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2016-2017 Indiana Pacers season (and the rest of the NBA)

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I was actually pretty high on Turner coming out. Loved his mobility. He scored 10.1 points per game his only year at Texas but he only played 22 minutes a game. He also blocked 2.6 shots a game. The raw talent had always been their. He just needed more minutes and seasoning to go with his work ethic.


What the Pacers need is 1 more perimeter defender and 1 more shooter I think off the bench. Will Barton is not an efficient shooter but he is a good defender and fits what we want to do offensively in getting up and down the court. He can be a human highlight film in the open court


I wonder if the Nuggets would trade Barton for Stuckey or Joe Young. We don't need both Young and Stuckey and Barton only has 1 more year on his deal after this year

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11 hours ago, Bluefire4 said:

Paul George is not going to be anywhere near MVP if Wes Matthews is shutting him down. I know Wes is a good defender but my goodness. Myles has to be the closer right now.

Hes fine brother

he may look like hes being shut down simply not the case . He no longer has to carry the team, for there are plenty of weapons to go with him on Offense. I fully understand why you might think hes being shut down , because your used to seeing him take over the game. He will be just fine and probably better over the long haul.

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I don't know why anyone would say PG was shut down last night. He shot 50% and 4-5 from 3 and had 25 points. What I was so ecstatic about was the 30 assists and 54 points in the paint. If we can get close to those numbers every night we are going to be tough for anyone no matter the team, Attack the basket and share the ball for easy shots


Now with that said we are not going to shoot 50.5% often and we did play a team that's just not built to compete with our style of play minus a handful of players if that. Had we played slightly better guarding the 3 that would not have been a competitive game. Mavericks have a handful of players that can get out and run(Barea, Curry, Powell) but for the most part that's not what they want to do


I was most impressed with PG's 6 assists. Myles Turner still has to develop a back to the basket game but he has all the physical talent to be a star of the future. That might even come sooner than later

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1 hour ago, Gavin said:

I don't know why anyone would say PG was shut down last night. He shot 50% and 4-5 from 3 and had 25 points. What I was so ecstatic about was the 30 assists and 54 points in the paint. If we can get close to those numbers every night we are going to be tough for anyone no matter the team, Attack the basket and share the ball for easy shots


Now with that said we are not going to shoot 50.5% often and we did play a team that's just not built to compete with our style of play minus a handful of players if that. Had we played slightly better guarding the 3 that would not have been a competitive game. Mavericks have a handful of players that can get out and run(Barea, Curry, Powell) but for the most part that's not what they want to do


I was most impressed with PG's 6 assists. Myles Turner still has to develop a back to the basket game but he has all the physical talent to be a star of the future. That might even come sooner than later

You're looking at the stats. I was talking about down the stretch. Before PG hit the 3 late in the fourth he did not even have the ball in his hands on many series toward the end. And the times he did Wes about stripped him twice and he had to pass it off. Even the announcers said he had a quiet 25 points. I have complete faith in PG though don't get me wrong.

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Turner and Thad Young are shooting well. Nobody else has shot well tonight. We have no depth behind Teague with Stuckey out and Brooks out. Joe Young is simply not a lead guard. He needs more time in the D League. Glenn Robinson is also not ready yet


I'd make a run at signing Darren Collison at PG in the offseason. Draft a shooting guard. Cut Lavoy Allen and draft another athletic big

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Just now, Bluefire4 said:

Really worried about this bench especially with Stuckey out. CJ is really all we have unless Aaron Brooks plays better than I think he will or Al Jefferson ever shows up.


Brooks should be an upgrade over Joe Young. 

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To many shots around the rim missed. To many defensive breakdowns. Tied 85-85 then the Nets go on a 9-0 run to go up 94-85 with 4:01 left. Bad shooting night particularly around the rim  and lack of defense killed us tonight


We have no bench outside of Jefferson. We need Stuckey or Brooks because Young don't belong on the court

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47 minutes ago, Gavin said:

To many shots around the rim missed. To many defensive breakdowns. Tied 85-85 then the Nets go on a 9-0 run to go up 94-85 with 4:01 left. Bad shooting night particularly around the rim  and lack of defense killed us tonight


We have no bench outside of Jefferson. We need Stuckey or Brooks because Young don't belong on the court

Neither does Lavoy Allen

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14 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

Pacers defense worries me a bit. Luckily they have 80+ games to work on it.


11 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Surprising loss but winning on the road is never easy. I thought our Defense was lethargic at times is why we lost.

They will learn to play together and the D did get lazy and so did Offense at times

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Why do we have to put in our entire bench at the same time? We need to leave PG in the whole first quarter but have Ellis and Teague sit down with 4 minutes and have them come in with the bench to start the second. Joe Young, CJ Miles, GR3, Lavoy, and Jefferson should never be in the lineup at the same time. NEVER.

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Hard to win when your not going to play defense and give up a 63.8% from 2 point range and shot 24 of 54 from 2 point range 44.4% so far.


Larry has to work on the bench in the offseason. Leave the bench in the rest of the game. Lets see which one really wants to be a Pacer and which one wants to be a journeyman


Thad comes to play

PG comes to play

Turner comes to play

Teague has struggled with his shot but that's not why he was brought over. He had 8 assists and 2 steals


Nobody else has come to play

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It's the bench guys. It's normal to go down 4 or 6 with the starters in but that is not the problem. When they put all five backups in the game in the 2nd quarter they went on that big run. Lavoy, Gr3, and Joe Young HAVE to step their game up with Stuckey and Brooks out.

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