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NFL.com adds asterisk next to Tom Brady's name


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I think the larger problem here as far as terms of "misdemeanor" and "felony" are concerned by definition is when, where, how, and at what stage someone finds the storyline and makes predetermined opinions. (we all do it at times in our lives) I made the same mistake myself when the story was cracked by the Star. At the time, no one knew the entire facts as to DeFlateGate that early. As more time went by and further facts started to come to light, yeah, it turned my opinion on a dime. A complete 360.

Then, the Wells Report comes out along with Brady's non-cooperation. Then, the silence coupled with facts that point directly towards lying about it. Then, the trying to cover up with Kraft's insistence on taking whatever the NFL deemed fit. Then, the switch after the ruling on punishment. Then, the acceptance of said punishment (reluctantly for Patriot Nation no doubt). Then, we have Brady through this whole debacle claiming 100% innocence from the start. Now, the NFLPA trying to back him & discredit Goodell as much as possible.

The entire shenanigans and charade show all lead by one arrogant, stupid (IMO), disingenuous, and holier than thou QB has proven to most NFL fans across the country just how escalating this circus has become. It did start out as a "misdemeanor" incident in my eyes, then promptly to "felony" aspect as each day went by after the Wells Report was made public. Now, it's in fiasco stage by public opinion as it should be.

Most crimes and offenses usually take this course (unless facts point directly on video or pictures). Heck, even then it's conceived to be at odds with some. The process concerning DeFlateGate is no different. It's all time and escalation to determine the severity, fault, guilt, and/or meaning of "misdemeanor" or "felony". Then, and only then, can any one person be exonerated or punished to the full extent of the law. NFL or otherwise. With regards to Tom Brady, from reading the entire investigative Wells report and the processes that followed by all the days that have gone by ... He is as guilty as sin. No doubt about it. His punishment should be upheld at all costs by the NFL if they are ever to change the term, "getting away with murder". I think Goodell does that. Next step, the court system.

God help us all, if the courts rule in Brady's favor.

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when we spoke before it came across as that you weren't offended (a) that he did and (b) that it was covered up. While I can't tell you how to feel about something g, it's pretty hard to say the quoted post without somewhat justifying their actions. Since the inception of this story, the possibility of a cover up has always been in play, so for many of us, if you don't see a problem with underinflated balls that's one thing. But from your previous posts (at least the ones I've responded to, hoping my memory is correct) and the one above, I still don't get the sense that you don't take issue with any cover up, and that's where I strongly disagree and think that's why many lump your opinion with pats fans. At least that was my take. Doesn't make you or them bad. Just highly objectionable (not to be confused with offended...this is, at the end of the day, a game).


You're either misunderstanding me or confusing me with someone else.


To be clear,  I am HUGELY disappointed and not at all happy about the Cover-up.    I've said in multiple posts that I'm far more upset with the cover-up than I am with the offense itself.    The NFL expects you to come clean and confess.   They do not expect you to make it difficult for them to prove their case.     If you confess,  they'll take that into consideration.    But if you don't, they drop the hammer.


I even started a thread (about a month ago)  which explained what Brady should do....


-- He should publicly confess.

-- He should offer to pay for the salaries of the two suspended employees.

-- He should apologize to kraft, Belicheck and the whole team and all the fans.

-- He should explain he first thought it wasn't a big deal and he didn't think it would be a big deal even if he was caught and was completely caught off guard by how big a deal it turned out to be.

-- He should explain that he feared being suspended for the Super Bowl.

-- He should say that now that all of that has passed he's ready to accept his punishment.


I've been saying this and only this since the beginning.


I've been 100 percent consistent saying the NFL would think this was a big deal and that I was completely offended by the cover-up.


I also was personally offended by Kraft's incredibly heavy-handed way of public posturing and demanding an apology if no smoking gun was found or no conclusive proof was found.    That's not the standard of proof that the NFL uses and Kraft fully knows it.    So, his posturing was completely disingenuous and phony.


I hope this clears that up.

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I think the larger problem here as far as terms of "misdemeanor" and "felony" are concerned by definition is when, where, how, and at what stage someone finds the storyline and makes predetermined opinions. (we all do it at times in our lives) I made the same mistake myself when the story was cracked by the Star. At the time, no one knew the entire facts as to DeFlateGate that early. As more time went by and further facts started to come to light, yeah, it turned my opinion on a dime. A complete 360.

Then, the Wells Report comes out along with Brady's non-cooperation. Then, the silence coupled with facts that point directly towards lying about it. Then, the trying to cover up with Kraft's insistence on taking whatever the NFL deemed fit. Then, the switch after the ruling on punishment. Then, the acceptance of said punishment (reluctantly for Patriot Nation no doubt). Then, we have Brady through this whole debacle claiming 100% innocence from the start. Now, the NFLPA trying to back him & discredit Goodell as much as possible.

The entire shenanigans and charade show all lead by one arrogant, stupid (IMO), disingenuous, and holier than thou QB has proven to most NFL fans across the country just how escalating this circus has become. It did start out as a "misdemeanor" incident in my eyes, then promptly to "felony" aspect as each day went by after the Wells Report was made public. Now, it's in fiasco stage by public opinion as it should be.

Most crimes and offenses usually take this course (unless facts point directly on video or pictures). Heck, even then it's conceived to be at odds with some. The process concerning DeFlateGate is no different. It's all time and escalation to determine the severity, fault, guilt, and/or meaning of "misdemeanor" or "felony". Then, and only then, can any one person be exonerated or punished to the full extent of the law. NFL or otherwise. With regards to Tom Brady, from reading the entire investigative Wells report and the processes that followed by all the days that have gone by ... He is as guilty as sin. No doubt about it. His punishment should be upheld at all costs by the NFL if they are ever to change the term, "getting away with murder". I think Goodell does that. Next step, the court system.

God help us all, if the courts rule in Brady's favor.

It's a bit disingenuous to list everything that has happened since January and then say that Brady 'through this whole debacle has claimed innocence from the start'.

The guy hasn't said a single thing about it since his original press conference a few days after the AFCCG when there was nothing but misinformation and contradictory 'facts' being leaked out. He is appealing his ridiculous suspension and that's all we know. All the other noise has been from others...and when there's noise you guys blame Brady, and when there's silence you guys blame Brady. But he hasn't said anything since what...day 3 of this whole thing?

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It's a bit disingenuous to list everything that has happened since January and then say that Brady 'through this whole debacle has claimed innocence from the start'.

The guy hasn't said a single thing about it since his original press conference a few days after the AFCCG when there was nothing but misinformation and contradictory 'facts' being leaked out. He is appealing his ridiculous suspension and that's all we know. All the other noise has been from others...and when there's noise you guys blame Brady, and when there's silence you guys blame Brady. But he hasn't said anything since what...day 3 of this whole thing?

Then you obviously missed his so called, "interview" with Jim Gray at Salem State where he let the Patriot fans do all the talking for him by quoting, "What do you guys, think?"

Really? His attorney, Don Yee, has pointed towards innocence from day one when the Wells report came out. What other kind of evidentiary conclusions do you need? He's appealing the ruling. He'll go to court if Goodell doesn't satisfy him.

A picture paints a thousand words, man. And right now, the picture I see is a tornado whirlwind of lies, deceit, cover up, and overall guilty as charged hanging over his mantle above the fireplace.

Yeah, I'd say he's said enough without saying a word.

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Then you obviously missed his so called, "interview" with Jim Gray at Salem State where he let the Patriot fans do all the talking for him by quoting, "What do you guys, think?"

Really? His attorney, Don Yee, has pointed towards innocence from day one when the Wells report came out. What other kind of evidentiary conclusions do you need? He's appealing the ruling. He'll go to court if Goodell doesn't satisfy him.

A picture paints a thousand words, man. And right now, the picture I see is a tornado whirlwind of lies, deceit, cover up, and overall guilty as charged hanging over his mantle above the fireplace.

Yeah, I'd say he's said enough without saying a word.

You mean when Jim Gray asked him if this situation spoiled the Super Bowl win and he asked an auditorium full of college aged Patriots fans 'what do you think'??? THAT is your source of lies and deceit?

There is a difference between 'proclaiming innocence AT the beginning' and 'proclaiming innocence SINCE the beginning'. Jesus...the guy couldn't have said any less about it if you paid him...but you're trying to say that was an example of him continuing to proclaim innocence through it all?

Man...talk about revisionist history to fit your narrative. Robert Kraft says something so that means Brady's guilty. Bill Belichick says nothing so that means Brady's guilty. Meanwhile Brady doesn't say a single thing...he literally tried his hardest to not respond to anything about it, and that somehow turned into a 'tornado whirlwind of lies, deceit, and overall guilt'???


Listen, he may be guilty. After all, it's more probably than not that he is. But you guys are reaching to prove it at this point. Your post was the perfect snapshot of how this whole case has gone down. You reference things to prove this tangled web of lies when he literally has said nothing more than 'I have no reaction yet and I'll let you know when I do'.

Comeon man...there's enough there for all of you to complain about in all this without having to make stuff up.

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You mean when Jim Gray asked him if this situation spoiled the Super Bowl win and he asked an auditorium full of college aged Patriots fans 'what do you think'??? THAT is your source of lies and deceit?

There is a difference between 'proclaiming innocence AT the beginning' and 'proclaiming innocence SINCE the beginning'. Jesus...the guy couldn't have said any less about it if you paid him...but you're trying to say that was an example of him continuing to proclaim innocence through it all?

Man...talk about revisionist history to fit your narrative. Robert Kraft says something so that means Brady's guilty. Bill Belichick says nothing so that means Brady's guilty. Meanwhile Brady doesn't say a single thing...he literally tried his hardest to not respond to anything about it, and that somehow turned into a 'tornado whirlwind of lies, deceit, and overall guilt'???


Listen, he may be guilty. After all, it's more probably than not that he is. But you guys are reaching to prove it at this point. Your post was the perfect snapshot of how this whole case has gone down. You reference things to prove this tangled web of lies when he literally has said nothing more than 'I have no reaction yet and I'll let you know when I do'.

Comeon man...there's enough there for all of you to complain about in all this without having to make stuff up.


By taking the 5th, you're automatically not guilty! ... how revolutionary of Tom Brady & friends to pledge allegiance to that!

"Listen, he may be guilty. After all, it's more probably than not that he is."

Then what in the world are you guys doing over here on Colts forums trying to antagonize posters with disingenuous arguments that lead to the contrary?

...btw... If you didn't think Brady was not trying to say anything regarding his innocence at Salem State via Patriot fans ... Well(s), I feel sorry for you, man. I really do.

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Deflategate has taken up way too much of everyone's time.


Brady is guilty, and if he would have just admitted it from the get go,  I don't think it would have been nearly as big a deal.


NOW he looks like a spoiled brat, along with being labled a liar and a cheat.


And  the Pats fans  are  beside themselves that Kraft said  we're taking our punishment and moving on...


That along with the fact that Belichick has basically said he never believed Tom's story,  well it flat out doesn't look good for Tom.


But it's not life or death.  He needs to just own up to it, take his punishment and move on...


Outside of New England, though,  I believe he'll always be viewed as a cheat.  Don't you?

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Oh Shane-O...I know you think this is your big 'gotcha' moment since I said yesterday that there would be no asterisks next to the official records or lists of history...but you know this is just one writer putting an asterisk next to his name in his column...it's not exactly like NFL.com across the board put up an asterisk next to '2014 Champions: Patriots' or '2014 Superbowl MVP: Tom Brady.


But sure, go ahead and 'LOL' all day bud... ... ...



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Correct. My only point was that you guys can attach all the asterisks you want in your own heads, but the NFL will never officially attach one to anything...Shane can keep on jumping-jacking until he passes out, but it won't change a thing.



LOL. Everyone (except whatever planet pats* fans live on) is putting asterisks on the pats*

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You're either misunderstanding me or confusing me with someone else.


To be clear,  I am HUGELY disappointed and not at all happy about the Cover-up.    I've said in multiple posts that I'm far more upset with the cover-up than I am with the offense itself.    The NFL expects you to come clean and confess.   They do not expect you to make it difficult for them to prove their case.     If you confess,  they'll take that into consideration.    But if you don't, they drop the hammer.


I even started a thread (about a month ago)  which explained what Brady should do....


-- He should publicly confess.

-- He should offer to pay for the salaries of the two suspended employees.

-- He should apologize to kraft, Belicheck and the whole team and all the fans.

-- He should explain he first thought it wasn't a big deal and he didn't think it would be a big deal even if he was caught and was completely caught off guard by how big a deal it turned out to be.

-- He should explain that he feared being suspended for the Super Bowl.

-- He should say that now that all of that has passed he's ready to accept his punishment.


I've been saying this and only this since the beginning.


I've been 100 percent consistent saying the NFL would think this was a big deal and that I was completely offended by the cover-up.


I also was personally offended by Kraft's incredibly heavy-handed way of public posturing and demanding an apology if no smoking gun was found or no conclusive proof was found.    That's not the standard of proof that the NFL uses and Kraft fully knows it.    So, his posturing was completely disingenuous and phony.


I hope this clears that up.

Maybe I just missed those posts, misunderstood them, or confused you with someone else.  Wouldn't have been the first time I've done that.  So I apologize for that, mis-characterizing your points, and the like.  And I agree that Kraft's conduct prior to the release of the Wells report was a big no-no as far as I'm concerned.  This is coming from the fanbase of the team who's owner made a big huge deal about "building the monster" when it signed Trent Richardson.  I hate when owners go too far when they are really emotional about something and basically promise something they don't know they can deliver or demand osmeone else do something when they don't have the leverage to do so.  I always hate having to defend something your owner does when you really can't.  The best you can say is, "I still support him, but damn him for making me have to support him for that."

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Deflategate has taken up way too much of everyone's time.


Brady is guilty, and if he would have just admitted it from the get go,  I don't think it would have been nearly as big a deal.


NOW he looks like a spoiled brat, along with being labled a liar and a cheat.


And  the Pats fans  are  beside themselves that Kraft said  we're taking our punishment and moving on...


That along with the fact that Belichick has basically said he never believed Tom's story,  well it flat out doesn't look good for Tom.


But it's not life or death.  He needs to just own up to it, take his punishment and move on...


Outside of New England, though,  I believe he'll always be viewed as a cheat.  Don't you?



1. How does Brady look like a spoiled brat when he has said nothing about this at all? Again, you guys are using both sides of every point to assassinate this guys character when quite literally he has done and said nothing since the report has come out and his sentence handed down. You all said that when Kraft talked, it made things worse and further proved Brady's guilt, and then now you all turn around and also say that Belichicks silence proves his guilt. I mean...what? Which is it? That's playing both sides and really reaching.  


2. Belichick hasn't said anything about believing or not believing Tom's involvement. You all keep referencing that one column from perennial jack wagon Ron Borges, and this is a perfect example of how you guys have taken stories that support your opinion and blown them up as fact, while ignoring any other column where someone could possible have the audacity to have a different viewpoint. 


3. Yeah, outside of New England, I'm sure everyone has already made up their mind regardless of what happens with his appeal. In fact, outside of New England, I'm sure everyone made up their mind the day after the AFCCG...that's what happens when the court of public opinion has ruled before a case is even closed. And that's fine...you can all have that opinion but that asterisk will never show up in the record books or on any championship banner. Patriots fans can watch their Championship DVDs and look up and see those banners hanging and this whole thing won't take away how we felt watching them win them. 

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1. How does Brady look like a spoiled brat when he has said nothing about this at all? Again, you guys are using both sides of every point to assassinate this guys character when quite literally he has done and said nothing since the report has come out and his sentence handed down. You all said that when Kraft talked, it made things worse and further proved Brady's guilt, and then now you all turn around and also say that Belichicks silence proves his guilt. I mean...what? Which is it? That's playing both sides and really reaching.  


2. Belichick hasn't said anything about believing or not believing Tom's involvement. You all keep referencing that one column from perennial jack wagon Ron Borges, and this is a perfect example of how you guys have taken stories that support your opinion and blown them up as fact, while ignoring any other column where someone could possible have the audacity to have a different viewpoint. 


3. Yeah, outside of New England, I'm sure everyone has already made up their mind regardless of what happens with his appeal. In fact, outside of New England, I'm sure everyone made up their mind the day after the AFCCG...that's what happens when the court of public opinion has ruled before a case is even closed. And that's fine...you can all have that opinion but that asterisk will never show up in the record books or on any championship banner. Patriots fans can watch their Championship DVDs and look up and see those banners hanging and this whole thing won't take away how we felt watching them win them. 



As to #3 , what do you think is going to "happen with his appeal ?" I know I'm jumping the gun a bit but other than giving  Goodall his cell phone and it proves him innocent , what could possibly happen in that process to change people's mind. If you think more , I'm just going to "suggest " you brace yourself for another big disappointment . If there was anything other than his attorney's rants to prove Brady's innocence , you would think there would at least be a little "activity pointing toward that. 


What I think the appeal is going to be about is Brady saying the proof wasn't there and then asking for the 4 games to be reduced. Could I be wrong ? Sure but I doubt it.

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As to #3 , what do you think is going to "happen with his appeal ?" I know I'm jumping the gun a bit but other than giving  Goodall his cell phone and it proves him innocent , what could possibly happen in that process to change people's mind. If you think more , I'm just going to "suggest " you brace yourself for another big disappointment . If there was anything other than his attorney's rants to prove Brady's innocence , you would think there would at least be a little "activity pointing toward that. 


What I think the appeal is going to be about is Brady saying the proof wasn't there and then asking for the 4 games to be reduced. Could I be wrong ? Sure but I doubt it.


That probably all that will happen...if anything. All I'm saying is that regardless of what happens, people have already made up there minds. As a hypothetical...even if Goodell pulls a complete 180 and gets rid of the suspension and says that there really was no proof...would that change any of your minds? My guess is no. You've all decided and that's fine. The damage is done, as of now Patriots fans just want to see him on the field as soon as possible.

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That probably all that will happen...if anything. All I'm saying is that regardless of what happens, people have already made up there minds. As a hypothetical...even if Goodell pulls a complete 180 and gets rid of the suspension and says that there really was no proof...would that change any of your minds? My guess is no. You've all decided and that's fine. The damage is done, as of now Patriots fans just want to see him on the field as soon as possible.



If somehow the text messages were "suddenly explained " by things other than we have right now , I would be all ears. As we speak , what I've heard is one guy was on a diet along with a lot of "joking around." Anyway I agree that the damage has been done and we should stop beating the dead horse .

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1. How does Brady look like a spoiled brat when he has said nothing about this at all? Again, you guys are using both sides of every point to assassinate this guys character when quite literally he has done and said nothing since the report has come out and his sentence handed down. You all said that when Kraft talked, it made things worse and further proved Brady's guilt, and then now you all turn around and also say that Belichicks silence proves his guilt. I mean...what? Which is it? That's playing both sides and really reaching.

2. Belichick hasn't said anything about believing or not believing Tom's involvement. You all keep referencing that one column from perennial jack wagon Ron Borges, and this is a perfect example of how you guys have taken stories that support your opinion and blown them up as fact, while ignoring any other column where someone could possible have the audacity to have a different viewpoint.

3. Yeah, outside of New England, I'm sure everyone has already made up their mind regardless of what happens with his appeal. In fact, outside of New England, I'm sure everyone made up their mind the day after the AFCCG...that's what happens when the court of public opinion has ruled before a case is even closed. And that's fine...you can all have that opinion but that asterisk will never show up in the record books or on any championship banner. Patriots fans can watch their Championship DVDs and look up and see those banners hanging and this whole thing won't take away how we felt watching them win them.

For me, and I can only speak for myself, it starts with his press conference, and his smug attitude, and laughing about it, saying the Colts had sour grapes, referring to ISIS and so on, all the while, denying any involvement, and giving off the vibe of a spoiled rich kid that knows he's done wrong and daring you to prove it.

You, yourself have admitted that he's probably guilty.

I just think if he would have been honest, from the beginning it would be better for all involved. But instead, he chose to try to make a mockery out of all of it, and has only made himself look worse.

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Deflategate has taken up way too much of everyone's time.


Brady is guilty, and if he would have just admitted it from the get go,  I don't think it would have been nearly as big a deal.


NOW he looks like a spoiled brat, along with being labled a liar and a cheat.


And  the Pats fans  are  beside themselves that Kraft said  we're taking our punishment and moving on...


That along with the fact that Belichick has basically said he never believed Tom's story,  well it flat out doesn't look good for Tom.


But it's not life or death.  He needs to just own up to it, take his punishment and move on...


Outside of New England, though,  I believe he'll always be viewed as a cheat.  Don't you?


Outside of New England, people love to sanctimoniously pretend that their team is "clean" and the team that wins is "dirty" as an excuse to soften the blow of all the losing that team inflicted on their team. Footballs that were tenths of a pound of psi lower than some science outfit who said 2nd hand smoke doesn't cause cancer thinks they should have been, even though there is zero comparative data available because nobody has ever tested footballs at halftime before...must be an organized cheating operation. Lol.

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Outside of New England, people love to sanctimoniously pretend that their team is "clean" and the team that wins is "dirty" as an excuse to soften the blow of all the losing that team inflicted on their team. Footballs that were tenths of a pound of psi lower than some science outfit who said 2nd hand smoke doesn't cause cancer thinks they should have been, even though there is zero comparative data available because nobody has ever tested footballs at halftime before...must be an organized cheating operation. Lol.


Outside of New England must fans aren't quite as arrogant in their acceptance of "by any means as long as you win".


There may be zero comparative data about PSI levels, but then there's zero comparative data about equipment guys stealing footballs from the referee's room but I don't think I need it to conclude it wasn't for any legal reason, otherwise why be so sneaky? 


Of course I know I'm wasting my time here but hey... I'm at work, I'm getting paid for my Sisphys like task of getting even an iota of admittance out of you that something untoward happened. 


Personally I still like the aliens theory. 

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1. How does Brady look like a spoiled brat when he has said nothing about this at all? Again, you guys are using both sides of every point to assassinate this guys character when quite literally he has done and said nothing since the report has come out and his sentence handed down. You all said that when Kraft talked, it made things worse and further proved Brady's guilt, and then now you all turn around and also say that Belichicks silence proves his guilt. I mean...what? Which is it? That's playing both sides and really reaching.  


2. Belichick hasn't said anything about believing or not believing Tom's involvement. You all keep referencing that one column from perennial jack wagon Ron Borges, and this is a perfect example of how you guys have taken stories that support your opinion and blown them up as fact, while ignoring any other column where someone could possible have the audacity to have a different viewpoint. 


3. Yeah, outside of New England, I'm sure everyone has already made up their mind regardless of what happens with his appeal. In fact, outside of New England, I'm sure everyone made up their mind the day after the AFCCG...that's what happens when the court of public opinion has ruled before a case is even closed. And that's fine...you can all have that opinion but that asterisk will never show up in the record books or on any championship banner. Patriots fans can watch their Championship DVDs and look up and see those banners hanging and this whole thing won't take away how we felt watching them win them.

Then tell me, "Oh Great Carnac", mystic from the East, why Brady has _NOT_ proclaimed his innocence thus far in public? Why is he appealing the punishment without saying a word? Why is he willing to go to court without saying a word?

As a well known famous QB & public figure, Tom Brady has been convicted in the eyes of multitudes because he hasn't said a word. He has given power to, Don Yee, to proclaim that for him. If he has nothing to hide, why in the world would he not proclaim innocence on his own validity and accord? Why does he have an attorney to do his talking and proclamations for him if he's completely innocent?

This isn't a crime against society. It's a crime against the NFL. Why shouldn't he be proclaiming his innocence by himself, even if that includes only a very short statement to that effect? It's not like he can't have the attorney next to him after only a couple short words that would include, "I am innocent of these charges, and I'm going to let my attorney, Don Yee, defend me to prove that!" Or words to that ultimate conclusion. The absolute worst thing he could've done, has been done. Remain silent.

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I believe to be fair to Tom he should have an asterisk the size of a football (properly inflated) on his jersey to the upper right of his number and a decal of a bicycle pump on his helmet. 


I wonder how the Indy crowd will react when the Pats come to Indy in week five. It will be interesting. They should release a large balloon in the center of the field then shoot it with a small pin!!!

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Then tell me, "Oh Great Carnac", mystic from the East, why Brady has _NOT_ proclaimed his innocence thus far in public? Why is he appealing the punishment without saying a word? Why is he willing to go to court without saying a word?

As a well known famous QB & public figure, Tom Brady has been convicted in the eyes of multitudes because he hasn't said a word. He has given power to, Don Yee, to proclaim that for him. If he has nothing to hide, why in the world would he not proclaim innocence on his own validity and accord? Why does he have an attorney to do his talking and proclamations for him if he's completely innocent?

This isn't a crime against society. It's a crime against the NFL. Why shouldn't he be proclaiming his innocence by himself, even if that includes only a very short statement to that effect? It's not like he can't have the attorney next to him after only a couple short words that would include, "I am innocent of these charges, and I'm going to let my attorney, Don Yee, defend me to prove that!" Or words to that ultimate conclusion. The absolute worst thing he could've done, has been done. Remain silent.


Did you miss his Jan. 22 press conference?  What more needs to be repeated?  I am confused by your request.  He took care of your concerns in that presser, Don Yee pointed out some inconsistencies in the Wells Report when it came out, and at Salem State Brady stated that there is a process going on and there is a time and place for him to speak regarding that process.  Why are you confused?


I do not understand why you need someone to repeat something he has already stated at the Jan. 22 presser.  Please advise.  


As a side note, once someone pleads not guilty at an arraignment, he does not have to kept repeating, most folks get the message the first time around, apparently some don't.   Bottom line unless someone's position has changed to the other side there is not need to speak on the matter as things revert back to ones stated position.

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Did you miss his Jan. 22 press conference?  What more needs to be repeated?  I am confused by your request.  He took care of your concerns in that presser, Don Yee pointed out some inconsistencies in the Wells Report when it came out, and at Salem State Brady stated that there is a process going on and there is a time and place for him to speak regarding that process.  Why are you confused?


I do not understand why you need someone to repeat something he has already stated at the Jan. 22 presser.  Please advise.  


As a side note, once someone pleads not guilty at an arraignment, he does not have to kept repeating, most folks get the message the first time around, apparently some don't.   Bottom line unless someone's position has changed to the other side there is not need to speak on the matter as things revert back to ones stated position.


Nobody is confused except pats* fans.


You're actually right though. We don't need to hear shady brady* lie to our faces again. He's done that enough for two careers* already. 

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Nobody is confused except pats* fans.


You're actually right though. We don't need to hear shady brady* lie to our faces again. He's done that enough for two careers* already. 


Well then I am glad that you cleared up ColtSense's concerns then.  thank you.  


And no I am not confused, lets see what happens with this process as time goes on.

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Did you miss his Jan. 22 press conference?  What more needs to be repeated?  I am confused by your request.  He took care of your concerns in that presser, Don Yee pointed out some inconsistencies in the Wells Report when it came out, and at Salem State Brady stated that there is a process going on and there is a time and place for him to speak regarding that process.  Why are you confused?


I do not understand why you need someone to repeat something he has already stated at the Jan. 22 presser.  Please advise.  


As a side note, once someone pleads not guilty at an arraignment, he does not have to kept repeating, most folks get the message the first time around, apparently some don't.   Bottom line unless someone's position has changed to the other side there is not need to speak on the matter as things revert back to ones stated position.

Yehoodi, it's not that I'm confused one single bit. It's the fact that Pats fans keep posting an argumentative notion that this whole DeFlateGate business is no big deal on Colts Forums. So, in essence, we as Colts fans should just continually yield the floor and let some New England fans state whatever they feel without rebuttal in regards to all positive posts about Tom Brady's guilt or innocence?

Btw, Brady has never taken care of anything in the January presser as it relates to after the Wells report came out. At least not in my view he hasn't. The January presser is irrelevant at this stage. Means absolutely nothing to most. The fact that Brady has not come forward to defend himself in his own words by now is a rendition of a man that's not shooting straight forward with the truth of it all.

Now, the relevancy of his January presser will certainly be taken by a court of law when the time comes. As far as repeating one's position, that's the exact point I'm making. Yielding the forum over to all pro Brady/New England fans without comment is not gonna happen here. I can guarantee you that. I don't care how many times it has to be defended.

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Yehoodi, it's not that I'm confused one single bit. It's the fact that Pats fans keep posting an argumentative notion that this whole DeFlateGate business is no big deal on Colts Forums. So, in essence, we as Colts fans should just continually yield the floor and let some New England fans state whatever they feel without rebuttal in regards to all positive posts about Tom Brady's guilt or innocence?

Btw, Brady has never taken care of anything in the January presser as it relates to after the Wells report came out. At least not in my view he hasn't. The January presser is irrelevant at this stage. Means absolutely nothing to most. The fact that Brady has not come forward to defend himself in his own words by now is a rendition of a man that's not shooting straight forward with the truth of it all.

Now, the relevancy of his January presser will certainly be taken by a court of law when the time comes. As far as repeating one's position, that's the exact point I'm making. Yielding the forum over to all pro Brady/New England fans without comment is not gonna happen here. I can guarantee you that. I don't care how many times it has to be defended.







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For me, and I can only speak for myself, it starts with his press conference, and his smug attitude, and laughing about it, saying the Colts had sour grapes, referring to ISIS and so on, all the while, denying any involvement, and giving off the vibe of a spoiled rich kid that knows he's done wrong and daring you to prove it.

You, yourself have admitted that he's probably guilty.

I just think if he would have been honest, from the beginning it would be better for all involved. But instead, he chose to try to make a mockery out of all of it, and has only made himself look worse.


That works both ways Granzs on each side of the fence.


Maybe if Kravitz doesn't leak out the investigation via his "NFL" source at 1 AM Monday morning.  I am still not sure why a reporter would be talking with an NFL official in the wee hours of the morning, most folks are in bed, funny how that report came out, aint it?


Maybe if Mortensen does not report 11 balls are a full 2.0 psig below the minimum from his NFL source, which was patently wrong. 


Maybe if the NFL, who was in possession of the actual numbers, came out and actually disclosed them and/or indicated that Mortensen was patently wrong.


Maybe if the national media does not make this the biggest thing I do not known when, partly due to Mortensen's report which again was not properly qualified by the NFL. 


Maybe if there was not the circus that was around in Jan, we might of been able to more properly prepare for the SB.


Maybe if the NFL did not have all of its leaks, had a tight ship, did its investigation and issued it findings and penalties as they did in the last month, there would have not been the circus in January and would  be where we are now with the present fines and penalties imposed. 


But alas that did not happen and that is all the fault of the NFL and not us.


So when that circus occurs, which should not have happened, sometimes folks do not respond as you may wish. 


So yah it works both ways, you guys think you got responses that you did not like, but on this side of the fence we had to endure an unnecessary circus than in the end didn't do anything substantive but just be a waste of time and energy.

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That works both ways Granzs on each side of the fence.

Maybe if Kravitz doesn't leak out the investigation via his "NFL" source at 1 AM Monday morning. I am still not sure why a reporter would be talking with an NFL official in the wee hours of the morning, most folks are in bed, funny how that report came out, aint it?

Maybe if Mortensen does not report 11 balls are a full 2.0 psig below the minimum from his NFL source, which was patently wrong.

Maybe if the NFL, who was in possession of the actual numbers, came out and actually disclosed them and/or indicated that Mortensen was patently wrong.

Maybe if the national media does not make this the biggest thing I do not known when, partly due to Mortensen's report which again was not properly qualified by the NFL.

Maybe if there was not the circus that was around in Jan, we might of been able to more properly prepare for the SB.

Maybe if the NFL did not have all of its leaks, had a tight ship, did its investigation and issued it findings and penalties as they did in the last month, there would have not been the circus in January and would be where we are now with the present fines and penalties imposed.

But alas that did not happen and that is all the fault of the NFL and not us.

So when that circus occurs, which should not have happened, sometimes folks do not respond as you may wish.

So yah it works both ways, you guys think you got responses that you did not like, but on this side of the fence we had to endure an unnecessary circus than in the end didn't do anything substantive but just be a waste of time and energy.

None of this excuses the fact that there was wrongdoing by the Pats. The blame is not ALL on the two ballboys either. And Kraft knows that, or he would continue to fight it.

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Then tell me, "Oh Great Carnac", mystic from the East, why Brady has _NOT_ proclaimed his innocence thus far in public? Why is he appealing the punishment without saying a word? Why is he willing to go to court without saying a word?

As a well known famous QB & public figure, Tom Brady has been convicted in the eyes of multitudes because he hasn't said a word. He has given power to, Don Yee, to proclaim that for him. If he has nothing to hide, why in the world would he not proclaim innocence on his own validity and accord? Why does he have an attorney to do his talking and proclamations for him if he's completely innocent?

This isn't a crime against society. It's a crime against the NFL. Why shouldn't he be proclaiming his innocence by himself, even if that includes only a very short statement to that effect? It's not like he can't have the attorney next to him after only a couple short words that would include, "I am innocent of these charges, and I'm going to let my attorney, Don Yee, defend me to prove that!" Or words to that ultimate conclusion. The absolute worst thing he could've done, has been done. Remain silent.


The problem is that you guys have found fault in every single thing he did or could have done. Your big thing now is 'oh if he just admitted from the start we'd be cool'. Heck no you wouldn't, you guys have had the exact same response since day 1 and NOTHING he could have done or said would have changed that. If he came out and admitted it at the beginning, your response would be "Cheater!!! Asterisks all around!!!" Instead he chose not to release a statement, and your response is "Cheater!!! Asterisks all around!!!" The amount of misinformation at the beginning and the leaks from the beginning put the Patriots on the defensive right from the start...Brady stood up and denied his involvement and is now waiting for the appeal process to take any further steps. Sorry if that isnt good enough for you.


Stop pretending to be offended that he hasn't spoken about it yet. I am still trying to figure out how someone who literally has not said anything about it could be guilty of creating a, as you put it, 'tornado whirlwind of lies and deceit.' That logic simply doesn't make sense. If you think his silence somehow proves his guilt then that's a whole other thing, but you cant be simultaneously silent AND guilty of lying and deceiving...but somehow you are trying to convince everyone that he's guilty because he's done both. 

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That works both ways Granzs on each side of the fence.


Maybe if Kravitz doesn't leak out the investigation via his "NFL" source at 1 AM Monday morning.  I am still not sure why a reporter would be talking with an NFL official in the wee hours of the morning, most folks are in bed, funny how that report came out, aint it?


Maybe if Mortensen does not report 11 balls are a full 2.0 psig below the minimum from his NFL source, which was patently wrong. 


Maybe if the NFL, who was in possession of the actual numbers, came out and actually disclosed them and/or indicated that Mortensen was patently wrong.


Maybe if the national media does not make this the biggest thing I do not known when, partly due to Mortensen's report which again was not properly qualified by the NFL. 


Maybe if there was not the circus that was around in Jan, we might of been able to more properly prepare for the SB.


Maybe if the NFL did not have all of its leaks, had a tight ship, did its investigation and issued it findings and penalties as they did in the last month, there would have not been the circus in January and would  be where we are now with the present fines and penalties imposed. 


But alas that did not happen and that is all the fault of the NFL and not us.


So when that circus occurs, which should not have happened, sometimes folks do not respond as you may wish. 


So yah it works both ways, you guys think you got responses that you did not like, but on this side of the fence we had to endure an unnecessary circus than in the end didn't do anything substantive but just be a waste of time and energy.



Or, maybe if Brady didn't cheat in the first place, this all would have been irrelevant.  That's kind of the bottom line. 


The rest of your post is essentially just deplacing blame.  It's what my 5 year old does when I catch him in the cookie jar.

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Yehoodi, it's not that I'm confused one single bit. It's the fact that Pats fans keep posting an argumentative notion that this whole DeFlateGate business is no big deal on Colts Forums. So, in essence, we as Colts fans should just continually yield the floor and let some New England fans state whatever they feel without rebuttal in regards to all positive posts about Tom Brady's guilt or innocence?

Btw, Brady has never taken care of anything in the January presser as it relates to after the Wells report came out. At least not in my view he hasn't. The January presser is irrelevant at this stage. Means absolutely nothing to most. The fact that Brady has not come forward to defend himself in his own words by now is a rendition of a man that's not shooting straight forward with the truth of it all.

Now, the relevancy of his January presser will certainly be taken by a court of law when the time comes. As far as repeating one's position, that's the exact point I'm making. Yielding the forum over to all pro Brady/New England fans without comment is not gonna happen here. I can guarantee you that. I don't care how many times it has to be defended.




In the first minute of his press conference in January Brady stated "I did not alter the ball in any way"  Is there something you do not understand in that statement?   It seems extremely clear to me, but perhaps not for you?  We now know Brady's position on the matter, call it a not guilty plea if you will (well not responsible might a better way to put it).  After that point NOTHING needs to be repeated from Brady to clarify his position with respect to his responsibility on the matter, nothing. ColtSense, nothing. 


You somehow feel there need to be, sorry not buying it here.  Not sure what precedent or authority you are using to require someone to keep repeating ones non responsibility on a given matter.


As it stands now we have the NFL that feels that Brady is responsible as illustrative by the suspension imposed and we have Brady maintaining his non responsibility by the fact he has not changed his position (plea) and illustrative by him appealing the ruling.  Lets let the process works its way out.  Fair enough? 


We all have our feelings on the matter and that is fine, but lets not ask someone to continue claim non responsibility when their appeal effectively reiterates his sentiment in January.   


Once things pan out we will hopefully have a clearer picture on the matter.

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Or, maybe if Brady didn't cheat in the first place, this all would have been irrelevant.  That's kind of the bottom line. 


The rest of your post is essentially just deplacing blame.  It's what my 5 year old does when I catch him in the cookie jar.


Or maybe if the NFL just issued a warning at halftime to the pats like they did to Minn/Carolina, this issue would of been dead five minutes into the 2nd half of the AFCCG game.  Just saying.  warning issued and its part of the pats resume.


Mouthfire, nobody is happy how this things came down.  On one hand folks are upset that the pats balls were as low as they were at halftime, on the other hand folks are not happy about unnecessary circuses.  one can still impose a sanction without the circus.  if there is a circus and outcry after the sanction are imposed and results issued, so be it, fair enough, no problem.

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The problem is that you guys have found fault in every single thing he did or could have done. Your big thing now is 'oh if he just admitted from the start we'd be cool'. Heck no you wouldn't, you guys have had the exact same response since day 1 and NOTHING he could have done or said would have changed that. If he came out and admitted it at the beginning, your response would be "Cheater!!! Asterisks all around!!!" Instead he chose not to release a statement, and your response is "Cheater!!! Asterisks all around!!!" The amount of misinformation at the beginning and the leaks from the beginning put the Patriots on the defensive right from the start...Brady stood up and denied his involvement and is now waiting for the appeal process to take any further steps. Sorry if that isnt good enough for you.


Stop pretending to be offended that he hasn't spoken about it yet. I am still trying to figure out how someone who literally has not said anything about it could be guilty of creating a, as you put it, 'tornado whirlwind of lies and deceit.' That logic simply doesn't make sense. If you think his silence somehow proves his guilt then that's a whole other thing, but you cant be simultaneously silent AND guilty of lying and deceiving...but somehow you are trying to convince everyone that he's guilty because he's done both.

Apparently you do not know me well enough, dynasty13. If Tom Brady would've come forth after the Wells Report, _either way_ , declaring his guilt or innocence in his own words I would've respected him for doing so. And, IMO, so would've the rest of the country.

I'm not "pretending" to be offended. I am offended by his actions to not defend himself in his own words. This country we all live in, is for the most part, a forgiving one. Second, third, and sometimes fourth chances are given to people who "mess up". But where "lies" are concerned, that's not something people tend to forgive so easily on a multiple basis.

And, yes, taking into consideration the amount of troubles New England has faced over the last decade or so, that certainly is relative to the term of a "tornado whirlwind of lies and deceit."

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Or maybe if the NFL just issued a warning at halftime to the pats like they did to Minn/Carolina, this issue would of been dead five minutes into the 2nd half of the AFCCG game. Just saying. warning issued and its part of the pats resume.

Mouthfire, nobody is happy how this things came down. On one hand folks are upset that the pats balls were as low as they were at halftime, on the other hand folks are not happy about unnecessary circuses. one can still impose a sanction without the circus. if there is a circus and outcry after the sanction are imposed and results issued, so be it, fair enough, no problem.

Or, Brady shouldn't have put himself in that type of situation in the first place?

Really... If you don't want to be caught with your pants down, don't drop the trousers in the first place.... It's as common sense as anything else.

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None of this excuses the fact that there was wrongdoing by the Pats. The blame is not ALL on the two ballboys either. And Kraft knows that, or he would continue to fight it.


Agree wrongdoing is wrongdoing.  However, btw a player in hockey playing with an illegal stick receives a 2 minute minor penalty, just to give you some perspective on wrongdoing with the use of illegal equipment in team sports.   Not saying that the NFL could have a 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct issued to the pats after the INT, but just saying . . . things are what you put a value on.


And no my pointed references do not retroactively undue any wrongdoing in the instant game, so agreed with you on that point.  However, they do address, imo, the actions by the pats after the game is over and how they interact with the public, something that folks here seem to have a problem with the "smugness" of the pats post game. 


Trouble is Granz in life sometimes you will find that when folks feel like they have been unnecessarily wronged or hurt, they are not in the best of moods to respond properly, or as some may want them to act.  I got zero problem with any NFL investigation or if they wish to impose some kind of penalty down the road, go ahead, have at it, no complaints from this corner. 


Where I have a problem is the unnecessary media circus that wasted a lot of time and energy and did not helped towards the NFL investigation, so basically it was pointless.   So yah I do have a problem with that circus and as did the pats, and if they are not all smiles for you, then well that is too bad. Next time keep things in house, do the investigation, issues the rulings and let the media circus happened then based on the rulings, but not before.  that is my point.       

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Or, Brady shouldn't have put himself in that type of situation in the first place?

Really... If you don't want to be caught with your pants down, don't drop the trousers in the first place.... It's as common sense as anything else.


You mean like Minn/Car?


I am curious to see how things pan out with the upcoming appeal.

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In the first minute of his press conference in January Brady stated "I did not alter the ball in any way"  Is there something you do not understand in that statement?   It seems extremely clear to me, but perhaps not for you?  We now know Brady's position on the matter, call it a not guilty plea if you will (well not responsible might a better way to put it).  After that point NOTHING needs to be repeated from Brady to clarify his position with respect to his responsibility on the matter, nothing. ColtSense, nothing. 


You somehow feel there need to be, sorry not buying it here.  Not sure what precedent or authority you are using to require someone to keep repeating ones non responsibility on a given matter.


As it stands now we have the NFL that feels that Brady is responsible as illustrative by the suspension imposed and we have Brady maintaining his non responsibility by the fact he has not changed his position (plea) and illustrative by him appealing the ruling.  Lets let the process works its way out.  Fair enough? 


We all have our feelings on the matter and that is fine, but lets not ask someone to continue claim non responsibility when their appeal effectively reiterates his sentiment in January.   


Once things pan out we will hopefully have a clearer picture on the matter.

Man, oh, man. What does it take? You keep pounding the table with Brady's words, "I did not alter the ball in any way" from the January presser and that should be it. Wrong. The Wells report needs to be addressed by Brady himself and in public to change minds. It's really that simplistic. He chose not to. So be it. Like you said, let the process work itself out. Fair enough. I'm doing that. However, that does not mean that _ I _ remain silent when Pats fans put forth posts to the contrary of guilt or innocence without rebuttal.

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Apparently you do not know me well enough, dynasty13. If Tom Brady would've come forth after the Wells Report, _either way_ , declaring his guilt or innocence in his own words I would've respected him for doing so. And, IMO, so would've the rest of the country.

I'm not "pretending" to be offended. I am offended by his actions to not defend himself in his own words. This country we all live in, is for the most part, a forgiving one. Second, third, and sometimes fourth chances are given to people who "mess up". But where "lies" are concerned, that's not something people tend to forgive so easily on a multiple basis.

And, yes, taking into consideration the amount of troubles New England has faced over the last decade or so, that certainly is relative to the term of a "tornado whirlwind of lies and deceit."


See, this is where I call nonsense.


This is how things went down and it offends you:

Brady denied his involvement at the beginning, the report came out, then he filed an appeal of his punishment and said, "(I will issue a public statement) hopefully soon. There's still a process that's going forth right now. I'm involved with this process. Whenever it happens, it happens."


But IF this was how things went down, you would respect him: 

Brady denied his involvement at the beginning, the report came out, then he filed an appeal of his punishment and said, "I still deny any involvement, contrary to what the Well's Report assumes and I am disappointed that the NFL thought that a few out of context text messages proved guilt. There is a process that's going forth right now. I'm involved with this process."


I guess I don't really see the difference in those two scenarios. The end result and where we would be now is still the same. Your response to that statement would have been the same to your responses to Patriots fans who tried to say the same thing about the report.


But here the thing: You already believe he is guilty. You believe he is lying. So when we put these two comments of yours side by side...


If Tom Brady would've come forth after the Wells Report, _either way_ , declaring his guilt or innocence in his own words I would've respected him for doing so. And, IMO, so would've the rest of the country.


But where "lies" are concerned, that's not something people tend to forgive so easily


...I find it disingenuous when you say all he had to do was say something either way in his own words and you'd be more inclined to forgive and move on. Even if he came out and said AGAIN that he was innocent, you would not 'forgive' because you believe he would be lying. So no matter what you try say about it, the truth is that the only thing that would really satisfy you is if he admitted guilt.

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