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Ryan Leaf Arrested Again - Yes A New Arrest Since Friday

Peyton and Eli fan

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It's not even sad......I think it's funny. He was clearly put here on this Earth to amuse me. I wonder how many of his family and friends he's ripped off and we've never heard about it because they didn't press charges? People like him do not deserve pity, not a bit. The only thing that will help him is for him to rot in prison for 5-10 years.

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A person i know has been a prescription drug addict for over 20 years. Busted numerous times. Most recent 2 counts Burglary 2 counts theft of prescription pain meds and walked away on probation. Its ridiculous. He wont get that much. I dont feel a dang bit sorry for him.

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hes getting 15-20 watch

He'll kill himself soon, I betcha. Not that I wish it, it sounds cruel, thats just what happens to people like this that are finally made to face the music after years and years of getting away with it.

Our own Eli Lilly releases millions of dangerous drugs onto the streets every year, knowing darn well that they are producing far more than there is a need for. Prescription drugs kill more people from overdose than all other illegal drugs combined (cocaine, meth, heroin etc). Not to mention the ancillary deaths caused by accidents and suicides.

Addiction is an excellent excuse for being a bad person. The truth is, sometimes bad people just happen to be addicts too. Ryan Leaf is clearly a bad person. Throw his butt and that stupid, untrustworthy grin in a cage for 10 years and I bet he gets out and violates his probation within a few weeks.

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Tough love ehh ruksak? I don't disagree, I just, well I'm shocked someone hasn't jumped on you for being more truthful than some might want to accept. Addiction and being a lousy person is sort of a Chicken and the Egg proposition, and they don't have to be mutialy exclusive, so classifying Ryan Leaf as you have is accurate.

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Tough love ehh ruksak? I don't disagree, I just, well I'm shocked someone hasn't jumped on you for being more truthful than some might want to accept. Addiction and being a lousy person is sort of a Chicken and the Egg proposition, and they don't have to be mutialy exclusive, so classifying Ryan Leaf as you have is accurate.

Yep. I know many good people that became addicted at some point or another, including myself. But no matter how bad I may have wanted a vicodin, it never really occurred to me to break into peoples homes to steal some.

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Former NFL QB Ryan Leaf was arrested for the second time Monday, April 2, on charges of burglary, theft and two counts of criminal possession of dangerous drugs. He also is being detained on a probation violation. The new charges stem from a burglary Saturday, March 31 - the day after Leaf was arrested and charged with burglarizing an acquaintance's home for prescription painkillers.

What is he thinking? Burglarizing an acquaintance's home? Sounds like someone has hit rock bottom... at least I hope he has because if he goes any lower we will get a posting about how Ryan Leaf is dead from an overdose and that is just sad.

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Obviously I dont know the guy and his attitude in the locker room with his former team is well documented and I also know he was a bust because of his habits partying and such, I think drugs have taken over his life and that is the depressing part considering the fall he has had, yes he brought it on himself every bit of course but still sucks a little bit to see the drugs take over, at the same time I am related to someone thats gone through that their entire life and it eventually cost them life in prison, as I said I know hes been trouble in the past, I just hope he is able to get help sometime down the road, it could be prison is the best fit for him to be truthful, some people just arent able to function on the outside, Im beginning to wonder if he is one of them given the short time in between arrests, I do hope he gets his life in some sort of order

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It's not even sad......I think it's funny. He was clearly put here on this Earth to amuse me. I wonder how many of his family and friends he's ripped off and we've never heard about it because they didn't press charges? People like him do not deserve pity, not a bit. The only thing that will help him is for him to rot in prison for 5-10 years.

Clearly, Mr. Leaf's life is spiraling out of control. Often times, players get addicted to pain killers of one kind or another. If you've ever dealt with a family member addicted to narcotics, you would never make light of it. Addiction to pain killers also contributed to red flags during Brett Favre's career & Jamarcus Russell's career. Prison sentences seldom rehabilitate anyone; they just exasperate the original problem even worse. I have relatives who have endured this very circumstance myself. Ryan Leaf needs legitimate help now or he could very easily loose his life over this compulsion eventually.

I know it was not your intent to truthfully mock Leaf's condition Ruksac. But drug addiction is never a laughing matter IMO.

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Clearly, Mr. Leaf's life is spiraling out of control. Often times, players get addicted to pain killers of one kind or another. If you've ever dealt with a family member addicted to narcotics, you would never make light of it. Addiction to pain killers also contributed to red flags during Brett Favre's career & Jamarcus Russell's career. Prison sentences seldom rehabilitate anyone; they just exasperate the original problem even worse. I have relatives who have endured this very circumstance myself. Ryan Leaf needs legitimate help now or he could very easily loose his life over this compulsion eventually.

I know it was not your intent to truthfully mock Leaf's condition Ruksac. But drug addiction is never a laughing matter IMO.

I disagree.

As I said above, I have dealt with addiction myself. I lost a former friend to addiction. They were good people that did not behave predaciously upon others. What we have with Leaf is a bad man that does bad things and uses his addiction as an excuse to be a bad person.

OK, he's addicted, as was I. Get scripts from a doctor, buy them from associates.....but don't victimize your friends and family and employers by robbing them. These are not the actions of an addict. Those are the acts of a bad man with no morals, sober, high or somewhere in between, a bad man. A bad man that is now to face justice after years of using money and fame to get away with burning people that trusted him.

Favre and Russel never broke into a friends home. Leaf did, and he should now pay for it....and I watch with a smile because his day of reckoning amuses me greatly. I cannot wait to see him in county orange, with that snake-like grin, telling his sorry story of addiction. Obviously society is better off with him behind bars, is it not? What's best for him is not my concern. Whats best for society, is.

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I disagree.

As I said above, I have dealt with addiction myself. I lost a former friend to addiction. They were good people that did not behave predaciously upon others. What we have with Leaf is a bad man that does bad things and uses his addiction as an excuse to be a bad person.

OK, he's addicted, as was I. Get scripts from a doctor, buy them from associates.....but don't victimize your friends and family and employers by robbing them. These are not the actions of an addict. Those are the acts of a bad man with no morals, sober, high or somewhere in between, a bad man. A bad man that is now to face justice after years of using money and fame to get away with burning people that trusted him.

Favre and Russel never broke into a friends home. Leaf did, and he should now pay for it....and I watch with a smile because his day of reckoning amuses me greatly. I cannot wait to see him in county orange, with that snake-like grin, telling his sorry story of addiction. Obviously society is better off with him behind bars, is it not? What's best for him is not my concern. Whats best for society, is.

I appreciate your candor in this matter Ruksac & I am truly sorry to hear that you lost a close friend to addiction & I am glad to hear that you rose above the clutches of addiction yourself. Balancing responsibility, a prison sentence, & a strung out junkie looking for their next fix is never a cookie cutter 1 size fits all mentality IMO. Yes, Ryan Leaf must answer in a court of law for his continued breaking & entering criminal acts. I just hope that somewhere along the line that he gets the longterm medical & psychological treatment he needs.

Historians always judge the greatness of a society by how it treats it's weakest link not it's strongest. Throwing someone in a prison cell for a decade or more & throwing away the key solves absolutely nothing. Yes, Mr. Leaf's weakness is largely self inflicted; I will readily admit that. Ryan Leaf is not hopeless & unworthy of redemption. It is not as if Leaf is a serial killer here. Letting him rot in a prison cell without proper treatment is the worst possible outcome for him. The minute a person can be classified as trash to throw away & discard is the minute you & I can be deemed worthless & insignificant too. I guess we will just simply agree to disagree here & leave it go at that Rusak. I respect your perspective & you respect mine. Thank you.

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