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Colts believe Phillip Dorsett will be a superstar


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I'm a fan of BPA when it represents the best value. There are positions that are inherently more important than others. Dorsett doesn't represent good value, because he's not so much better than the other options picked after him (Tyler Lockett and Devin Smith for example), that it's worth taking a low value position (especially at a position you don't need and have shown competence at drafting in the middle rounds) over ones that are inherently more important (pass rusher, interior d-line, cornerback, linebacker, ect...)

Ex. If I gave you two choices (A) You could have Demaryius Thomas and some random league average ILB or (B) Randall Cobb and CJ Mosely.

I think we'd both agree that Thomas is better than Cobb (and even if we don't let's assume for the sake of argument he is). Taking A over B would give you an upgrade at the WR position. You'd be getting a top 5 WR. But, if you took B, you'd still be getting a good WR, probably a top 10 guy, but you'd also be getting an great ILB to bolster your defense.

A. Is what Grigson did. And I don't agree that that is the best philosophy for building a team.

All that being said, I don't think Dorsett was the BPA either.

Best value is not BPA. You either pick one or the other. BPA is BPA regardless of value, best value is regardless of BPA. Sometimes they coincide, but do not always coincide.

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Which no doubt is good for him, Im happy the kid is getting positive words and thoughts thrown his way and is having a good camp but you really make the roster in pre-season not in 1 padded practice and the others without pads


I agree.    All I'm saying for Carter is so far,  so good.

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I really like this kid. If Moncrief beats him out for the third spot, I think he can be a impact returner. Is he practicing at returner anyone?

Yeah. He has been practicing at Kick and Punt Returner. He doesn't have much experience with it though.

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I think Dorsett is going to be great.

That being said, I also know Colts management NEEDS for Dorsett to be great, or else they will look foolish reaching for a WR in round one.

I like that Grigs takes risks. I like that he is extremely resolute in his team-building philosophy. My question is: what if the BPA in round one next year is again a WR? At some point, weaknesses have to be addressed too.

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Which no doubt is good for him, Im happy the kid is getting positive words and thoughts thrown his way and is having a good camp but you really make the roster in pre-season not in 1 padded practice and the others without pads


Just for the record,  I found the Hamilton quote on Carter I was referencing.....   Just wanted you to see it....



“Every day he makes a play that makes you say, ‘wow.’  He’s a big guy that can accelerate and track the ball. Like I just said, every day he will make a play at some point over the course of practice that will get your attention and let you know why it’s important to have guys that can just go up and make a play and take the ball out of the air.”

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Just for the record,  I found the Hamilton quote on Carter I was referencing.....   Just wanted you to see it....



“Every day he makes a play that makes you say, ‘wow.’  He’s a big guy that can accelerate and track the ball. Like I just said, every day he will make a play at some point over the course of practice that will get your attention and let you know why it’s important to have guys that can just go up and make a play and take the ball out of the air.”

Yep, Im happy for the kid, All indications is he is working hard and things are going smoothly and he is making plays. My point of view is just this at this point, Again Im glad he is having a good camp but Im trying not to get to high or to low on ANY player right now because while they are having to learn things right now and somewhat at a fast pace there are some players that will literally get a handful of reps or less plus the obvious they have not had to show what they learned against opposing competition and defenses/offenses


So while don't get me wrong Im happy to hear for example Carter is making plays the real test has not begun yet

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We have AJ for two years. After that, we will be set at WR with TY, Dorsett, Montcrief, and Duron, plus our tight ends, Fleener and Allen. Given the age of all four of those receivers, all under 25 I believe, we could be deadly for a long time going forward. Additionally we have  a nice blend of speed and height. Speed with TY, Dorsett, Montcrief and Fleener.  Tall receivers in Montcrief, Duron, Fleener and Allen, which is great for the red zone. So we can stretch the field, and then have someone go up in the redzone and attack the ball. Carter sounds like a natural in that role so far! Hope we can keep them all, because we would not need to draft a WR for a long time, and could focus on other needs!

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Plus, Dorsett will have a much bigger impact than taking Brown or Collins would have. We can always draft for a D-lineman and safety next year. But there might not be a Dorsett type player next year. Take them when you can get them.

Exactly. It's unlikely the Colts will take another WR in the first round next year, which means it's very likely that we draft a top defensive player next year. But Dorsett will help immediately for this season and keep us competitive for years to come if he and Moncrief continue to develop.

But it's not like we didn't already draft some good defensive players.

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Read through this whole thread and have to say that it was great a read on the draft and draft philosophies. I think Dorsett will be very good in Indy but for sure this kid has a mountain of pressure on him. Not that number one picks don't already have pressure inherently but given all the talk about this pick this kid has a lot to justify IMO. And he will forever be compared to those selected right after him ...

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For some reason I thought we signed AJ for 3 years.


I think I'm thinking of Gore though.



AJ is signed for three years.


But only the first two have the guaranteed money.    So, unless he's still looking great that 3rd year,  then it's possible (perhaps even likely)  that we'd cut him at that point.

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