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Don't Be Too Upset With Irsay, Manning Is Still Not Healthy.


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He'll get the money cause he's Peyton Manning but he's not fine...

Is it just me or is this guy all over the place with this? You're praising Peyton for this and that, and simultaneously pointing out perceived flaws in his game, essentially calling him a coward and agreeing with Mahagga whom said "(I) don't care 2 shizzles about PM anymore. He is not a Colt anymore,and he may be an enemy soon.If you are not wearing the shoe you aren't anything to me".

WTH, dude?

If Peyton visited your child again he'd probably be interested in asking your son to pull the knife outta his back that you so haphazardly stabbed him with.

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Not to be an butt,but I'm over it.It's over,don't care 2 shizzles about PM anymore.He is not a Colt anymore,and he may be an enemy soon.If you are not wearing the shoe you aren't anything to me.

My god. How incredibly rude and sad. He cared about you, you were a fan.. i guess. heck he said so in the presser and you go say something so down right mean? Just wow.

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Is it just me or is this guy all over the place with this? You're praising Peyton for this and that, and simultaneously pointing out perceived flaws in his game, essentially calling him a coward and agreeing with Mahagga whom said "(I) don't care 2 shizzles about PM anymore. He is not a Colt anymore,and he may be an enemy soon.If you are not wearing the shoe you aren't anything to me".

WTH, dude?

If Peyton visited your child again he'd probably be interested in asking your son to pull the knife outta his back that you so haphazardly stabbed him with.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Is it just me or is this guy all over the place with this? You're praising Peyton for this and that, and simultaneously pointing out perceived flaws in his game, essentially calling him a coward and agreeing with Mahagga whom said "(I) don't care 2 shizzles about PM anymore. He is not a Colt anymore,and he may be an enemy soon.If you are not wearing the shoe you aren't anything to me".

WTH, dude?

If Peyton visited your child again he'd probably be interested in asking your son to pull the knife outta his back that you so haphazardly stabbed him with.

LOL, I agree to the point that its just a game and I don't get so crazy about that aspect of it...My point I'm trying to make is the fact that Peyton Made me even more of a Colts fan and also made me realize more of how these football players are as people and I could give a crap less about how they are on the field compared to how they are as people, thats all...

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Yeah, I'm with you on that cause this dude is taking things way too seriously, right?

I was agreeing :thmsup: with Ruksak that you have spread yourself all round with the same topic. It's getting to be quite comical. Sorry to disappoint you. haha

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Is it just me or is this guy all over the place with this? You're praising Peyton for this and that, and simultaneously pointing out perceived flaws in his game, essentially calling him a coward and agreeing with Mahagga whom said "(I) don't care 2 shizzles about PM anymore. He is not a Colt anymore,and he may be an enemy soon.If you are not wearing the shoe you aren't anything to me".

WTH, dude?

If Peyton visited your child again he'd probably be interested in asking your son to pull the knife outta his back that you so haphazardly stabbed him with.

I better clear this up I agree 100% I just thought it was funny that you said what I was thinking He's Everywhere !!!!!!

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Give what a rest? Until I see it as far as I'm concerned he is injured. No one posting anything on the internet other than a video of Manning's session will change my mind so I suggest you and everyone else to save their breath.

As should you. Take your own advise. So now i guess his former coaches, docs, and potential teams are wrong as well?? Please.

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As should you. Take your own advise. So now i guess his former coaches, docs, and potential teams are wrong as well?? Please.

I don't care who's right and who's wrong. I'll believe it when I see it and no text lines on the internet can change my mind, but thanks for giving it another shot, shows spunk.

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I was agreeing :thmsup: with Ruksak that you have spread yourself all round with the same topic. It's getting to be quite comical. Sorry to disappoint you. haha

LOL, good! Thats what I shoot for in life is to keep things funny even if it means me making myself look stupid...Have a goodin!

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Something is bothering me.....

Why is Peyton suddenly willing to work out for all the other teams, but he never offered to work out for the colts?

If he would have worked out, he might have gotten a counter offer from the Colts to his contract.

He wasn't allowed to work out for anyone except for training staff while under contract for the Colts. Irsay wasn't about to bring him back after releasing him. He let him go because Peyton wants to play 4-5 more years and that's too long for Andrew to wait. They weren't going to re-sign Manning even if healthy.

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Who got what wrong? Did you secretly get your hands on some video of Manning working out? If so please share.

I wish I did have the video, I live in NC and have connections to Duke and I've slept at a Holiday Inn Express.....but more importantly, I think Elway and his medical staff, Harbaugh and the 49ers medical staff, Tennessee...Miami....etc. etc. probably know more about Mannings condition than you and me put together and they all say he's fine and they have all seen him throw. The biggest thing I am upset about is that Irsay....knowing when he gave Manning the new contract...knew our salary cap restrictions....and wanted to pay Manning even more than he did (Peyton told him to cut back, that he didn't need all that and wanted to keep more players)...and Irsay said knowing full well what our cap looked liked that if Peyton was healthy in 2012 that he would play for the Colts. Thats it.....why lie???
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I wish I did have the video, I live in NC and have connections to Duke and I've slept at a Holiday Inn Express.....but more importantly, I think Elway and his medical staff, Harbaugh and the 49ers medical staff, Tennessee...Miami....etc. etc. probably know more about Mannings condition than you and me put together and they all say he's fine and they have all seen him throw. The biggest thing I am upset about is that Irsay....knowing when he gave Manning the new contract...knew our salary cap restrictions....and wanted to pay Manning even more than he did (Peyton told him to cut back, that he didn't need all that and wanted to keep more players)...and Irsay said knowing full well what our cap looked liked that if Peyton was healthy in 2012 that he would play for the Colts. Thats it.....why lie???

What they say may not be what they understand.

What they understand will be evident in the final contract that is signed.

In that contract, we should look for the details for the situations and circumstances that would prevent the team from paying PM, or the contractual "outs".

I highly suspect that among the contractual outs, will be some clauses that relate to PM's neck/nerve/arm injury.

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If all of the other teams were happy with what they saw and he showed them the worst and gave access to all medical history and they were happy to give him the same money...things just don't add up.

But it is water under the bridge now. I just know that this going to be questions for a long time and a lot of head scratching. :dunno:

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If all of the other teams were happy with what they saw and he showed them the worst and gave access to all medical history and they were happy to give him the same money...things just don't add up.

But it is water under the bridge now. I just know that this going to be questions for a long time and a lot of head scratching. :dunno:

Are you as disgusted as me, PG? All these excuses about rebuilding and cap space, Andrew Luck craps gold bars, it's just disgusting that we're going to watch OUR QB smoke the league for years and years and years and years while we wallow in insignificance trying to rebuild 5 years before it was necessary.

Like, couldn't we rebuild in 5 years? Use some of those picks we could've gotten? If Irsay and Polian hadn't built this teams with overpriced popsickle sticks....bah

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Luck advocates entire arguement was Manning wasn't healthy.

5 years.

Now they will change it to skew they're propaganda into a favorable light....like the money.

95 Million.

The best part was when Elway was asked what the deciding factor was he said "when peyton told me he would be back to his old self".

Elway believed what we believed.

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Luck advocates entire arguement was Manning wasn't healthy.

5 years.

Now they will change it to skew they're propaganda into a favorable light....like the money.

95 Million.

The best part was when Elway was asked what the deciding factor was he said "when peyton told me he would be back to his old self".

Elway believed what we believed.

I agree its disgusting
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He wasn't allowed to work out for anyone except for training staff while under contract for the Colts. Irsay wasn't about to bring him back after releasing him. He let him go because Peyton wants to play 4-5 more years and that's too long for Andrew to wait. They weren't going to re-sign Manning even if healthy.

I would bet my ranch(if i had one) PM will not be playing 3 years from now,let alone 4 or 5 years.
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Like, couldn't we rebuild in 5 years? Use some of those picks we could've gotten? If Irsay and Polian hadn't built this teams with overpriced popsickle sticks....bah


What ifs will drive you crazy.

1) What if PM never got injured such that he did not have to miss a year of football?

2) What if PM never experiences decline in his performance until well into his sixties?

3) What if BP did not build this team with Dungy/Caldwell/Manning complicity around PM, and instead paid attention to Defense?

4) What if BP had a better QB2 than Painter?

5) What if Andrew Luck was not available at the right time?

6) What if the Colts did not get the #1 overall pick in 2012?

7) What if PM advised Luck to not go back to school last year and Luck took his advice?

8) What if Elway did not pull the Elway to the Baltimore Colts back in 1983?

9) What if Harbaugh won the SB in 1998?

10) What if the Colts did not get the #1 overall pick in 1998?

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What ifs will drive you crazy.

1) What if PM never got injured such that he did not have to miss a year of football?

2) What if PM never experiences decline in his performance until well into his sixties?

3) What if BP did not build this team with Dungy/Caldwell/Manning complicity around PM, and instead paid attention to Defense?

4) What if BP had a better QB2 than Painter?

5) What if Andrew Luck was not available at the right time?

6) What if the Colts did not get the #1 overall pick in 2012?

7) What if PM advised Luck to not go back to school last year and Luck took his advice?

8) What if Elway did not pull the Elway to the Baltimore Colts back in 1983?

9) What if Harbaugh won the SB in 1998?

10) What if the Colts did not get the #1 overall pick in 1998?

With all due respect, and I'm not aiming this at you. You know I respect you greatly......

But I don't want to hear one dang word about that random kid from stanford.

We had Manning. He's fine. Irsay lied.

He said if Manning was healthy he'd be our QB. Those were his exact words, not mine, his. Manning is fine, Irsay lied.

5 years guys. Gone. I hope everyone had fun last year watching our Colts suck eggs. Because that's whats up now and for years to come. The cold hard fact is, Peyton was so good that Irsay and Polian put our team on auto pilot.

I apologize for being a jerk. This is disgusting. I need a minute to collect myself.

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With all due respect, and I'm not aiming this at you. You know I respect you greatly......

But I don't want to hear one dang word about that random kid from stanford.

We had Manning. He's fine. Irsay lied.

He said if Manning was healthy he'd be our QB. Those were his exact words, not mine, his. Manning is fine, Irsay lied.

5 years guys. Gone. I hope everyone had fun last year watching our Colts suck eggs. Because that's whats up now and for years to come. The cold hard fact is, Peyton was so good that Irsay and Polian put our team on auto pilot.

I apologize for being a jerk. This is disgusting. I need a minute to collect myself.


That kid from Stanford (or that kid from Baylor) is not at fault for PM not being a Colt.

And I don't think the Colts will suck eggs for years to come. I think the Colts will improve over last year's performance from here on out.

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Are you as disgusted as me, PG? All these excuses about rebuilding and cap space, Andrew Luck craps gold bars, it's just disgusting that we're going to watch OUR QB smoke the league for years and years and years and years while we wallow in insignificance trying to rebuild 5 years before it was necessary.

Like, couldn't we rebuild in 5 years? Use some of those picks we could've gotten? If Irsay and Polian hadn't built this teams with overpriced popsickle sticks....bah

In a word, yes.

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What ifs will drive you crazy.

1) What if PM never got injured such that he did not have to miss a year of football?

2) What if PM never experiences decline in his performance until well into his sixties?

3) What if BP did not build this team with Dungy/Caldwell/Manning complicity around PM, and instead paid attention to Defense?

4) What if BP had a better QB2 than Painter?

5) What if Andrew Luck was not available at the right time?

6) What if the Colts did not get the #1 overall pick in 2012?

7) What if PM advised Luck to not go back to school last year and Luck took his advice?

8) What if Elway did not pull the Elway to the Baltimore Colts back in 1983?

9) What if Harbaugh won the SB in 1998?

10) What if the Colts did not get the #1 overall pick in 1998?

But one of the biggest what ifs and unknowns in the game is a rookie QB. Just sayin'. ;)

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But one of the biggest what ifs and unknowns in the game is a rookie QB. Just sayin'. ;)

Another big what if and unknown in the game is an injured PM rehabbing. He said he could play this Sunday, and he said he wouldn't play as well as he would like.

Even Painter could have said that, and it would be true. ;)

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Everything in this game is a gamble of one sort or another. Every time a player steps on the field, every down that is played, every pass that is thrown - all is a gamble and a risk. No one knows what will happen. "Any given Sunday" is the only thing you know for certain.

But there are measured risks based on experience. No guarantees, but at least no unknown quantities.

As with all things, it is a 2 way street. You cannot say that it is a sure thing with a rookie QB who has never taken a snap in the NFL vs horrible odds with an obviously healthy and recovering GOAT. It is not reasonable. All are unknowns, just to varying degrees.

I would place my money on the known vs the unknown, but it wasn't my decision. :dunno:

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Another big what if and unknown in the game is an injured PM rehabbing. He said he could play this Sunday, and he said he wouldn't play as well as he would like.

Even Painter could have said that, and it would be true. ;)

I dont see teams willing to give Curtis the highest per year contract in the history of the NFL.

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Everything in this game is a gamble of one sort or another. Every time a player steps on the field, every down that is played, every pass that is thrown - all is a gamble and a risk. No one knows what will happen. "Any given Sunday" is the only thing you know for certain.

But there are measured risks based on experience. No guarantees, but at least no unknown quantities.

As with all things, it is a 2 way street. You cannot say that it is a sure thing with a rookie QB who has never taken a snap in the NFL vs horrible odds with an obviously healthy and recovering GOAT. It is not reasonable. All are unknowns, just to varying degrees.

I would place my money on the known vs the unknown, but it wasn't my decision. :dunno:

I doubt your characterization of a healthy and recovering GOAT is akin to the risk I perceive as an aging and injured QB that is still rehabbing from nerve damage to his arm. If this risk is not perceived as real by the Broncos, they would not have the contractual structure that provide the mitigation of this risk. Nonetheless, there is no guarantee that PM will return to his former pre-injured form.

A draft prospect, is by definition, someone who has not played a single NFL down. However, it would be a mistake to perceive the #1 draft prospect, so highly rated as to be called the best QB prospect since Elway/Manning, as as some inept neophyte to the game of football. There are hours of game footage of Luck playing QB at the college level. Nonetheless, there is no guarantee that Luck will translate well into the NFL level.

I too would place my money on the known vs. the unknown. However, I think we see differently as to which is the more unknown and which is the more known. ;)

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Another big what if and unknown in the game is an injured PM rehabbing. He said he could play this Sunday, and he said he wouldn't play as well as he would like.

Even Painter could have said that, and it would be true. ;)

That is true that Manning's health is an unknown. But it's probably 1/10th the unknown of a rookie QB. Manning has thrown over 7,000 passes in the NFL. He knows what it takes. Luck has thrown 0 passes in the NFL. Only a ^fool^ would try to say the two unknowns are even remotely similar.
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I dont see teams willing to give Curtis the highest per year contract in the history of the NFL.

I guess you misunderstood the point I made.

My point bluntly: It is still unknown what the quality/level of play of which PM is currently capable. Is PM back to his pre-injury form? He himself has stated that he could not play to the level of his own satisfaction as of this upcoming Sunday.

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I guess you misunderstood the point I made.

My point bluntly: It is still unknown what the quality/level of play of which PM is currently capable. Is PM back to his pre-injury form? He himself has stated that he could not play to the level of his own satisfaction as of this upcoming Sunday.

It looks like Elway is pretty sure.. Last i checked he knows a little about playing QB..

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It looks like Elway is pretty sure.. Last i checked he knows a little about playing QB..

If he is so sure, why is he structuring the contract the way it is structured? It seems to me that option payment in the following season is there to make sure that the arm gets back to expected form. If not, the Broncos will face a similar situation that the Colts faced pre-March 8, 2012.

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If he is so sure, why is he structuring the contract the way it is structured? It seems to me that option payment in the following season is there to make sure that the arm gets back to expected form. If not, the Broncos will face a similar situation that the Colts faced pre-March 8, 2012.

All he has to do is pass a physical. Regardless they ae paying him 18 mill. Also Peyton wanted that in the contract. Im sure Elway would have been willing to sign a more traditional contract, if not the Titans would have..

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With all due respect, and I'm not aiming this at you. You know I respect you greatly......

But I don't want to hear one dang word about that random kid from stanford.

We had Manning. He's fine. Irsay lied.

He said if Manning was healthy he'd be our QB. Those were his exact words, not mine, his. Manning is fine, Irsay lied.

5 years guys. Gone. I hope everyone had fun last year watching our Colts suck eggs. Because that's whats up now and for years to come. The cold hard fact is, Peyton was so good that Irsay and Polian put our team on auto pilot.

I apologize for being a jerk. This is disgusting. I need a minute to collect myself.

I'm with you! Irsay constantly said that if Peyton were healthy, he would be our QB. Peyton is healthy. Is he our QB? No! Irsay could have made it work with Peyton and gradually reloaded the team instead of rebuilding. Irsay let Polian ruin this team. I'm a season ticket holder and if Irsay had cut Peyton before I had to pay the money for the season tickets, I wouldn't have bought them. I'm still a Colts fan but that's a lot of money to watch the team rebuild. I would have just watched on TV and got back on the waiting list until the rebuild was over.

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