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Polian considered trading Peyton in 2004 [Merge]


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Via Bob Kravitz on twitter.



That's crazy....trade him for what....I wonder? Does Kravitz say?


That year's 1st and 2nd draft rounds yielded some VERY mixed results....and the following year wasn't a whole lot better.





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I can only imagine the offer on the table for Polian to even consider it.


Bill may've been arrogant, cantankerous, and stubborn as a mule, but he's not a flat out *. He wouldn't have even stepped into Irsay's office to suggest that unless there was a monstrous- and I mean monstrous- offer for Peyton out there.

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Peyton's "early" playoff efforts ...    sucked.  


I could totally see it IF the right offer came along.     The Manning of 04 was not close to the Manning that took the Colts to the SB against NO.       And Peyton's playoff stats reflect it.   

Via Bob Kravitz on twitter.



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Peyton's "early" playoff efforts ...    sucked.  


I could totally see it IF the right offer came along.     The Manning of 04 was not close to the Manning that took the Colts to the SB against NO.       And Peyton's playoff stats reflect it.   


I guess we need to give Irsay and Dungy some credit for keeping the ship upright and focused. Otherwise, Polian would have been run out of town much faster. It could have been Marshall Faulk, part II

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If RG# was worth what the Rams got for a ROOKIE what would Indy have gotten?


I think it would have been in the neighborhood of

3      #1's

3      #2's

4      #3's....    


and perhaps even more....   That is what I think Manning in 04 was worth.   


But Polian would have burnt half those picks on a TE's....   

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Peyton's "early" playoff efforts ...    sucked.  


I could totally see it IF the right offer came along.     The Manning of 04 was not close to the Manning that took the Colts to the SB against NO.       And Peyton's playoff stats reflect it.   

Assuming this was after the 03 season and before the draft. Peyton destroyed in the playoffs until we played the Pats.

Mods need to merge these threads!

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That is just insane how Polian was so good at identifying talent late in the draft and if FA...    Yet could not hit the broad side of a barn half the time in the second and third, and even first late.


I truly think the ego maniac was simply trying to show everyone how "smart" he is..   (or thought he was)   I am actually glad his is gone.


I was worried a bit a t first... but not now.



I guarantee half of us "Colt fans who know what is going on" could have drafted better than Polian from 09 on.      And I totally believe that.

Yeah, and he still would have drafted 4th round and 5th round OLs still missing on his 3rd rounders consistently.

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Unfortunately the NE games in 03, and 04 count.       As does the Pitt game in 05.   And the SB run...  where Manning had ONE good half of football.       After that SB win...  the monkey was off dudes back and he played very well in the playoffs from there on out.

Assuming this was after the 03 season and before the draft. Peyton destroyed in the playoffs until we played the Pats.

Mods need to merge these threads!

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Even Irsay's version of events sounds pretty benign.  Polian is frustrated with negotiations and raises the possibility of a trade... makes sense to me.


I'd at least consider doing the same if I had low confidence that I could get a guy re-signed in a manner that would allow me to continue to build a team around him.

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Eli Manning???? Now, that would have been CRUEL.


Andrew Luck. Irsay was such a fan he wanted to get him worked in VERY young. :)


No really Eli. lmao That would have been cruel like you said and strange as heck.



Never a dull moment in Colts land the last few years........

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Even Irsay's version of events sounds pretty benign.  Polian is frustrated with negotiations and raises the possibility of a trade... makes sense to me.


I'd at least consider doing the same if I had low confidence that I could get a guy re-signed in a manner that would allow me to continue to build a team around him.


Peyton would have ended up on the Redskins. ;)

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Even Irsay's version of events sounds pretty benign.  Polian is frustrated with negotiations and raises the possibility of a trade... makes sense to me.


I'd at least consider doing the same if I had low confidence that I could get a guy re-signed in a manner that would allow me to continue to build a team around him.


exactly! you have to consider every option possible, it doesn't mean you want to do them. that's why he is a great gm.

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Peyton would have ended up on the Redskins. ;)


Wouldn't surprise me.  We once threw two first round picks at the Bengals for an over the hill Ochocinco.  Fortunately, Mike Brown was one of few meddlesome owners at the time with more terrible instincts than that of Dan Snyder.

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this sounds ridiculous. owners need to keep their mouth shut. owning the team isn't good enough to feed their ego's.

So the guy who actually owns the teams should remain silent...everybody else have it. The article isn't out yet so we don't know in what context it was given

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