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It's time to move on!


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TIME TO CUT BROWN AND WAYNE they don't fit the new system Wayne is old and slow won't block he shows no effort and donald is so scared of getting hit (prolly cause RG seth olsen Sux Really Bad). Time to trade Stanton Frenney and Mathis. Also cut Wr. Ross Crosby sambrano fayson RB. Brown Alexander and Karim Qb Stanton TE Smith

This was sarcastic right???
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TIME TO CUT BROWN AND WAYNE they don't fit the new system Wayne is old and slow won't block he shows no effort and donald is so scared of getting hit (prolly cause RG seth olsen Sux Really Bad). Time to trade Stanton Frenney and Mathis. Also cut Wr. Ross Crosby sambrano fayson RB. Brown Alexander and Karim Qb Stanton TE Smith

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TIME TO CUT BROWN AND WAYNE they don't fit the new system Wayne is old and slow won't block he shows no effort and donald is so scared of getting hit (prolly cause RG seth olsen Sux Really Bad). Time to trade Stanton Frenney and Mathis. Also cut Wr. Ross Crosby sambrano fayson RB. Brown Alexander and Karim Qb Stanton TE Smith


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TIME TO CUT BROWN AND WAYNE they don't fit the new system Wayne is old and slow won't block he shows no effort and donald is so scared of getting hit (prolly cause RG seth olsen Sux Really Bad). Time to trade Stanton Frenney and Mathis. Also cut Wr. Ross Crosby sambrano fayson RB. Brown Alexander and Karim Qb Stanton TE Smith

Welcome to the forum.

Just so you know, since sarcasm isn't always evident over the internet, there's been an agreement to indicate as such, or type in blue, especially since you're new and we don't yet know your sense of humor.

sarcasm off.

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TIME TO CUT BROWN AND WAYNE they don't fit the new system Wayne is old and slow won't block he shows no effort and donald is so scared of getting hit (prolly cause RG seth olsen Sux Really Bad). Time to trade Stanton Frenney and Mathis. Also cut Wr. Ross Crosby sambrano fayson RB. Brown Alexander and Karim Qb Stanton TE Smith


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Donald Brown is not working out.......he is not consistant and can't make the running back moves to get through the line. In my opinion it's time to give Ballard the rock.

Donald Brown can be option back/special teams.

I thouhgt Brown had a good day blocking....he picked up some rushers....

....he didnt have a chance to gain yards rushing against the washington front...they were all over us

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The point is when is the last time D Brown did these things

Juked a tackle?

Spin around a tackle?

Lowered his pads to break a tackle?

Had the vision to turn a busted play into yards?

Used strong stiff arm to get outside?

All the good backs have these skills. O-line is an excuse many good running backs worked with bad o-line.........Barry Sanders just one example.

In the Steeler Game he was running pretty well. We had an O-Line for parts of that game. Against the Redskins the O-Line forgot to get on the Bus to the Stadium.

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He averaged 4.8yards per carry on 134 carries last year compared to MJD'S 343 carries and 4.7. I will take the 4.8 and more carries for Donald, if you do the math with the 4.8 ypc and double Donalds carries to 268 then you would see Donald is a pretty good back and would have been top 5 with 268 carries......If he would have gotten the same # of carried MJD did then he would have won the rushing title.

What? That makes no sense whatsoever. You can't just stick a multiple on x carries and get total yards... lol.

Or to clarify: You can't just stick player A's ypc on player B's carries and assume that would be player A's total yards.

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What? That makes no sense whatsoever. You can't just stick a multiple on x carries and get total yards... lol.

Or to clarify: You can't just stick player A's ypc on player B's carries and assume that would be player A's total yards.

That wasn't a serious post. I don't care for Donald Brown. He isn't a #1 back.

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In the Steeler Game he was running pretty well. We had an O-Line for parts of that game. Against the Redskins the O-Line forgot to get on the Bus to the Stadium.

I dont think Justice has arrived in Indiana yet to be honest, sad part about that statement is if he hasnt now then he never will
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I dont think Justice has arrived in Indiana yet to be honest, sad part about that statement is if he hasnt now then he never will

True, just going to have t deal with the o-line as it is, unless grigson can come out and make a great trade to help the O-line, which at this point i do not see happening. The people wanting to trade for Jake Long or Joe Thomas are out of their minds. They were both top teams picks in their respective drafts. It would cost us wayyyyy to much for them.

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