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ESPN Analyst Skip Bayless Might Have Outdone Himself This Time (RG3, Cousins)


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Exactly. Tebow and his faith is another reason he gets ridiculed as well, heck, look at how "Tebowing" started.

Tebow gets ridiculed because he's a below-average QB who gets more press than 90% of the league. The whole "people don't like him because he promotes his faith" argument is lame. I'm a christian also -- so I have no problem with him showing his faith -- but his press annoys me as well.

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Tebow gets ridiculed because he's a below-average QB who gets more press than 90% of the league. The whole "people don't like him because he promotes his faith" argument is lame. I'm a christian also -- so I have no problem with him showing his faith -- but his press annoys me as well.

Typical below average argument/uncalled for press argument. Tebow did not ask for the media to love him...it's been that way since his high school days. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there who don't give diddlysquat about what he's done as a quarterback, it comes down to religion and his positive, happy-go-lucky attitude that you rarely see in the NFL.

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Typical below average argument/uncalled for press argument. Tebow did not ask for the media to love him...it's been that way since his high school days. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there who don't give diddlysquat about what he's done as a quarterback, it comes down to religion and his positive, happy-go-lucky attitude that you rarely see in the NFL.

Nobody asks for press, but they all understand it comes with the territory -- good and bad. I don't hate Tim Tebow, I'm annoyed by his press and fanbase. His fanbase practically held a franchise hostage for 2 years because they were too afraid dump him and risk alienating the Bronco fanbase. John Elway and John Fox wanted no parts of Tebow from the very beginning, but had no choice but to play him to keep the stands full.

People's dislike of Tebow-mania has nothing to do with his personality, faith or anything else you want to throw out there -- It's the fact that his fans are some of the most irrational, overbearing group of fans in sports. Skip Bayless is their figurehead

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Nobody asks for press, but they all understand it comes with the territory -- good and bad. I don't hate Tim Tebow, I'm annoyed by his press and fanbase. His fanbase practically held a franchise hostage for 2 years because they were too afraid dump him and risk alienating the Bronco fanbase. John Elway and John Fox wanted no parts of Tebow from the very beginning, but had no choice but to play him to keep the stands full.

People's dislike of Tebow-mania has nothing to do with his personality, faith or anything else you want to throw out there -- It's the fact that his fans are some of the most irrational, overbearing group of fans in sports. Skip Bayless is their figurehead


I think the Broncos would have been satisfied with either guy, but Manning is, of course, going to be the more popular choice. Elway likes Manning because he is a prototypical, Hall of Fame quarterback, much like himself, whereas Tebow was not. At least, not yet. Either way, Broncos fans still have a reason to cheer this season hahaha.

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I waited awhile to chime in on this subject matter. Also, why does the ESPN commentator's name appear everywhere in red and yellow colors like a roadside assistance flair? Look, I have made no secret of that fact that I find Mr. Bayless entertaining. Pushing the envelope, ruffling feathers, saying provocative and controversial statements on a frequent basis moves the interest meter, generates a large fan base, and it wins your network and online affiliates time slot victories and lucrative sponsorship deals through hits, headlines, and twitter traffic. The very fact that people state that they have lost respect for his statement over black quarterbacks proves my point. Whether you admire Mr. Bayless or detest him means that his notoriety continues to rise.

Some many people bring up the Mark Cuban interview as an example to show the world that Mr. Bayless is not knowledgable about basketball or that he was literally "taken to school." It proves neither. Did Skip run away? Did Skip cower in dread and fear under his desk? Skip covered the Bulls under the 6 ring Championship Dynasty and yet he knows nothing about basketball...Really? I have a ton of respect for journalists that kiss no one's caboose and stand their ground even if I think they have lost their mind. Case in point Tim Tebow. Tebow cannot throw or anticipate throws when his line of vision is obstructed. Yet, Skip refers to him as "a force of competitive nature." But, Skip is right about one thing. Tebow must continue to produce on the field otherwise the kneel and "Jesus mania" will die a swift death especially on the New York, Big Apple stage. Skip contributed to the frenzied craze known as Tebow mania, in fact, he is the #1 leader of the Tim Tebow fan club, but even Skip knows he alone has no control over Tebow's performance on the field of play.

I like Skip Bayless for the same reason I root for the villain in action adventure movies. It is more fun to embrace chaos vs. versus discipline and order. It is more fun to crave an adrenaline rush vs play it safe. It is more fun to be off center, askew, and blur the rules vs follow them verbatim. It is more fun to crave power, mayhem, and greed vs be kind, humble, and be responsible. In a nutshell, I respect Skip Bayless because he believes what he believes, he doesn't give a bleep about being beloved, and he always stands his ground whenever he is challenged or falsely second guessed. And when he makes a mistake, he admits it. See his congratulations to QB Aaron Rogers in the 2011 SB Vs the Steelers.

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I waited awhile to chime in on this subject matter. Also, why does the ESPN commentator's name appear everywhere in red and yellow colors like a roadside assistance flair? Look, I have made no secret of that fact that I find Mr. Bayless entertaining. Pushing the envelope, ruffling feathers, saying provocative and controversial statements on a frequent basis moves the interest meter, generates a large fan base, and it wins your network and online affiliates time slot victories and lucrative sponsorship deals through hits, headlines, and twitter traffic. The very fact that people state that they have lost respect for his statement over black quarterbacks proves my point. Whether you admire Mr. Bayless or detest him means that his notoriety continues to rise.

Some many people bring up the Mark Cuban interview as an example to show the world that Mr. Bayless is not knowledgable about basketball or that he was literally "taken to school." It proves neither. Did Skip run away? Did Skip cower in dread and fear under his desk? Skip covered the Bulls under the 6 ring Championship Dynasty and yet he knows nothing about basketball...Really? I have a ton of respect for journalists that kiss no one's caboose and stand their ground even if I think they have lost their mind. Case in point Tim Tebow. Tebow cannot throw or anticipate throws when his line of vision is obstructed. Yet, Skip refers to him as "a force of competitive nature." But, Skip is right about one thing. Tebow must continue to produce on the field otherwise the kneel and "Jesus mania" will die a swift death especially on the New York, Big Apple stage. Skip contributed to the frenzied craze known as Tebow mania, in fact, he is the #1 leader of the Tim Tebow fan club, but even Skip knows he alone has no control over Tebow's performance on the field of play.

I like Skip Bayless for the same reason I root for the villain in action adventure movies. It is more fun to embrace chaos vs. versus discipline and order. It is more fun to crave an adrenaline rush vs play it safe. It is more fun to be off center, askew, and blur the rules vs follow them verbatim. It is more fun to crave power, mayhem, and greed vs be kind, humble, and be responsible. In a nutshell, I respect Skip Bayless because he believes what he believes, he doesn't give a bleep about being beloved, and he always stands his ground whenever he is challenged or falsely second guessed. And when he makes a mistake, he admits it. See his congratulations to QB Aaron Rogers in the 2011 SB Vs the Steelers.

Skip Bayless is the sports journalist equivalent of a prostitute....his fans and detractors being his collective trick. He compromises his journalistic integrity for cheap thrills and shock value. You say Skip's not a coward because he says stuff to intentionally p*ss people off. I think the exact opposite. I think he's a coward for continually taking the easy way out, rather than research and inform (like he's supposed to do) when it comes to his writing and analysis. He goes against the grain only for attention -- not because he truly believes any of the nonsense he spews on a daily basis.

He's essentially being paid big money to be a troll. His act is transparent and old at this point

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Skip Bayless is the sports journalist equivalent of a prostitute....his fans and detractors being his collective trick. He compromises his journalistic integrity for cheap thrills and shock value. You say Skip's not a coward because he says stuff to intentionally p*ss people off. I think the exact opposite. I think he's a coward for continually taking the easy way out, rather than research and inform (like he's supposed to do) when it comes to his writing and analysis. He goes against the grain only for attention -- not because he truly believes any of the nonsense he spews on a daily basis.

He's essentially being paid big money to be a troll. His act is transparent and old at this point

There's a reason why prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. Shock value just like forbidden fruit, sex, and alter egos will never ever die. The very fact that so many people feel compelled to respond to this topic validates that very point. You can't have it both ways sir move the controversy meter and surround yourself with dry, statistical data. Do you consider Howard Stern a journalist too?

Enlighten me sir. How exactly does Skip Bayless take the easy way out? You act like he has never done any homework or research in his life. A pretty darn good hoax for a man who has covered basketball, baseball, golf, boxing, and football for over 30 years. The very fact that so many people despise and detest Skip Bayless enough to constantly respond proves that his notoriety, influence, and presence will remain steadfast and strong until people stop responding and giving Skip Bayless such a gigantic media platform on ESPN.

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I think some are missing the actual point of the show Skip and Stephen A is on and that for entertainment nothing more and nothing less, they know we as fans form our own opinions on things and alot of those fans have there minds made up of issues before they even watch the show. Its entertainment and cant really be taken seriously more often then not (regarding there banter back and forth that is).Personally if I watch to much of them they both give me a headache.Skips had some good down to earth opinions but some wild ones thats for sure as well and plenty of them

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Bayless has always hated on us,He loves RG3 and Hes a Cowboys fan.He makes no sense.He said Luck would be a bust from the get go.He will eat crow.
While it is entirely true that Skip Bayless said he favors RG3 over Andrew Luck. He never said Luck would be a bust. He merely said wrongly that RG3 would have a better longterm career than Luck. Not wanting a player at the #1 draft pick is not the same as classifying them as a bust. Skip mentioned repeatedly how LUCK is better equipped mentally and pedigree wise to succeed immediately in the NFL. No mention of failure in either clip is found below. There is nothing to eat crow about here.


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Lol there is probably a few years to play out to see who ends up the best,everyone has his own opinion,IMO Im really pleased with what we got and we can leave it at that lol :thmup: Honestly dont let other peoples opinions sway mine,Im secure in what i think

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Lol there is probably a few years to play out to see who ends up the best,everyone has his own opinion,IMO Im really pleased with what we got and we can leave it at that lol :thmup:Honestly dont let other peoples opinions sway mine,Im secure in what i think

Exactly right Jay. I respect all my friends because they could care less what our people think. They are not mindless sheep easily swayed by consensus or popular trends being forcibly manipulated or lead to slaughter. My friends respect me and I respect them because that level of respect has been earned and I, in turn, respect them for precisely the same reason. You can disagree with me as long as you can elaborate, articulate, and explain why in a logical debate and meaningful way.

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Living in a foreign country, and not having ESPN, I haven't really seen much of Skip Bayless. I've heard loads of laughs and criticism of Bayless through i.e. Twitter though... These videos posted here confirms the criticism. What an incompetent "analyst". OMG, I thought I had experienced some dumb people thinking they have smart things to say, but he takes the prize. He has nothing, absolutely nothing to back up his views. Just from these videos he obviously has no clue about basketball schemes and he projects football players on his gut feeling. Just plain incompetent.

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Since bringing on Stephen A Smith, Skip's comentary has become much more racially slanted ... it is what it is it doesn't bother me in the least.

IMO he is NOT a reporter nor an analyst he is a debater working for ratings.... He likely doesnt believe half the stuff he says, but is simply arguing one side of a story over the other to stir up / spur the debate while getting the best ratings he can.

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Wow....personally, I find it embarrassing that people still think like that. What does race have to do with anything? Root for a QB who does his job and does the right thing. I've lost a ton of respect for Skip. There have been white QBs who have done well (Peyton, Brady, Montana, etc.), there have been white QBs who haven't done well (Couch, Leaf, etc.). There have been black QBs who have done well (Cunningham, Moon, etc.) and black QBs that haven't done well (Russell, Akili Smith). That's an embarrassingly ignorant statement from Skip

I can't stand Skip Bayless, but it's worth mentioning he's noting making these claims himself. He was a pretty big RG3 over Luck advocate, and as inappropriate as his comment may have been, he's not exactly wrong, I'm sure plenty of people still think that way. It's sad, but true.
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Unfortunately it is true for some people. Why do you think Peyton Hillis and Toby Gerhart were so popular coming out of college? (It wasn't just because they're bruiser backs.)

Peyton Hillis was popular coming out of college? I don't think anyone outside of those he kept fairly close tabs on the Broncos had any idea who Hillis even was until he was a third year pro.

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Peyton Hillis was popular coming out of college? I don't think anyone outside of those he kept fairly close tabs on the Broncos had any idea who Hillis even was until he was a third year pro.

I knew who he was...so he had to at least be somewhat well known considering I haven't watched a single college football game in years. Also, I try to keep tabs on all NFL teams, but I'm probably the exception to that rule.

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If you every watched football with my dad on Sundays...you would know skip is on to something. My dad roots for every black QB, no mater what team, or skill said quarterback has.

Took him 4 years to get Duante Culpeppers and Donovan McNabbs name right....but you couldn't tell him there was anybody better than them.

Hispanics in vegas always root for the hispanic boxer over the other ethnicities....Skip didn't say anything that is unfounded.

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