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Ok I have seen enough.


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I was thinking the ceiling for this team is 5 or 6 wins. But after watching this game I am convinced we can win 8 games. And here is why.

1. Luck is playing like a 3 or 4 year veteran. He played an incredible 2nd quarter after having a sub par first quarter.

2. I LOVE how our offense moves around a lot pre snap. That is bound to confuse some teams and give us some big plays.

3. I love how physical our defense is. Even our 3rd and 4th stringers were making huge hits on the ball carriers and receivers. The whole defense is 10x's more physical than they were last year. And our run defense (at least now in the preseason) is much improved as well.

4. Coaching. I think Pagano is a coach that will do ANYTHING to win. He will be a guy that won't hesitate to go for it on a 4th down late in a game.


Go Colts!

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9-6 Texans vs 8-7 Colts for AFC South title with Colts having a chance to even division record and better AFC tie-breaker by virtue of not having to face Broncos and Ravens like Texans!!! :)

How does that sound for game 16 at Lucas Oil Stadium in week 17? :) (wink)

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9-6 Texans vs 8-7 Colts for AFC South title with Colts having a chance to even division record and better AFC tie-breaker by virtue of not having to face Broncos and Ravens like Texans!!! :)

How does that sound for game 16 at Lucas Oil Stadium in week 17? :) (wink)

A week ago I would have called you crazy. But the team convinced me they are able to win at least 8 games.

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9-6 Texans vs 8-7 Colts for AFC South title with Colts having a chance to even division record and better AFC tie-breaker by virtue of not having to face Broncos and Ravens like Texans!!! :)

How does that sound for game 16 at Lucas Oil Stadium in week 17? :) (wink)


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The starting dine was giving up some yardage on the run, they need some time or a change up. When the line backers were expecting the run is when they started stuffing it.

They were. but Pittsburgh has never been a slouch when it comes to running the ball. i think overall we did good vs the run

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They were. but Pittsburgh has never been a slouch when it comes to running the ball. i think overall we did good vs the run

With the right defensive plays I think we can do well against teams with decent run games, just can't just leave it up to the DTs, it will require more help from other positions.

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I am impressed with the D after this game against the Steelers. I thought we would get the w on this one but Harnish was weak in the end. Overall I have no doubt we can be a contender this season. I have been saying for weeks I think we are a sleeper for the playoffs. There is much more talent on this team than meets the eye.

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I am surprised no one is talking about how fast our D has started to adapt to this scheme switch. Many are/were worried about the transition taking 2-3 season to adjust but we have seen a difference so far. a Safety blitz! Hughes and his play so far. been a while since i have seen us make Big ben leave the pocket.

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hey now, i have been called crazy, dreamer, over optimistic, and alot of other things for just predicting 7 wins for this team before pre season started now you guys are saying 8 wins? wanna know what i say about that???? COLTS STRONG!!!

I was thinking 9-7 with a tie breaking finish against the texans in the final week. but i was really only giving the colts 8 wins this year. Andrew luck i have felt from day one tht people are underestimating this kid just because of the weak defense conference he played in, during college. but alot of people fail to realize im not basing my opinion off of stats from college. im basing it on how he handles pressure situations, how he has that nice tough on his pass i mean rarely do you ever see him throw up wobblers. and the kid is not affraid to take a hit while staying in the pocket waiting for a play to open up. although dangerous and could be scary due to him increasing his chances of getting hurt, but he is a tough kid who i think can take alot of big hits with out getting hurt.

Next, the kid does not fail. tonight he threw a pick 6, and te colts were down 14-0 quick. he came back after that turn over and created alot of big plays to give them oppertunities to score and they ended up tieing the game up. and then his 2 minute drill, definently no complaints there, he drove them down with like 20 seconds to go to get them into FG position to take the 3 point lead at half.

the O Line, i cant complain about that either tonight. they did a really good job. i mean even donald brown was getting some pretty decent holes to run through. they made the comment that ariens (it will take me alittle while to get his name right lol) has said the colts OLine is better then what he had in pittsburgh. if thats the case, i can see brown getting close to 1,000 yards if not hit that mark this year if he stays healthy all year.

The only complaint i really have is, what are the replacement refs looking at? there should have been 3 defensive holding calls that i seen and that even the announcers saw in the first half that were not called. one in which was right in front of the line judge. i really hope the NFL and the referees can come to an agreement because these replacement refs will end up costing a few games for soem teams.

with that said, i was impressed with tonights game. even if it ended in a loss, they still played very well. definentely cant wait until next weekend RG3 Vs Andrew Luck. definently going to be a show put on in DC. hopefully they show that game on TV.

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My pre-preseason prediction was 5-11, but things are certainly going well, especially defensively. I had high hopes for the offense especially from what I saw in camp, but I never anticipated the defense would look so promising. Imagine if our D finishes even in the top 15 this year. Not only will the be quite an achievement, but then you get to think about all that cap room we're getting in free agency and a draft where QB isn't the obvious first round pick. Injuries can occur and it's still a bit early, but I just can't see us getting less than 4 wins at the very least.

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The starting dine was giving up some yardage on the run, they need some time or a change up. When the line backers were expecting the run is when they started stuffing it.

the most important position in the 3-4 is the nose tackle. the nt job is to get penetration and create double teams so the lb's can make more plays. antonio johnson is the problem he's not strong enough to play nt. mckinney should be the starter, he's bigger and stronger and you will see the diffrence week 3 if he starts.
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The line play was much improved tonight. We were able to run the ball in spots. I don't think we are going to become a running team but I do think it will be improved over the past couple of years. The good news is threw two pre-season games the short yardage running has been much much better than in years past.

I am loving Allen. He seems ahead of Fleener in the passing game but his blocking skills are very good for a tightend. I think he's going to be a stud out of this draft class with Luck.

I think we saw closer to what we can expect from Luck tonight. He's going to have moments where he makes mistakes but he's going to have moments that make us go oh wow that's what our future holds!

Tackling is a problem for the defense. They need to clean that up.

We had positive return yards on a punt! I don't know when the last time that happened lol!

Adam still has it. No need to question his leg anymore.

Pass rush is still a concern for me namely from Freeney and Mathis. I like that we are getting it from other areas but there are clearly some growing pains going on for Freeney and Mathis which isn't shocking. I would really like to see what Hughes can do with the first unit.

While Luck is playing well beyond his years it's pretty clear most of the other offensive weapons are still young. Mistakes by all of them tonight other than Allen. With that said they are rookies they are aloud to have moments like that. They also had moments that made you feel good about them as well.

Powers and Bethea are still very good at what they do. We don't have a lot behind them though if they get hurt so hope they stay healthy.

I am looking forward to seeing what they do next week when they game plan for a game.

It wouldn't shock me at all if Luck gets off to a hot start but gets slowed down once teams get tape on him and start figuring out how to attack him. That's one thing I noticed from the Steelers tonight they were feeling out the Colts and I think just trying to get a feel for what are the best ways to attack Luck. It will then be up to Luck to show how he can counter that.

By the same token it was very impressive to watch Luck tonight struggle some and then it was just like he figured out the Steelers defense and went to work on it. Not unlike how Peyton would attack teams sometimes it would take him a quarter or so to get them figured out before he could go after them.

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I really like how andrew luck progressed during the game and how he reacted to his miscues. I'm really impressed on how vick ballard played, imo he will be donald browns back up when the season comes. The oline is really impressing me also they just need come chemistry which will come during the season. The only thing I'm. Worried about is the secondary even though we weren't that bad we still couldn't tackle brown on the td catch which disappointed me but all in all I was really happy on how the team played as a whole. COLTS STRONG!!!

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I was very impressed by Andrew Luck's resilience last night. He did an outstanding job keeping his cool and finding the weak spots in the D.

I was also pleasently surprised by our O-Line. Luck seemed to have a lot of time to throw on all of 1 play. And it was that play where it looked like Allen forgot to chip his man and it resulted in the sack. Rookie mistake.

Overall it was a fun game to watch. I am concerned that our injuries are piling up rather quickly! Hopefully none of them from last night are serious!
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wow... realllllly? they should bring you into the front office right away!....

I would like to meet everyone.

What are you being sarcastic about? I'm just stating that the Dline seems to need back up. That isn't always the case with good defenses. When the ILBs are in zone coverage, the line needs to do more. Not everyone sees the same things, so I pointed it out.

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One of the key things I like about our D so far is they seem to almost always be in the right place. Very few busted coverages, just some tackling needs to be shored up and maybe if we can pick up a couple more guys to go in that secondary. Hopefully we can find some kind of way to pick up Mike Jenkins, or some other players with some experience to add to the team once the cuts begin.

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