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Build The Monster

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The new team is getting acquainted this week in an offseason conditioning program at the West 56th Street complex. That means new faces and a new "Build The Monster" slogan on the back of blue T-shirts given to players. "I like the vibe here," third-year linebacker Pat Angerer said today. "Everybody is fired up and motivated. Everybody is excited." The slogan came from new coach Chuck Pagano, who is trying to instill a fresh, energetic approach.
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So...what will we call our new improved defense??? I-70 Monsters? Someone help me out because I don't have a poetic/creative bone in my body.

Once Grigson and Pagano build their 'monster' to the point where it deserves a nickname, consider this:

The Colt's symbol is 'U'. Displayed upside down ( like horseshoes normally are for LUCK ), it becomes the ultimate symbol of resistance both in the Greek alphabet and in electrical symbology. Maximum 'U' ohms=maximum resistance. The Greek 'U'=The End.

Maximum resistance=Omega Defense. Every time they do a three-and-out, the fans can chant 'Oooooooohhhhhmmmmm!' like the Dali Lahma.

Omega D.

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Why not embrace a coach trying to come in and create some excitement? I like the theme for the offseason. It's refreshing to see 100% participation this week and guys excited about getting after it. I am growing more and more optimistic about the possibilities this year. We are probably a couple playmakers on both sides of the ball from being pretty good. If we can accomplish to add a few in the draft, we will surprise some folks this year.
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ah i see. so since your professional you can't have fun with things?

Players having fun is one thing - that's what life is all about. Who knows (or cares) what these guys do behind the scenes.

An NFL coach printing t-shirts and assigning an (un-earned) slogan to his team? Are you kidding me? A college coach doing that with a bunch of kids to help them focus, bring them together, and perhaps make the hours of (unpaid) practice more tolerable is one thing. An NFL head coach doing that is just wierd. Do you think that Dwight Freeney is putting it on thinking "man, this is fun". He's probably thinking "I feel like a _____________, and our new coach is a _________".

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Players having fun is one thing - that's what life is all about. Who knows (or cares) what these guys do behind the scenes.

An NFL coach printing t-shirts and assigning an (un-earned) slogan to his team? Are you kidding me? A college coach doing that with a bunch of kids to help them focus, bring them together, and perhaps make the hours of (unpaid) practice more tolerable is one thing. An NFL head coach doing that is just wierd. Do you think that Dwight Freeney is putting it on thinking "man, this is fun". He's probably thinking "I feel like a _____________, and our new coach is a _________".

You mean kinda like they all reacted to the "this is our house" slogan?

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Why wouldn't he think it is fun? The coach is focusing on building up the defense and wants to bring in an atmosphere that isn't, "ho hum, just another day on the job....." If I'm one of them I am amped and ready to go. It's called motivation, unfortunately people seem to feel money is the "only" motivator for these guys. Sometimes you have to prod the cattle a little and get them amped about the new direction, especially with all the change and uncertainty that has been floating around all off-season.

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Players having fun is one thing - that's what life is all about. Who knows (or cares) what these guys do behind the scenes.

An NFL coach printing t-shirts and assigning an (un-earned) slogan to his team? Are you kidding me? A college coach doing that with a bunch of kids to help them focus, bring them together, and perhaps make the hours of (unpaid) practice more tolerable is one thing. An NFL head coach doing that is just wierd. Do you think that Dwight Freeney is putting it on thinking "man, this is fun". He's probably thinking "I feel like a _____________, and our new coach is a _________".

Un-earned? Do you have to earn a slogan for your players? You are over-thinking this. It's a slogan to inspire and unify returning Colts and their new FA acquisitions/coaches/draft picks. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Have you ever played a team sport? It's pretty common at all levels.

I remember my first day at high school football camp, we were given shirts that read "Pride.Poise.Power" on the back. Do you think we needed to earn that before playing? If the new shirts read "We are the best thing to ever grace a football field", i'd say you have a point....but it's just motivation, not a statement piece.

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Pagano has to do something to change the culture of this defense. For years it was you were built to play with a lead and can only be successful with Manning getting you a lead. He has to turn this defense into an attacking defense that can stand on his own.

He has created a slogan to bring the team together and inspire them. Teams at all levels and across all sports half slogans and stuff. MAC you got to lighten up some. It is not like these guys are in our government, trying to cure cancer, or negotiation multi million dollar corporate contracts.

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Un-earned? Do you have to earn a slogan for your players? You are over-thinking this. It's a slogan to inspire and unify returning Colts and their new FA acquisitions/coaches/draft picks. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Have you ever played a team sport? It's pretty common at all levels.

I remember my first day at high school football camp, we were given shirts that read "Pride.Poise.Power" on the back. Do you think we needed to earn that before playing? If the new shirts read "We are the best thing to ever grace a football field", i'd say you have a point....but it's just motivation, not a statement piece.

Besides, it's "Build the monster", not "we are already a monster". How much earning needs to happen for someone to claim to be building something?

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I love it!! There's a new attitude in Indy with the new regime. We capitalized on our talent while Manning was here and created one of the all-time offensive monsters, so now we're working on building the monster on the defensive side.

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Or maybe like the "next man up" mantra, or the "this is our time" line from 2006 and 2007...?

"this is our house" - every football team in history has talked about defending their home turf in every blessed home game they played. Suggesting that that is a special slogan invented by the head coach is like saying that "OK, dominate on three" is the same. It's just players pumping each other up. Not the same thing.

"next man up" was a coach telling the vets that their jobs are never secure, and telling the young guys that their hard work will be rewarded. I doubt that they printed t-shirts, but regardless, it was shrewd coaching. What exactly does "build the monster" mean anyway?

"this is our time" - I have no recollection of that other than Tony Dungy's impromptu half-time speech at one of the defining moments in the franchises history. Sounds more like something that a marketing department would spray-paint all over to get the fans pumped up. That was after a team that had been building for years, reminding every that they were on the cusp and had to keep pushing. Not the same thing.

How does any of that compare to a coach making freaking t-shirts saying "Build the Monster" (whatever that is supposed to mean) and handing them out to players at the first team function. He might have been better served printing shirts with everyone's names on them (including his own) since there has been so much turnover. Just silly.

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Un-earned? Do you have to earn a slogan for your players? You are over-thinking this. It's a slogan to inspire and unify returning Colts and their new FA acquisitions/coaches/draft picks. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Have you ever played a team sport? It's pretty common at all levels.

I remember my first day at high school football camp, we were given shirts that read "Pride.Poise.Power" on the back. Do you think we needed to earn that before playing? If the new shirts read "We are the best thing to ever grace a football field", i'd say you have a point....but it's just motivation, not a statement piece.

You're right, but high school isn't the NFL. If it actually works (meaning that it was necessary in the first place), that's pretty sad.

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Childish nonsense - these are professional athletes.

Players having fun is one thing - that's what life is all about. Who knows (or cares) what these guys do behind the scenes.

An NFL coach printing t-shirts and assigning an (un-earned) slogan to his team? Are you kidding me? A college coach doing that with a bunch of kids to help them focus, bring them together, and perhaps make the hours of (unpaid) practice more tolerable is one thing. An NFL head coach doing that is just wierd. Do you think that Dwight Freeney is putting it on thinking "man, this is fun". He's probably thinking "I feel like a _____________, and our new coach is a _________".

You're right, but high school isn't the NFL. If it actually works (meaning that it was necessary in the first place), that's pretty sad.


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You're right, but high school isn't the NFL. If it actually works (meaning that it was necessary in the first place), that's pretty sad.

It creates a sense of unity. Again back to your previous post about needing names on the shirts, there are a lot of new faces and they need them to start gelling. So why not have a little fun with it and put some Rah-Rah behind it? Everyone complained about how Caldwell showed no emotion and was un-willing to make changes, the new guy comes in and creates a fun slogan and tries to build some unity and you hammer on him? Doesn't make a lot of sense.

so I'm guessing your of the thinking that since these guys get paid so much they aren't allowed to fall in a rut and actually be "Human"? Sometimes something as small and goofy as a T-Shirt can build up a little bit of excitement for the situatin. instead of the same lame attitude of "Your getting paid Millions of Dollars, you shouldn't need motivated."

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Pagano has to do something to change the culture of this defense. For years it was you were built to play with a lead and can only be successful with Manning getting you a lead. He has to turn this defense into an attacking defense that can stand on his own.

He has created a slogan to bring the team together and inspire them. Teams at all levels and across all sports half slogans and stuff. MAC you got to lighten up some. It is not like these guys are in our government, trying to cure cancer, or negotiation multi million dollar corporate contracts.

It's not like I'm actually upset about this, but your comments do strike at the underlying part that is probably what sub-consciously irritates me about the whole thing. When a baseball team has a manager who yells at everyone and kicks dirt on umpires, and the team loses, they invariably bring in a guy who never yells at anyone. And then when he loses, they invariable bring in a guy who yells at everyone and kicks dirt on umpires. It's all just a kneejerk reaction and complete garbage.

I'm OK with the fact that we are changing our style of defense, because it was built to compliment Peyton and he is no longer here. However to suggest that it is a "cultural" or attitude issue is just ridiculous. Do you think that Freeney, Mathis, Bethea and Sanders weren't aggressive? Would a well placed t-shirt have solved all the problems?

For the 1,000 time, our previous defense was put in place for a reason, and the team just finished the most successful stretch in their history with that defense in place. Twenty-one years without reaching 10 wins prior to that incredible run of success. It is clearly time for a change, but there was NOTHING wrong with the prior teams attitude. Printing a t-shirt isn't going to change anything anymore than kicking dirt on an umpire will. My complaining about it is admittedly silly, but not nearly so much as is celebrating it as a reflection of some long missing ingredient.

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As long as I never hear " do what we do " again I am fine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

seriously...stupidest thing ever. We do what we do which is sit in a Cover 2 shell and dropp our lbs bac.......K I'm over it :)

"BUILD THE MONSTER " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont know about you guys but I'm :edit: stoked

Edited by shecolt
masked profanity
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I have a question. Pat Angerer has mentioned before he is uncomfortable anywhere, but middle linebacker. Well we no longer have a middle linebacker. How do you think his performance will suffer?

It's not like I'm actually upset about this, but your comments do strike at the underlying part that is probably what sub-consciously irritates me about the whole thing. When a baseball team has a manager who yells at everyone and kicks dirt on umpires, and the team loses, they invariably bring in a guy who never yells at anyone. And then when he loses, they invariable bring in a guy who yells at everyone and kicks dirt on umpires. It's all just a kneejerk reaction and complete garbage.

I'm OK with the fact that we are changing our style of defense, because it was built to compliment Peyton and he is no longer here. However to suggest that it is a "cultural" or attitude issue is just ridiculous. Do you think that Freeney, Mathis, Bethea and Sanders weren't aggressive? Would a well placed t-shirt have solved all the problems?

For the 1,000 time, our previous defense was put in place for a reason, and the team just finished the most successful stretch in their history with that defense in place. Twenty-one years without reaching 10 wins prior to that incredible run of success. It is clearly time for a change, but there was NOTHING wrong with the prior teams attitude. Printing a t-shirt isn't going to change anything anymore than kicking dirt on an umpire will. My complaining about it is admittedly silly, but not nearly so much as is celebrating it as a reflection of some long missing ingredient.

Everyone is just making false hopes out of nothing. Which I find quit silly. If you object to it look out.

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Players having fun is one thing - that's what life is all about. Who knows (or cares) what these guys do behind the scenes.

An NFL coach printing t-shirts and assigning an (un-earned) slogan to his team? Are you kidding me? A college coach doing that with a bunch of kids to help them focus, bring them together, and perhaps make the hours of (unpaid) practice more tolerable is one thing. An NFL head coach doing that is just wierd. Do you think that Dwight Freeney is putting it on thinking "man, this is fun". He's probably thinking "I feel like a _____________, and our new coach is a _________".

I would rather have "Build the Monster" and "Face Full of Colts" any day of the week instead of "Bend but don't break" and "Next man up"...just sayin'

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For the 1,000 time, our previous defense was put in place for a reason, and the team just finished the most successful stretch in their history with that defense in place. Twenty-one years without reaching 10 wins prior to that incredible run of success. It is clearly time for a change, but there was NOTHING wrong with the prior teams attitude. Printing a t-shirt isn't going to change anything anymore than kicking dirt on an umpire will. My complaining about it is admittedly silly, but not nearly so much as is celebrating it as a reflection of some long missing ingredient.

I don't think the shirts are silly, and don't care whether the players wear them or not, but what you said right there... that I agree with 100%. Well said.

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I have a question. Pat Angerer has mentioned before he is uncomfortable anywhere, but middle linebacker. Well we no longer have a middle linebacker. How do you think his performance will suffer?

It won't. All he has to do is do what he does well...tackle people.

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It's not like I'm actually upset about this, but your comments do strike at the underlying part that is probably what sub-consciously irritates me about the whole thing. When a baseball team has a manager who yells at everyone and kicks dirt on umpires, and the team loses, they invariably bring in a guy who never yells at anyone. And then when he loses, they invariable bring in a guy who yells at everyone and kicks dirt on umpires. It's all just a kneejerk reaction and complete garbage.

I'm OK with the fact that we are changing our style of defense, because it was built to compliment Peyton and he is no longer here. However to suggest that it is a "cultural" or attitude issue is just ridiculous. Do you think that Freeney, Mathis, Bethea and Sanders weren't aggressive? Would a well placed t-shirt have solved all the problems?

For the 1,000 time, our previous defense was put in place for a reason, and the team just finished the most successful stretch in their history with that defense in place. Twenty-one years without reaching 10 wins prior to that incredible run of success. It is clearly time for a change, but there was NOTHING wrong with the prior teams attitude. Printing a t-shirt isn't going to change anything anymore than kicking dirt on an umpire will. My complaining about it is admittedly silly, but not nearly so much as is celebrating it as a reflection of some long missing ingredient.

You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day
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It's not like I'm actually upset about this, but your comments do strike at the underlying part that is probably what sub-consciously irritates me about the whole thing. When a baseball team has a manager who yells at everyone and kicks dirt on umpires, and the team loses, they invariably bring in a guy who never yells at anyone. And then when he loses, they invariable bring in a guy who yells at everyone and kicks dirt on umpires. It's all just a kneejerk reaction and complete garbage.

I'm OK with the fact that we are changing our style of defense, because it was built to compliment Peyton and he is no longer here. However to suggest that it is a "cultural" or attitude issue is just ridiculous. Do you think that Freeney, Mathis, Bethea and Sanders weren't aggressive? Would a well placed t-shirt have solved all the problems?

For the 1,000 time, our previous defense was put in place for a reason, and the team just finished the most successful stretch in their history with that defense in place. Twenty-one years without reaching 10 wins prior to that incredible run of success. It is clearly time for a change, but there was NOTHING wrong with the prior teams attitude. Printing a t-shirt isn't going to change anything anymore than kicking dirt on an umpire will. My complaining about it is admittedly silly, but not nearly so much as is celebrating it as a reflection of some long missing ingredient.

I don't think the purpose of the shirts is to improve the defense, or to make the players more aggressive, or anything like that. I think the purpose of the shirts has very little to do with what happens on the field. It's just a device to introduce the players on the team to the new regime.

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Everyone is just making false hopes out of nothing. Which I find quit silly. If you object to it look out.

You're right. Angerer is absolutely gunna be terrible. I'm heading to the tub now to slit my wrists with a spoon. How can I live with it all?

Come on Stryker, most fans want to be excited about their team, and want to believe it is heading in the right direction. How exactly is that silly?

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I don't think the purpose of the shirts is to improve the defense, or to make the players more aggressive, or anything like that. I think the purpose of the shirts has very little to do with what happens on the field. It's just a device to introduce the players on the team to the new regime.

It is a motivational tool. It is as simple as that.

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Except that only comes when he is at middle linebacker. He has admitted he suffers if he doesn't play middle.

The MIKE still exists in a 3-4 line up. If anything this will improve his play because he won't be doing 7 yard drops every other play for pass protection like he had to for the stupid tampa 2.

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