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Dave Deguglielmo not expected to return to BC


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Mods please move if needed as I figured this could be posted in a couple different places but would be seen here more. 




With the way the OL was playing would Deguglielmo be worth bringing back now that Frank isn't here now ? I wonder if he would help shape them up. Does his past make it a no thanks? It does seem like he doesn't stay in one place very long. 

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17 minutes ago, strt182 said:

Mods please move if needed as I figured this could be posted in a couple different places but would be seen here more. 




With the way the OL was playing would Deguglielmo be worth bringing back now that Frank isn't here now ? I wonder if he would help shape them up. Does his past make it a no thanks? It does seem like he doesn't stay in one place very long. 

Absolutely bring him back

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2 minutes ago, Chucklez said:

He had our OL humming and as one of the best in the league.... id be all for it, but realistically whoever is hired as the next HC will want to choose their own staff, so its not likely unless he is "their guy".

Thats what I was thinking. I'd be all for it . Could that be who Jeff would want if hired or would Jeff use himself in that role, but as the HC he would wont somebody in there also.

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He's having real troubles keeping a job. There must be a reason for that. He's changed more teams than there are seasons since we let him go. Our OL was good that one year, but it was also good the year after too(IMO it was more a question of the talent than his coaching). He coached Miami's OL in 2019 and they were ranked dead last in the league. Then he coached the Giants OL in 2020 and they were ranked 31st out of 32 teams. Then he's had two bad seasons in college football as OL coach and been fired/not retained by both places. 


Again, our current problems at OL don't automatically mean Deguglielmo is good.

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2 hours ago, DougDew said:

LOL.  The guy can't hold a job for more than one season no matter where he goes.  Frank was right.  He sucks.


The reason the Oline was good when he was here is because we had a great LT, Castonzo.

He doesn't suck. He pisses people off.  If that's the definition of suck then OK.  But they played like rockstars with him here 

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29 minutes ago, ChuggaBeer said:

He doesn't suck. He pisses people off.  If that's the definition of suck then OK.  But they played like rockstars with him here 

He’s a bull in a China shop.  He doesn’t play well with others.   Coaches are with each other more than their spouses and family.  It’s the nature of the job.  You have to be able to work well with the people you're stuck in the same room with.  

DD didn’t suck for us.  He was good.  But Strausser didn’t suck for the Colts for three years until this year when things went really bad.   That’s partly on him and partly on Ballard.   If the new HC wants him — fine.  But he’s got to understand what he’s getting.  I’d guess Ballard would NOT recommend him. 

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I’d venture to say that if Ballard hadn’t gone the direction he did the past couple of years by plugging holes in the O-line with sub par talent, the coaching staff would have looked far better. It’s been a talent issue plus an injury issue (with regard to Nelson and Kelly) much more than a coaching issue. 

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


DD didn’t suck for us.  He was good.  But Strausser didn’t suck for the Colts for three years until this year when things went really bad.   That’s partly on him and partly on Ballard.   If the new HC wants him — fine.  But he’s got to understand what he’s getting.  I’d guess Ballard would NOT recommend him. 

I disagree with you because the stats show that over the last three years and Strausser being here we have got worse each year. So to me that should be enough proof for anyone that Strausser is not good for us or at the pro level. 

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26 minutes ago, DaColts85 said:

I disagree with you because the stats show that over the last three years and Strausser being here we have got worse each year. So to me that should be enough proof for anyone that Strausser is not good for us or at the pro level. 

The amount the Colts hit worse was minimal for three years….  19, 20, and 21. And remember,  21 was the year Fisher was the LT and his pass blocking was terrible because of his Achilles injury, not because of Strausser.   And that 21 OL also blocked for JT who rushed for 1800 yards. 
I think the OL rankings for those three years were roughly 8, 9 and 11.  That’s not something that’s alarming.   

But the falloff this year was steep.  Strausser and Ballard get to own that.  I’m not sure what there is to disagree with?  

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If he's good but gets fired more often than there are seasons he probably isn't a "yes man". 

You need to play " the game" and do as your told  even if that may not be the best thing for the team. 

The OL handled stunts and blitzes just fine when he was here....and then stopped when he was fired. 

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5 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

He’s a bull in a China shop.  He doesn’t play well with others.   Coaches are with each other more than their spouses and family.  It’s the nature of the job.  You have to be able to work well with the people you're stuck in the same room with.  

DD didn’t suck for us.  He was good.  But Strausser didn’t suck for the Colts for three years until this year when things went really bad.   That’s partly on him and partly on Ballard.   If the new HC wants him — fine.  But he’s got to understand what he’s getting.  I’d guess Ballard would NOT recommend him. 

The line has got worse every year under Strausser. Doesn’t mean DD was a great coach but Strausser has been a fail.  The line has got worse and U have to believe he had a voice in Ballard believing Pryor and Pinter were ready to handle LT and RG. 

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6 minutes ago, Hawkeyecolt said:

The line has got worse every year under Strausser. Doesn’t mean DD was a great coach but Strausser has been a fail.  The line has got worse and U have to believe he had a voice in Ballard believing Pryor and Pinter were ready to handle LT and RG. 

Your view is the prevailing view here.   But it’s not really supported by the full facts.   

The PFF rankings for the Colts OL:


2018:  3rd.   DD


2019:  3rd.   CS

2020:  7th.   CS

2021:   10th:  CS 


2022:    17th.  CS.  This is the year the line falls off and frankly I don’t understand how the line is ranked this high?

To be clear:  

The line play was fine for Strausser’s first three years.  And unacceptable this year.  
Im not arguing that Strausser should keep his job.  I’m only saying he’s only had one bad year. 

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3 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

Your view is the prevailing view here.   But it’s not really supported by the full facts.   

The PFF rankings for the Colts OL:


2018:  3rd.   DD


2019:  3rd.   CS

2020:  7th.   CS

2021:   10th:  CS 


2022:    17th.  CS.  This is the year the line falls off and frankly I don’t understand how the line is ranked this high?

To be clear:  

The line play was fine for Strausser’s first three years.  And unacceptable this year.  
Im not arguing that Strausser should keep his job.  I’m only saying he’s only had one bad year. 

That’s too logical of thinking haha

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3 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

Your view is the prevailing view here.   But it’s not really supported by the full facts.   

The PFF rankings for the Colts OL:


2018:  3rd.   DD


2019:  3rd.   CS

2020:  7th.   CS

2021:   10th:  CS 


2022:    17th.  CS.  This is the year the line falls off and frankly I don’t understand how the line is ranked this high?

To be clear:  

The line play was fine for Strausser’s first three years.  And unacceptable this year.  
Im not arguing that Strausser should keep his job.  I’m only saying he’s only had one bad year. 

Good post


One could even say he had 3 good years and 1 average year. OL played better the 2nd half of the season and probably why they were ranked right on the middle of the league. If we are going to blame him for the struggles do we also give him credit for starting to turn it around?  Maybe Saturday was a driving force with this too. 

I personally don’t know if he is a good coach or not.  All stats are basically coming from post on this board. I watched the Colts differently this year by not breaking down film and just enjoying the games as entertainment like a movie.  However, on the surface the OL doesn’t appear as bad as some seem to think it was.  Thank you for posting the rankings. 

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8 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

Your view is the prevailing view here.   But it’s not really supported by the full facts.   

The PFF rankings for the Colts OL:


2018:  3rd.   DD


2019:  3rd.   CS

2020:  7th.   CS

2021:   10th:  CS 


2022:    17th.  CS.  This is the year the line falls off and frankly I don’t understand how the line is ranked this high?

To be clear:  

The line play was fine for Strausser’s first three years.  And unacceptable this year.  
Im not arguing that Strausser should keep his job.  I’m only saying he’s only had one bad year. 

Does PFF break out a year into weekly rankings?


I'm gonna bet that for 2022, the earlier weeks were atrocious, while we experimented with Dennis Kelly and Danny Pinter, and got better after Raimann started to get comfortable, and we assigned Fries fairly permanently to RG, if for nothing but consistency's sake.  Working out to a 17th ranking on the year.

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17 hours ago, stitches said:

He's having real troubles keeping a job. There must be a reason for that. He's changed more teams than there are seasons since we let him go. Our OL was good that one year, but it was also good the year after too(IMO it was more a question of the talent than his coaching). He coached Miami's OL in 2019 and they were ranked dead last in the league. Then he coached the Giants OL in 2020 and they were ranked 31st out of 32 teams. Then he's had two bad seasons in college football as OL coach and been fired/not retained by both places. 


Again, our current problems at OL don't automatically mean Guge is good.


Yep, the 2015 season where Tom Brady and the Patriots OL got beat up by Von Miller and Ware and the Broncos DL, guess who was their OL coach, Guge. Patriots fans yearned for Scarnecchia back.


Scarnecchia had briefly retired and he came back as OL coach after taking a break, in 2016 and their OL started playing well again. So there is plenty of evidence to support that Guge isn't all that great.

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2 hours ago, John Hammonds said:

Does PFF break out a year into weekly rankings?


I'm gonna bet that for 2022, the earlier weeks were atrocious, while we experimented with Dennis Kelly and Danny Pinter, and got better after Raimann started to get comfortable, and we assigned Fries fairly permanently to RG, if for nothing but consistency's sake.  Working out to a 17th ranking on the year.

The answer is I don’t know, but I’d guess probably.    I have a standard subscription which I think is about $50.   But the super premium that NFL teams pay for I think is about $400.   And I’d guess that’s where the more detailed stats are. 

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
    • I'm very interested in Carlie's as well.  I'm just not sold on our starting LB core.
    • I also forgot to say I think Buffalo will also have a down year. 
    • Yeah North.....maybe I got confused about the Pittsburgh Pirates playing in the central.  But I think before realignment there were only 3 divisions, I think.. Like the Colts and Dolphins played in the East, the Raiders and Broncos played in the West and the Steelers and Brownies played in the Central.  But yeah my mistake the Steelers currently in the North division. 
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