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Is JJ Watt a Jerk ?


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I would so flood the Texas Stadium sound system with "Hello Dolly" & "What A Wonderful World" music tracks on a nonstop feedback loop now just for JJ. 


In addition, I 'd buy JJ a Tour De France uniform for Christmas & play Queen's "Bicycle Race" near where ever his football parking spot is for a whole year.  We always torment those we love the most.  haha

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I thought it was amusing - he's confident in his abilities and has some swag about him that is well-deserved.  I laughed a lot at the sack/selfie, he deserved it!!!  

We ARE talking about football players, not priests, LOL  After all, confidence and hubris is part of the game :-)


Loved the "minimalist cabin,"  I heard about it before but never saw it.  In my mind I was picturing a one room cabin out in the scrub in Texas with an outhouse, no internet or cable tv and a falling down barn work out room.  

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Watt is an amazing football player, but I can't really stand to hear him speak...

I would imagine that most of Houston's fans feel the same, except they mostly come from Texas, where big, loud, and dumb are received quite warmly.

I think that's the name of a country western band "Big, Loud & Dumb"... It's also the official name of the preferred hairstyle for middle aged women all over the Lone Star State.

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Watt is an amazing football player, but I can't really stand to hear him speak...

I would imagine that most of Houston's fans feel the same, except they mostly come from Texas, where big, loud, and dumb are received quite warmly.

I think that's the name of a country western band "Big, Loud & Dumb"... It's also the official name of the preferred hairstyle for middle aged women all over the Lone Star State.

Wow. You watch wayyyyy too much T.V.
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Watt is an amazing football player, but I can't really stand to hear him speak...

I would imagine that most of Houston's fans feel the same, except they mostly come from Texas, where big, loud, and dumb are received quite warmly.

I think that's the name of a country western band "Big, Loud & Dumb"... It's also the official name of the preferred hairstyle for middle aged women all over the Lone Star State.

It's 1 thing to say that an individual's speaking voice is not soothing to your ear. However, it's another thing to claim that an entire state is shall we say not sophisticated. Opinions vary no doubt. 

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Watt is an amazing football player, but I can't really stand to hear him speak...

I would imagine that most of Houston's fans feel the same, except they mostly come from Texas, where big, loud, and dumb are received quite warmly.

I think that's the name of a country western band "Big, Loud & Dumb"... It's also the official name of the preferred hairstyle for middle aged women all over the Lone Star State.

What? Talk about painting with a broad brush.

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In fairness to JJ, I was more alarmed by Shane Lechler's uncertainty about who the 1st US President was. He got it right but seemed uneasy about it. It's not like he was asked how many senators serve in Congress today. 

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In fairness to JJ, I was more alarmed by Shane Lechler's uncertainty about who the 1st US President was. He got it right but seemed uneasy about it. It's not like he was asked how many senators serve in Congress today.

Probably just the fact that there is a statue of Neil Armstrong not far from my house. I could have lived with Louie, since both are old dead guys, but Lance Armstrong? Oh JJ.......

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I was only joking...

I have a whole host of obnoxious relatives in Texas (maybe where I picked up my sense of humor). I obviously can't speak for the whole state... it's huge and very different from town to town, I'm sure.

However, the areas of Texas I was lucky enough to visit were like another planet. I'll leave it at that... No need to derail this fine thread.

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When I was in junior college, I was the sideline statistician for a small town team.  It was my only real, close up contact with football players other than dating a couple :)


I was shocked at... let's just say the lack of intelligence on display.  Now that doesn't mean there weren't guys that were, but they hid it REALLY well.  Stupidity and foolishness were the norm.  It seemed the bigger the muscles and brawn the less they valued using their brains.  


Sometimes following favorite guys on twitter reminds me of that fact - I think the less I know about a lot of them the better they will look in my eyes, LOL! 

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Probably just the fact that there is a statue of Neil Armstrong not far from my house. I could have lived with Louie, since both are old dead guys, but Lance Armstrong? Oh JJ.......

Insert the doping/steroid joke now....I know JJ is as clean as a whistle, but when he said Lance I face palmed myself. I was like I think the world of you Watt, but seriously. I forgive you man. It's okay. 


I can handle getting math questions wrong, history questions wrong, but confusing a world renowned astronaut with a cheater & a habitual liar bothered me. I won't lie. 


That statue near your house sounds pretty cool & my mother's father loved Louie Armstrong & saw him live once. "What A wonderful world" always gets me choked up. My favorite number of his actually. 


My dad really liked Louie in the movie "Hello Dolly" with Barbara Streisand. He always did his own rendition of Hello Dolly which wasn't too shabby if I do say so myself. 

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Depending on the circumstances of any situation; you could call anyone you want a jerk. 


It's no different than asking the opposite; if someone is a nice person. 

Yeah, any athlete can have a bad day I guess where they snap at an innocent question. It's like asking a racist if they are prejudiced toward certain segments of society. They're not gonna say, "I sure am." Good point. 


Getting back to the larger point that nice guys can snap. I always wanted to see Fred Rogers from "Mr. Rogers Neighborhood" on TV just lose it once. I grew up watching him on TV when there were only 5 channels on antenna reception & I don't care how kind someone is we all have a dark side that emerges every now & then. I didn't want anything bad to happen to him personally.


I just don't believe anybody can be smiling & delightful 24/7. That's why Colts Legacy's signature: This is a place of welcoming & you need to get the hades out of here" always makes me chuckle. 

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I was only joking...

I have a whole host of obnoxious relatives in Texas (maybe where I picked up my sense of humor). I obviously can't speak for the whole state... it's huge and very different from town to town, I'm sure.

However, the areas of Texas I was lucky enough to visit were like another planet. I'll leave it at that... No need to derail this fine thread.

It's all good Carlos. I wasn't really mad over what you said. I guess I took a slight issue with what you said because JJ works in Texas, but grew up in the Midwest so his voice which may have a southern drawl now has never been annoying to me. We're fine Mr. Danger. No harm; no foul just be careful with the sweeping generalizations about athletes who establish roots in another state. Water under the bridge now. 


There are bright people in Texas & some individuals in WI more than a few french fries short of a happy meal. Every location has a mixture of both types. I don't hold grudges against people unless they think the Cowboys are the best team in football. Then, you're a lost cause & there's no hope for you. LOL! 

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I have a better question....

would anyone else in the NFL stand a chance against JJ Watt in an all out battle royal/thunder-dome type match to the death?

The answer to that riddle is no. JJ Watt is a freak of nature.

Suh would have a chance. They are the same height, but suh weighs 15 pounds more. Hes light on his feet and can move pretty well for a 300 pounder.

I would actually like to see this now, not to the death, but perhaps mma style

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JJ Watt is not voted as the best player in the NFL. Look at Gronkowski a young gifted athlete on a world champion team acting like a kid on top of the world, acting silly and goofing off just like he should do. JJ Watt is the town favorite in Houston because of what he gives back to the town. I wish he was on our team...nuff said. 

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So some 6th round pick that just lost his starting job that he didn't even hold for a full season is mad because his feels where hurt by the best player in the NFL during a sack dance??


First of all he shouldn't be talking, he should be worried about becoming a better player.


Second of all. . . grow up he made fun of you taking selfies.  He didn't insult your religion or your family, he didn't use a racist or ethnic slur.  He's not even trying to bully you, intimidate you, or make you do something you don't want to do.  Probably should have just laughed it off.  Honestly I think I would have said that I was honored that the best player in the NFL created a sack celebration specifically for me.  I mean how many people does JJ Watt create or pre-plan a sack dance specifically for that player?  I think Mettenberger is the only one.  


I like JJ Watt except when the Colts play the Texans.  He helps out in his community, visits sick kids in the hospital, and is generally as nice to the fans as one could reasonably expect from an NFL player.  

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So some 6th round pick that just lost his starting job that he didn't even hold for a full season is mad because his feels where hurt by the best player in the NFL during a sack dance??


First of all he shouldn't be talking, he should be worried about becoming a better player.


Second of all. . . grow up he made fun of you taking selfies.  He didn't insult your religion or your family, he didn't use a racist or ethnic slur.  He's not even trying to bully you, intimidate you, or make you do something you don't want to do.  Probably should have just laughed it off.  Honestly I think I would have said that I was honored that the best player in the NFL created a sack celebration specifically for me.  I mean how many people does JJ Watt create or pre-plan a sack dance specifically for that player?  I think Mettenberger is the only one.  


I like JJ Watt except when the Colts play the Texans.  He helps out in his community, visits sick kids in the hospital, and is generally as nice to the fans as one could reasonably expect from an NFL player.  

its not about the difference in talent.  one could argue that JJ is the one that should grow up.  there is nothing wrong AT ALL with taking a picture


like i said above,  JJ has a dont do anything he wouldnt do attitude.  ZM is free to do as he pleases whether JJ likes it or not.

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its not about the difference in talent.  one could argue that JJ is the one that should grow up.  there is nothing wrong AT ALL with taking a picture


like i said above,  JJ has a dont do anything he wouldnt do attitude.  ZM is free to do as he pleases whether JJ likes it or not.


And JJ is free to mock Mettenberger's love of taking selfies.  


I'm not saying he should stop taking selfies cause JJ Watt made fun of him or something like that.  But I guess my view is. . . have a thicker skin man.  


When Tebow was playing at least one player I know of did his "Tebowing" stance to mock him.  Considering that when Tebow was doing that he was praying that is slightly flirting with mocking his religion.  (I don't think it is necessarily but you can see how it's flirting with it.)  That wasn't controversial and Tebow said NOTHING about it.


Watt made fun of the guy's love of selfies and Mettenberger let it upset him for some silly reason.  


I feel weird because I'm not the usually the one doing this.  I hate bullies, I defended and still defend Jonathon Martin.  I don't like it when people are purposefully offensive, especially when it comes to things like one's religion, disability, ethnicity, family, race, etc.  But this just seems so petty to get your feels hurt over this one.  


I honestly would look at it and respond that "Hey the best player in the NFL just created a personalized sack dance specifically for me.  Something that as far as I know he hasn't really done for other people."   

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How would I know? I haven't met him. I kind of assume pro athletes aren't going to be easily relatable and being somewhat of a jerk is a trait I've noticed in certain jocks, but again you'd have to know the person to really say.

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