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14 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

i doubt they will do that, we dont have the kind of leaders on the team that would imo 


maybe if luck was playing...


edit, i cant remember if i already posted this.  i was planning on it then got distracted 

 It's not going to happen...   my wish is a pipe dream...     


If the Colts win, the players will give Chuck the game ball --- that's all....


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21 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


.....  Since we appear to have a shot at the 2nd overall pick,  there's 51 percent of me that won't be upset if we lose to Houston in the final game of the season.


I won't be rooting for a loss,   but I won't be upset if it happens.


That said....


There's also 49 percent of me that is hoping that the Colts beat the Texans, and when we do,  I'd love to see the team carry Pagano off the field on their shoulders.


I think that would be a nice way to say thanks, and goodbye.....


I'm not predicting that...    but I'd love to see it happen....


I suspect many here will disagree with me....    hey,  that's what makes the world go around....


One more week to go and a new world for Indianapolis will start....


Having heard your confession, you must watch 3 Jim Harbaugh Hail Marys at the end of the afcs with the Steelers to be absolved of this sin 

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2 hours ago, Superman said:


Not everything is about wins and losses. Don't be so shallow. 


He should be fired because he's not a good enough coach. That doesn't mean he can't be shown some love on the way by players who obviously respect him. 

I never mentioned wins and losses.   Do be so presumptuous

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Carrying him off the field would be a little over the top. Dedicating the game or game ball to him sure. He seems to be a good motivator...well liked...and more importantly a good man. I think he would be a great position coach...but HC I think is just a little beyond his capabilities. I can see why Irsay hired him....maybe even why he was extended...but his time has past.

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I'm all for showing Pags some love on the way out, as the guy did beat cancer and kept the locker room positive during this tumultuous season, but carrying him on their shoulders like we won a Super Bowl (or even made it to the playoffs to begin with), is entirely too much. 

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21 hours ago, Coltfreak said:

Proud of?????


The only reason that Chud and Monochino still have jobs right now is because Pags knows he's gone.  Otherwise he would do exactly what he has done in the past.  Throw blame on anyone close...  Pep, Manusky, Grigson.... and fire them.....Faces change but the situation remains the same.   


I am not proud of anything that has to do with this team over the last few years.  Except for a couple of individuals like Gore


Get him out of here so we can stop the embarrassment of this franchise or at least show that they realize who the real dead weight is.



Carry him off the field. :facepalm:   Give me a freakin break 



Ebeneezer you can step back from the ledge now.


Maybe breathe a little? 

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As for me and mine, we will never.......ever....root for, be happy with, or appreciate a loss for what it gives us in another way. I accept losses....and I don't agonize over them in the least. Its just that your team winning a game, any game, every game, is the hope. If that hope fades, then my goal as a fan has been altered. 


To each his or her own. 

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6 hours ago, NannyMcafee said:

I remember when colts fans were starting to grow tired of Dungy. A HOF coach. Pagano isn't amazing but he's not as bad as many like to think. 

Yes.  Yes he is.  It's sad when on local radio the host who is a former NFL player interviews a former NFL coach and they both practically laugh at the colts from a coaching standpoint.

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1 minute ago, MB-ColtsFan said:

Ebeneezer's last name is Scrooge.

'nuff said.

And again. Whatever...  I couldn't give a rats butt what any of you think about me or call me.


If expecting better for this team than what we have seen makes me Ebeneezer then so be it....


I won't be going away with my opinions anytime soon

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I remember last year the last game when Luck brought the team back to win the game and came off the field celebrating and pumping his fist how much crap he got for being excited...


And some of you want to see one of the worst coaches in the NFL over the last few yrs carried off on their shoulders....





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1 hour ago, Coltfreak said:

I remember last year the last game when Luck brought the team back to win the game and came off the field celebrating and pumping his fist how much crap he got for being excited...


And some of you want to see one of the worst coaches in the NFL over the last few yrs carried off on their shoulders....





I agree with this. That was the most frustrating thing ever last year when Luck was celebrating that win like it was some big victory. The only thing thing that would top that is if NCF's scenario came true and they carried Pagano off the field. They need to play the last game, finish the season in silence (because they should be ashamed of themselves), and fire Pagano as soon as they get the chance. Last thing we need is to actually reward bad play again. If we thought the participation banner was bad (at least we made the AFC Championship there), imagine how much of a laughingstock this team would be if a 4-12 team carried their coach off the field. Would be like me celebrating winning 1 game at the pokemon world championships and going 1-7 and getting carried off on the shoulders of everyone from Colorado.

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45 minutes ago, Coltfreak said:

I am sitting here watching the Eagles game with a Bears fan A Bills fan and Donkey fan and another Colts fan....  I just ran the whole carry him off scenario....   They are all still laughing 

I don't see us doing that anyway, I think people are being sarcastic that are wanting this. Even if we did, who really cares as he is getting fired. He was a main fixture here for 6 years and was a Good Coach his first 3 seasons. So it is what it is. The next Coach we hire has to make it to the AFC Title Game if Luck is healthy, Chuck did so if the new Coach doesn't it's a fail.

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36 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I don't see us doing that anyway, I think people are being sarcastic that are wanting this. Even if we did, who really cares as he is getting fired. He was a main fixture here for 6 years and was a Good Coach his first 3 seasons. So it is what it is. The next Coach we hire has to make it to the AFC Title Game if Luck is healthy, Chuck did so if the new Coach doesn't it's a fail.

I don't think you can judge a coach by making it to the AFCCG or bust.  If the team is prepared.  Uses good clock management and decision making in the sidelines and surrounding himself with a good coaching staff will be the sign of a good HC among other things 

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6 hours ago, Coltfreak said:

I don't think you can judge a coach by making it to the AFCCG or bust.  If the team is prepared.  Uses good clock management and decision making in the sidelines and surrounding himself with a good coaching staff will be the sign of a good HC among other things 

We will see how the new Coach does. When we were playing Good we lost to the Patriots in the Playoffs. Why anyone would bash Chuck for that is wrong because as we know the Pats usually thrash everyone. If our new Coach gets us into the Playoffs and we face the Pats and lose before the Title Game then I will give him a leash. The bar has been set in the Luck era unfortunately because of our early success. That is AFC Title Game or bust with a healthy Luck. Once you make it that far, then only the SB can top it.

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1 hour ago, NannyMcafee said:


Im not a Pagano supporter. But no he's not. 

The players play hard for him. What else?


Does he hire top coaches?


Does the team appear consistently prepared?


Does Chuck and the staff make good halftime adjustments?


Does he make goood sideline decisions....clock management, challenges,etc?


Does he instill discipline?


I guess Chuck is a nice guy, but I'm at a loss as to what he does well.

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7 minutes ago, BOTT said:

The players play hard for him. What else?


Does he hire top coaches?


Does the team appear consistently prepared?


Does Chuck and the staff make good halftime adjustments?


Does he make goood sideline decisions....clock management, challenges,etc?


Does he instill discipline?


I guess Chuck is a nice guy, but I'm at a loss as to what he does well.

I think his players love playing for him and he is a great motivator which is big but that isn't enough unfortunately. We need a Coach that can make key adjustments and provide Luck with a comfortable Offense where he can be that generational QB. Also a Coach that holds players accountable for missing tackles and making dumb Penalties.  

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3 hours ago, BOTT said:

The players play hard for him. What else?


Does he hire top coaches?


Does the team appear consistently prepared?


Does Chuck and the staff make good halftime adjustments?


Does he make goood sideline decisions....clock management, challenges,etc?


Does he instill discipline?


I guess Chuck is a nice guy, but I'm at a loss as to what he does well.


Hes not an amazing HC, I agree, and I look forward to black Monday. But he isn't as bad as he is made out to be. His staff isn't entirely on him either. He has to get it approved by the GM. And if the GM oks it then it falls on him too. I for one am tired of hearing the hate any chance that there is. That doesn't mean I am a chuck supporter. 

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11 minutes ago, NannyMcafee said:


Hes not an amazing HC, I agree, and I look forward to black Monday. But he isn't as bad as he is made out to be. His staff isn't entirely on him either. He has to get it approved by the GM. And if the GM oks it then it falls on him too. I for one am tired of hearing the hate any chance that there is. That doesn't mean I am a chuck supporter. 


I think you're right about the staff, based on the DC firing/hiring.  I ignore most of the complaints about Pagano, a large part are baseless.  The fact (IMO) is that the Colts have been competitive in most games in spite of being hugely out-talented. 


He was blessed with having a generational young QB.  But he was cursed by having a GM who couldn't understand that you have to go all out to secure a decent O-Line.


All that being said (and I agree with your sentiment), it's time for a change.  Let's hope the next coach will be given the right players to surround the franchise. 

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36 minutes ago, NannyMcafee said:


Hes not an amazing HC, I agree, and I look forward to black Monday. But he isn't as bad as he is made out to be. His staff isn't entirely on him either. He has to get it approved by the GM. And if the GM oks it then it falls on him too. I for one am tired of hearing the hate any chance that there is. That doesn't mean I am a chuck supporter. 

His staff isn't all on him?  That's a new one.

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1 minute ago, NannyMcafee said:


It isn't entirely on him. Not 100% on him. It's the GMs staff not the HCs. The GM has to ok it. What is so new about this concept? It's been around for a long time. 

It's the GM' staff? I've heard it all now.

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14 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I agree with this. That was the most frustrating thing ever last year when Luck was celebrating that win like it was some big victory. The only thing thing that would top that is if NCF's scenario came true and they carried Pagano off the field. They need to play the last game, finish the season in silence (because they should be ashamed of themselves), and fire Pagano as soon as they get the chance. Last thing we need is to actually reward bad play again. If we thought the participation banner was bad (at least we made the AFC Championship there), imagine how much of a laughingstock this team would be if a 4-12 team carried their coach off the field. Would be like me celebrating winning 1 game at the pokemon world championships and going 1-7 and getting carried off on the shoulders of everyone from Colorado.


Some of you display a severe lack of perspective. This whole 'finish the season in silence because they should be ashamed of themselves' angle is what's actually shameful. 


By the way, I'm not interested in seeing the team carry Pagano off on their shoulders. But if they were to pay him some kind of tribute as they left the field, win or loss, I'd be fine with that. He's a coach they largely respect and admire, and he's probably gone the next morning. 


It's not about the win/loss record, it's not about whether that game means anything. The Colts' season has been over for a long time now, no one on the team or the staff is happy about their failures this year, and no one would be celebrating the season. It would be about sending off their coach in a way that shows that they care about him. And that's fine.

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3 minutes ago, Superman said:


Some of you display a severe lack of perspective. This whole 'finish the season in silence because they should be ashamed of themselves' angle is what's actually shameful. 


By the way, I'm not interested in seeing the team carry Pagano off on their shoulders. But if they were to pay him some kind of tribute as they left the field, win or loss, I'd be fine with that. He's a coach they largely respect and admire, and he's probably gone the next morning. 


It's not about the win/loss record, it's not about whether that game means anything. The Colts' season has been over for a long time now, no one on the team or the staff is happy about their failures this year, and no one would be celebrating the season. It would be about sending off their coach in a way that shows that they care about him. And that's fine.

If they want to give him a game ball in the locker room.  Then so be it.  No issues from me.   

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4 minutes ago, Superman said:


Some of you display a severe lack of perspective. This whole 'finish the season in silence because they should be ashamed of themselves' angle is what's actually shameful. 


By the way, I'm not interested in seeing the team carry Pagano off on their shoulders. But if they were to pay him some kind of tribute as they left the field, win or loss, I'd be fine with that. He's a coach they largely respect and admire, and he's probably gone the next morning. 


It's not about the win/loss record, it's not about whether that game means anything. The Colts' season has been over for a long time now, no one on the team or the staff is happy about their failures this year, and no one would be celebrating the season. It would be about sending off their coach in a way that shows that they care about him. And that's fine.

Do you have any proof the team respects or admires him? It seemed to me they always fell apart in the 2nd half and gave up. I've seen nothing of the sort where they respect or admire him besides his battle with cancer. It certainly hasn't shown up on the field as they repeatedly find ways late to lose games.

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Carry him off the field? LMBO what a joke. They can carry him and his stuff out of the building. This is isn't middle school football. He was paid to win games and compete for championships. He did a slightly okay job at that. Only a soft shouldered fanbase like this one would even bring up something like that. Totally ridiculous. Give the man a firm handshake, a hug, or a fist bump and that is that.

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1 minute ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Do you have any proof the team respects or admires him? It seemed to me they always fell apart in the 2nd half and gave up. I've seen nothing of the sort where they respect or admire him besides his battle with cancer. It certainly hasn't shown up on the field as they repeatedly find ways late to lose games.


Are you serious? Are you really suggesting that, if the team isn't good enough to win games, that must mean they don't respect or admire the head coach?


Good heavens... 


One has nothing to do with the other.



That's a recent article with some players commenting on Pagano's job security. An excerpt:




But what has stuck most with Brissett are the four words Pagano left him with three weeks later. The QB had been thrust into the starting role after just seven practices; he still didn’t know all of his teammates’ names. “I didn’t know anybody,” he admits. Pagano grabbed him on the field before the team’s Week 3 meeting with Cleveland. The Colts were 0-2. Brissett was about to make his second start. He was their only hope.


“I got your back,” the coach told the QB.


“I never told him,” Brissett says now, “but that was one of my favorite football memories of my life.”



You're right, there's no way the players respect and admire Chuck Pagano. If they did, they'd win more. (Do I need to use the sarcasm icon?)



That's an article after last year's finale, the win against the Jaguars (where you claim to be embarrassed because professional football players were glad to finish the season with a victory instead of a loss, which is pretty much the most petty thing ever). Some excerpts:




Gore has deep ties to Pagano, offensive coordinator Rod Chudzinski and position coach Jim Hostler. Each’s job could be in jeopardy if Irsay determines massive change is required.


“They’re like family to me,’’ Gore said. “I want good for them.




“Absolutely I believe in Chuck,’’ Adams said. “I believe in the organization. I believe in all of it. That’s why I’m here.’’




“I do believe we’re headed in the right direction. We’re getting better.’’


And he steadfastly believes Pagano and Grigson should return.


“Yes. I’ll go on record,’’ Allen said. “I do believe that. I believe with the continuity between the coach and the GM, they’re going to put the right guys in the right position to keep the Colts moving in the right direction.


“I do believe they’re the guys that can get it done. They’re the guys everyone was praising when we were winning and progressing every year in the playoffs. Just because we have one or two years that we’re not going to the playoffs . . . the media and people around here are spoiled.



Agree or disagree with their comments, it's obvious that the players respect and admire Chuck Pagano, and their viewpoint of / relationship with him isn't about whether the team is good enough to win games. Again, zero perspective.

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25 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Do you have any proof the team respects or admires him? It seemed to me they always fell apart in the 2nd half and gave up. I've seen nothing of the sort where they respect or admire him besides his battle with cancer. It certainly hasn't shown up on the field as they repeatedly find ways late to lose games.


For the love of all that is Holy, what a load of bovine excrement...

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4 minutes ago, Superman said:


Are you serious? Are you really suggesting that, if the team isn't good enough to win games, that must mean they don't respect or admire the head coach?


Good heavens... 


One has nothing to do with the other.



That's a recent article with some players commenting on Pagano's job security. An excerpt:



You're right, there's no way the players respect and admire Chuck Pagano. If they did, they'd win more. (Do I need to use the sarcasm icon?)



That's an article after last year's finale, the win against the Jaguars (where you claim to be embarrassed because professional football players were glad to finish the season with a victory instead of a loss, which is pretty much the most petty thing ever). Some excerpts:



Agree or disagree with their comments, it's obvious that the players respect and admire Chuck Pagano, and their viewpoint of / relationship with him isn't about whether the team is good enough to win games. Again, zero perspective.

They may respect him, but it doesn't mean they play hard for him like the myth around here says. Gore may be the exception because of former ties and he was motivated. The Jags win also has nothing to do being glad about finishing the season with a victory instead of a loss. It has to do with celebrating the fact that they were just good enough to avoid a losing season and finish 8-8 with a huge celebration. That completely lowered any standards set by Peyton Manning while he was here and set the new bar where we are at today.


BTW, that victory over the Jags was with Luck, and Luck was celebrating being 8-8. Our franchise QB who improved 3 straight years to face the Pats in the AFC Championship game is excited to finish 8-8. Is this the bar for our team? Is that what Luck thinks of his abilities, that 8-8 is an accomplishment? If that was Brissett at the end of this year, I'd actually be fine with it because Brissett taking us to an 8-8 record would be an accomplishment for him and a big step forward. With Luck, it's just lowering the bar and so far below his standards that it sickens me that he would celebrate mediocrity like that. Peyton would be ashamed of himself if he had a season like that.

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14 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

They may respect him, but it doesn't mean they play hard for him like the myth around here says


It's not a myth. It's observable...

Teams that don't play hard get rolled over, consistently. That's about the only bad thing that hasn't happened this year.


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21 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

They may respect him, but it doesn't mean they play hard for him like the myth around here says. Gore may be the exception because of former ties and he was motivated. The Jags win also has nothing to do being glad about finishing the season with a victory instead of a loss. It has to do with celebrating the fact that they were just good enough to avoid a losing season and finish 8-8 with a huge celebration. That completely lowered any standards set by Peyton Manning while he was here and set the new bar where we are at today.


BTW, that victory over the Jags was with Luck, and Luck was celebrating being 8-8. Our franchise QB who improved 3 straight years to face the Pats in the AFC Championship game is excited to finish 8-8. Is this the bar for our team? Is that what Luck thinks of his abilities, that 8-8 is an accomplishment? If that was Brissett at the end of this year, I'd actually be fine with it because Brissett taking us to an 8-8 record would be an accomplishment for him and a big step forward. With Luck, it's just lowering the bar and so far below his standards that it sickens me that he would celebrate mediocrity like that. Peyton would be ashamed of himself if he had a season like that.


This is a mind-numbingly pathetic argument.


1) I didn't say the team plays hard for him. I said they respect and admire him. That's clear.


2) This is an aside, but the team clearly plays hard every week. They don't win because a) they aren't good enough, and b) they aren't coached well enough. Both of those things need to change, but neither of them are a reflection of how the players on the team actually feel about the head coach. 


3) I'll let Andrew Luck say why he celebrated at the end of the Jags game, from the link above:



“There’s a fair amount of frustration there obviously from the season with how I played,’’ he said. “It felt good to get that touchdown at that moment.


“There were times earlier this year that we didn’t finish games when we had the chance in the two-minute or four-minute drill. So to get that one was very joyous, and maybe (I) released a little frustration.’’



4) Luck wasn't mediocre in 2016, he actually played one of his best seasons. You being "sickened" (LOL, give me a freaking break...) that he enjoyed winning the regular season finale is, again, a reflection of a lack of perspective. His elation in that moment had nothing to do with his standards as an NFL player or what his goals are for his team. He was happy that they closed out the season with a strong drive, in front of their hometown fans. I wonder if he knows how many of those fans are so entitled that they can't even let him enjoy his relative victory for a few minutes without being "sickened." 


This entire discussion is so nonsensical. Based on your standard, if a team is eliminated from the playoffs, there should be no enjoyment demonstrated by anyone, ever. No one did a good job at anything, no one should have any respect for themselves or their teammates or coaches, they are nothing but failures, and they should go sit in a dark room until the next season starts and they have a chance to redeem themselves as human beings. Again, this is ridiculous.


Whether the Colts players individually or collectively like, respect and admire Chuck Pagano is not necessarily based on their win/loss record, or even how the games are played. They might not even think he's a good coach, but that doesn't mean they don't respect and admire him. Respect is based on their relationships with him, man to man. And that's almost entirely separate from what happens on the field on Sunday.

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1 hour ago, Superman said:


This is a mind-numbingly pathetic argument.


1) I didn't say the team plays hard for him. I said they respect and admire him. That's clear.


2) This is an aside, but the team clearly plays hard every week. They don't win because a) they aren't good enough, and b) they aren't coached well enough. Both of those things need to change, but neither of them are a reflection of how the players on the team actually feel about the head coach. 


3) I'll let Andrew Luck say why he celebrated at the end of the Jags game, from the link above:


4) Luck wasn't mediocre in 2016, he actually played one of his best seasons. You being "sickened" (LOL, give me a freaking break...) that he enjoyed winning the regular season finale is, again, a reflection of a lack of perspective. His elation in that moment had nothing to do with his standards as an NFL player or what his goals are for his team. He was happy that they closed out the season with a strong drive, in front of their hometown fans. I wonder if he knows how many of those fans are so entitled that they can't even let him enjoy his relative victory for a few minutes without being "sickened." 


This entire discussion is so nonsensical. Based on your standard, if a team is eliminated from the playoffs, there should be no enjoyment demonstrated by anyone, ever. No one did a good job at anything, no one should have any respect for themselves or their teammates or coaches, they are nothing but failures, and they should go sit in a dark room until the next season starts and they have a chance to redeem themselves as human beings. Again, this is ridiculous.


Whether the Colts players individually or collectively like, respect and admire Chuck Pagano is not necessarily based on their win/loss record, or even how the games are played. They might not even think he's a good coach, but that doesn't mean they don't respect and admire him. Respect is based on their relationships with him, man to man. And that's almost entirely separate from what happens on the field on Sunday.


God Bless you!


I'm sorry I stated the idea of the players carrying Pagano off the field...     I know it's not going to happen, but it was only my own personal wish.    I didn't realize it would blow up into such a THING.   My bad.


I've already stated this once in this thread, but it's apparently worth saying again...   if the Colts win then the players will give Pagano the Game Ball in the locker room.   And I'm fine with that.    I should have stated that in my original post.   Would have saved us all a lot of angst.


Thanks for all your posts in this thread...   they're especially important.   They're packed with perspective and context that us often sorely lacking.   I appreciate you trying to offer some wisdom...   even though some are reluctant to accept it.....



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3 hours ago, NannyMcafee said:


It isn't entirely on him. Not 100% on him. It's the GMs staff not the HCs. The GM has to ok it. What is so new about this concept? It's been around for a long time. 


This has been Pagano's staff for the last two years.    Roughly half the staff was fired two years ago and Pags picked the replacements.   Chud and Monachino and all the assistants are his guys.    And Ballard approved them.   Didn't make any changes.    So, for better and for worse, this is Chuck's staff...



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4 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

They may respect him, but it doesn't mean they play hard for him like the myth around here says. Gore may be the exception because of former ties and he was motivated. The Jags win also has nothing to do being glad about finishing the season with a victory instead of a loss. It has to do with celebrating the fact that they were just good enough to avoid a losing season and finish 8-8 with a huge celebration. That completely lowered any standards set by Peyton Manning while he was here and set the new bar where we are at today.


BTW, that victory over the Jags was with Luck, and Luck was celebrating being 8-8. Our franchise QB who improved 3 straight years to face the Pats in the AFC Championship game is excited to finish 8-8. Is this the bar for our team? Is that what Luck thinks of his abilities, that 8-8 is an accomplishment? If that was Brissett at the end of this year, I'd actually be fine with it because Brissett taking us to an 8-8 record would be an accomplishment for him and a big step forward. With Luck, it's just lowering the bar and so far below his standards that it sickens me that he would celebrate mediocrity like that. Peyton would be ashamed of himself if he had a season like that.


I don't know if you've noticed...   but I've mostly stayed out of this thread and let people respond as they wish...


Until today....   and then you made a flurry of anti-Pagano posts.    And you've been getting killed here.   Not only has Superman CRUSHED all of your arguments, but other good posters like JSkinnz and TheFish have weighed in too.   


Once again your your posts reveal an amazing amount of Pagano-hate and a lack of understanding of what is important in football.


8-8 is ALWAYS worth celebrating over 7-9...


Winning in the final seconds is ALWAYS worth celebrating..


And doing that before a home crowd is ALWAYS worth celebrating.


And you tried to turn them into negatives.. all so you could slam Pagano...


You continue to run full speed into brick walls and wonder why it hurts?


You're going to get your wish...  Pagano will be fired Monday or Tuesday, but apparently that's not good enough for you.  So you have to try to distort everything he's done into something bad.


That's on you...   not anyone else...



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Not to keep kicking a dead horse, but I was looking for this earlier today and couldn't find it. Just did, and want to post it so people can get a better understanding of why anyone thinks the Colts players might want to pay tribute to Chuck Pagano.




By the way, I'm firmly on the side of replacing Pagano after this season. If it were up to me (and it's clearly not, never has been), I would have moved on after 2015. Nothing Pagano has done since then has changed my mind; in fact, I'm more convinced after two disappointing seasons. But he clearly has the respect and admiration of his players, and I think it's because he's a genuinely good dude. Just not good enough as a head football coach.

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