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Colts 10.5 Dogs At Home


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I would never bet for or against the Colts but my guess based on the play of each so far is we lose by at least that. Home field will make no difference in this event. Are there any possible players from Pitt not playing this game? Their WR's are going to flipping carve this porous secondary apart. They may throw for 500 and rush for another 100+

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maybe this is why so many on injury list?so young guys will get some time, bet if we were playing k.c. list would not be so long.

If that were the case we wouldn't be trotting Kerry Collins out there for one. Look just because some fans are starting to give up on the season the team is not. They really mean it when they are 14 games left and that they expect to come back from 0-2. If they wanted to play younger guys they would the injury list has nothing to do with that. It's listed like that because the Colts are hurt, it's not like this is the first time we've seen them have a long list of hurt players.

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If that were the case we wouldn't be trotting Kerry Collins out there for one. Look just because some fans are starting to give up on the season the team is not. They really mean it when they are 14 games left and that they expect to come back from 0-2. If they wanted to play younger guys they would the injury list has nothing to do with that. It's listed like that because the Colts are hurt, it's not like this is the first time we've seen them have a long list of hurt players.

did they all get hurt this week? i am as much a colt fan as everyone else, but cmon man wake up. i respect your fandom you are the ultra glass half full guy. are you jim caldwell?
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If that were the case we wouldn't be trotting Kerry Collins out there for one. Look just because some fans are starting to give up on the season the team is not. They really mean it when they are 14 games left and that they expect to come back from 0-2. If they wanted to play younger guys they would the injury list has nothing to do with that. It's listed like that because the Colts are hurt, it's not like this is the first time we've seen them have a long list of hurt players.

did they all get hurt this week? i am as much a colt fan as everyone else, but cmon man wake up. i respect your fandom you are the ultra glass half full guy. are you jim caldwell? would you bet your hose payment against the spread
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If that were the case we wouldn't be trotting Kerry Collins out there for one. Look just because some fans are starting to give up on the season the team is not. They really mean it when they are 14 games left and that they expect to come back from 0-2. If they wanted to play younger guys they would the injury list has nothing to do with that. It's listed like that because the Colts are hurt, it's not like this is the first time we've seen them have a long list of hurt players.


be honest with your self about the season its gonna be long

go colts :coltsfb:

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did they all get hurt this week? i am as much a colt fan as everyone else, but cmon man wake up. i respect your fandom you are the ultra glass half full guy. are you jim caldwell?

Right because I am not running around screaming the sky is falling I must be Jim Caldwell... Also what on earth does me saying that I don't think the Colts are makig up injuries have to do with me seeing things as half full?

What are you going to tell me next that because you are saying things are bad you are being realistic?

This team has real issues. I am not aruging that. In fact I said from the start I think this team had a real shot to be 5-11 when others were talking playoffs without Peyton Manning. With that said I don't tend to jump to either extreme very rarely are things as good as fans make them out to be when things go well and very rarely are things as bad as fans make them out to be when things go bad.

Now none of that has to do with injuries and me saying that I am not buying that the Colts are making up injuries (which is highly against NFL rules) does not mean I see things as half full. It just means I don't buy that they are makingup injuries so they can play young guys. If they wanted to play young guys thy would just play young guys. I don't think this team is going to the playoffs but I am not the Colts. The Colts are pros and they aren't going to give up on the season after two games which benching your starters for youngs would be doing. That's not my view that's me telling you how the Colts are aproaching this based on everything they are saying and doing.

I do think these injuries happened this week. Diem was hurt in the game and did not return, not shocked he's on the injury report. Brackett was already out. Bullitt got hurt in the game and had to come out for a play because of it. Those are the three playes who stand a good chance to be out and you can see where all of them got hurt. As for the injuries, sounds like your normal a guy is a little dinged up and if you get a hang nail the Colts put you on the injury report. They have for years just to make sure they are covered by league rules.

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be honest with your self about the season its gonna be long

go colts :coltsfb:

I have been honest with myself, again I am not telling you my view, I am telling you how the Colts are going to aproach the season. Listen to anything they say. I take them at their word THEY believe that it's just two games and that they can still go to the playoffs. I am saying I believe that's how they honestly feel, not that I expect them to be right. If they beleive that they though they aren't going to hold out their vets in favor of younger guys in week 3.

My personal view is that this is a 5-11 football team at best without Peyton.

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Right because I am not running around screaming the sky is falling I must be Jim Caldwell... Also what on earth does me saying that I don't think the Colts are makig up injuries have to do with me seeing things as half full?

What are you going to tell me next that because you are saying things are bad you are being realistic?

This team has real issues. I am not aruging that. In fact I said from the start I think this team had a real shot to be 5-11 when others were talking playoffs without Peyton Manning. With that said I don't tend to jump to either extreme very rarely are things as good as fans make them out to be when things go well and very rarely are things as bad as fans make them out to be when things go bad.

Now none of that has to do with injuries and me saying that I am not buying that the Colts are making up injuries (which is highly against NFL rules) does not mean I see things as half full. It just means I don't buy that they are makingup injuries so they can play young guys. If they wanted to play young guys thy would just play young guys. I don't think this team is going to the playoffs but I am not the Colts. The Colts are pros and they aren't going to give up on the season after two games which benching your starters for youngs would be doing. That's not my view that's me telling you how the Colts are aproaching this based on everything they are saying and doing.

I do think these injuries happened this week. Diem was hurt in the game and did not return, not shocked he's on the injury report. Brackett was already out. Bullitt got hurt in the game and had to come out for a play because of it. Those are the three playes who stand a good chance to be out and you can see where all of them got hurt. As for the injuries, sounds like your normal a guy is a little dinged up and if you get a hang nail the Colts put you on the injury report. They have for years just to make sure they are covered by league rules.

Well said well at least we may see joe legefed emerge its possible

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I have been honest with myself, again I am not telling you my view, I am telling you how the Colts are going to aproach the season. Listen to anything they say. I take them at their word THEY believe that it's just two games and that they can still go to the playoffs. I am saying I believe that's how they honestly feel, not that I expect them to be right. If they beleive that they though they aren't going to hold out their vets in favor of younger guys in week 3.

My personal view is that this is a 5-11 football team at best without Peyton.

I agree and that being generous

If we beat kc

Split jags and titans

Where is the other 2

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Well said well at least we may see joe legefed emerge its possible

I think Caldwell or the new guy will start. It could be we signed the new guy for depth to back up the other two or it could be they signed him to start if Bullitt can't go. I'd say Caldwell because 1, he started in the pre-season when Bethea couldn't go, and 2, he came in when Bullitt got hurt last week. I really liked what I saw of him in the pre-season. He was second in the NFL at one point during the pre-season in tackles and seemed to have a bit of Bob Sanders in him in terms of playing in the box. Don't get me wrong I am not saying he's as good as Sanders I am just saying his style of play reminded me of Bob where as Bullitt is more of a pass coverage guy.

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I will be rooting for my boys in this one. But, if I am really being honest, I take Pitt with the spread.

Sorry guys, this one is going to be ugly.

what are the new things the coaches have planned this week? i got some inside info but they didnt say what was going to happen, but they said it was good. colts to beat steelers

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As to the OP...

The Colts have been phenomenal against the spread for years as a result of team consistency under Manning. If someone were to have placed money on every single Colt game for the past 5, 6, 7 yrs it would have been profittable in the gambling world.

In 2011, all good trend consistency bets are off and we are now being viewed as consistently bad. Question is how bad. I say take the Steelers and continue to bet against the Colts until they prove otherwise. See....Vegas is still lovin' us.

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As to the OP...

The Colts have been phenomenal against the spread for years as a result of team consistency under Manning. If someone were to have placed money on every single Colt game for the past 5, 6, 7 yrs it would have been profittable in the gambling world.

In 2011, all good trend consistency bets are off and we are now being viewed as consistently bad. Question is how bad. I say take the Steelers and continue to bet against the Colts until they prove otherwise. See....Vegas is still lovin' us.

colts will change things tonight and you wont get good odds again

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Rule of thumb..

No NFL team is more than 10-point favorite on the road..

The Steelers have score 34 points all season..

..and the Colts have a QB who's learning the offense..more every day

the Colts are desperate to win...Pitt can afford a loss..

I'd take 10 1/2 and run with it..

I'll gladly take you up on this bet. The Steelers won 24-0 against a team that is as bad as we are. Desperation doesn't cover for poor tackling, a qb that should be retired, a terrible offensive line and an excessively long injury list. Pittsburgh has the best defensive coordinator in the league and they will give our offensive line fits. I expect the Colts to look better and play better, but they are simply overmatched. Steelers will win 31-13.

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
    • I'm very interested in Carlie's as well.  I'm just not sold on our starting LB core.
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