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goodnight another reach...all the promise of the 2nd round...

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You're obviously disappointed...


I think this is your 15th or 20th different thread expressing your unhappiness...


Can't believe Irsay didn't hire you to be the GM?!?   It's clear you know so much more than Ballard...


Hey...  don't let me stop you...  carry on...


Hopefully you'll be happy with things tomorrow...


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1 hour ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Do you have something to back that up? That's my only concern, that we reached, not the players themselves.

I mean Leonard had 6ints and 8 FF in college... has side line to sideline speed and can cover TEs and RBs.  Sign me up!! Get Luck more protection at the spot where 85% of or pressure comes from?? Sign me up!! 

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Just now, Coltsfanforlife12 said:

I mean Leonard had 6ints and 8 FF in college... has side line to sideline speed and can cover TEs and RBs.  Sign me up!! Get Luck more protection at the spot where 85% of or pressure comes from?? Sign me up!! 

Leonard and Smith aren't reaches at all, I meant the DE's. I know that Ballard is stacking them for a rotational pass rush, but I wonder if he did it early? I love every pick today though. Just watched the presser a bit ago. It's going to be exciting!

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it’s so funny when people on here say stuff like “you think you know more than ballard” “you should of been gm” “you’re not a gm” DUHHHH lol this is a forum let people say their opinion without you bashing it were all colts fans here..

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8 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Leonard and Smith aren't reaches at all, I meant the DE's. I know that Ballard is stacking them for a rotational pass rush, but I wonder if he did it early? I love every pick today though. Just watched the presser a bit ago. It's going to be exciting!

I haven’t watched watched the presser yet.  Taped the draft b cause I went to see avengers.  I’m about to our final pick.  I LOVE the first three picks I’ve seen.  Turay May be raw but he’s going to learn from a guy who had a 100+ sacks and 36 sack fumbles in that system! 

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:

You're obviously disappointed...


I think this is your 15th or 20th different thread expressing your unhappiness...


Can't believe Irsay didn't hire you to be the GM?!?   It's clear you know so much more than Ballard...


Hey...  don't let me stop you...  carry on...


Hopefully you'll be happy with things tomorrow...


 He'll never be happy.  No matter who we picked, he'd be complaining.

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50 minutes ago, MarquisJ said:

it’s so funny when people on here say stuff like “you think you know more than ballard” “you should of been gm” “you’re not a gm” DUHHHH lol this is a forum let people say their opinion without you bashing it were all colts fans here..


I don't mind people expressing their opinion....


But how about when the same poster has now started at least SIX (6) different threads to express his outrage....?


At some point,  it's just graffitti...    it's wallpaper....    and it's everywhere.     And he hasn't even begun to notice that almost no one is agreeing with him....


Is that OK for me to object to?


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1 hour ago, MarquisJ said:

it’s so funny when people on here say stuff like “you think you know more than ballard” “you should of been gm” “you’re not a gm” DUHHHH lol this is a forum let people say their opinion without you bashing it were all colts fans here..


11 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I don't mind people expressing their opinion....


But how about when the same poster has now started at least SIX (6) different threads to express his outrage....?


At some point,  it's just graffitti...    it's wallpaper....    and it's everywhere.     And he hasn't even begun to notice that almost no one is agreeing with him....


Is that OK for me to object to?


Lol... people need to be able to express their opinion, but don't express your opinion about that opinion... lol...


I guess the complaining wouldn't seem so bad or even borderline ridiculous, if it seemed like those complaining, paid attention or even tried to understand Ballard's plan & philosophy...

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13 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I don't mind people expressing their opinion....


But how about when the same poster has now started at least SIX (6) different threads to express his outrage....?


At some point,  it's just graffitti...    it's wallpaper....    and it's everywhere.     And he hasn't even begun to notice that almost no one is agreeing with him....


Is that OK for me to object to?


Oh yeah, it's fine. I thought we reached on all the picks today, but I came around and was even trying to talk the guy out of it. It was actually exactly what Ballard wanted to do. I think Hernandez was sniped from us, but Ballard still got the last O-Lineman on his board that was a starter, and I respect him following his board. He said he was building the lines and is following it, nothing to get upset about here.

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5 hours ago, Southside Hoosier Fan said:

And we get reaches. Sorry all I'm totally disappointed. We still don't have a starting 2nd CB.


If it were me, I’d at least wait until the first game of the season.


Even that would be far too soon to be “totally disappointed” by all the “reaches” , but at least you’d have a tiny bit of evidence to support your emotional claim.

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I disagree with those being called reaches even though EVERY SINGLE ONE of those were ranked much lower on by personal board than where they were picked. Smith is an obvious BPA pick. After we picked Nelson yesterday we didn't really have much of a need at guard ... like at all... this is not a reach, this is just Ballard having him ranked much higher than you(or me). I think the absolutely same thing could be said about the two DEs we got. DE was probably the position we had most live bodies and good rotational pieces at on defense(except for safety). It would have been reach if he went for the clearcut needs(corner, RB, WR, more linebackers) despite them not being BPA. 


The fact that those players we picked were not valued highly by you(or me) doesn't mean they were reaches. It just means Ballard had a different evaluation on them. I just hope his and his team's evaluation is the correct one. 

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