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Don't Be Too Upset With Irsay, Manning Is Still Not Healthy.


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All he has to do is pass a physical. Regardless they ae paying him 18 mill. Also Peyton wanted that in the contract. Im sure Elway would have been willing to sign a more traditional contract, if not the Titans would have..

Need I remind you that Peyton also wanted the option bonus structure in the Colts contract?

You are free to speculate what Elway would or would not do. I am free to cite the specifics as to what both Peyton and the Broncos have agreed to, as reported, a major option payment due the following season after this upcoming season, depending on what is currently termed as a physical. As I do not yet have access to the exact language and definitions section of this contract, we can both speculate what is entailed in that physical.

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It is our team, but I believe Isray had his mind made up long before 2011 was over. I agree with Peyton Girl.

I like Some of the changes and direction we are going, I just don't care for the tactics that Isray has used to get there ..

1. Lying.. if Peyton is healthy he would be a colt

2. I never believed we had to gut the team to restructure/ rebuild... we were only a few people away from a SB team IMO..

3. I know we were/are in the cap issue, but I also believe that many would have renegotiated their contracts to help the team going forward.

4. His total unprofessional tweets..

I wanted to get a stronger defense, but did not think we needed to gut the team.. IMO we only needed a couple good O-Line men to protect Peyton and block and we could open up some running..

IMO The Broncos front office has been totally upfront and professional, not secretive as the colts have been..

I am colts fan, but do not respect the way the Isray/ FO have handled Peyton, nor any of the veterans they have just let go with NO Communication...

I am looking forward to the new team.. just not exactly happy with the steps the FO has been using to get there..

OBTW I do look forward to going and seeing Peyton Lighting people up and hopefully winning a couple more SB's in Denver

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I doubt your characterization of a healthy and recovering GOAT is akin to the risk I perceive as an aging and injured QB that is still rehabbing from nerve damage to his arm. If this risk is not perceived as real by the Broncos, they would not have the contractual structure that provide the mitigation of this risk. Nonetheless, there is no guarantee that PM will return to his former pre-injured form.

A draft prospect, is by definition, someone who has not played a single NFL down. However, it would be a mistake to perceive the #1 draft prospect, so highly rated as to be called the best QB prospect since Elway/Manning, as as some inept neophyte to the game of football. There are hours of game footage of Luck playing QB at the college level. Nonetheless, there is no guarantee that Luck will translate well into the NFL level.

I too would place my money on the known vs. the unknown. However, I think we see differently as to which is the more unknown and which is the more known. ;)

When it comes to unknowns, gambles and risks, it then comes down to a matter of faith and what your gut tells you (in most cases and I am not meaning faith in a religious way).

It seems your gut (and Irsay's) goes with the young unknown. My faith (and Elway's) lies with the experienced one. Only time will tell which is the better choice.

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What i think alot of our newer members are seeing as Luck hate is Peyton loyality. This team was as irrelevent as possible in the 80's and 90's. Peyton and a few of his buddies changed that. I think we are all scared of heading back to obscurity again. I dont want luck to fail. I want him to be great, however we had greatness and let him go to Denver.

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Manning could come back and when 3 straight Bowls, 3 straight MVP's and he's still going to be working like he has something to prove...

He's never going to admit that he's 100% because he's always trying to strive to be better tomorrow than he is today. His will, work ethic and mind is unmatched in this game.

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What i think alot of our newer members are seeing as Luck hate is Peyton loyality. This team was as irrelevent as possible in the 80's and 90's. Peyton and a few of his buddies changed that. I think we are all scared of heading back to obscurity again. I dont want luck to fail. I want him to be great, however we had greatness and let him go to Denver.

The 90 day Colt fans(cough cough) can't grasp that.

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Here is the funny thing... Broncos gave peyton a physical... and guess what.... he passed it... hummm...

Just sayin.

I think you just stumbled onto something here. The Colts don't have so many more injured than most other teams.... the Colts doctors are just way more strict. :mindblow:
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like your new logo PeytonGirl

I like her Bronco colored Siggy. Surely that was an accident. :jump:

In an unrelated story;

My jeep was running poorly today. So I picked up my Jim Irsay book called "How to fix stuff". After carefully reading the step by step instructions, I smashed my car to bits with a 10 pound hammer.

Now it doesn't work at all.

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When it comes to unknowns, gambles and risks, it then comes down to a matter of faith and what your gut tells you (in most cases and I am not meaning faith in a religious way).

It seems your gut (and Irsay's) goes with the young unknown. My faith (and Elway's) lies with the experienced one. Only time will tell which is the better choice.

No doubt time will tell.

However, I don't think Elway had much of a choice between PM and TT.

Now it would be a different story if you gave him the choice of PM or the #1 overall draft pick this year. I think that choice would be more telling.

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I like her Bronco colored Siggy. Surely that was an accident. :jump:

In an unrelated story;

My jeep was running poorly today. So I picked up my Jim Irsay book called "How to fix stuff". After carefully reading the step by step instructions, I smashed my car to bits with a 10 pound hammer.

Now it doesn't work at all.

Does he have a new line of books coming out similar to the "The complete * guide to "blank" or "blank"n for dummies?

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What i think alot of our newer members are seeing as Luck hate is Peyton loyality. This team was as irrelevent as possible in the 80's and 90's. Peyton and a few of his buddies changed that. I think we are all scared of heading back to obscurity again. I dont want luck to fail. I want him to be great, however we had greatness and let him go to Denver.

It's not just Peyton loyalty that brings such venom from the likes of me, I don't speak for all Colts fans obviously. It's my love for the Colts that has me so mad. I love 'em and I feel like I have witnessed their destruction on a hype strewn gamble.

Peyton was the one constant for the horseshoe, and now he's gone forever, no take-backsies.

5 years....just wow.

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It's not just Peyton loyalty that brings such venom from the likes of me, I don't speak for all Colts fans obviously. It's my love for the Colts that has me so mad. I love 'em and I feel like I have witnessed their destruction on a hype strewn gamble.

Peyton was the one constant for the horseshoe, and now he's gone forever, no take-backsies.

5 years....just wow.

I agree, Blew it up too soon IMO..

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We can debate this forever but I still think the team did not need to be blown up and rebuilt. A few cuts and re-negotiations here and there and we reload with a healthy PM. I guess Irsay wanted to take his team back completely from the Polian days.

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I don't see us taking 5 years before we are back ... 2-3 years.. I think Luck will have a better rookie season record than PM..

Luck may be just fine. But what about the rest of this experiment? The coaches, the GM, the Tom Zbikowski's?

Luck isn't Peyton so this ship better be tight or else we aren't improving anything but maybe our 2013 draft pick by about 3 spots.

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I am undecided about who you mean. I will have to think about it, I don't want to leap to any conclusions.

I'm sure Colts.com as a community can help you figure it out.

Obviously you are ambivalent in deciding. One could say you are betweixt and between making up your mind. Indecisive could come to mind. There are classes to help you become more tentative, but they say those can be wishy-washy at best.

Maybe you won't waver too long.

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Risk. It was all about risk. If Peyton can't hack it, Denver can swallow all the cap hit, with change. If we kept him, and it didn't work, we'd be stuffed for a few more years, and miss out on one of the greatest 'prospects' of all time.

So who put Irsay in his gamblers hat? Polian. The Greatest GM ever? I really don't think so.

What I also find ironic, is all the hullabaloo about certain draft prospects every year on here. Folks go mad when we don't take Johnny Nomark with our 29th pick. Yet now we have the 2nd greatest ever 'prospect', it counts for nothing?

I understand the loss. I do. But it is distorting some (not all) of the logical thinking on here.

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What i think alot of our newer members are seeing as Luck hate is Peyton loyality. This team was as irrelevent as possible in the 80's and 90's. Peyton and a few of his buddies changed that. I think we are all scared of heading back to obscurity again. I dont want luck to fail. I want him to be great, however we had greatness and let him go to Denver.


And people are seeing Pro-Luck (geez, we all got excited about Joseph Addai......) as some sort of Manning hate. It really does work both ways.

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Posted Today, 04:19 PM

We can debate this forever but I still think the team did not need to be blown up and rebuilt. A few cuts and re-negotiations here and there and we reload with a healthy PM. I guess Irsay wanted to take his team back completely from the Polian days.

Totally Agree !

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It looks like Elway is pretty sure.. Last i checked he knows a little about playing QB..

I dont think throwing is going to be a problem for PM, now taking shot after shot by blitzing linebackers and being able to keep getting up is where the problem could lie. Good luck PM, I hope you get another ring or two which you deserve and leave the gamewith your health.
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Anger seldom comes out with logical verbiage. This fan base is angry. Logic will be lost for some time I'm afraid.

Not everyone is angry. Most I know are fine with it and saw it coming for a LONG time.

Most of what I see is on the internet on a few forums.


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I dont think throwing is going to be a problem for PM, now taking shot after shot by blitzing linebackers and being able to keep getting up is where the problem could lie. Good luck PM, I hope you get another ring or two which you deserve and leave the gamewith your health.

You know his neck is more structurally sound than better, right?

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Risk. It was all about risk. If Peyton can't hack it, Denver can swallow all the cap hit, with change. If we kept him, and it didn't work, we'd be stuffed for a few more years, and miss out on one of the greatest 'prospects' of all time.

So who put Irsay in his gamblers hat? Polian. The Greatest GM ever? I really don't think so.

What I also find ironic, is all the hullabaloo about certain draft prospects every year on here. Folks go mad when we don't take Johnny Nomark with our 29th pick. Yet now we have the 2nd greatest ever 'prospect', it counts for nothing?

I understand the loss. I do. But it is distorting some (not all) of the logical thinking on here.

Thats cause he isn't Peyton.

And you are right. We have gone nuts over draft picks.......any draft pick.

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