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Can the Colts get draft picks?


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3 minutes ago, Bubba_Rebel said:


Sure they do... If they were under the i.pression based on multiple contacts verbally and possible writing about his desire to service as coach. Provided names for assistant coaches, we hire said coaches and now he backs out..it's fraud period and we should make him an example 

Under the impression is not legally binding. It is also only fraud if you can PROVE he knowingly had no intention of tKing the job. You can not prove that. 

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6 minutes ago, JimJaime said:

For him I agree. The Patriots? I disagree.. they retained a proven very very good OC. That's good business. 


A proven liar and a low life, but I guess that is okay with the Patriots as long as he can call plays.

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26 minutes ago, JimJaime said:

Who said that? They been wrong before. This time the Colts almost got  MacDaniels and he backed out BEFORE HE SIGNED the agreement. Until he resigns as pats coordinator which he had not he is STILL a Patriot Employee! And I stand by the statement YOUR team always cries foul when things go against them. 


WAS HE WRONG TO GO BACK ON HIS WORD? Yup. Does that mean the Colts should get anything for it? Nope. 


OMG I can’t STOP using CAPLOCKS to EMPHASIZE my POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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10 minutes ago, Bubba_Rebel said:


Well I'm not a employee of the Colts..I bet they could

Maybe I should use an example to show my point: say you got a job offer paying you more and a promotion and you give your notice but have not signed the offer letter yet.  The owner of your company comes to you and offers you more money and you decide to stay. You call your potential future employer tell them you changed your mind and stay with your current employer. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED HERE.  People are allowed to change their mind.  


Now does this make him able HC any other team but NE? God I doubt he ever gets a sniff again but it isn't fraud.

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24 minutes ago, JimJaime said:

Hey I could be wrong but unless he had quit as Pats OC he could not have officially accepted the Colts agreement.  Was he a jerk for backing out? Yes. Did the Pats do anything to lose draft picks? No, they retained a current employee.  The Colts have no grounds against the Pats, he was an employee who they retained.. he was still under agreement with the Pats. That's what so many here are missing because they are so passionate they fail realize that he w had NOT quit yet and signed with the Colts. No fraud or anything else just a man getting cold feet.


now this all changes if in his revised agreement with NE he is heir apparent to BB. 

Quick question, and this is out of my curiosity of the average Patriots fan, did the patriots actually cheat with deflategate and spygate or was it just the NFL coming after the most successful franchise in the nfl/the Colts being uber jealous and reporting lies?

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Yeah, but no the colts have no legal recourse what so ever. McDaniels is just a scumbag that #ed over a bunch of assistant coaches and their families, as well as another franchise. Frankly, this could have been easily planned by Kraft, since even Adan Schefter reported that Kraft wanted to get back at us, and if any solid evidence comes back to that then maybe something could happen. 

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22 minutes ago, Bubba_Rebel said:

I never said anything about getting picks.. I think they should sue his pants off for fraud and bankrupt him and go after Patriots if they were in on fraud as conspirators. Sorry sunshine try again

Fine, I'll bet you that dosen't happen either. They could, but they'll lose the case and alot of money. Sorry sunshine, god bless!

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7 minutes ago, colts89 said:

Quick question, and this is out of my curiosity of the average Patriots fan, did the patriots actually cheat with deflategate and spygate or was it just the NFL coming after the most successful franchise in the nfl/the Colts being uber jealous and reporting lies?

Spygate wa cheating.. no doubt about it.  I have heard it was only illegal since 2006? But not sure if that was just a rabid Patriot fan with roses glasses on that one.

 Deflategate... they can't even prove the balls were deflated as every reputable lab says that the pressure difference was wel within natural gas law. Deflategate was a redo by the other owners try punish the pats more for spygate. But I don't want go over it again. I can't convince you and you can't convince me.. let's just say their evidence was flimsy at best and even their own report couldn't state anything def happened just legal speak of "more probable than not"


i never felt it was the colts being jealous as far as Deflategate (they had nothing to do with Spygate). I always felt Deflategate was the worse run sting ever in the history of stings. 

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6 minutes ago, colts89 said:

Quick question, and this is out of my curiosity of the average Patriots fan, did the patriots actually cheat with deflategate and spygate or was it just the NFL coming after the most successful franchise in the nfl/the Colts being uber jealous and reporting lies?

Who gives a crap what they think. Just be happy one of their cheaters isn't our coach

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40 minutes ago, eseae said:

Agreeing to terms means squat until the contract is signed. The Jets got picks to let BB go to the pats because the NFL ruled the Jets still held the tights top him after he quit for to certain language in his contact with the Jets. Mccheater never had a contract with the colts. 


And why would the league punish the pats? What did they have to do with this? He backed out, it's good decision. Stop whining, learn how the NFL rules work. 

We have a troll on the board. Brother you have no idea what was signed was not signed you have no idea what promises were made what paperwork about signing assistant coaches. So why don't you learn how professional promises and intentions work before you criticize

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24 minutes ago, Cynjin said:


A proven liar and a low life, but I guess that is okay with the Patriots as long as he can call plays.

Liar? Again changing your mind isn't a lie. It's called cold feet. I will laugh hysterically if it comes out Luck will miss next year as well with surgery and that's the reason he backed out. The. The Colts be the liars by your idea of the way that word works! Lol

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1 minute ago, indyagent17 said:

We have a troll on the board. Brother you have no idea what was signed was not signed you have no idea what promises were made what paperwork about signing assistant coaches. So why don't you learn how professional promises and intentions work before you criticize

I don't THINK he can sign a deal with the Colts till he has resigned his position with the pats.

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1 minute ago, JimJaime said:

I don't THINK he can sign a deal with the Colts till he has resigned his position with the pats.

That's fine but if the conversation brought head coaches based upon his preferences and there's a paper trail showing that then this needs to be investigated. That's all I'm saying it smells fishy as most of the fans on here think it does

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Just now, JimJaime said:

Liar? Again changing your mind isn't a lie. It's called cold feet. I will laugh hysterically if it comes out Luck will miss next year as well with surgery and that's the reason he backed out. The. The Colts be the liars by your idea of the way that word works! Lol


Apparently you do not understand the definition of the word liar, let me help you.  It means you tell someone something that isn't true, like:  "I agree to become your head coach,"  then you don't, see that would be a lie.  The fact that you would laugh about a player's injury says a lot about you too.

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1 minute ago, indyagent17 said:

That's fine but if the conversation brought head coaches based upon his preferences and there's a paper trail showing that then this needs to be investigated. That's all I'm saying it smells fishy as most of the fans on here think it does

But what recourse will the investigation do? The Pats have a right retain an employee just like any other business. Was he a tool for doing it? Yes. 


I think the colts revenge on him is he is not desirable for any other team and well anyone who replaces BB when he retires has an absurd level of success he be up against. I.e. The first coach probably destined to fail.

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3 minutes ago, Cynjin said:


Apparently you do not understand the definition of the word liar, let me help you.  It means you tell someone something that isn't true, like:  "I agree to become your head coach,"  then you don't, see that would be a lie.  The fact that you would laugh about a player's injury says a lot about you too.

Liar-- Colts told McDaniels that Luck will be good to go.. if it comes out he isn't the COLTS By your strict definition are liars. Now who knows maybe they honestly thought he would be but he ended up not being . But your def they are liars. Thank you for playing. 

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17 minutes ago, JimJaime said:

Maybe I should use an example to show my point: say you got a job offer paying you more and a promotion and you give your notice but have not signed the offer letter yet.  The owner of your company comes to you and offers you more money and you decide to stay. You call your potential future employer tell them you changed your mind and stay with your current employer. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED HERE.  People are allowed to change their mind.  


Now does this make him able HC any other team but NE? God I doubt he ever gets a sniff again but it isn't fraud.


Well to use your example... The new employer pays off my mortgage and moves my family to another home and enrolls my kids into private school based on my agreement with him.. then I say, sorry not coming..I never agreed right *wink wink*

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Just now, JimJaime said:

Liar-- Colts told McDaniels that Luck will be good to go.. if it comes out he isn't the COLTS By your strict definition are liars. Now who knows maybe they honestly thought he would be but he ended up not being . But your def they are liars. Thank you for playing. 


Where did they lie about Luck or is that just made up?

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Just now, JimJaime said:

Liar-- Colts told McDaniels that Luck will be good to go.. if it comes out he isn't the COLTS By your strict definition are liars. Now who knows maybe they honestly thought he would be but he ended up not being . But your def they are liars. Thank you for playing. 


And you know this how?

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Just now, Bubba_Rebel said:


Well to use your example... The new employer pays off my mortgage and moves my family to another home and enrolls my kids into private school based on my agreement with him.. then I say, sorry not coming..I never agreed right *wink wink*

Your example makes no sense. A better example be they hired people who I would work with who I recommended and they hired. Guess what.. only an * hired the supporting cast before they have the main man on board UNLESS they really wanted them.

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1 minute ago, JimJaime said:

Your example makes no sense. A better example be they hired people who I would work with who I recommended and they hired. Guess what.. only an * hired the supporting cast before they have the main man on board UNLESS they really wanted them.


No it's a good example based on an agreement being made enough to make a financial decision on other parties and AGAIN we could not sign McFraud until after super bowl.and we signed people based on his list that we could to take them off market

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2 hours ago, JimJaime said:

Wow! The Pats retained their OC he was not hired as a head coach. The colts should and won't get a damn thing.  Was what he did wrong? Yup is it the Pats fault? Nope he made a last minute decision NOT ago take the job, BB had already been HC for the Jets for a whole day.. thus the 1st round pick.. and the best  use of a first rounde in pats history. 


Now ow I do believe McDaniels was promised the HC JOB WHEN BB retires but that's speculation at best. What I see happening is BB retires as coach but remains president of player operations... like Coughlin. 

I guess we will just have to see.  This isn't over.  Trust and believe that.  Colts will come for blood.

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2 minutes ago, Bubba_Rebel said:


No it's a good example based on an agreement being made enough to make a financial decision on other parties and AGAIN we could not sign McFraud until after super bowl.and we signed people based on his list that we could to take them off market

No it isn't. Yours was awful. The Colts hired people work with McDaniels like my example. Yours was random expenses that the Colts didn't do. 

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4 minutes ago, JimJaime said:

Sigh.. read my post before.. I said IF this comes out that he needs surgery.. never said it was happening.  Just disagreeing with the term liar.. people can change their minds for jobs all the time.


Then your post I quoted made no sense.  People do change their minds, but there is a saying, "Let your yes be a yes".  Josh said yes and then went back on his word, in other words, he lied.  What he did showed a tremendous lack of character.

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1 minute ago, JimJaime said:

No it isn't. Yours was awful. The Colts hired people work with McDaniels like my example. Yours was random expenses that the Colts didn't do. 


Signing people to contracts isn't an expense? They were doing this awaiting the arrival of the HC. Just as my family would be there awaiting my arrival

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3 minutes ago, Cynjin said:


Then your post I quoted made no sense.  People do change their minds, but there is a saying, "Let your yes be a yes".  Josh said yes and then went back on his word, in other words, he lied.  What he did showed a tremendous lack of character.

A lie is knowingly telling a falsehood.. or not doing what you said.  Could he be a liar? Yes could he have just gotten cold feet and decided not to go at the last minute. That makes him a tool and not a liar.

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4 minutes ago, Bubba_Rebel said:


Signing people to contracts isn't an expense? They were doing this awaiting the arrival of the HC. Just as my family would be there awaiting my arrival

No, they were hired as employees based off of his recommendation. Not a good example. But even in your example you couldn't go after his current employer. Or even him. 

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