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Chubb 4.66 forty

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9 minutes ago, chad72 said:


Yes, that is true. All signs point towards Elway getting his QB in free agency.


Swing and a miss with Brock and Lynch in the draft twice, I feel Elway might be more gun shy to go with a QB in the draft and go with FA to get his QB. Besides, his drafting on the offensive side has been nothing short of terrible. DT was drafted before him, Sanders came in FA, Wes Welker in FA, Julius Thomas was good because of Peyton as a UDFA, Latimer has not developed whatsoever and his drafted RBs - Ronnie Hillman, Montee Ball have again been misses, Booker is early to call while the UDFA C.J.Anderson has been his best RB. He might need someone from the Polian clan to do the offensive drafting, it seems like :) 


If Elway is smart enough, he will realize his own weakness and get the centerpiece QB from FA like he did with Peyton, worked out good for him last time for the Broncos and to lure future FAs to the Broncos.


On the other hand, drafting DL, DBs and LBs has been the Broncos strength. OL, picking this high in the draft, if he gets his QB in FA, he cannot go wrong with Quenton Nelson.

Elway gun shy?? You obviously never saw him play. I kid....

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Love what Chubb has done today, I would be happy if we drafted him but don't recall anyone saying Barkley would run a 4.3 in here. I could be wrong. I even said 4.4 which I was right. Barkley running a 4.3 at 230 pounds is unrealistic.


Ha! People here and everywhere have been saying he's a 4.3 guy for a year. He was hand timed at Penn State last spring at 4.33. 

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2 minutes ago, Superman said:


Ha! People here and everywhere have been saying he's a 4.3 guy for a year. He was hand timed at Penn State last spring at 4.33. 

I said 4.4 and was right :thmup:. I didn't realize the media was saying 4.3 and mid 4.3's. Peterson ran a 4.4 so if they said that, that is pretty nutty don't you agree.

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11 minutes ago, Superman said:


Ha! People here and everywhere have been saying he's a 4.3 guy for a year. He was hand timed at Penn State last spring at 4.33. 

Listen. get a hold of yourself here. Barkley ran a 4.4 at 233 pounds! Not only that, that 40 doesn't even represent what makes him special --- that is, is ability to make guys miss. He's more than fast, he's SUPER quick and has the best lateral cutting ability we've seen in YEARS. you're getting too hung up on not running 4.3. 

how many long TDs did the guy have?

he catches the ball, he blocks, and he's a hell of a runner.

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35 minutes ago, King! said:

Who called Chubb slow? He ran a 4.6 and he's 270 pounds. That's incredible.

I can think a few people said he wasn't an elite athlete. Hell, I didn't even think he would be THIS good. 4.65 and 36" vert at 269...that's elite. Bosa ran 4.88 or something like that. Over 2 tenths quicker on the 40 and still has the great hands and speed to power transfer. He only helped himself today, and confirmed what I had been thinking in taking Chubb over Barkley or anyone else at 3 for sure.

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5 minutes ago, Gigc said:

Listen. get a hold of yourself here. Barkley ran a 4.4 at 233 pounds! Not only that, that 40 doesn't even represent what makes him special --- that is, is ability to make guys miss. He's more than fast, he's SUPER quick and has the best lateral cutting ability we've seen in YEARS. you're getting too hung up on not running 4.3. 

how many long TDs did the guy have?

he catches the ball, he blocks, and he's a hell of a runner.

This was the big push about him, that's why it's somewhat significant to the argument of Barkley vs. Chubb. Barkley ran great, still freakish, but Chubb was equally (if not more) impressive when many said he would run slow and wasn't athletic. I don't think anyone is saying Barkley isn't special, I think it's more that it was confirmed that Chubb is just as special in the impact that can be made on a team.

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3 minutes ago, King! said:

Watching the combine today made me a believer in Chubb. I even changed my avatar to him to show my support.

I'll admit, I was high on him because of his tape, but I didn't see him coming out and doing what he did. I was saying if he ran in the 4.75 range that would be awesome, and he beat that by a tenth plus his other testing looked dang good. The combine has just made me believe we have multiple good options in the top 10. Chubb, Barkley, Edmunds, Nelson, and even Roquan Smith (ran well). 

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4 minutes ago, jshipp23 said:

I gotta admit Chubb is impressing me...Man I was wrong about his testing..He is testing out elite and has great size...I feel a lot better about us taking him now...

He was always closer to Bosa than Garrett. Now that he's testing similar to Bosa, I'm all for him.

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1 hour ago, Gigc said:

Listen. get a hold of yourself here. Barkley ran a 4.4 at 233 pounds! Not only that, that 40 doesn't even represent what makes him special --- that is, is ability to make guys miss. He's more than fast, he's SUPER quick and has the best lateral cutting ability we've seen in YEARS. you're getting too hung up on not running 4.3. 

how many long TDs did the guy have?

he catches the ball, he blocks, and he's a hell of a runner.




I actually don't care whether he ran a 4.33 forty. I'm not hung up on that, at all. He had one of the best Combine performances I've ever seen. His athleticism was never in question, but for the last month people have ratcheted up the hype to a level that even his insane performance couldn't live up to. And that's why I've been saying pump the brakes, because it was clearly out of hand.


By the way, the Combine doesn't make the player. To this day, one of the most impressive Combine performances was from Dustin Keller, who only lasted five years and is now out of the league. I know how good Barkley is because of the tape. The Combine just solidified his status as the most athletic player in the draft.

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1 minute ago, Superman said:


I was waiting on the 3 cone, which didn't come in that great. Everything else looks good. 

Yeah... I guess... he doesn't have great agility... not totally surprising... I just wanted it to be ... a little bit better... If you were making the pick right now lets say with 1QB and Barkley gone... are you taking him? 

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1 minute ago, stitches said:

Yeah... I guess... he doesn't have great agility... not totally surprising... I just wanted it to be ... a little bit better... If you were making the pick right now lets say with 1QB and Barkley gone... are you taking him? 


I'm taking him, period. To me, he's no worse than the 2nd best player in the draft, and Barkley is still a RB who is unlikely to continue playing at a high level beyond 5-6 years. 

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


People are often a little inexact with their comments....


So someone saying Batkley will run 4.3 may NOT be saying 4.30....


They may be saying anywhere from 4.30 to 4.39.     


And Barkley only missed 4.39 by .01.   One-one hundredth of a second.


I've run into this situation with several posters here.   It's mostly a case of semantics.....


 Thank you for posting this..  People here act like its such a big deal that people claimed he would run a 4.3 and it didnt happen..  Not like he was off by much

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3 hours ago, esmort said:


There were definitely people on here insisting Barkley would run in the 4.3's

I expected him to run in the 4.3 's here is a clip of him being clocked at 4.33 during winter conditioning The year prior he was clocked at 4.38 sorry no footage of that     

He was a tenth of a second from doing it as NCF pointed out. 


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3 minutes ago, akcolt said:

I expected him to run in the 4.3 's here is a clip of him being clocked at 4.33 during winter conditioning The year prior he was clocked at 4.38 sorry no footage of that     

He was a tenth of a second from doing it as NCF pointed out. 


They always run faster when it's hand timed.

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3 hours ago, DougDew said:

I think NYG will want more of a developmental pick for QB than a franchise guy to replace Eli right now.  I see them has always building around a strong D with a strong D line.  I think Chubb's performance puts him in play at pick #2, which a big part of that is the nature and history of the Giants.


You thinking they might roll the dice on Jackson? Do they think they can get him in the 2nd?

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1 minute ago, BleedBlu8792 said:

Is it possible he does the 3 cone again at his pro day? 

He most certainly will. IMO he tested so well in the other tests that this is everything he would need to do - do a 3 cone test and possibly a shuttle. 

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5 hours ago, Superman said:




I actually don't care whether he ran a 4.33 forty. I'm not hung up on that, at all. He had one of the best Combine performances I've ever seen. His athleticism was never in question, but for the last month people have ratcheted up the hype to a level that even his insane performance couldn't live up to. And that's why I've been saying pump the brakes, because it was clearly out of hand.


By the way, the Combine doesn't make the player. To this day, one of the most impressive Combine performances was from Dustin Keller, who only lasted five years and is now out of the league. I know how good Barkley is because of the tape. The Combine just solidified his status as the most athletic player in the draft.

I find it funny how people are like don’t worry about Barkley’s time etc just look at the tape and yet when Chubb has a bad 3 cone it’s all about the time and the tape is disregarded. 


By by the way both had outstanding combines and both confirmed what we thought.. they are both elite prospects. I feel very confident no matter what way the Colts go they will have a great player.

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On 3/4/2018 at 1:44 PM, NewColtsFan said:


People are often a little inexact with their comments....


So someone saying Batkley will run 4.3 may NOT be saying 4.30....


They may be saying anywhere from 4.30 to 4.39.     


And Barkley only missed 4.39 by .01.   One-one hundredth of a second.


I've run into this situation with several posters here.   It's mostly a case of semantics.....


I know this is sort of a dead thread now, but I was looking for Chubb's 10 yard split and thought it might be in here.  Then I saw your post.  I actually disagree with that - the bolded in particular.  Not really picking a fight or being malicious, but all of these times are clocked in and then later stamped official.  While there's a negligible difference between 4.39 and 4.40, it requires an assumption on the readers part to assume that "4.3" means something other than "4.30," and that would be an assumption that cuts against the grain of mathematical understanding.  So in other words, I would have to make the less reasonable assumption.  Far too many arguments are started on here because people assume the words mean more than what appears on the page.  I know its a forum and all (and I'm a contracts lawyer who part parse words for a living), but still.  I stay away from twitter for obvious reasons.  

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