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Andre Johnson is not good


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To me, it has also slightly reduced the involvement of Moncrief in the offense, IMO. 

AJ should be sat down and come only for breather relief. It might be time to put 2 TEs on the field with Dorsett out, splitting them out as necessary with Moncrief and Hilton on the field all the time.


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6 hours ago, krunk said:


If we see Pitt again, to me it looked like we had some good mismatches out there with Andre Johnson that we failed to exploit enough.  The guy was open, but the execution from the qb was bad.

I feel Andre could've had a great game.  However, our line stunk (like usual),  Matt was inaccurate, and missed him a coulple times.

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5 hours ago, Ehrman.Dutton.Cook.Barnes said:

ColtStronger, you got it right.  Grigson has wasted cap money on a bunch of re-treads, e.g Herremans, Francois,Johnson, Cole, he has made bad, bad draft choices, e.g. T-Rich, B Werner, Dorsett instead of an O or D linemen.  He has to go if we have any chance of exploiting the talent that we do have because he just is out of touch with the real needs of the team.

I put my opinion aside until the middle of last year, but ever since, the weakness in the OL has been to difficult to ignore!  I will continue to give my harsh opinion until either Grigson fixes it, or Irsay fixes (fires) Grigson.  This team is way too talented to only be .500 (heck 11-5) for that matter.  We should be within the top 2 every year for the next decade, IMO

1.  Offensive Line

2.  Pass Rush

Grigson:  Fix it NOW (or fix it last season would've been great)

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12 hours ago, krunk said:


People are frustrated so they start picking random people to bash for no good reason.  It's been the culture of this forum for the entire season.  I honestly have a feeling that game would have been quite a bit different had Andrew played.  Andrew put up 35 points on those boys and was able to consistently put together drives last year when we played them and this was without any type of presence of a running game.  Gore was breaking off some nice runs against Pitt so combine that with Luck and the play action game and I think we wouldn't have major problems moving the ball.  I just don't respect Pittsburghs defense all that much.  

I'm not that scared to face Pitt again to be honest if we have all our boys on the O including a healthy Luck, Costanzo, Gore, and even Dorsett.  Biggest key against Pitt is you have to be able to sustain drives and put up points.  That team to me is built similar to how the Colts are built, which is explosive skill position players on the O and an average to mediocre defense.  Pittsburghs offense protects their defense, and if our offense operated this year the way we expected we would be saying the same thing about the Colts.  I just don't believe that what Luck did against Denver was a fluke, so I'm expecting the offense to heat up a good deal when he returns.

I think the offensive side of the football is really why we got blown out against Pitt.  The way this team is currently constructed you have to play good complimentary football.  Our defense is not strong enough to be left out on the field for multiple drives against a powerful offense, while our offense is not contributing anything.  I trust in our boys enough to know they will get you a good couple of stops for sure , but you can't leave them out there for long time periods with no contribution from the O. That was my largest concern when we played them.  I didn't see any evidence from Hasslebeck in any of our games to make me feel confident we could trade scores with Pitt.  I feel much better about our chances with Andrew in the saddle.

Yeah Luck gives the Colts their best chance to beat elite teams.  I wouldn't have wanted to see Matt vs Denver or Carolina...  It will be nice to get Dorsett and AC back soon also.


With regards to AJ I'm sure he will have one more game left in him vs none other than the Texans.

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On 12/8/2015 at 1:21 AM, SteelDragon said:

Not sure why FA WRs can not work here in Indy. I thought for sure AJ would break the streak of ineptitude.

Grigs,  if he's here next year,  needs to give up on the WR experiments.  Just roll with the three young guys wr have already

Same-O same-O
Andrew generally sucks at the Quick Thinking, well timed, on the numbers Passing Game.
Why the ___  heck do you think he holds onto the __  ___ ball so long?
He sure knows the playbook well tho, so they say.

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On 08/12/2015 at 2:34 PM, ColtStronger said:

I guess I will say it until I'm blue in the face!  We can have as many Pro Bowl caliber WR as Grigson wants or thinks necessary, but it doesn't help us one bit if the OL can't block.  Dorsett isn't even out there and we can't get these guys big numbers.  So what does that tell you?  Instead of getting Andrew a full arsenal of weapons, why don't you focus on security for our franchise player?  Fact of the matter is the problem was never Hakeem Nicks, Andre Johnson, or even DHB (as we saw last night and this whole season), we have too much depth at WR, without taking care of business on the line.  Pretty simple, and I've said it for the last 3 years, so I'm sure it won't hurt to say it again :)  Perhaps 2016 will be the year Grigson brings in people who CAN stay healthy AND do their job!  Or perhaps we just get rid of Grigson, and find somebody who can comprehend the importance of the OL, and not just an arms race of weaponry for Luck

Wow. Fire Grigson and the new GM will never sign a player who gets injured....

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2 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:

Same-O same-O
Andrew generally sucks at the Quick Thinking, well timed, on the numbers Passing Game.
Why the ___  heck do you think he holds onto the __  ___ ball so long?
He sure knows the playbook well tho, so they say.

I agree with you on a lot of topics BBZ. However, I'm not sure if I subscribe to a belief that Luck is either too slow or to gun shy to move the ball effectively down field. I think Matt's been good for Andrew in terms of showing him how to move the chains without requiring a TD every time he gets under center. 

Regarding our o-line, I think we just need better coaching & gap control there. Bring in Greg Roman or Tom Coughlin as our new coach & the problem will be rectified IMO. Both candidates would help Luck with ball security to minimize turnovers. 

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2 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:

Why the ___  heck do you think he holds onto the __  ___ ball so long?

I guess he's afraid of throwing a pick? Maybe his confidence had taken a hit and he doesn't trust his accuracy? I'm not sure why he holds on for too long.  It would seem to be correctable though

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57 minutes ago, Jules said:

Maybe he will show up again vs. Houston.

I am almost certain he will, but if so, why?  Is it because the QB is looking more at him or because he is getting more separation?  We know MH found him a few times the first meeting, but will AL if he is back by then?  I think it will be an interesting side note to that game.

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3 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:

Same-O same-O
Andrew generally sucks at the Quick Thinking, well timed, on the numbers Passing Game.
Why the ___  heck do you think he holds onto the __  ___ ball so long?
He sure knows the playbook well tho, so they say.

To me that is the part that comes down to coaching and stressing certain points. Don't know if we have that quarterback coach or OC that can fix that. It's Lucks mentality for now,make the big play.Also wondering if the receiver get no seperation and he keeps waiting for one to clear.

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On ‎12‎/‎8‎/‎2015 at 6:51 AM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

We need to get younger when it comes to signing F. Agents moving forward, Football is a young mans game. I do like the Gore signing though as we needed that because we had no running game prior to this season. At least he gives 100% effort. I keep waiting for that 1 100 Yard game. I hope it comes this week.

Funny...a few years ago all I heard was that why doesn't Grigson sign some big name fill in the blank. Why are we getting these no name guys like RJF and Eric Walden etc etc...then we go out and get big name guys like Arthur Jones, Trent Cole, Andre Johnson, and Frank Gore...people cry and complain we got old guys. Fact FA is a crap shoot just as much as the draft sometimes. There is a reason these guys are available...someone was willing to let them go. I might agree we need to do a better job developing our young talent but we knew AJ wasn't a #1 guy anymore when we brought him in...and we didn't pay him like one either...same about Frank...we just need some veteran leadership on that offense and guys that know how to win and are hungry. Frank still looks hungry....sometimes AJ doesn't I won't lie....those blocks the OP was talking about weren't his best plays for sure but the guy has got open this year...we just haven't had consistant qb play.

On ‎12‎/‎8‎/‎2015 at 8:14 PM, MB-ColtsFan said:

He has missed a couple gimmies that I have seen during the course of the season, but honestly, I have seen multiple times when he is wide open and the pass is thrown behind him or over his head.

Yeah, he may have checked out, but he may also just be frustrated at the lack of accurate balls thrown his way?  I dunno...just my view.

No doubt....I mean he signed on to play with "Superman"....and Andrew has disappointed us all this year. If he wanted to play with an inaccurate mess of a young qb he could have stayed in Houston with Mallot or an over the hill qb like Hasselbeck he had Hoyer. Lets just be honest...the Colts offense has been every bit the mess that Houston is/was...AJ has to be frustrated. I mean our offense has been effectively the Cleveland Browns since the beginning of the year with the exception of a few drives and that Broncos game. I still think he has played ok at times but just disappeared because Matt doesn't have the arm to fit it into the tight windows necessary that AJ has always operated in and Andrew basically ignored him for the first half of the year while staring down TY. It could get better if we make it to the playoffs....perhaps we wake up that hunger for these guys.

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1 hour ago, braveheartcolt said:

Wow. Fire Grigson and the new GM will never sign a player who gets injured....

I never said that, but considering Grigson's track record he has had a few home runs and a lot of strikeouts.  Quite a few of his players have also been injured.  He has always had too much faith in his guys on the OL thinking they will come around.  Yes, they are starting to, but I firmly believe the colts should be the best team in the AFC, but in the offseason, he rather got a bunch of aging vets in FA and drafting players in the first 2 rounds who weren't going to make an immediately impact. 

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On 12/8/2015 at 8:28 PM, peytonmanning18 said:

He has been awful, not only is he not getting open and catching passes but he looked absolutely terrified last night when he was supposed to be blocking.  He looked scared of James Harrison and just let him run on by.  He's not gonna be here next year.

Yeah he sucks and looks very old and shouldn't get a pass on here he's making millions this year for basically nothing.

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The lame Houston QB`s got him 80 plus balls and 900+ yards last season.
And i doubt if he lost ANYTHING from his skill set.
It is just as i said here when we signed him.
Andrew will get his chance to learn the slant game with Andre.

And Of course Andrew is rather Pathetic at it STILL!  Period!!
But Andrew will force a bunch of balls to TY. lmao

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13 hours ago, Gavin said:

Johnson hasn't checked out...His ability has. The clock strikes midnight for every athlete, For Johnson that time is now.

It certainly does feel like Johnson is closer to the twilight of his career now as opposed to the beginning. No arguments there Gavin. 

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