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The "media" Is Ridiculous


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Alright, so I am writing this to see other fans' sentiments toward the media as far as this whole "Peyton Manning/ Jim Irsay/ draft" business goes. What is the deal with these reputable "media" outlets? ESPN, Pro Football Talk, and even NFL.com seem to be adamantly against our organization and our retaining Peyton Manning. I have literally grown angry and restless over news stories regarding our ball club. It is almost as if they are all jealous of our organization's opportunities.

Potentially, we could have Peyton Manning AND a rookie touted to be the next Elway (purely hypothetical-- DO NOT get into a draft pick discussion from this). Instead, sites like ProFootballTalk INSIST that we not only release Manning, but that there is bad blood between Irsay and Manning, no matter how much comes out saying the contrary. It is just so unprofessional in my book. I am SO sick and tired of looking for news regarding our team and the progress we are striving toward and finding nothing but twisted bullcrap instead.

I also don't think it's right that they would rather publish 5 stories a day about OUR team NOT retaining Peyton Manning, over the Giants and Patriots. THOSE teams EARNED the media spotlight-- they are playing in the biggest game of the YEAR in just a few hours.

I hope that we win another Super Bowl within 5-6 years, just to see how the media can get right back on our franchise's bandwagon once again. Pathetic. What are your sentiments as a fan? And do you have a site that you rely on for Colts news?

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Alright, so I am writing this to see other fans' sentiments toward the media as far as this whole "Peyton Manning/ Jim Irsay/ draft" business goes. What is the deal with these reputable "media" outlets? ESPN, Pro Football Talk, and even NFL.com seem to be adamantly against our organization and our retaining Peyton Manning. I have literally grown angry and restless over news stories regarding our ball club. It is almost as if they are all jealous of our organization's opportunities.

Potentially, we could have Peyton Manning AND a rookie touted to be the next Elway (purely hypothetical-- DO NOT get into a draft pick discussion from this). Instead, sites like ProFootballTalk INSIST that we not only release Manning, but that there is bad blood between Irsay and Manning, no matter how much comes out saying the contrary. It is just so unprofessional in my book. I am SO sick and tired of looking for news regarding our team and the progress we are striving toward and finding nothing but twisted bullcrap instead.

I also don't think it's right that they would rather publish 5 stories a day about OUR team NOT retaining Peyton Manning, over the Giants and Patriots. THOSE teams EARNED the media spotlight-- they are playing in the biggest game of the YEAR in just a few hours.

I hope that we win another Super Bowl within 5-6 years, just to see how the media can get right back on our franchise's bandwagon once again. Pathetic. What are your sentiments as a fan? And do you have a site that you rely on for Colts news?

As a fan, I understand why the media is behaving as it is. News stories are all about conflict. The SB provides some fuel to the writers. However, there is not enough human interest in that conflict. Both the Giants and the Pats are good teams. Not enough underdog perspective to generate larger conflict.

The fact that the SB is in Indy helps focus writers' attentions on the Colts' situation.

Yes, there are many people (who are fans of other teams) that are jealous. The Colts have PM (albeit with uncertainty surrounding his recovery to 100%), a FHOF QB and the opportunity to draft at #1, a future franchise QB. Some other teams have been wallowing in QB purgatory for decades without either.

Hence, it is understandable why the media behaves as it does. It is the responsibility of every reader of the products of the media to read critically, to understand how to differentiate between facts and speculation, both positive and negative. It used to be the responsibility of the journalist to get at the truth. That is not true any longer in this day and age. That responsibility has transferred to the reader.

There is a very large difference between truth and what we want to believe to be truth. Critical readers are able to set aside their bias, and dig for the truth.

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Alright, so I am writing this to see other fans' sentiments toward the media as far as this whole "Peyton Manning/ Jim Irsay/ draft" business goes. What is the deal with these reputable "media" outlets? ESPN, Pro Football Talk, and even NFL.com seem to be adamantly against our organization and our retaining Peyton Manning. I have literally grown angry and restless over news stories regarding our ball club. It is almost as if they are all jealous of our organization's opportunities.

Potentially, we could have Peyton Manning AND a rookie touted to be the next Elway (purely hypothetical-- DO NOT get into a draft pick discussion from this). Instead, sites like ProFootballTalk INSIST that we not only release Manning, but that there is bad blood between Irsay and Manning, no matter how much comes out saying the contrary. It is just so unprofessional in my book. I am SO sick and tired of looking for news regarding our team and the progress we are striving toward and finding nothing but twisted bullcrap instead.

I also don't think it's right that they would rather publish 5 stories a day about OUR team NOT retaining Peyton Manning, over the Giants and Patriots. THOSE teams EARNED the media spotlight-- they are playing in the biggest game of the YEAR in just a few hours.

I hope that we win another Super Bowl within 5-6 years, just to see how the media can get right back on our franchise's bandwagon once again. Pathetic. What are your sentiments as a fan? And do you have a site that you rely on for Colts news?

Personally I think those blaming the media are placing blame in the entirely wrong areas. Or even more likely, they simply don't like what the media is saying, even if their reports are rational and completely reasonablel.

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Personally I think those blaming the media are placing blame in the entirely wrong areas. Or even more likely, they simply don't like what the media is saying, even if their reports are rational and completely reasonablel.

I agree. We're not talking about false reports. I don't like what's been reported, but I believe PM and JI have acted selfishly and counter to the best interests of the team. Some people believe what they say. If you believe what they say, they want the same thing. So why do we have conflict? Why is Irsay tweeting, and why is Manning making announcements and talking to reporters? Because each is trying to look out for his own interests. But neither will come out and say that.

It's a soap opera.

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Shouldn't we all be used to the media by now? I think they do this stuff on a daily basis......

It's just overload at this point. I'm sick and tired of seeing a headline on Monday saying that Manning may not ever play again and needs another YEAR to find out his progression, and then having him medically cleared to play "this Sunday" on Tuesday. THAT LITERALLY HAPPENED this week alone.

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As a fan, I understand why the media is behaving as it is. News stories are all about conflict. The SB provides some fuel to the writers. However, there is not enough human interest in that conflict. Both the Giants and the Pats are good teams. Not enough underdog perspective to generate larger conflict.

The fact that the SB is in Indy helps focus writers' attentions on the Colts' situation.

Yes, there are many people (who are fans of other teams) that are jealous. The Colts have PM (albeit with uncertainty surrounding his recovery to 100%), a FHOF QB and the opportunity to draft at #1, a future franchise QB. Some other teams have been wallowing in QB purgatory for decades without either.

Hence, it is understandable why the media behaves as it does. It is the responsibility of every reader of the products of the media to read critically, to understand how to differentiate between facts and speculation, both positive and negative. It used to be the responsibility of the journalist to get at the truth. That is not true any longer in this day and age. That responsibility has transferred to the reader.

There is a very large difference between truth and what we want to believe to be truth. Critical readers are able to set aside their bias, and dig for the truth.

Trust me Frog-- I know how to "dig for the truth". I'm just sick of being the only one seemingly able to do this. On PFT, they have a comments section, and I try to rationalize there, but half the time, my posts get blocked because I counter the story. Bullcrap.

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Personally I think those blaming the media are placing blame in the entirely wrong areas. Or even more likely, they simply don't like what the media is saying, even if their reports are rational and completely reasonablel.

From ProFootballTalk:

Peyton is willing be flexible on his next deal, but will he need to be?

Posted by Mike Florio on February 5, 2012, 12:50 PM EST

peyton1.jpg?w=160 AP

If/when (when) the Colts decide not to pay Peyton Manning another $28 million on or before March 8, the question becomes the amount of money that will be required to get him under contract with a new team.

That "if/when (when) the Colts decide not to pay..." garbage is what I'm talking about. I know how to read, man. I also know how to rationalize and recognize a "reasonable" story. DO you call that kind of "reporting" reasonable?!


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Trust me Frog-- I know how to "dig for the truth". I'm just sick of being the only one seemingly able to do this. On PFT, they have a comments section, and I try to rationalize there, but half the time, my posts get blocked because I counter the story. Bullcrap.

Perhaps commenting on stories is not the way to go.

One does not negotiate truth.

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I have read the article on PFT you referenced. I have no problems with it. I have no problems extracting the facts from the speculation.

If you want, I can do a critical reading analysis of it with you.

That's alright Frog-- I'm a big boy.

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I've noticed that generally people on here don't like the media as it relates to this story at all, any angle being reported. I get that, but why all of the surprise? It is the most important football related thing today and going forward, as a Colts fan, and as a fan of the game. The Giants and Pats will get their four hours tonight.

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Alright, so I am writing this to see other fans' sentiments toward the media as far as this whole "Peyton Manning/ Jim Irsay/ draft" business goes. What is the deal with these reputable "media" outlets? ESPN, Pro Football Talk, and even NFL.com seem to be adamantly against our organization and our retaining Peyton Manning. I have literally grown angry and restless over news stories regarding our ball club. It is almost as if they are all jealous of our organization's opportunities.

Potentially, we could have Peyton Manning AND a rookie touted to be the next Elway (purely hypothetical-- DO NOT get into a draft pick discussion from this). Instead, sites like ProFootballTalk INSIST that we not only release Manning, but that there is bad blood between Irsay and Manning, no matter how much comes out saying the contrary. It is just so unprofessional in my book. I am SO sick and tired of looking for news regarding our team and the progress we are striving toward and finding nothing but twisted bullcrap instead.

I also don't think it's right that they would rather publish 5 stories a day about OUR team NOT retaining Peyton Manning, over the Giants and Patriots. THOSE teams EARNED the media spotlight-- they are playing in the biggest game of the YEAR in just a few hours.

I hope that we win another Super Bowl within 5-6 years, just to see how the media can get right back on our franchise's bandwagon once again. Pathetic. What are your sentiments as a fan? And do you have a site that you rely on for Colts news?

ESPN is the National Enquirer of sports,they love stuff like this,like the Lebron ordeal,Brett Favre 20 retirements and comebacks,so wait until the SB is over and it will really get over the top.
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I find it ironic that they have dragged these stories through the mud, each one trying to be the first to put a new spin on it, then gripe about Manning and Irsay trying to upstage the superbowl. They are all a bunch of hypocrits and I have a new disrespect for them all.

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I find it rather amusing / irritating that people on here are 'ranting at the media' about their opinions of what they think may transpire re Manning, yet they rant about their own opinion and why the media's opinion is nasty?

The media are what they have been for hundreds of years, yet folk are surprised or dismayed?

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Alright, so I am writing this to see other fans' sentiments toward the media as far as this whole "Peyton Manning/ Jim Irsay/ draft" business goes. What is the deal with these reputable "media" outlets? ESPN, Pro Football Talk, and even NFL.com seem to be adamantly against our organization and our retaining Peyton Manning. I have literally grown angry and restless over news stories regarding our ball club. It is almost as if they are all jealous of our organization's opportunities.

Potentially, we could have Peyton Manning AND a rookie touted to be the next Elway (purely hypothetical-- DO NOT get into a draft pick discussion from this). Instead, sites like ProFootballTalk INSIST that we not only release Manning, but that there is bad blood between Irsay and Manning, no matter how much comes out saying the contrary. It is just so unprofessional in my book. I am SO sick and tired of looking for news regarding our team and the progress we are striving toward and finding nothing but twisted bullcrap instead.

I also don't think it's right that they would rather publish 5 stories a day about OUR team NOT retaining Peyton Manning, over the Giants and Patriots. THOSE teams EARNED the media spotlight-- they are playing in the biggest game of the YEAR in just a few hours.

I hope that we win another Super Bowl within 5-6 years, just to see how the media can get right back on our franchise's bandwagon once again. Pathetic. What are your sentiments as a fan? And do you have a site that you rely on for Colts news?

.....what do the words ESPN stand for?

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The media is ridiculous, but they have to talk about something. First they thought Peyton and Luck would coexist. Then they thought Peyton was done forever. Now some positive news comes out, and they are trying to force the issue by claiming there's no way the two QB's can coexist, the cap hit is too big, Irsay & Manning hate each other, etc.

Irsay and Manning have all but declared the media wrong again, and again, and again. That's why we, as fans, need to stop acting so divided and just wait for official word from one, or both of those guys.

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Some * reporter actually had the nerve to ask Eli about Peyton in the postgame presser....fortunately Eli chose to address a different question. Do they really think they are going to get some kind of information that hasn't already been reported 2,245,221 times?

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Some * reporter actually had the nerve to ask Eli about Peyton in the postgame presser....fortunately Eli chose to address a different question. Do they really think they are going to get some kind of information that hasn't already been reported 2,245,221 times?

Well he did say he hadn't talked to Peyton.

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Some * reporter actually had the nerve to ask Eli about Peyton in the postgame presser....fortunately Eli chose to address a different question. Do they really think they are going to get some kind of information that hasn't already been reported 2,245,221 times?

The appropriate response is to talk about what you want to talk about, even if it doesn't address the question. That's how you steer the interview to the appropriate subject at hand. You cannot control what questions are asked. However, you always control how you answer.

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The appropriate response is to talk about what you want to talk about, even if it doesn't address the question. That's how you steer the interview to the appropriate subject at hand. You cannot control what questions are asked. However, you always control how you answer.

I am just frustrated that the TMZ mentality is making its way to the NFL.

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The media is ridiculous, but they have to talk about something. First they thought Peyton and Luck would coexist. Then they thought Peyton was done forever. Now some positive news comes out, and they are trying to force the issue by claiming there's no way the two QB's can coexist, the cap hit is too big, Irsay & Manning hate each other, etc.

Irsay and Manning have all but declared the media wrong again, and again, and again. That's why we, as fans, need to stop acting so divided and just wait for official word from one, or both of those guys.

Glad to see you on the same page as I am Doogan. I guess it helps me knowing that I'm not alone in recognizing all of this!

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I find it ironic that they have dragged these stories through the mud, each one trying to be the first to put a new spin on it, then gripe about Manning and Irsay trying to upstage the superbowl. They are all a bunch of hypocrits and I have a new disrespect for them all.

This is my exact gripe with it all. Some people who have chosen to comment on this thread have chosen to basically make people out to be naive fools, but others (like yourself mrati2d) choose to look at the hypocrisy of the whole thing.

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Why blame the media? Blame the audience. They are ones at fault.

It's pretty hard to turn a profit showing stories no one watches.

Ding Ding, winner winner chicken dinner.

Everyone complains about the Media, the kardashians, reality TV, drama, etc. But they are the same people the watch it, read it, and eat it up. This country loves the gossip garbage and we pay for it.

They only show what we want to see.

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Ding Ding, winner winner chicken dinner.

Everyone complains about the Media, the kardashians, reality TV, drama, etc. But they are the same people the watch it, read it, and eat it up. This country loves the gossip garbage and we pay for it.

They only show what we want to see.

so you are saying i subconsciously want to listen to michael irvin attempt to put words together into sentences

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so you are saying i subconsciously want to listen to michael irvin attempt to put words together into sentences

i would rather hear an ex athlete's opinion on the sporthe played, even if it's not perfect speach, than a book worm reporter that never played a sport!

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