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Yes, I Cried


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not too many guys are going to admit they teared up.

I can man up. Heck yeah it brought a tear to my eye. Thinking this that we saw the last brady vs manning, memories of the superbowl flashed through my thoughts, the comeback against the bucs, the thanksgiving game against the lions, the shootout with the packers, saints, Harrison getting up and running in for the score against the broncs in the playoffs. My friends. . . today ushered in a new era for the colts fan. Its tough to close the era the way the colts did with Peyton being on the roster and everything that was so wrong with last year. Thats not how the Manning era should have ended.

Jus sayin

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My eyes watered up for sure when Peytons started talking. I couldnt get emotionally into it when irsay was talking, Just couldnt get past all the umms and Uhhs irsay was spitting out.

All jokes aside seeing Manning getting choked up sucked. I wish it wasnt like this but I said it in another thread its for the best, best for him and the colts. Best wishes to Peyton and To win another MVP to be the only player in nfl history with 5 MVP's I think.

Tom Brady May have superbowl rings but Peyton has MVPs and to me That means He is the Greatest. It takes a team to win a bowl, but only 1 man can win the MVP and Manning is the man.

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I can man up. Heck yeah it brought a tear to my eye. Thinking this that we saw the last brady vs manning, memories of the superbowl flashed through my thoughts, the comeback against the bucs, the thanksgiving game against the lions, the shootout with the packers, saints, Harrison getting up and running in for the score against the broncs in the playoffs. My friends. . . today ushered in a new era for the colts fan. Its tough to close the era the way the colts did with Peyton being on the roster and everything that was so wrong with last year. Thats not how the Manning era should have ended.

Jus sayin

He deserved better, you're right, I think Kravitz or someone said it best, "it was the imperfect strorm of events all coming together at the same time" or something like that....... tough day for us all. Don't give up the ship Colts fan nation,,,, There's a pot of tea brewing but the tea party might not be for a couple years.

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Irsay put a lump in my throat, Peyton pushed me over the edge.

Once Peyton stood to the mic, I was done, here came the water works. I was never really into football until 8 years ago when we had our first son, (and now oldest of 3) and I wanted to be able to play 'n watch it with him when he got older. I instantly fell in love with Peyton, and the Colts, and have been a follower ever since in good and bad times,and always will be. Our youngest now "Dakota Payton" sorry I missspelled it wrong in the hospital after being up 24hrs straight with complications, when they asked me the name spelling, none the less he's named after him. It's gonna be really tough following both Indi, 'n Peyton, 'n knowing who my true rutes lye with. And as for the statue comment, I TOTALY agree.

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I will man up as well. When Peyton began to choke up I also cried. All I want is to see him play again. I have forgotten what it looks like it has been so long. Sure I can go back and watch any old game but it is not the same. Wherever he plays next year I will drive there and I will watch him because this is almost the end and I don't want to take it for granted anymore.

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I'm crying now! (just watched it on internet) I couldn't watch it live on tv but caught some of it live on the radio,and yeah I shed some tears while I was driving too.

We all knew this day was coming BUT when it happens your still not prepared.Its hard to beleive.

Very,very sad day for us Colt Fans.

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I definitely cried too. My girlfriend made fun of me for it lol but I just couldn't explain it to her... I just feel like I, and all of us as colts fans, have been through so much with peyton and I feel like we went through that together. So many years... I am 24 now so I have liked the colts ever since I started following the sports so peyton is almost the only thing ive ever known. A very sad day indeed...

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I didn't cry the first time but got choked up, just rewateched the conference with my wife and the waterworks came out.

darn you people, I have cried reading this whole thread. :sadno:

Truth is, I watched the video while at work and I had to shut it off. I couldn't finish. Tonight at home, I watched it with my wife. She put her arms around me...and I cried. I couldn't stop. I feel like I am moving away from a friend that I won't get to see again. I know that I will move on, and I will love the Colts, but there will never be person who can fill the void left by this man.

Happy thought was the moment where Jim referred to PM being a part of the franchise forever. He will be back in some form.....adviser...coach...coordinator.... who knows. I do know that Peyton would want us to come together as fans, and heal.

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darn you people, I have cried reading this whole thread. :sadno:

Truth is, I watched the video while at work and I had to shut it off. I couldn't finish. Tonight at home, I watched it with my wife. She put her arms around me...and I cried. I couldn't stop. I feel like I am moving away from a friend that I won't get to see again. I know that I will move on, and I will love the Colts, but there will never be person who can fill the void left by this man.

Happy thought was the moment where Jim referred to PM being a part of the franchise forever. He will be back in some form.....adviser...coach...coordinator.... who knows. I do know that Peyton would want us to come together as fans, and heal.

This maybe the best way to describe it. Nothing will come close to what we watched for 14 years.

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This maybe the best way to describe it. Nothing will come close to what we watched for 14 years.

Oh ya... Luck will geek the heck out of this fanbase real fast... and in a few short years we will be reading the silly... "is Luck better than Manning threads" ... and heaven forbid Andrew L win a few playoff games off the bat...

Look out Colt mods....

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This maybe the best way to describe it. Nothing will come close to what we watched for 14 years.

My wife called me to ask if I was watching it because they interrupted regular TV in South Bend to show the announcement. She doesn't like football and after 25 years of marriage finally understands I love the Colts, Peyton Manning, and the NFL but when it interrupted "regular TV" she knew it was something big but she still doesn't understand why men would tear up because a player of a game is going somewhere else.

I'll keep trying to help her learn.....

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Oh ya... Luck will geek the heck out of this fanbase real fast... and in a few short years we will be reading the silly... "is Luck better than Manning threads" ... and heaven forbid Andrew L win a few playoff games off the bat...

Look out Colt mods....

there is a manning vs Brady thread becoming manning vs luck threads joke in there some place but I am too tired and drained to come up with it.
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Oh ya... Luck will geek the heck out of this fanbase real fast... and in a few short years we will be reading the silly... "is Luck better than Manning threads" ... and heaven forbid Andrew L win a few playoff games off the bat...

Look out Colt mods....

Luck can go on to win as many championships as he pleases. In my mind nothing will ever come close to the pure magic we watched. They will see how much they took him for granted when they see no other QB do what he did with ease, and on a consistent basis.

I only wish there was a way for Irsay to see the mistake he made without our team suffering possible hardships.

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My wife called me to ask if I was watching it because they interrupted regular TV in South Bend to show the announcement. She doesn't like football and after 25 years of marriage finally understands I love the Colts, Peyton Manning, and the NFL but when it interrupted "regular TV" she knew it was something big but she still doesn't understand why men would tear up because a player of a game is going somewhere else.

I'll keep trying to help her learn.....

Some men don't understand why one would cry. Enjoy the games, live in the moment. Stars come and go.

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I knew it would be a sad press conf. But I did not know I would cry, But I did just by watching Irsay and Manning. They were both class acts, I don't think neither of them wanted to come down to this, but it is what it is. What an emotional press conf. As the now old chapter closes on the Indianapolis Colts may the new chapter opened. Good Luck to Manning on wherever he may land. Right now we as Colts fan we should now start our new chapter of the Colts. It might be a bumpy a couple of years. But I still think the Colts will be allright. Who knows maybe Manning will comeback and be a coach somewhere for the Colts rather it be a QB coach or whatever in the future? After his playing days will be over, whenever that will be.

Now its time to look to our future, as era has come to end and a new one begins.Can't wait to see the new Colts, although it will be hard not seeing Manning in a Colts uniform. But this is a new chapter in the Colts, I am excited. No one knows what the future will hold for the Colts. But like Manning said all good things must come to end. This is business in the NFL, the colts is not the first to release their superstar player and they won't be the last. It happens in every pro leagues. Can't wait for the draft in April!!!!

Perfectly put. Couldn't have said any better..

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