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Langford, Parry and Anderson [Merge]


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Fully agree. The D-line is not the problem..it is our bright spot.  The olb's Waden, Cole did ok..not OMG...but effective.


But i was on the Irving bandwagon when he was first signed.  Same with Moore.  Maybe not start them right away, but rotate them in early and often until they get fully comfortable with the scheme and the guys they play next to.  Evaluate, and see if they deserve to start.


With the drastic moves the brass has done so far, I believe this is more possible than in the past.  They seem to be taking performance over veteran status this year.

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On offense, it fell as usual on the offensive line, but come on, if you are an NFL receiver you have got to be able to get open and then break away for atleast a few yards. I also believe Luck should shoulder a lot of the blame for abandoning the run. There has got to be a better balance. On defense I thought our Linebackers were lost, as if they were still trying to figure out what there role was. Darius Butler needs to take a reality pill and understand that he is in a bigger spotlight as a starter. And the coaching staff starting with coach Pagano has to be better prepared. This is two games in a row where we have been outcoached, that's sad (AFC championship and today). I do like our guys up front but there has to be some pressure from the line, but in a 3-4 defense the linebackers are big. Bring on Newsome, Moore, and Irving. it is time to set Freeman, Jackson and Cole.

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I have been saying the ILB's have been a problem now holding gaps........

Yeah I see now. Jackson is the worst of them all though. He's always out of position. Freeman was bad but DQ was atrocious.

This is why the Colts traded for Moore IMO. He and Irving need to start A.S.A.P. We finally get the penetration we need for our line and all it does is expose the LBs.

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you cant make mistake like that against teams that have as good a defense as the bills do but you take off the the bad tackling that led to us giving them a TD right before the half the missed FG and the 60 yard TD that Butler game up that is the difference in this game.

Yes the difference in the game is Buffalo scored and the Colts didn't.


It was bad tackling that led to the long rushing TD is was Freeman running to the wrong spot and not filling the hole.


I'm a pretty big Freeman fan but he was horrid in this game... constantly out of position, playing soft when he was close to the ball carrier, always a step slow.

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The front 3 deid its job it was the lb who did not do their jobs. 140 yards is a lot but the lbs need to do theirs


Yeah, Tyrod Taylor did damage like Terrelle Pryor did a few years ago, so the continuing theme is our containment is not sound against mobile QBs.

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I know the sky is falling but the play of the front three were quite good in my opinion. 


They held their gaps well and had several plays in the backfield


the real issue is our inside linebackers, Jackson and Freeman were just plain horrible and were out of position most of the night,


Its time to let Moore and Irving to at least rotate in more often


Jackson is slow and past his prime and he looks lost at times,


Freeman over pursues is way overrated He is easily erased without much effort


We have found a solid front 3 now its time to replace our middle linebackers

Just think how good the front can be with more experience and time together. As for Jackson and Freeman I would say that Irving definitely should be given some looks on 1st and 2nd down. IDK enough about Moore to have an opinion.

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