are the only team to do it.  

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