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What are we actually missing?


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10 minutes ago, NannyMcafee said:

Hopefully without the distraction of pagano vs grigson, we can see a more team like atmosphere/culture. It would seem we have a more pro active GM this year, who feels the need to develop a family type locker room. Whereas before no one really cared about developing that. Even the oline spent the entire off season together, which says a lot to me. 


I wouldnt be surprised to see a more confident team on the field this coming season. I would however be surprised to see the same old crap we have been seeing for the last 2. 


And hoepfully, we can see a somewhat dominant offensive line. Injury free. 

Agreed. Good post. 

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11 hours ago, Colts1324 said:

Maybe we fill CB, MLB, and RB in the draft. 


I think Ballard leaves the O-line alone and hopes to God they gel and improve like the rest of us. Won't be mad if he spends draft picks on an o-lineman to protect Luck, but would be surprised if it's a high pick.


I don't know, I'm bored laying in bed, and wrote my mind. I think we are closer(pre-season) than we have been in the Luck era. 


I dont think the O-Line is as far off as we think, when you have rookies being rookies not much we can expect from that. I think we have high caliber starters on tbe roster that just need some strength and experience to solidify the O-Line

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1 hour ago, tfunky14 said:

Even Michael Jordan needed helps before he was considered elite.

Grigson was able to get lucky on the offensive side of the ball but not on the defense side. Grigson made questionable choices during his tenure and rubbed many players wrong, i.e. R. Wayne.


Time will tell if Ballard was the right choice but at this moment he seems to making smart decisions in helping the team to improve.


Sorry,  Grigson was NOT lucky on the offensive side of the ball --- he failed repeatedly.    Offensive line,  WR,  TE,  RB's,  you name it.    Lots of failure on offense.


Which is why he spent 5 years trying to get it right.     And because he focused on offense,  we're years behind schedule on the defense.


And that's why Grigson is unemployed.


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2 hours ago, coltsfeva said:

To your first point - the op included existing players, Ballard's FAs and the draft. He's not saying we were fine with what we had.  Point 2 -  Ballard's insistence that we get younger, faster, developer playmakers and add competition is a philosophy we can all agree on. Point 3 - Who cares what the "Professionals" think? They don't really know a whole lot about the Colts. The Oline played better at the end of the year and I can't tell you how many of them said they need a guard, based on the number of sacks given up for the year. That's just lazy journalism. Point 4 - Talent was a problem last year on defense but they also had aging veterans, rookies and a lot of injuries. All that plays into the ranking of the defense. The old guys are gone, the rookies have another years experience and guys like Gathers, Langford and Mewhort are healthy. Point 5 - How do you know we are two years away? You don't even know who we will get in the draft.  So, you're giving up on 2017 already?  Point 6 - To say we only have Luck is pretty short-sighted. There are some really good players on this team. Point 7 - it's not unreasonable to think this team can't be "serious contenders" this year. As far as the original question "what are we missing" , we should wait until after this weekend to see, shouldn't we?


I'm not talking about professional media,   I'm talking about NFL scouts and front office types.     But even media that does analytics know this is a untalented roster....    And has been so the last two years.


I'm not giving up on 2017.    I've posted that I think we'll win 10 games and hopefully win the AFC South.


Two years away means not likely to make a deep run in the playoffs.     We don't have the talent for a deep run in the playoffs.     


So, we'll need more talent this year,  and more talent next year to be good enough.   


This was never a one-year rebuild.      No one objective would think that.


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19 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I'm not talking about professional media,   I'm talking about NFL scouts and front office types.     But even media that does analytics know this is a untalented roster....    And has been so the last two years.


I'm not giving up on 2017.    I've posted that I think we'll win 10 games and hopefully win the AFC South.


Two years away means not likely to make a deep run in the playoffs.     We don't have the talent for a deep run in the playoffs.     


So, we'll need more talent this year,  and more talent next year to be good enough.   


This was never a one-year rebuild.      No one objective would think that.


Well it's hard to say we will or won't make a run if we make the playoffs. If we win 12 games and get the number 2 seed. We get a bye. 


1. Patriots

2. Colts

3. Raiders

4. Steelers

5. Ravens

6. Broncos


This obviously could turn out way different, Just a quick possibility. Either way. If we are the 2nd or 3rd seed I think we play the Raiders in the divisional round, so not having to play the Pats or Steelers until the AFC championship game would be a huge deal. 

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13 hours ago, Gigc said:

honestly --- outside of making SURE the OL is set --- stars, impact players at ANY position.

you win with stars. Right now, we've got Luck and TY. 

no other stars. 

that's why I wouldn't mind an offensive player at 15 ---- even a wideout.


Agreed.  No kidding.  I heard Polian rave about Cory Davis, the WR from WMich.  And the more I think about it, 15 is too high to not get an impactful player.  Although decent players, Moncrief and Dorsett are not impactful.


After several of the defensive players have dropped, the Colts are kind of sitting in a bad place for defensive players at 15.  If we could move Moncrief and Dorsett for a couple of 4ths,( and both are young and have shown potential so why wouldn't other teams look at them in a bad draft for WRs); we could have a WR corps of TY, Cory Davis, Aiken, and Rogers.


Get value and volume of defensive players from the 2nd, 3rd, 4 4ths, and 5th round picks and that really wouldn't be that bad of a strategy.

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40 minutes ago, ProblChld32 said:


I dont think the O-Line is as far off as we think, when you have rookies being rookies not much we can expect from that. I think we have high caliber starters on tbe roster that just need some strength and experience to solidify the O-Line

Exactly. I believe the Joe Philbin, Chud, and Chuck know whether or not the O-Line will be ready. If they go O-Line with the first pick or second pick in the draft, we can't be mad. We've all made it known the first priority is to protect Luck.


  But I don't see that happening. I wouldn't be surprised if don't draft an o-lineman at all. We have a lot of young guys on the roster already. 

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10 minutes ago, Superman said:


We should have gone 11-5 last year. That doesn't mean the roster isn't lacking in various ways.

Exactly. Being able to go 11-5 with a roster like that should make you realize that our team should be able to win 12 games this year and challenge the top teams. The only team that I think is clearly ahead of everyone else is the Pats. Every other team I'm confident we can beat. 

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2 hours ago, ProblChld32 said:


I dont think the O-Line is as far off as we think...


I also believe the OLine is close.


But that doesn't change the fact that I would take a stud Right Guard in the first round without even second guessing the decision. #InAHeartBeat

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Sorry,  Grigson was NOT lucky on the offensive side of the ball --- he failed repeatedly.    Offensive line,  WR,  TE,  RB's,  you name it.    Lots of failure on offense.


Which is why he spent 5 years trying to get it right.     And because he focused on offense,  we're years behind schedule on the defense.


And that's why Grigson is unemployed.


I agree with TE and RB but I believe the O-line is coming along since about the 9th game last year. I see the O-line making a huge jump in production this year. The Colts WR arguably could be the best in the NFL.


But yes the Defense has been lacking to say the least.

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1 hour ago, lester said:


I also believe the OLine is close.


But that doesn't change the fact that I would take a stud Right Guard in the first round without even second guessing the decision. #InAHeartBeat

With other needs being a pressing matter i dont agree, if anything RG wouldn't be the position to address RT would. Majority of the pressure luck took was from that side.

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3 minutes ago, ProblChld32 said:

With other needs being a pressing matter i dont agree, if anything RG wouldn't be the position to address RT would. Majority of the pressure luck took was from that side.


 Just not true. Good was weak in pass pro and so was Haeg. It tightened up when Clark got there at RT and there is every reason to believe he will play well with experience.

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3 hours ago, tfunky14 said:

I agree with TE and RB but I believe the O-line is coming along since about the 9th game last year. I see the O-line making a huge jump in production this year. The Colts WR arguably could be the best in the NFL.


But yes the Defense has been lacking to say the least.


Agree strongly that the OL seemed to come on strongly around midway through last year.


So, it took Grigson 4 1/2 years to get it nearly right.     Hopefully the O-line is even better this year.


But he was so focused on the offense that he threw a lot of free agent money at the defense,  and so many of those didn't pan out as we hoped,   and that's why we are where we are....  


Hopefully better days ahead!


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2 hours ago, ProblChld32 said:

With other needs being a pressing matter i dont agree, if anything RG wouldn't be the position to address RT would. Majority of the pressure luck took was from that side.


If Clark improves as expected, then we will have ourselves a very good right tackle.    I'm sure he'll have some growing pains,   but he's got all the makings of an exceptional RT.


We've got to get RG right.      It might be Good.     It might be Haeg.    I'm just not sure we can risk a 6th year of Luck's career on might be...


So,  I wouldn't be surprised if we draft a possible candidate for RG.....



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Its hard to tell exactly what the team needs yet without seeing any practices or games... On paper I think we added some nice pieces on the D and an interesting WR option on the O.   I am with a lot of others that say I wouldn't be upset if we didn't pick up an O Linemen this draft given what we saw late last year. 


If I am just looking on paper given what we signed and what we cut from last year here is my wish list for the draft (in no particular order)


1. #2 and #3 CB

2. ILB

3. Pass Rusher

4. RB (Behind Gore and Turbin to take Gore's place after next year)


I would say if we get those pieces through the draft (which I know is a tall order) then we would be in good shape to compete for the AFC South.


I don't see the team going too far in the Playoffs if we win the south but stranger things have happened.


Its time for Chuck to show his merit as a coach.

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


If Clark improves as expected, then we will have ourselves a very good right tackle.    I'm sure he'll have some growing pains,   but he's got all the makings of an exceptional RT.


We've got to get RG right.      It might be Good.     It might be Haeg.    I'm just not sure we can risk a 6th year of Luck's career on might be...


So,  I wouldn't be surprised if we draft a possible candidate for RG.....



I dont think Haeg played that bad especially for a rookie being thrown into the fire like he did. I think he is a more than capable starter that just needs to get stronger and gain more experience he has shown promise. 

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8 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:

What are you missing?
 Tenn. Jax Texans
At best we go 3-3 in our division.

Your crazy. At best we go 6-0, lol. But seriously, at worst we go 3-3. I'm thinking we likely end up going 4-2, 5-1. 


If you're saying at best we go 3-3, you're saying we are the worst team in the division. That's not even a relevant comment. We were beat up last year and we have Andrew Luck on our roster. I could see saying we're second best. But last? 


Must suck being a Colts fan for you thinking we are gonna lose all the time. 

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2 hours ago, ProblChld32 said:

I dont think Haeg played that bad especially for a rookie being thrown into the fire like he did. I think he is a more than capable starter that just needs to get stronger and gain more experience he has shown promise. 

People forget about denzelle Good and Brian Schwenske as well. We don't really NEED an offensive lineman IMO. 

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3 hours ago, a06cc said:

We need a RB badly. Luck is at his best off play action. Whichever route we go tomorrow I'll be happy with. We have needs all over so nothing including WR would surprise me.

I agree. Honestly, as much as I like Frank Gore, there are some many better options out there than Gore. Gore is consistent, always stays healthy, and runs hard. But he isn't very "athletic" and can't bust a home run. 


I'd rather draft Foreman, Gallman, Conner, or pick up Jamaal Charles.



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1 hour ago, ProblChld32 said:

I agree i would be disappointed if we took one earlier than the 4th round

And really there is no reason to take one after that. We don't have room for a project o-lineman. 


Clark, Castonzo, Kelly, Schwenske, Good, Haeg, and Mewhort are all making the roster. 


We will likely take 8 in the regular season. If we put one of those 7 on the practice squad we will lose them. 


It's either draft a o-lineman in the 1st or 2nd, or none at all. 


Thats why why I don't want us to draft an offensive lineman. Not a good draft for lineman 

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On 4/26/2017 at 0:46 AM, Colts1324 said:

Agreed. But Kelly is going to be a star center. Geathers CAN be that star safety. Why sign Aiken if we want to draft a wideout in the 1st? We would have to trade one of or wideouts. And no receiver to me in this draft is that appealing. All of the top 3 receivers in this draft are currently injured and Williams had a bad neck injury in 2015. I think we need a star RB. But Foreman can be that guy in the 2nd if we go that route. 


To draft a WR would be amongst the absolut worst moves ever.  I look for OT in Round one and a heavy emphasis on Corner later in the draft.  We seem to have the opportunity to get the best Tackle in the draft, who may be able to move to LT at some point so I like that play.  So, obviously, I still don't think we're at all settled at RT and let the rest fo the guys compete for RG and may the best man win.  

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Just now, Rally5 said:

To draft a WR would be amongst the absolute worst moves ever.  I look for OT in Round one and a heavy emphasis on Corner later in the draft.  We seem to have the opportunity to get the best Tackle in the draft, who may be able to move to LT at some point so I like that play.  So, obviously, I still don't think we're at all settled at RT and let the rest fo the guys compete for RG and may the best man win.  



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On 4/26/2017 at 2:11 PM, Superman said:


We should have gone 11-5 last year. That doesn't mean the roster isn't lacking in various ways.



And until we can win against teams like Pittsburgh and NE or make them work (as in having multiple personnel they have to game plan for) to beat us then we are not serious contenders.

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30 minutes ago, Rally5 said:

To draft a WR would be amongst the absolut worst moves ever.  I look for OT in Round one and a heavy emphasis on Corner later in the draft.  We seem to have the opportunity to get the best Tackle in the draft, who may be able to move to LT at some point so I like that play.  So, obviously, I still don't think we're at all settled at RT and let the rest fo the guys compete for RG and may the best man win.  

not a good class for oline


the best tackle on the board is not a clear upgrade from AC

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5 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

RTs are not usually taken in the first round




I don't really care about those type of trends.  Here's my hypothesis, if Luck has time to throw he's dominant and if we can run the ball as well, we're a serious contender.  That statement still remains untrue as we sit here.  However, yes. we have a lot of adequate guys who sometimes get the job done and may blossom into something.  I believe until you secure the Franschise your job is to secure the franchise.  Then go hard on D, it's possible we could trade down and still get OL, in that case, fantastic.  I'm not opposed to other options, just know, the more you put Luck at risk the more luck we need.

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Just now, Rally5 said:

I don't really care about those type of trends.  Here's my hypothesis, if Luck has time to throw he's dominant and if we can run the ball as well, we're a serious contender.  That statement still remains untrue as we sit here.  However, yes. we have a lot of adequate guys who sometimes get the job and may blossom into something.  I believe until you secure the Franschise your job is to secure the franchise.  Then go hard on D, it's possible we could trade down and still get OL, in that case, fantastic.  I'm not opposed to other options, just know, the more you put Luck at risk the more Luck we need.

i wont be mad if we go oline, but it wouldnt be my first choice if we are going to pigeon hole positons


i just want the best player possible


i still think luck getting hit so much is partially on him too, and it could be hard to get him to change that part of his game.  he likes to stay in the pocket as long as possible and risk taking a big hit to make a big throw

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