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Deflategate merge -- pending appeal results

Bad Morty

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I don't pretend to be a scientist like some on this board. Can I prove my beliefs by scientific evidence.. no more than you can.

I'm simply reading what the Wells report tells me (setting aside the obvious issues that have been found with that report).


We all learned from Wells that the ideal gas law would account for balls in the 11.3 - 11.5PSI range at halftime. He then gives us a list of measurements of the Pats balls at halftime taken by 2 different gauges...on one gauge, the Pats balls are (with maybe one exception) ALL well within/above that range.


Then Wells tells us that gauge isn't the one we are supposed to consider. So he gives us the readings off of the other gauge.


And on that gauge, only 3 balls are within/over the range, 6 others are below the range by 0.2 - 0.3 PSI, and 2 "outliers" are in the 0.4 - 0.5 PSI range below what the ideal gas law predicted.


I'm trying to be as objective as I can be. I'm acknowledging that a guy took balls into a bathroom and was apparently not very forthcoming about his reasons for doing that. I have a problem with that and it seems pretty likely to me that he was doing something he shouldn't have been doing. So I'm right with ya on that...


but how can you tell me that there was a scheme in place to gain an unfair advantage by deflating balls below the legal limit and then present this data as your proof of that?

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Morty - Read post 552 and 549. Both are your comments.


One says balls were never deflated and another says it was pre game. What is the latest from you now?.

that is the latest, Shane...balls weren't deflated. You are getting there. Keep reading.

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Morty - Read post 552 and 549. Both are your comments.


One says balls were never deflated and another says it was pre game. What is the latest from you now?.




I'm not saying whether I agree or disagree with his assessment, I am just going to try to explain to you what he has said over the last bunch of pages that you have either chosen to ignore, didn't read in the first place, or just dont understand for one reason or another...and i have my theory on what that reason might be.


Morty is making the claim that science can explain why the balls measured as they did, therefor there is no proof that the balls were deflated. At the same time, he thinks there still was some funny business with McNally, perhaps he just gauged the balls to ensure that they were at 12.5 and not 16...which is still a violation but not an act of deflation. The team could still be punished for that violation, but it is his belief that there was no proof of a deliberate act of compromising the integrity of the game by intentionally deflating footballs.

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I'm not saying whether I agree or disagree with his assessment, I am just going to try to explain to you what he has said over the last bunch of pages that you have either chosen to ignore, didn't read in the first place, or just dont understand for one reason or another (i have my theories).


Morty is making the claim that science can explain why the balls measured as they did, therefor there is no proof that the balls were deflated. At the same time, he thinks there still was some funny business with McNally, perhaps he just gauged the balls to ensure that they were at 12.5 and not 16...which is still a violation but not an act of deflation. The team could still be punished for that violation, but it is his belief that there was no proof of a deliberate act of compromising the integrity of the game by intentionally deflating footballs.

But what about those 2 guys getting suspended? How do you explain THAT??

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I'm simply reading what the Wells report tells me (setting aside the obvious issues that have been found with that report).


We all learned from Wells that the ideal gas law would account for balls in the 11.3 - 11.5PSI range at halftime. He then gives us a list of measurements of the Pats balls at halftime taken by 2 different gauges...on one gauge, the Pats balls are (with maybe one exception) ALL well within/above that range.


Then Wells tells us that gauge isn't the one we are supposed to consider. So he gives us the readings off of the other gauge.


And on that gauge, only 3 balls are within/over the range, 6 others are below the range by 0.2 - 0.3 PSI, and 2 "outliers" are in the 0.4 - 0.5 PSI range below what the ideal gas law predicted.


I'm trying to be as objective as I can be. I'm acknowledging that a guy took balls into a bathroom and was apparently not very forthcoming about his reasons for doing that. I have a problem with that and it seems pretty likely to me that he was doing something he shouldn't have been doing. So I'm right with ya on that...


but how can you tell me that there was a scheme in place to gain an unfair advantage by deflating balls below the legal limit and then present this data as your proof of that?



I don't have "proof" of anything. What I'm basing my opinion on is the circumstantial evidence that I've outlined many times before. Just like when a jury decides a case on circumstantial evidence and the burden of proof is "beyond a reasonable doubt." Once again.. it would be the text messages , the likelihood (which you admit) that the balls were tampered with and the non compliance by Brady and Kraft. The natural gas law is not an area of my expertise. 

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You can at least admit that the science allows for another explanation though...


We get it, you think all are guilty and that's fine. But refusing to even acknowledge another idea, one that science seems to prove is at least possible, is more akin to a child holding his hands over his ears and stomping his feet. It wont undermine your stance to say "Yes, I suppose that is possible"...



If you want me to say the science doesn't prove that Brady was guilty of anything. You have it...If I came across as saying that .. my bad.

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I don't have "proof" of anything. What I'm basing my opinion on is the circumstantial evidence that I've outlined many times before. Just like when a jury decides a case on circumstantial evidence and the burden of proof is "beyond a reasonable doubt." Once again.. it would be the text messages , the likelihood (which you admit) that the balls were tampered with and the non compliance by Brady and Kraft. The natural gas law is not an area of my expertise. 

ok - that's fine...it's not mine either. I'm just relying on what Wells and his scientists are telling me, and that is that in the worst case scenario, a half dozen Patriots footballs measured 0.2 - 0.3 below where they should have. That doesn't really jump out to me as the type of results I'd expect from a scheme to deflate footballs. I know every media outlet in America had somebody on air the week after the AFC Championship game squeezing footballs that were 12.5PSI and 10.5PSI and assuring us they could easily tell the difference. I wonder if they could tell the difference between a football with 11.1PSI versus 11.3PSI?

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If you want me to say the science doesn't prove that Brady was guilty of anything. You have it...If I came across as saying that .. my bad.


Ok...so after admitting that it is at least possible, why do you still think that Patriots fans are so crazy to cling to it? That's what fans do...it's what they've always done, and it's what they always will do. It seems like many of you cant even begin to fathom why we would be defending our team and hanging on anything that might prove their innocence. So many of you are making it sound like we are conspiracy theorists and there's something in the water that makes us immune to logic...but all we've done is try to make the case that another explanation is POSSIBLE.

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I think it was a mistake for the Patriots to try to explain away the text messages. I think they should have just stuck with hammering the inconclusive science. Believe me - I don't at all disagree with the notion that the Patriots haven't helped themselves much in the way they've handled it. But two wrongs don't make a right either. I am convinced that the league saw halftime measurements of Patriots balls in the 11's and thought "A HA!! WE CAUGHT THEM RED HANDED!" without having one iota of a clue about the natural deflation rates of footballs in the cold. Had they gone into this knowing to expect readings of over a pound below the pre-game starting point based on the conditions, they would have seen the measurements, realized that whatever they thought happened didn't really happen and they (the league) would have simply come out and told us all about the ideal gas law, pointed out that both teams balls were tested at halftime, both teams balls were lower than where they started the game, and scientists confirmed that balls deflate naturally when moving from warm air to cold. Then it's over.

After reading your response and the one to 21, it seems like the below is basically what you are saying:
1.  It's very possible that McNally and Jastremski were in violation by checking and, if needed, adjusting footballs after inspection to insure that they were at Tom's preferred PSI.
2.  The Patriots didn't say anything about this because they didn't want to admit to a violation prior to the SB in fear of penalties.
3.  The Patriots still haven't said anything about this even though it would go a long way in clearing Brady of any wrongdoing.
If all that is true, I still maintain that many Patriot fans are directing their venom at the wrong target.
They should be angry with the Patriots for not owning up to all this in the first place and choosing to throw Tom under the bus instead because if anyone is then guilty of tarnishing the legacy and reputation of Brady, it wouldn't be the Colts or Goodell or Wells.  
It would be the Patriots.
:edit:  and for the record, these comments are only in reference to what you've been posting.  I still firmly believe Tommy boy was behind all of it.
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Ok...so after admitting that it is at least possible, why do you still think that Patriots fans are so crazy to cling to it? That's what fans do...it's what they've always done, and it's what they always will do. It seems like many of you cant even begin to fathom why we would be defending our team and hanging on anything that might prove their innocence. So many of you are making it sound like we are conspiracy theorists and there's something in the water that makes us immune to logic...but all we've done is try to make the case that another explanation is POSSIBLE.



When you have circumstantial evidence , anything is possible. My post 562 explains why I feel the way I do. Why I somewhat have a problem with what some of you post is how it's presented and also some of the "theories" put forth are ridiculous. Do you want me to go back and dig up probably 60% of the Pat fans seriously entertaining the idea that the Colts were involved in a devious plot to frame the Pats ? You were not one of them. 

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Still doesn't explain why the "sting operation" started.

That is where the league admitted to dropping the ball on this one. They had Grigson's email the day before and chose to ignore it as they get complaints about teams before every game. This is why Walt never wrote down the psi's or which gauge he used. And really it is at that point when the league has already let the game balls be played with for an entire half in the pouring rain that they should have just said that they were not able to discern if the balls had been tampered with as that is what happened given their test case scenario is a joke. Wells was just brought in to try to find some history of tampering but after 100 days he came out with nada. And that is pretty much where we are at with this mess.

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When you have circumstantial evidence , anything is possible. My post 562 explains why I feel the way I do. Why I somewhat have a problem with what some of you post is how it's presented and also some of the "theories" put forth are ridiculous. Do you want me to go back and dig up probably 60% of the Pat fans seriously entertaining the idea that the Colts were involved in a devious plot to frame the Pats ? You were not one of them. 

as I said earlier, it's a detective novel...so theories evolve over time as either new evidence emerges or people just think more about it. I'm convinced that my theory on it now is pretty close and ties everything I know about this together with the fewest loose ends. Believe me Gramz...I wish they (the Pats) would run with this regardless of whether or not it's true...because it's very plausible and would change the way people view what happened when it comes to legacies. They may feel that that ship has sailed though, and they may also be constrained from admitting to anything while Brady's appeal is ongoing.

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They have. Patriot Fans Conclusions?  -


Brady is totally innocent.

Irsay is guilty of leaking and coaxing a Sting.

Mike Adams lied

Colts Equipment manager illegal released air from intercepted Patriots Ball to make it illegal

Colts overinflated their balls to make the Patriots balls appear to be illegal when they weren't

Ex Jets NFL Official want to bury the Patriots and willingly ran with Colts sting...

Walt Anderson used one gauge on Colts balls, other gauge on the Patriots balls

NFL should have known low temps were going to make it look like the Patriots balls were tampered with, but not the overinflated Colts balls.

McNally has to take a leak like everyone else.  The fact he stopped in to relieve himself with the game balls means nothing.

Ball boys take the game balls from the officials locker room without Ref's OK and take them to the field all of the time unattended. No big deal.

Colts framed the Pats and it's the Colts that deserve stiff punishment.


I'm surprised the AEI hasn't come out in Full support of the Pats Fan report---



Thank you CBFL. VL will be overjoyed with this post since the entire post proves NE's innocence. Oh, you were being sarcastic? Sorry, VL. You just catch a break can ya.  haha


There's a poster that claimed at least 70% of the above was true in his various posts. He left for a while and now is back calling all Colt fans biased *s. This is why we have about 150 pages on this subject. 

VL is actually a smart guy who just can't handle the fact that nobody outside of Boston believes his QB is innocent or that only VL alone see's the absolute truth surrounding deflate gate. 


Part of me admires his passion defending his organization, but part of me feels sad for him too because 1. Brady is still getting suspended no matter what criticisms he levels against the Wells Report. Brady's not emerging scot free here. No way in hades. & 2. The rest of the world is thinking that the Patriots "doth pretest too much." Translation: Screaming to the heavens that you are being unfairly judged & maliciously prosecuted begins to infuriate the rest of the world after awhile over a trivial 4 game probably 2 game suspension in the end & any sympathy people might have given your club initially turns into visceral outrage over just ending the whole situation by taking your punishment medicine. It's like a tired child who won't settle down that needs a tap on the butt & a nice nap. 


Yes, Brady deserves his day in court meaning he's entitled to his CBA appeal, but if Tommy is dumb enough to attempt to go outside the NFL to fight on this whole episode will blow up in his face like a nuclear bomb & he will be toxic fodder forever with his name & reputation forever compromised & tarnished. He will still be considered arguably the best QB to play this game, but people will also see him as a spoiled brat who failed to know when to let it go, yield, & back off. I truly believe that every single word. 


I tell you what VL. If Brady's suspension is completely overturned & this new appeal evidence exonerates Brady fully. I will personally apologize to every NE fan who visits this website regularly. Just like I did when GoPats proved to me that Foxboro nation didn't do the butterfingers candybar joke when Wes Welker dropped that pass in the SB against the NY Giants in 2007. I own when I screw up. I did it before & I will do it again if I'm proven wrong. You have my word NE fans. 


I'm not wrong here though. We'll see what happens won't we VL? Time will tell. 

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Part of me admires his passion defending his organization, but part of me feels sad for him too because 1. Brady is still getting suspended no matter what criticisms he levels against the Wells Report. Brady's not emerging scot free here. No way in hades. & 2. The rest of the world is thinking that the Patriots "doth pretest too much." Translation: Screaming to the heavens that you are being unfairly judged & maliciously prosecuted begins to infuriate the rest of the world after awhile over a trivial 4 game probably 2 game suspension in the end & any sympathy people might have given your club initially turns into visceral outrage over just ending the whole situation by taking your punishment medicine. It's like a tired child who won't settle down that needs a tap on the butt & a nice nap. 

or, to put it another way, "why can't you just accept the league taking your best player off the field for 25% of the season next year, seriously compromising your chances of winning again since the guy is reaching the end of his career, and also taking a first round pick away next year, thus hindering your ability to re-build, all over an infraction that warranted only a warning to other teams. What's wrong with you people?"

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Agreeing that the NFL didn't want to tarnish the current Superbowl Champions, but saying that had to do something, is supposition that only a Pats fan would buy into?


The whole Wells Report is supposition, and every one of you clearly bought into every piece of that...

The whole Wells Report is clearly not supposition and you clearly have no idea what I believe.

So the NFL didn't want to tarnish the Patriots, but when faced with little to no evidence (according to Pats fans), the NFL execs sat around a table and said "....well we have to blame this on somebody, let's blame it on Brady and the two ballboys." Yeah, and McNally called himself the deflator because he wanted to lose weight. Sure that's reasonable.

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or, to put it another way, "why can't you just accept the league taking your best player off the field for 25% of the season next year, seriously compromising your chances of winning again since the guy is reaching the end of his career, and also taking a first round pick away next year, thus hindering your ability to re-build, all over an infraction that warranted only a warning to other teams. What's wrong with you people?"


Ah, so now you're admitting an infraction on the part of the Pats?  Why did you bother with all the absurd arguments (that no one buys but Pat fans) about the science of the matter?  At least you now admit the Pats cheated...

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Ah, so now you're admitting an infraction on the part of the Pats?  Why did you bother with all the absurd arguments (that no one buys but Pat fans) about the science of the matter?  At least you now admit the Pats cheated...


aaaaaand here we go again.


DO ANY OF YOU GUYS READ??? It's simply stunning how some of you can follow this topic and respond to a person repeatedly but somehow you managed to miss every single thing that person already said.

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aaaaaand here we go again.


DO ANY OF YOU GUYS READ??? It's simply stunning how some of you can follow this topic and respond to a person repeatedly but somehow you managed to miss every single thing that person already said.

it really is amazing...and shows you that people here seem to be more concerned about WHO you are and what team you root for as opposed to what you say.

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Ah, so now you're admitting an infraction on the part of the Pats?  Why did you bother with all the absurd arguments (that no one buys but Pat fans) about the science of the matter?  At least you now admit the Pats cheated...

curses! You've caught me!! Lol

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After reading your response and the one to 21, it seems like the below is basically what you are saying:
1.  It's very possible that McNally and Jastremski were in violation by checking and, if needed, adjusting footballs after inspection to insure that they were at Tom's preferred PSI.
2.  The Patriots didn't say anything about this because they didn't want to admit to a violation prior to the SB in fear of penalties.
3.  The Patriots still haven't said anything about this even though it would go a long way in clearing Brady of any wrongdoing.
If all that is true, I still maintain that many Patriot fans are directing their venom at the wrong target.
They should be angry with the Patriots for not owning up to all this in the first place and choosing to throw Tom under the bus instead because if anyone is then guilty of tarnishing the legacy and reputation of Brady, it wouldn't be the Colts or Goodell or Wells.  
It would be the Patriots.
:edit:  and for the record, these comments are only in reference to what you've been posting.  I still firmly believe Tommy boy was behind all of it.


Precisely Gramz, 


Brady created this entire fiasco with that initial press conference & he has done nothing to shed any light on what he knew & when he knew it. Inviting that equipment person to Brady's QB room for just that 1 rare time to ask him how he's holding up is just so darning to me because it's not like the dude chills with Brady 3 days a week in his office for lunch during the season. It's not proof of anything concrete I will admit, but come on, the circumstance looks very suspect & hardly above board if you are doing nothing wrong that is. 


Yes I know, Brady knows nothing. Nothing about balls boys, nothing about air pressure, nothing about the nation wondering about how he feels about fans questioning are you a cheater, & nothing about meeting a ball boy in your QB room that you've never ever met with privately before for just once randomly out of the blue.


Brady will do damage control over text messages but not clear up any confusion about his own reputation? I find that surprisingly odd. 

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curses! You've caught me!! Lol



Cool to make fun of people. I've offered before to go back and find the thread where many NE fans were seriously buying into some * NE beat writer deciding that the Colts deflated the intercepted football. Grigson conspired to frame NE and deflating that football was a planned event. NE would be cleared and the Colts exposed   .....right ? 



Just say the word and I'll go hunting... I believe I'll find something in there from you... not positive but I think so. My memory is not perfect but it's pretty good.

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Precisely Gramz, 


Brady created this entire fiasco with that initial press conference & he has done nothing to shed any light on what he knew & when he knew it. Inviting that equipment person to Brady's QB room for just that 1 rare time to ask him how he's holding up is just so darning to me because it's not like the dude chills with Brady 3 days a week in his office for lunch during the season. It's not proof of anything concrete I will admit, but come on, the circumstance looks very suspect & hardly above board if you are doing nothing wrong that is. 


Yes I know, Brady knows nothing. Nothing about balls boys, nothing about air pressure, nothing about the nation wondering about how he feels about fans questioning are you a cheater, & nothing about meeting a ball boy in your QB room that you've never ever met with privately before for just once randomly out of the blue.


Brady will do damage control over text messages but not clear up any confusion about his own reputation? I find that surprisingly odd. 



But... but... but ya but.. they measured the Pats balls first at halftime. Then picked their nose and scratched the "balls" for 8 minutes and measured 4 heated up Colt balls.

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Cool to make fun of people. I've offered before to go back and find the thread where many NE fans were seriously buying into some * NE beat writer deciding that the Colts deflated the intercepted football. Grigson conspired to frame NE and deflating that football was a planned event. NE would be cleared and the Colts exposed   .....right ? 



Just say the word and I'll go hunting... I believe I'll find something in there from you... not positive but I think so. My memory is not perfect but it's pretty good.

I'll help you out...you probably will find that from me. I can list a number of things in my day to day life that I think differently about now than I did a month ago. Probably you can as well. But I will say this...I never from day 1 believed that they were in the game of deflating footballs to gain an advantage on the playing field and I have never waivered from that. Everything I've thought and/or posted on this topic starts from that core belief and is an attempt to fill in the most logical narrative that fits the known facts, and as of this point, I think I've figured it out, or something real close to it.

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There's a couple of reasons...


1) It being Superbowl week, they didn't want to risk the possible penalties that might come from admitting a violation

2) It's very possible that Brady had no idea they were doing this, if this is what they were doing. There's NO possibility that Brady wouldn't have been aware of a scheme to set those balls below the legal limit to get an advantage.


That's another reason why this idea of deflating balls to gain an advantage seems unrealistic. Let's say Brady really like the balls deflated by 2 lbs. But we know that they don't have access to the balls during road games. It just doesn't seem likely to me that he'd want to play half his games with a low-pressure ball and the other half with fully inflated ones. I would think it's far more likely that he'd want to use balls that were consistent from week to week. When you step back and really look at what the accusations are here versus the evidence, it doesn't really add up.

I don't think the evidence really supports that.  If Brady really didn't know about it, why would be refuse to co-operate?

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Shhh... Logic, they don't want it. Never do in witch hunts.

What logic have you yourself brought to the table VL? Remember when I asked you to provide me with what evidence you have in your possession that exonerates Tom Brady? I'm still awaiting your response.


Instead of just whining that you are the product of a witch hunt VL, how bout furnishing me with some proof that this symbolic Scarlett Letter classification is undeserved & proof as to why? 


I know; I know. SW1 just doesn't get it right? Time to put up or just walk away VL. I'll still be here if & when you decide to provide me with some empirical evidence. 

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I'll help you out...you probably will find that from me. I can list a number of things in my day to day life that I think differently about now than I did a month ago. Probably you can as well. But I will say this...I never from day 1 believed that they were in the game of deflating footballs to gain an advantage on the playing field and I have never waivered from that. Everything I've thought and/or posted on this topic starts from that core belief and is an attempt to fill in the most logical narrative that fits the known facts, and as of this point, I think I've figured it out, or something real close to it.



I'm glad to not have to go back and do that hunting. I will welcome the day this is over and is not such a hot topic on this board. Pretty obvious that NE fans and Colt fans will never meet in the middle of this. If it makes you feel any better , I did a while ago say that I thought the penalties were on the harsh side when asked my opinion.

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But... but... but ya but.. they measured the Pats balls first at halftime. Then picked their nose and scratched the "balls" for 8 minutes and measured 4 heated up Colt balls.


I think its interesting that many of you think it's an impossibility that some time passed between when the Patriots balls were measured and when the Colts balls were measured during halt time. If I remember correctly, 2 guys measured each team's balls at halftime, right? One had the logo gauge and one had the non-logo gauge? I'll have to go back and look, but didn't each guy have the opposite gauge than they used for the Patriots balls when it was time to measure the Colts balls? 


What I'm alluding to is that many are trying to say that the officials lined the Patriots balls up, measured them, then immediately measured the Colts balls right after but ran out of time. But if the guys traded gauges, that leads me to believe that the two guys weren't just going down the line measuring both teams' balls. Why is it weird to think that they probably each measured the Patriots balls and took their time recording them and talking about it and putting the gauges down to reinflate them before eventually moving on to the Colts balls and just grabbing whichever gauge and unknowingly switching them?

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Thank you CBFL. VL will be overjoyed with this post since the entire post proves NE's innocence. Oh, you were being sarcastic? Sorry, VL. You just catch a break can ya. haha

VL is actually a smart guy who just can't handle the fact that nobody outside of Boston believes his QB is innocent or that only VL alone see's the absolute truth surrounding deflate gate.

Part of me admires his passion defending his organization, but part of me feels sad for him too because 1. Brady is still getting suspended no matter what criticisms he levels against the Wells Report. Brady's not emerging scot free here. No way in hades. & 2. The rest of the world is thinking that the Patriots "doth pretest too much." Translation: Screaming to the heavens that you are being unfairly judged & maliciously prosecuted begins to infuriate the rest of the world after awhile over a trivial 4 game probably 2 game suspension in the end & any sympathy people might have given your club initially turns into visceral outrage over just ending the whole situation by taking your punishment medicine. It's like a tired child who won't settle down that needs a tap on the butt & a nice nap.

Yes, Brady deserves his day in court meaning he's entitled to his CBA appeal, but if Tommy is dumb enough to attempt to go outside the NFL to fight on this whole episode will blow up in his face like a nuclear bomb & he will be toxic fodder forever with his name & reputation forever compromised & tarnished. He will still be considered arguably the best QB to play this game, but people will also see him as a spoiled brat who failed to know when to let it go, yield, & back off. I truly believe that every single word.

I tell you what VL. If Brady's suspension is completely overturned & this new appeal evidence exonerates Brady fully. I will personally apologize to every NE fan who visits this website regularly. Just like I did when GoPats proved to me that Foxboro nation didn't do the butterfingers candybar joke when Wes Welker dropped that pass in the SB against the NY Giants in 2007. I own when I screw up. I did it before & I will do it again if I'm proven wrong. You have my word NE fans.

I'm not wrong here though. We'll see what happens won't we VL? Time will tell.

The NY Times is located in New England?

As is the Washington Post?

You might want to retake a geography class, bud.

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I don't think the evidence really supports that.  If Brady really didn't know about it, why would be refuse to co-operate?


The only thing he refused to do was hand over his personal phone. He sat with Wells all day long and answered any question they asked. He didnt exactly 'refuse to cooperate' like many are trying to make it seem. It's not like he avoided them and skipped town so they couldnt interview him.

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The NY Times is located in New England?

As is the Washington Post?

You might want to retake a geography class, bud.

Are you asking me to read a specific article about deflate gate or the Wells Report from the Times or the Washington Post? I don't follow your reasoning VL. What does Geography have to do with anything? 

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The only thing he refused to do was hand over his personal phone. He sat with Wells all day long and answered any question they asked. He didnt exactly 'refuse to cooperate' like many are trying to make it seem. It's not like he avoided them and skipped town so they couldnt interview him.


Hand over his phone to his attorney ... not someone doing the investigation... right ? Would his attorney be not only broke but ruined professionally if he leaked out information not pertinent to the case ? 

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Are you asking me to read a specific article about deflate gate or the Wells Report from the Times or the Washington Post? I don't follow your reasoning VL. What does Geography have to do with anything?


That's the whole idea, there is nothing to follow.

Just say to yourself garbage everytime you read these posts. It's pure entertainment.

Take a nap and return, they will still be yapping :)

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The only thing he refused to do was hand over his personal phone. He sat with Wells all day long and answered any question they asked. He didnt exactly 'refuse to cooperate' like many are trying to make it seem. It's not like he avoided them and skipped town so they couldnt interview him.

The investigators assured him that anything unrelated to the deflation of footballs wouldn't be touched.  So why refuse to hand over your phone if you have nothing to hide?

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The investigators assured him that anything unrelated to the deflation of footballs wouldn't be touched.  So why refuse to hand over your phone if you have nothing to hide?


I understand. Maybe we'll find out during the appeals process. But even so, any texts to McNally or Jastremsky would have still appeared on their phones, no? And you can bet that Wells would have included any of them in his report if there were any. Instead, the only ones he included in order to implicate Brady were a few between those two gentlemen. 

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