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Caldwell Retained, Interviewed Spag As Dc (No Longer Valid) *closed*


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Okay lets say the outlets reporting that Caldwell will be kept are correct. Mr.Irsay is putting himself and the new GM directly in the cross hairs of the fans. I have alot of respect for Jim as an owner and he claims to have a good eye on the pulse of the fans, but he has truly missed the boat on this one. For what I see as many reasons the large majority of fans don't like or have faith in JC coach not the person. Some reasons they feel this way are very clear and some maybe not so clear. I attend a few games a year and the overwhelming feeling is the Colts need a new coach and no that is just not a forum opinion, it doesn't matter if you are at Hooters watching or in the LUKE watching the game. The majority of people want change. You have a major presser and state that there are going to be major changes and then nothing, to date. I hope next season goes the way a very few think it will, because if it goes the way many of us think, there way be problems abound, and blame placed on our new GM, who truth be told probably cant like this decision. Good luck Mr. Irsay with this choice, and lets hope it is one you don't regret.

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That's what they did with Larry Coyer.

That's not true. Coyer ran a version of the Cover 2 in Denver and then coached cover 2 DTs in Tampa. His cover 2 philosophy was basically to get teams focused on blocking 4 guys and then hit them with the occassional blitz from the MIKE or SAM. The problem was his blitzes became so predictable as to become a hinderance rather than a help. And if you look at his career as a DC in Denver and the Colts, in his first two years the teams would start well and then get worse during the 2nd half of the season.

I also think it's funny how many people talk about how it was a bad move for Caldwell to hire Coyer in the first place. But I remember arguing with people on this forum that Coyer could very well be worse than Meeks. I won't say everyone because I am sure there were a few that thought is was a bad decision, but the vast majority of posters had comments like, "Anyone would be better than Meeks." And, "you can't get any worse than Meeks." And many of those same people are now saying the exact same thing about Caldwell.

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There is just no upside to the guy. Players might like but if they liked him so much they should've won more games. When the Colts go on a 13 game losing streak, continuity should not be a deciding factor of Caldwell's future. Irsay should be more interested in improving the coaching staff than holding on to the past. Don't take another season for granted to be "fair" to JC.

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Ladies and gentleman jimmy has a plan don't worry. Jim has one year left in his contract and the coaches that are available out there now may not really be attractive to jimmy. If Jim comes out next year and we look flat and aren't playing up to colts standards jimmy won't hesitate to let Jim go. We all want Mr Peyton back in Indy and the fact is that he works well with Jim. Let's give him one more year and see what he's got. He got us 10 wins with a very injury plagued team last year. There will be changes colts nation have faith. We have a lot to look forward to with Peyton and Andrew and Ryan along with the new additions in FA and draft we will be getting in the offseason. We WILL be back to our winning ways and jimmy does value every single fans opinion. Go Colts

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The thing is JC has never been given a chance to show how much difference he can make, and the whole show was run by the Polians. The coaches even didn't have the saying on who to start at a CB position, how can they be blamed as the major reason for the losses? Also it is not their fault to build a team lacking talent thanks to the failed drafts in the past 5 years.

I believe Irsay did a right thing to adjust the GM position first. For JC, I have no problem giving him one more year. If Peyton comes back, it really does't matter who the HC is as far as they can find a good DC. If Peyton leaves, I don't think Luck can take us to the playoffs immediately, and we will need another set of high draft picks to improve the team. Even if JC fails again it will play into our favor to draft high again in 13.

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Ladies and gentleman jimmy has a plan don't worry. Jim has one year left in his contract and the coaches that are available out there now may not really be attractive to jimmy. If Jim comes out next year and we look flat and aren't playing up to colts standards jimmy won't hesitate to let Jim go. We all want Mr Peyton back in Indy and the fact is that he works well with Jim. Let's give him one more year and see what he's got. He got us 10 wins with a very injury plagued team last year. There will be changes colts nation have faith. We have a lot to look forward to with Peyton and Andrew and Ryan along with the new additions in FA and draft we will be getting in the offseason. We WILL be back to our winning ways and jimmy does value every single fans opinion. Go Colts

Change isn't always for the better. Very well said, I agree with all of it (although I'm more of a Strat guy).

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What if Caldwell wins? Then what? You still done with the Colts?

If the Colts win in 2012 (which I think they will) it will be because of: Manning or Luck or RGIII or a new DC or Grigson or the players had too much pride to have two seasons like that in a row or any other reason EXCEPT Caldwell.
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I think this was more of an effect of the Polians and Caldwell but I'll hope that Caldwell respects Spags enough to let him run what he wants to.

If he doesn't he should be fired immeditely. I still cannot believe we are actually going to keep a coach who went 2-14. Unbelieveable.

I am excited about the idea of getting Spags as our DC. I think he could do wonders like Wade did in Houston as long as they let him run his defense and draft his guys.

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That's not true. Coyer ran a version of the Cover 2 in Denver and then coached cover 2 DTs in Tampa. His cover 2 philosophy was basically to get teams focused on blocking 4 guys and then hit them with the occassional blitz from the MIKE or SAM. The problem was his blitzes became so predictable as to become a hinderance rather than a help. And if you look at his career as a DC in Denver and the Colts, in his first two years the teams would start well and then get worse during the 2nd half of the season.

I also think it's funny how many people talk about how it was a bad move for Caldwell to hire Coyer in the first place. But I remember arguing with people on this forum that Coyer could very well be worse than Meeks. I won't say everyone because I am sure there were a few that thought is was a bad decision, but the vast majority of posters had comments like, "Anyone would be better than Meeks." And, "you can't get any worse than Meeks." And many of those same people are now saying the exact same thing about Caldwell.

I try telling people all the time that "Cover 2" is just a coverage, not a defense. Matter of fact, it's just a part of a coverage, particularly how many safeties are back, and it can be run in many variations. So the issue is NOT Cover 2.

The issue is that the Colts (mainly Jim Caldwell and Bill Polian) wanted to run a specific version of Cover 2 that Coyer didn't feel comfortable working with.

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