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Incarcerated Bob is at it again, this time on Peyton , I hope this is false


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posted Jul 07, 06:10PM
a source that Peyton Manning was experiencing sharp pain from his neck leading to his right shoulder (throwing arm) feeling some numbness the past week to 10 days -
IBN's Source is the same source that allowed IBN to break the Manning deal to Broncos days ahead of the slow MSM (Mainstream Media) his info has been spot on when it comes to matters dealing with Peyton, he also is stating that the Broncos obviously are keeping this very quiet, they want no word of Manning possibly showing signs of hurting to leak out before camp gets started. Seems the Broncos want to perform an MRI but no clear determination on when that would happen, if it does happen expect it to be done very quickly w/o any chatter from Broncos.
Last time i broke a story about Manning being injured / getting surgery (September 2011) on his neck (Out For Season) we had "HATERS" like these clowns saying it was false. seems i knew something huh... so when they "HATE" again just remember i nailed both huge Manning stories the past 3 years #Thinkonit -
((( NOTE AN MRI IS ALSO JUST A PRUDENT THING BEFORE TRAINING CAMP AS FOLLOW UP & NEW BASELINE FOR UPCOMING YEAR, I'd be shocked if he didnt have one at some point after the season ended too )))
he did say this
posted Jul 12, 03:52PM
which is close to this article 
this may or may not have been noted before Denver post noted it as Denver is 2 hrs after Eastern, I have no idea what time zone Incarcerated Bob is in

Ryan Clady, Broncos getting close on new contract, sources confirm

POSTED: 07/12/2013 06:28:40 PM MDT
UPDATED: 07/12/2013 06:33:32 PM MDT
By Mike Klis   The Denver Post
so maybe he just hears rumors, speculates  & posts things to get website looks,
anyone know about him ?? & is he at all a source of info or fodder
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I saw that a couple of days ago, and it's notable that it's not being repeated by the media or the "insiders". I was kind of hoping that the Broncos put out a bit of false information to find out who that jerks inside contact is.

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Thanks bayone, I read that article was gonna write to you and get your opinion.


no idea how accurate he is, heard his name last year on this forum i think and just came upon this by accident



I saw that a couple of days ago, and it's notable that it's not being repeated by the media or the "insiders". I was kind of hoping that the Broncos put out a bit of false information to find out who that jerks inside contact is.


agreed , I was surprised too,  it was dated the 7th as I noted  

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Well I can see this being true honestly.    Nerve damage is a very delicate issue, and the once the nerve is injured it never really heals.   And generally only gets worse.


I personally feel that what Manning accomplished last season is ....    simply amazing.   Truly AMAZING.


But the reality is that the odds do not favor this man.


I hope this is false, the NFL is a far better league with Peyton Manning in it.

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Well I can see this being true honestly.    Nerve damage is a very delicate issue, and the once the nerve is injured it never really heals.   And generally only gets worse.


I personally feel that what Manning accomplished last season is ....    simply amazing.   Truly AMAZING.


But the reality is that the odds do not favor this man.


I hope this is false, the NFL is a far better league with Peyton Manning in it.


Finally someone who knows a nerve root once damaged doesnt heal , all depends on degree of damage & quality of impulses it can now send


If neck gets arthritic post op from playing it can easily press against that nerve again


Yet untiill i see it acknowledged somewhere I will just assume any MRI is routine as I said at this point , pre season its a good followup, 


If nothing is said as team wants to just remain quiet on this  and suddenly he is playing bad then indeed something is off

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It is either false or the "big" news outlets are simply waiting for "confirmation"  to run with it..      


Because if it is false that would not be good for the reporting source.


Heck not a one of us know Manning had several surgeries until after the fact.


Who knows?

I saw that a couple of days ago, and it's notable that it's not being repeated by the media or the "insiders". I was kind of hoping that the Broncos put out a bit of false information to find out who that jerks inside contact is.

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Spot ON...    


Finally someone who knows a nerve root once damaged doesnt heal , all depends on degree of damage & quality of impulses it can now send


If neck gets arthritic post op from playing it can easily press against that nerve again


Yet untiill i see it acknowledged somewhere I will just assume any MRI is routine as I said at this point , pre season its a good followup, 


If nothing is said as team wants to just remain quiet on this  and suddenly he is playing bad then indeed something is off

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If this is true,then we(INDY)are seriously in the running to reach(possibly win) the superbowl.I just don't see anybody else(both NE and denver hurting),outside of houston competing with us.We may get another ring!

Lets win a playoff game first

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I saw that a couple of days ago, and it's notable that it's not being repeated by the media or the "insiders". I was kind of hoping that the Broncos put out a bit of false information to find out who that jerks inside contact is.

I putting my money on one of their "liquored-up idlot" executives.

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For what it's worth.......


BroncosReport.com.....  an on-line website....   has a cover story today about Manning and his "condition"....


They're trying to say that this is all much ado about nothing....   


I'm linking for you to read.....    personally,  I don't think this rumor will go away because of what is in this story on the website....




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INC. Bob has been the "in" for a lot of stories, but he is also wrong a lot too.


I doubt it's anything, maybe some soreness. Manning WILL play, and I guarantee he will be fine. I bet it's the whole "incapable of throwing to the left" stuff again.


I would not be surprised if this comes up every off-season from now until he retires.

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For what it's worth.......


BroncosReport.com.....  an on-line website....   has a cover story today about Manning and his "condition"....


They're trying to say that this is all much ado about nothing....   


I'm linking for you to read.....    personally,  I don't think this rumor will go away because of what is in this story on the website....




That looks to be from last year - and the brief portion that I read didn't make a lot of sense anyway (insisting that Peyton had a degenerative nerve condition - "not even painful". OOOOOOOOOOOOK).


The actual "story" is a claim that his symptoms have returned by that Bob creature, which I happened to come across on Mile High Report. The Denver Post hasn't even commented on it, much less any respected rational voice. In contrast to your suggestion that "I don't think this rumor will go away", this rumor actually doesn't seem to be even getting started - which is utterly astonishing to me. I would have expected dozens of low end "experts" to jump on the topic even if just to conjecture. Aside from my concern for Peyton, I'm fascinated by the lack of response. "What about Bob?" Perhaps everyone hates him, knows he's full of it, and is turning their unified backs to him. We shall see. It's hard to imagine Peyton having an MRI without at least a technician's husband's brother in-law blabbing it to someone in the media just to get attention.

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I putting my money on one of their "liquored-up idlot" executives.

:) Could be. One of them has only been there a few months, so that would leave the other (not that I can remember which is which). Of course they haven't fired him yet, and I would think that blabbing to that extent would likely be a far more "fireable" offense than his other ridiculous excursion.

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That looks to be from last year - and the brief portion that I read didn't make a lot of sense anyway (insisting that Peyton had a degenerative nerve condition - "not even painful". OOOOOOOOOOOOK).


The actual "story" is a claim that his symptoms have returned by that Bob creature, which I happened to come across on Mile High Report. The Denver Post hasn't even commented on it, much less any respected rational voice. In contrast to your suggestion that "I don't think this rumor will go away", this rumor actually doesn't seem to be even getting started - which is utterly astonishing to me. I would have expected dozens of low end "experts" to jump on the topic even if just to conjecture. Aside from my concern for Peyton, I'm fascinated by the lack of response. "What about Bob?" Perhaps everyone hates him, knows he's full of it, and is turning their unified backs to him. We shall see. It's hard to imagine Peyton having an MRI without at least a technician's husband's brother in-law blabbing it to someone in the media just to get attention.




I think you're right....    thanks for spotting what I clearly missed!!   <<DOH!!!>>      :thmup:

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Of course I can't know exactly what procedure PM had done except what was stated in the media after the fact. I personally have had 2 neck surgeries due to degenerative arthritis. The recovery rate in neck fusions recovering 80 to 90% is not common. You can build up the muscle around the injury but seldom does it ever get back to 100%. In my case the 1st surgery totally failed after having 2 cervical discs fused. The 2nd surgery required having 4 cervical disc totally replaced with cadaver disc and 2 metal rods inserted into my neck. The end result was total disability. Even with all of the recovery time and healing time there is still nerve damage that has steadily gotten worse over time. I am sure PM had the best doctors and specialist money could buy but if he had only 1 cervical disc fused it very well could be recurring nerve damage. If that is the case he would have recurring weakness and or pain in his arm. It also causes numbness in certain parts of your hand. If this article is true it would not surprise me. I hope with his work history and the best specialist he will continue to play at a high level. I know he had a great season last year but I couldn't help but notice his passes were pretty wobbly. He never threw a tight spiral but it seemed it got worse last season. Maybe I am blowing smoke where there is none but I guess only time will tell. 

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Of course I can't know exactly what procedure PM had done except what was stated in the media after the fact. I personally have had 2 neck surgeries due to degenerative arthritis. The recovery rate in neck fusions recovering 80 to 90% is not common. You can build up the muscle around the injury but seldom does it ever get back to 100%. In my case the 1st surgery totally failed after having 2 cervical discs fused. The 2nd surgery required having 4 cervical disc totally replaced with cadaver disc and 2 metal rods inserted into my neck. The end result was total disability. Even with all of the recovery time and healing time there is still nerve damage that has steadily gotten worse over time. I am sure PM had the best doctors and specialist money could buy but if he had only 1 cervical disc fused it very well could be recurring nerve damage. If that is the case he would have recurring weakness and or pain in his arm. It also causes numbness in certain parts of your hand. If this article is true it would not surprise me. I hope with his work history and the best specialist he will continue to play at a high level. I know he had a great season last year but I couldn't help but notice his passes were pretty wobbly. He never threw a tight spiral but it seemed it got worse last season. Maybe I am blowing smoke where there is none but I guess only time will tell. 


actually once he put on glove spirals got tighter , save that playoff frozen game as never tried a deep pass


the nerve would  occasionally  cause weakness etc, as some damage was probably done before final surgery that wont change


However worsening symptoms can come back if the nerve gets any recurring impingement from any bony growth against it  


Thats always a possibility with hits one takes, rates of any new bone growth and impingement depend on individual makeup of that persons response system to the  degree ,  violence , of hits etc etc one takes over time


  i had 4 cervical vertebra operated-on for steno sis, now this was back in the late 1980's, 

yes every so often i get sudden neck pain and my hand can feel numb,  fingers may become spasmodic, but then again I also was dropped post op and as a result got a infection at surgical site and much arthritis around the entire neck
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If this is true and that is a big IF at this point then the Broncos just lost $40 mil in guarantees. Huge risk as I said repeatedly here this off-season. I can see the guarantee for one season but two? On a player with that many neck surgeries who never fully recovered?

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Well I can see this being true honestly.    Nerve damage is a very delicate issue, and the once the nerve is injured it never really heals.   And generally only gets worse.


I personally feel that what Manning accomplished last season is ....    simply amazing.   Truly AMAZING.


But the reality is that the odds do not favor this man.


I hope this is false, the NFL is a far better league with Peyton Manning in it.

Very astute post John as usual. Could not agree more. I think when Manning's career is over he may be remembered most for last season even though he came up short in the playoffs. If not for AP's season for the ages, he would have gotten his 5th MVP. Truly Amazing all things considered.

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Very astute post John as usual. Could not agree more. I think when Manning's career is over he may be remembered most for last season even though he came up short in the playoffs .If not for AP's season for the ages, he would have gotten his 5th MVP. Truly Amazing all things considered.


just think if not for last 3 RBs that had great seasons and got MVP, Peyton was second and would of had 3 more, 


L Damian Thompson, Shaun Alexander & AP's

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 u posted  at same time I did, just seconds after though says a minute , dont know if u saw this and 2nd link i edited in after u started posting


I know nothing on this guy just what i heard hear on forum and in these searches


Its interesting that when go to website and click on a sport and look for news its actually called


IBN NFL News & Rumours




when u search this guy and try to see if accurate or not, real or not what a list of articles comes up




or this with slight search name change





Yeah first things first.

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 u posted  at same time I did, just seconds after though says a minute , dont know if u saw this and 2nd link i edited in after u started posting


I know nothing on this guy just what i heard hear on forum and in these searches


Its interesting that when go to website and click on a sport and look for news its actually called


IBN NFL News & Rumours



I have never actually heard of this Bob guy. He seems to be edgy in his reporting as his schtick. Does he hate Peyton? Just curious ..

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I have never actually heard of this Bob guy. He seems to be edgy in his reporting as his schtick. Does he hate Peyton? Just curious ..



I am in same boat as u, read some of those search artricles , amny refute his claims of success showing he flip flops alot and counts a second guess opposite of first as a correct call after the fact


or will say so & so is going to and picks a group of 4 or 5 teams that we all heard about and when goes to one of them he counts that as correct


apparently sometimes right sometimes wrong, also sport odds and predictions given , no idea of source and would need one on so many topics  & various sports would have a huge address book of contacts if true


may just be a  good speculator , but as far as Peyton no idea and as said its prudent to have a follow up MRI preseason


if shows something he says its correct, if doesnt he can still say correct as had one, so who knows if really heard anything about any recurring pain in last 10 days


again if no announcement by team& Peyton seems worse this year beyond just age then I would think something is wrong as suppsoedl;y in OTA's etc so far hes been quite good

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actually once he put on glove spirals got tighter , save that playoff frozen game as never tried a deep pass


the nerve would  occasionally  cause weakness etc, as some damage was probably done before final surgery that wont change


However worsening symptoms can come back if the nerve gets any recurring impingement from any bony growth against it  


Thats always a possibility with hits one takes, rates of any new bone growth and impingement depend on individual makeup of that persons response system to the  degree ,  violence , of hits etc etc one takes over time


  i had 4 cervical vertebra operated-on for steno sis, now this was back in the late 1980's, 

yes every so often i get sudden neck pain and my hand can feel numb,  fingers may become spasmodic, but then again I also was dropped post op and as a result got a infection at surgical site and much arthritis around the entire neck


Yes it is a never ending struggle with no positive end in sight. Living with it is sure a change after working and being active for years. The subject of PM having MRIs or other imaging procedures is brought up and we both know that he does have those done whether they are reported or not. The laws protect medical information from being public records. As far as my nerve damage all the specialist will suggest is more surgery. If your pain and time of recovery were as painful as mine you would understand why I said no more. There were times when I couldn't even get out of bed without help. Not to mention the down side of taking the pain medications during the first 6 months after the surgeries. Even after kicking the oxy I still have to have time released morphine just to get through the day. After reading your comment I know there is a Colt fan that I can relate to that knows the struggles of this life changing illness. Good luck to you.

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Pretty interesting blog entry on this Bob character.



I really don't know what to think about anything he says.  Does anyone know, is he right more often than he's wrong, or vice versa?


thats in one of those searches I posted, alot are weird , hes some character 

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Yes it is a never ending struggle with no positive end in sight. Living with it is sure a change after working and being active for years. The subject of PM having MRIs or other imaging procedures is brought up and we both know that he does have those done whether they are reported or not. The laws protect medical information from being public records. As far as my nerve damage all the specialist will suggest is more surgery. If your pain and time of recovery were as painful as mine you would understand why I said no more. There were times when I couldn't even get out of bed without help. Not to mention the down side of taking the pain medications during the first 6 months after the surgeries. Even after kicking the oxy I still have to have time released morphine just to get through the day. After reading your comment I know there is a Colt fan that I can relate to that knows the struggles of this life changing illness. Good luck to you.


i had laminectomy ( opening inside giving room for nerve, they didnt want to fuse vertebrae c3 to c7 plus some disc issues back in 1988 , at least my neuro surgeon who was good


Cant have more MRI now as have pacemaker , do get and will another in fall CT scans that arent as good for soft tissue  but do indicate  in last 1 , 2 areas show re constriction, My neurologist said if i can take it dont do it as with so many years and so much scarring  and arthritis and state of my current questionable spinal cord its very dangerous to go back in


with my post op infection resulting from a pregnant nurse dropping me,  let me tell u as a disabled  DR ankle reconstructive surgeon  I am saying Specialists on infectious disease are crazy, at least back then ,  ordered 3 different heavy antibiotics in doses i never would have as thought would kill off my kidneys, about 4x normal does of each 


in hosp 40 days, IV for 30, another IV DOSE  every 1.25 hrs for antibiotric  of 1 kind or another on average

6 months more orally of antibiotics upon discharge, beside pain meds and a ;lack of 1 med by mistaake of hospital that caused a a seizyre and the MOST severe ankle fracture needing fixing within a month of hospital realease


was running out of veins and for last day they wanted to do cut down which is a procedure that can nick a lung by implanting a device in u that allows for repeated dosing of antibiotic from one pemanent site , esp back then, if was to use should have on day 1


i said with 2 days left just give me the IV & I will hit the Veins around the ankle and large one on inside of leg they were afraid to but no cut down for 1-2 days only , they complied, after all ankle surgery was my specialty


OF course if was to have surgery would have first a myelogram then cat scan for accuracy and this is how i was first diagnosed as MRI did not show bone severing the spinal cord, they wouldnt let me out of hospital once diagnosed,  


((  & my MRI was sent to some of the best in world , and I mean world as brother is one of most respected  great diagnostic radiologists & took  he it to world conferance he was lecturing at  to get more opinions ))


 and that myelogram / cat scan   showed should have been a quadriplegic pre op while i was still doing ankle reconstruction surgery and gaining 90 pounds over 9 months and all tests other than final were negative that should be positive as I was  going from aerobics 4 days a week to a beached whale, but as they saaid, u are still doing ankle surgery


the spinal cord is basically non existent now, i have these tiny collateral nerves from it  that somehow hold me together & the important myelogram sheath around the cord is thin an atrophic , so i should of been a quadriplegic before the infection i dont want to chance hurting these tiny collaterals holding me together with a repeat operation as odds are against success , as they were in first place


Now this is back in 1988, techniques were old to say the least


thaanks to the well wisshes and best ti u,


I have many more isues , matching left ab nkle fracture to one i noted , a destroyed lower back rearended twice in 2 days standing still and unv buckled to cover & protect mom from oncoming delivery trucks, and from catching mom 2 torn rotator cuufs and right bicep, these are just the main ones but are many more


 take way to many meds , each heavy


LIFE HAS MANY TWISTS & TURNS FOR SURE< BUT CAN ALWAYS BE WORSE , I may fall getting out of bed but at least I walk and somehow function and that is what maters

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I have no idea what to make of this story or the Broncos front office response to it. I am no medical expert like Barry is. What has Peyton said about it to reporters? Are they camped out at his house in Denver on the front lawn? How do reporters get a hold of medical records anyway? That's confidential patient information & there's no way, even if there is a grain of truth to it, that John Elway or Pat Bowlen would release it to the media. 


SW1 is a strict advocate of medical privacy & I wanna know who has access to this information & how quickly will the Broncos organization fire them for permitting such vital details to get leaked? 


I just think that stories like this are a byproduct off a long off season. Lets see how #18 moves around & throws the ball in training camp first & watch Peyton's reaction after he releases the ball...

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Whether this exact report is legit or not, I think we all know that the nerve damage in his neck is going to be something he fights with the rest of his career, and there's not much time left in it. If Peyton has 2 good years left in him, the Broncos should consider themselves fortunate.

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I have no idea what to make of this story or the Broncos front office response to it. I am no medical expert like Barry is. What has Peyton said about it to reporters? Are they camped out at his house in Denver on the front lawn? How do reporters get a hold of medical records anyway? That's confidential patient information & there's no way, even if there is a grain of truth to it, that John Elway or Pat Bowlen would release it to the media. 


SW1 is a strict advocate of medical privacy & I wanna know who has access to this information & how quickly will the Broncos organization fire them for permitting such vital details to get leaked? 


I just think that stories like this are a byproduct off a long off season. Lets see how #18 moves around & throws the ball in training camp first & watch Peyton's reaction after he releases the ball...


no response by broncos or anywhere else is it reported


until i hear otherwise or see otherwise in his play  any MRI to me as said is prudent follow up esp at start of training camp & periodically , its not an invasive procedure 


there seems to be arguments over whether this guy is a real  reporter or exactly what he is besides having a great ego


I am no medical expert, i have a working knowledge , can use a medical oriented mind to deduce certain things and yes a physician active license in Michigan and a disabled or inactive one in some other states that once thought of practicing in and got said license  but still no practice since disability in 1988


though i attend local continuing ed classes they are limited to my field & not diversified across the medical spectrum and these days often involve more billing issue that keep coming up and new billing codes than true course learning, so the newest techniques are not really my fortay 


Just want to clear that up

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