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A device that's better than steroids?


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I work at Stanford and came accross this article. The article talks about "the glove"-- a device that may work better than steroids and it's perfectly legal. Currently, the device is being used by Stanford atheletics, the Raiders, and the Niners.

Is there a chance that with Luck's ties to Stanford, the Colts could start to use this device?

Here is the article:


If anyone has connection to the Colts FO, try to pass this info along.

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I work at Stanford and came accross this article. The article talks about "the glove"-- a device that may work better than steroids and it's perfectly legal. Currently, the device is being used by Stanford atheletics, the Raiders, and the Niners.

Is there a chance that with Luck's ties to Stanford, the Colts could start to use this device?

Here is the article:


If anyone has connection to the Colts FO, try to pass this info along.

Thank you for sharing the technology. It also makes me wonder if it could help some of our aging ex-football players and the the elderly with severe arthritic conditions.....instead of steroids.

Thank you again Flash777 ...good read.

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so interesting and so much more tolerable than an ice bath. 620 pull ups? must be some huge guns

Ice bath does not work nearly as well as this because the veins work slowly in cold tempatures . The glove causes a slight vacuum bringing the veins closer to the skin, forcing the veins to work as if in normal tempatures.

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I always find it fascinating that the most revolutionary discoveries are always stumbled on by mere accident. Image that, a legal form of muscle renewal and regeneration.

"These networks of veins, known as AVAs (arteriovenous anastomoses) seem exclusively devoted to rapid temperature management. They don't supply nutrition to the skin, and they have highly variable blood flow, ranging from negligible in cold weather to as much as 60 percent of total cardiac output during hot weather or exercise...."Your muscle cells are saying, "You can't work that hard anymore, because if you do you're going to cook and die,'" [stanford biology researcher Dennis] Grahn said. When you cool the muscle cell, you return the enzyme to the active state, essentially resetting the muscle's state of fatigue."

I can just hear Barry Bonds now. "Members of the jury, I did not use Performance Enhancing Drugs throughout my baseball career. I used the glove. And as we learned from O.J. Simpson's defense attorney Johnnie Cochran "If the glove does not fit, you must acquit." haha:lol: :lol:

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