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Colts Reportedly Interested In Trading Picks, Freeney


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I understand Freeney's cap hit, and have said many times, it is a lot of money, but it is what it is. If the Colts could actually get a solid return in a trade, then I would be for them going for it. However, for the most part, that is not how the NFL works. The Falcons just got AS for a 7th rounder. I would prefer to keep Freeney as opposed to trading him for a late round pick. The real crux of this issue is whether or not using the $14 million that would be saved as a result of trading/cutting Freeney on a few mid level players will really help the roster more than Freeney? I have to imagine that is what Grigs and Pagano have been discussing, and I trust they will make the correct call.

I'm almost more of the opinion that we should roll the $14M in cap space over to next year.

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No considering both will probably retire after this season.

They might make a 'bucket list' pact...

Lets get together for 2 years...ED, Ray and Dwight...

Freenay is highly respected...and Baltimore is a Super Bowl caliber team..obviousl;y..we arent//.

But I'd like to think Ray and Ed were just doing Indy a favor..

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Curtis Painter made a ghost appererance as the new ball boy

Seriously... who missed a lumbering DE who has never played LB? Maybe we need to call Baltimore and see if we can get Painter back if this is what the other QBs are doing. It better have been a coach, or ballboy, or Irsay. If it was a player who thinks he can be a NFL QB, then the Colts need to reassess who they bring into camp.

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Seriously... who missed a lumbering DE who has never played LB? Maybe we need to call Baltimore and see if we can get Painter back if this is what the other QBs are doing. It better have been a coach, or ballboy, or Irsay. If it was a player who thinks he can be a NFL QB, then the Colts need to reassess who they bring into camp.

Honestly, I think the pass was INTENTIONALLY thrown to him. One of those drills where the LB drops back into coverage and has a pass thrown to him. Just my assumption.

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I'm almost more of the opinion that we should roll the $14M in cap space over to next year.

Not a terrible option (and would prefer that over using it this year), although there is already a lot of open cap next year. I'm not sure what impact FA's are going to be on the market to target and if they warrant opening up more cap in 2013. I'm not a big advocate of making splashy FA moves, but next year will be the Colts year to do it.

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Not worth it. I assume everyone thinks if we cut a player, we cut ties with 100% of players salary. That is absolutely not the case. Look how much we owe this year and next year to the players that are not even on the team? I say we keep Freeney.

Here is an interesting read of all the "dead salary" we still owe. I'm not disagreeing with the rebuilding process but food for thought.


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Lord, I do. We need to unload that albatross of a contract. I like Freeney, but he simply isn't worth the money he's going to make this yr..

Agreed. I like Freeney as well but that contract is huge. I really hope they can work out a trade and get something respectable for him. If all they're gonna get in return is a 7th round pick though, I'm almost of the opinion to just keep him for one more year and then let him find a new team once he becomes an UFA next year. At least then we'd be able to get a pretty good compensatory pick for him in the 2014 draft. I wouldn't be surprised if we got a 3rd round comp. pick for him. It would suck having him for just the one year and paying him all that money but it's also sucked to see so many players get cut without getting anything in return for them.

Honestly, I think the pass was INTENTIONALLY thrown to him. One of those drills where the LB drops back into coverage and has a pass thrown to him. Just my assumption.

Yeah I agree with you. I'd think the pass was thrown directly towards him to see what kind of coverage skills he has now and to see what they can do to help him improve in that area. No matter what happens though I don't think we should expect any interceptions out of him. lol

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Not worth it. I assume everyone thinks if we cut a player, we cut ties with 100% of players salary. That is absolutely not the case. Look how much we owe this year and next year to the players that are not even on the team? I say we keep Freeney.

Here is an interesting read of all the "dead salary" we still owe. I'm not disagreeing with the rebuilding process but food for thought.


In Freeney's case, there is only $5 million of dead cap space, which isn't really prohibitive. I still will be more surprised if he is playing for another team next year, unless Grigs can pull a sweetheart deal.

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This to me is why I'm not sure he is tradeable at all. If you were Freeney, why would you walk away from $14 million? A new contract with another team if there is a trade would likely be more in the $5-$6 million a year range, for maybe three years? So would a team give him $8 million as a signing bonus, $6 million base this year to make up for what he would walk away from? If Freeney moves, I think the money has to be superior to what he has in his pocket, not less, which makes this so tough. Based on LaConfora's cap numbers nearly a month ago, I see nine teams who can fit his existing numbers.

As we look around at the roster, the cap, the carnage of 2011, should we have all been wearing a body condom while with Polian? It was great while it was happening (the winning), but I think we need penicillin now.

Why is it when statements like this are made, it almost always includes the use of "we" and not "I". Feel free to feel that way, but dont include me. Trust me, if I said "We" are all crappy fans, I am gonna get pasted.

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Not a terrible option (and would prefer that over using it this year), although there is already a lot of open cap next year. I'm not sure what impact FA's are going to be on the market to target and if they warrant opening up more cap in 2013. I'm not a big advocate of making splashy FA moves, but next year will be the Colts year to do it.

Been saying roll it over for over a month seems like before noone wanted to trade now everyone is finally getting the picture he needs to be Dropped like a Hot Tater.
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I'm not blaming the OP because he just quoted the title but I do want to point out that no where in the linked piece or in the two Peter King pieces linked in the original does it state the Colts want to do anything. Both are Peter King's speculation. For the trading the 34th pick he is just saying in an ideal world they would trade that pick in exchange for a couple of extra picks on the 2nd and 3rd round. That makes sense and I would like if the Colts did that but no where is a Colts source cited that they are considering that.

The comment about Freeney has no source except a March 9th article saying the Colts are field calls.

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I am glad he is saying how happy he is...that makes him more marketable. If he acts like a jerk, he will be tough to unload. He wants to behave, so he can go play where he is comfortable. $19 Mil for this season is crazy. Trade him for another teams xerox machine and a pack of chewing gum, whatever it takes to free up the additional $14 Mil. With us grabbing Cory Redding, Baltimore might be in the market at the right price.

If Asante Samuel only drew a 7th Rounder, we cannot expect much more than that, unless it is a 5th or 6th next year.

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In the new scheme, Freeney will have his hand on the ground or be rushing the passer 90% of the time. His actual role and responsibilities aren't going to change that much. If anything, he should be more productive because the defense won't be as vanilla and other teams won't be able to double team him as much. Mathis is the one who will be playing a completely different position....giving him a contract is much more of a risk than keeping Freeney on the roster (I'm glad we did give Mathis a contract btw).

I understand Freeney's cap hit, and have said many times, it is a lot of money, but it is what it is. If the Colts could actually get a solid return in a trade, then I would be for them going for it. However, for the most part, that is not how the NFL works. The Falcons just got AS for a 7th rounder. I would prefer to keep Freeney as opposed to trading him for a late round pick. The real crux of this issue is whether or not using the $14 million that would be saved as a result of trading/cutting Freeney on a few mid level players will really help the roster more than Freeney? I have to imagine that is what Grigs and Pagano have been discussing, and I trust they will make the correct call.

You better watch it. You might get warned because a post that has logic and makes sense is offensive to some on this forum. :)
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Been saying roll it over for over a month seems like before noone wanted to trade now everyone is finally getting the picture he needs to be Dropped like a Hot Tater.

Forgive me, but the hot tater thing is played out. Might want to dream up something else.

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You know I'd be for trading Freeney but the problem is we really wouldn't get a whole lot in return. A 4th rounder from the Bengals is not intriguing compared to the skillset that Freeney still poses, even at this stage in his career. Now if we could trade him along with a random 5/6th rounder and back into the 1st to snag someone we like (Not Coby Fleener, I want him but I don't want to reach for him) then I'm all for it.

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I could see a traded that involves the Colts moving up into the bottom 1/3 of the 1st round plus a tarde of Freeney and the second round pick perhaps. Lets say possibly the Lions, Broncos or possibly the Bengals. I would do that if a great need prospect was there and the deal between the other team and Freeney could get ironed out before the pick came due. I am sure the Colts would have some framework deal worked out for Freeney just in case he gets traded so the deal could get made in the 10-15 minute time frame of the pick. Who knows what will happen with Freeney and a trade but I just hope if anything, the salary cap hit gets handled one way or another. If Freeeney stays and is not traded during the draft, and he feels good about his role in the new scheme, perhaps he will get a new deal done that extends him out to be able to retire as a Colt and relieve the team of the 19 mil dollar cap hit as well. Both win.

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It might be a bit too late in the process to explore this. Due to the complications surrounding Freeney's contract unless the trading team has the cap room to absorb it until he can sign an extension with them.

Do you mean before the draft? Is there anything that would prevent Freeney from doing what Asante Samuel just did?

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Do you mean before the draft? Is there anything that would prevent Freeney from doing what Asante Samuel just did?

$14 million in his pocket. That's the huge block now I think. Unless he thinks it's likely he will be cut. Would any of us walk away from that kind of money? For Freeney to restructure, you would think he would want that in 2012/13 to start with, plus additional years and money, right? So from Freeney's perspective, he has 14 this year, and is a FA next, and can maybe get another three year deal for 18 more (6 per)?

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$14 million in his pocket. That's the huge block now I think. Unless he thinks it's likely he will be cut. Would any of us walk away from that kind of money? For Freeney to restructure, you would think he would want that in 2012/13 to start with, plus additional years and money, right? So from Freeney's perspective, he has 14 this year, and is a FA next, and can maybe get another three year deal for 18 more (6 per)?

He doesn't have $14 million in his pocket. He hasn't been paid anything so far this season. If he agreed to an extension right now, he'd put a guaranteed signing bonus, plus more base salary. The money works in his favor, and he doesn't have to worry about being franchised after this season.

Like FJC said, the negotiations would be difficult with the timeframe we have before the draft, although it doesn't have to be done today. It could be worked out between today and tomorrow, which is plenty of time in the NFL. Our primary incentive, from my standpoint, is to add picks in this draft because of how deep it is and because we know the draft positions. Trading Freeney for picks in next year's draft is a hit-or-miss proposition, because adding an elite pass rusher could take a team from a top 15 pick to a 25-30 pick next year.

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He doesn't have $14 million in his pocket. He hasn't been paid anything so far this season. If he agreed to an extension right now, he'd put a guaranteed signing bonus, plus more base salary. The money works in his favor, and he doesn't have to worry about being franchised after this season.

Like FJC said, the negotiations would be difficult with the timeframe we have before the draft, although it doesn't have to be done today. It could be worked out between today and tomorrow, which is plenty of time in the NFL. Our primary incentive, from my standpoint, is to add picks in this draft because of how deep it is and because we know the draft positions. Trading Freeney for picks in next year's draft is a hit-or-miss proposition, because adding an elite pass rusher could take a team from a top 15 pick to a 25-30 pick next year.

Correction he has received 5 million in a bonus due him so fat another 14 mill for base salary.
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He doesn't have $14 million in his pocket. He hasn't been paid anything so far this season. If he agreed to an extension right now, he'd put a guaranteed signing bonus, plus more base salary. The money works in his favor, and he doesn't have to worry about being franchised after this season.

Like FJC said, the negotiations would be difficult with the timeframe we have before the draft, although it doesn't have to be done today. It could be worked out between today and tomorrow, which is plenty of time in the NFL. Our primary incentive, from my standpoint, is to add picks in this draft because of how deep it is and because we know the draft positions. Trading Freeney for picks in next year's draft is a hit-or-miss proposition, because adding an elite pass rusher could take a team from a top 15 pick to a 25-30 pick next year.

I understand he may not have been paid yet (although the league year started, and I have no idea when his contract calls for him to be paid, how often, how much at a time, etc.). But if Freeney thinks he won't be cut and actually wants to test FA after this year, I don't understand why he would turn down less money for the coming season.

If he gets traded and remains committed to not restructuring, his contract pays him 14, right? If he stays on the Colts for this year he gets 14, right? So why would he be willing to take any less this year? The only advantage financially I see for DF to restrcuture or extend, or however anyone wants to phrase that, is if he thinks there is a greater chance of being cut than playing out the contract.

The Colts can't franchise him next year - this is the last year of the deal, and he is a FA when the league year ends, or whenever FA starts.

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Correction he has received 5 million in a bonus due him so fat another 14 mill for base salary.

How is that a correction? He received the bonus five years ago when he signed the contract. It has nothing to do with the $14 million base salary due in 2012, of which he hasn't received a dime (or maybe he's received a small portion; I'm not sure what the compensation is for mini-camps). Can't do anything about the $5 million prorated bonus that's hitting the cap this season.

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Colts want Freeney......... They've repeated this throughout the off-season. I have serious doubts about fielding a successfull 3-4 defense this year. But Pagano and his staff don't. What if Freeney/Mathis combine for 30 sacks and 10 forced fumbles?..and the defense is actually pretty good? A year from now we'll all be talking about how to resign Dwight Freeney........ Rather than dump a great player now, I want to see Pagano prove to us all that he knows what he is doing.

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How is that a correction? He received the bonus five years ago when he signed the contract. It has nothing to do with the $14 million base salary due in 2012, of which he hasn't received a dime (or maybe he's received a small portion; I'm not sure what the compensation is for mini-camps). Can't do anything about the $5 million prorated bonus that's hitting the cap this season.

Only that you said hes been paid nothing this season ?Dont care about the 5 cant get it back like the other 38 mill in dead but you can better suited players in 3-4 with 14 mill or roll it over.
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I understand he may not have been paid yet (although the league year started, and I have no idea when his contract calls for him to be paid, how often, how much at a time, etc.). But if Freeney thinks he won't be cut and actually wants to test FA after this year, I don't understand why he would turn down less money for the coming season.

If he gets traded and remains committed to not restructuring, his contract pays him 14, right? If he stays on the Colts for this year he gets 14, right? So why would he be willing to take any less this year? The only advantage financially I see for DF to restrcuture or extend, or however anyone wants to phrase that, is if he thinks there is a greater chance of being cut than playing out the contract.

The Colts can't franchise him next year - this is the last year of the deal, and he is a FA when the league year ends, or whenever FA starts.

The base salary is divided into 17 weekly game checks.

The Colts could easily franchise him after the year. His contract is up just as Mathis' contract was up this year and Manning's was up last year.

That's what the franchise tag is for. With that said it would be at 120% of 19 million.

If the scheme change wasn't an issue, he should be extended with his 14 million as part of the signing bonus.

Since the scheme change could be an issue, it's a 14 million dollar gamble of keeping him on the roster. Trading him, erases that and frees up money for this year, or carried over to next if it is not spent this year. To me it makes little sense to keep him at the 19million cap hit.

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I understand he may not have been paid yet (although the league year started, and I have no idea when his contract calls for him to be paid, how often, how much at a time, etc.). But if Freeney thinks he won't be cut and actually wants to test FA after this year, I don't understand why he would turn down less money for the coming season.

If he gets traded and remains committed to not restructuring, his contract pays him 14, right? If he stays on the Colts for this year he gets 14, right? So why would he be willing to take any less this year? The only advantage financially I see for DF to restrcuture or extend, or however anyone wants to phrase that, is if he thinks there is a greater chance of being cut than playing out the contract.

The Colts can't franchise him next year - this is the last year of the deal, and he is a FA when the league year ends, or whenever FA starts.

There's also the injury factor.

But I don't know what you mean when you say he can't be franchised next year. After his contract expires, he can be tagged. I doubt we would, because the tag value is close to $24 million, but it's still an option. I don't see why he wouldn't take the money and run, or stay. Give him four years (2012-2015), $50 million, with a $15 million signing bonus. We could do that and keep him. Or his new team could do that. He locks his money in now, which is better than waiting on more money later for a 32 year old football player, I would think.

There's no restructuring his contract at this point. The only option is an extension, which works to his financial benefit. He might gamble on the future, but I think he'd be willing to take guaranteed money now. Word is, though, that we haven't even offered him an extension.

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If we can try to use Freeney as part of a trade to get in position to take Shea McClellin I'd be a happy bunny

I agree with you on that. It makes too much sense to unload Freeney and his bogus salary. Then we can use the money saved to sign more Free Agents for cheap and get all our draft picks signed.

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