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colts sign jake kileen from the IFL


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Apparently Jake visited the thread...


via his FB page:



Thanks guys that forums pretty funny. Like everyone said on there the NFL is a different beast. Only time will tell. The only things I can guarante is coming into camp I'll be in the best shape and I'll have the best motor out there. The rest we'll have to see how I can pan out in camp.
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Jake's facebook page if anyone wants to congratulate him on the signing and welcome him into the Colts family.  I know Jerrell Freeman apprecaited it last year and stayed in touch with several of the fans each week and sometimes game day morning.

He needs to get that San Diego Chargers crap off his Facebook page. That's all I have to say.

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Love the accesability we have with players these kind of things would have been impossible just a few years ago. Hope he frequents the site and feels at home here. Maybe we can do a Q & A at some point in the 2013 season if things pan out for him.  Seems to be a real good guy.


Technology really gotta love it.

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Just for a little clarification, Jake is 26 (27 next month), 6'-3", 255lbs. He's planning on putting on 10 pounds of muscle before camp. Weight (or lack of) has always been Jake's biggest problem. He was at 265 two weeks ago, but over the holidays, breaking from his work-out regiment and diet, he lost 10 pounds (wouldn't it be nice to have that problem over the holidays...lol). Nevertheless, he plans on being back up to 265 by camp. For the most part, he has played at DE throughout college and the IFL with a few exceptions, where he did play some LB. Naturally, there will be doubts about what he's capable of since his history is so unclear, but rest assured, he will show up to camp in the best shape of his life and give it his all. If Jake fails to make the 53, it won’t be because of lack of heart, desire, determination, or attitude. He will leave it all on the field. I guarantee that. Once the game clock starts, his motor never stops.


Like BrentMc11 posted: AFL....NFL.....IFL...backyard ball....If the man comes to camp and gives everything he has and is a FOOTBALL player, Pagano will find a spot for him.....if he cannot.....it is because the man cannot cut it!


Bottom line, the proof is in the puddin’


It doesn’t get any tougher than the NFL, but I’m putting my money on Jake to make the cut.


I would like to leave everyone with my favorite quote:

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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It doesn’t get any tougher than the NFL, but I’m putting my money on Jake to make the cut.


I am of the opinion that the majority of football is not the Xs and Os but the Men themselves and their immeasurables, intangibles as much as their measurables. Rarely are those ever going to be things that pop up in a chatroom on the internet. Regardless, Grigson has put nothing but Soldiers on the field (guys with both mesurables and a lot of intangibles and immeasurables).


I have no doubt that Jake turns out to be another one.

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Just for a little clarification, Jake is 26 (27 next month), 6'-3", 255lbs. He's planning on putting on 10 pounds of muscle before camp. Weight (or lack of) has always been Jake's biggest problem. He was at 265 two weeks ago, but over the holidays, breaking from his work-out regiment and diet, he lost 10 pounds (wouldn't it be nice to have that problem over the holidays...lol). Nevertheless, he plans on being back up to 265 by camp. For the most part, he has played at DE throughout college and the IFL with a few exceptions, where he did play some LB. Naturally, there will be doubts about what he's capable of since his history is so unclear, but rest assured, he will show up to camp in the best shape of his life and give it his all. If Jake fails to make the 53, it won’t be because of lack of heart, desire, determination, or attitude. He will leave it all on the field. I guarantee that. Once the game clock starts, his motor never stops.


Like BrentMc11 posted: AFL....NFL.....IFL...backyard ball....If the man comes to camp and gives everything he has and is a FOOTBALL player, Pagano will find a spot for him.....if he cannot.....it is because the man cannot cut it!


Bottom line, the proof is in the puddin’


It doesn’t get any tougher than the NFL, but I’m putting my money on Jake to make the cut.


I would like to leave everyone with my favorite quote:

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

You talk like a fan of his. If you're new here from the Tricity Fever, welcome to Colts Country! We certainly wish Jake the best of luck. Linebacker is a position we really need, and given this is a 3-4, OLB is more like a DE in skillset than the name implies. We all here would really like it to pan out for him, because that would make life a lot better for us on the defensive end of the ball.

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I am of the opinion that he or she is a little more than a fan of Jake. But he or she has chosen an anonymous user I.D. so I will respect that. ;)


lol...yeah I was thinking the same thing. :) 


Definitely liked what I saw in the video and love his attitude from the fb quote.  This is the opportunity he's apparently been dreaming of and it sounds like he's going to do everything he can to make the best of it.  I wish him the best. :)

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Leroy Thompson who was one of the intern coaches for the Colts at training camp scouted Killeen in the IFL.  Leroy is a former Arena Football League player and Grigson was involved with the AFL in the past.  As I understand from Leroy, he sent the information to Grigson about Killeen!  Hope he works out for the Colts!  I like where Grigson looks everywhere for the diamond in the rough!

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Yeah SkyBane, I'm his number one fan...and critic :) Thanks for the welcome. Growing up in the SF bay area, it feels a bit odd, but it's good to be a Colt Fan :) I'm looking forward to an incredible year...and hopefully career for Jake.




(Please see Rayted32 as a cautionary tale.)

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From his FB page...


Jake Killeen That forum is great. I've been getting on there periodically the last couple days just to see what people say. I enjoy the reading though. Couple more days to relax and take it all in, then come Monday it's back to work for four months of strait training. Time to put the foolish things aside. You never know how many of these opportunities will come along, so you gotta treat every one like it's your only. If I don't make the cut it won't be because of lack of preparation, I can promise that.
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Jake's facebook page if anyone wants to congratulate him on the signing and welcome him into the Colts family. I know Jerrell Freeman apprecaited it last year and stayed in touch with several of the fans each week and sometimes game day morning.

He added me right away! Sent him a congrats on the signing. If there's a team it's our Colts. Doesn't matter the road you take to get here as long as when you get here you go out there and tear it up!

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Hmmm interesting.


Looks like there is a lot of 1 on 1 blocking in IRL. I don't know how many times that will happen if he plays on our defense.


They guy is fast and reminds a person of a young Freeney with how he got around lineman quickly. I thought I saw Killeen doing a spin move at one point in the highlight reel. 


I don't think this signing will have a big impact, but I hope i am wrong. 

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