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DeflateGate: Brady suspension expected (mega merge / updated)


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Brady is 37 years old.  He will be 38 in August (Wikipedia).  If he misses 8 games, the Pats have almost no chance of the playoffs.  The next season he will be 39 years old.  How many QBs play past that age?  Brady said he wants to play into his 40's and there is no way that will happen with the Pats.  They are cold and calculating. Favre and Moon are the only franchise QBs I know to do that and they had to go to other teams.  Brady will too.  A lot of people think he will play forever, but his time is approaching.  Maybe I'm wrong about the specifics, but his days are numbered and it will happen sooner rather than later.

If the Pats were 0-8 or 1-9 (something similar) when he gets back, then I could see the logic. But they likely won't be. They are a great team, with great coaches and tremendous leadership. Most likely, they'll do what they did when Brady was hurt for the season.......play very very well in Brady's absence. 


I don't care how hot Jimmy G is, BB will put Brady back in. It wouldn't be like with Bledsoe. Drew didn't win 4 Super Bowls for them. 

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I have read it multiple times. And no "report" that claims balls were deflated with a ref that never wrote down the psi's pregame but yet believes he knew the psi of all the balls pre-game but can't remember which gauged he used pretty much debunks and claims whatsoever. They have nothing linking Brady to anything involving the champ game just his displeasure over the Jets game ref inflating the footballs to an illegal 16 psi which Wells never addressed, surprise, surprise.


Before every NFL game the referee checks the air pressure in the footballs. It is not a policy to write the numbers down for each ball. In the future, it is very likely that the refs will be writing the numbers down due to a new policy. Should we now thank the patriots for having the rule added? 

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Well the patriots refused to let Wells question McNally the last time. I'm sure some of that would have been addressed. The fact Brady said he didn't know McNally would have also been addressed. If Brady appeals, those questions will get answered

Wells interviewed the ref of the Jets game. It says so in the footnotes but he fails to include his testimony re: the balls being inflated to 16 psi. Wonder why? The only thing Wells proved without a shadow of a doubt is how flimsy refs treat ball pressure and ball handling and Anderson's incompetence handling the balls of the champ game. And Wells also leaves out the rogue official who took a kicking ball out of the game to sell for profit. As I said, back in January, this type of investigation would only prove how incompetent the league is when it comes to ball handling and it did that without a shadow of a doubt ... 

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one game for deflating balls. Up to five more games for not cooperating with investigators and lying.

It's ironic to me that the NFL gets so upset when they are lied to, yet they are beyond reproach when it's their turn to do it.

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If the Pats were 0-8 or 1-9 (something similar) when he gets back, then I could see the logic. But they likely won't be. They are a great team, with great coaches and tremendous leadership. Most likely, they'll do what they did when Brady was hurt for the season.......play very very well in Brady's absence. 


I don't care how hot Jimmy G is, BB will put Brady back in. It wouldn't be like with Bledsoe. Drew didn't win 4 Super Bowls for them.

They lost their entire secondary.
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The under inflated balls is proof positive

lol. No they are not as they refs screwed up the pre game check with no written record of the psi or what gauge they even used and also screwed up the halftime measurements using two different gauges that gave different results and only measuring 4 Colts balls to the Pats 11 and one of the 4 Colts balls had to be disqualified because of a faulty reading ... this has incompetence everywhere.

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Wells interviewed the ref of the Jets game. It says so in the footnotes but he fails to include his testimony re: the balls being inflated to 16 psi. Wonder why? The only thing Wells proved without a shadow of a doubt is how flimsy refs treat ball pressure and ball handling and Anderson's incompetence handling the balls of the champ game. And Wells also leaves out the rogue official who took a kicking ball out of the game to sell for profit. As I said, back in January, this type of investigation would only prove how incompetent the league is when it comes to ball handling and it did that without a shadow of a doubt ...

and the patriots employee let air out of footballs. That much is clear as well. And punishment is eminent

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lol. No they are not as they refs screwed up the pre game check with no written record of the psi or what gauge they even used and also screwed up the halftime measurements using two different gauges that gave different results and only measuring 4 Colts balls to the Pats 11 and one of the 4 Colts balls had to be disqualified because of a faulty reading ... this has incompetence everywhere.

the league won't see it that way. Keep living in lala land

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Wells interviewed the ref of the Jets game. It says so in the footnotes but he fails to include his testimony re: the balls being inflated to 16 psi. Wonder why? The only thing Wells proved without a shadow of a doubt is how flimsy refs treat ball pressure and ball handling and Anderson's incompetence handling the balls of the champ game. And Wells also leaves out the rogue official who took a kicking ball out of the game to sell for profit. As I said, back in January, this type of investigation would only prove how incompetent the league is when it comes to ball handling and it did that without a shadow of a doubt ...

Second time, this is not a criminal court. There does not have to be hard evidence linking Brady to the football fiasco. Only evidence sufficient enough that he most likely knew what was going on. The fact he refused to cooperate, hand over emails pertaining to the footballs with the training staff, and the emails of the Patriot employees themselves , does that more than satisfactorily. The Saints had a potentially great season ruined by less evidence.
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and the patriots employee let air out of footballs. That much is clear as well. And punishment is eminent

How is that clear? because he took a pee? You realize that is not evidence of anything?


All Anderson had to do when he lost track of the balls (yet more incompetence) was to remove them from the game and make the Pats play with their reserve balls. Then they have the missing balls can take their time and gauge them and if underinflated punish Pats on Jan. 19. That is what should have happened but apparently Walt had no issue letting those balls into a title game for a whole half and also let the Colts play with underinflated balls for the second half as he did not remove their balls even though they came in at under 12.5 psi.

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the league won't see it that way. Keep living in lala land

I don't care about the league. They can go ahead and hand out 10 games to Brady. He will take them to court and not only win but embarrass them when his legal teams tears that report apart ...

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How is that clear? because he took a pee? You realize that is not evidence of anything?

All Anderson had to do when he lost track of the balls (yet more incompetence) was to remove them from the game and make the Pats play with their reserve balls. Then they have the missing balls can take their time and gauge them and if underinflated punish Pats on Jan. 19. That is what should have happened but apparently Walt had no issue letting those balls into a title game for a whole half and also let the Colts play with underinflated balls for the second half as he did not remove their balls even though they came in at under 12.5 psi.

You are going to be very disappointed when the punishment is handed down.

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Second time, this is not a criminal court. There does not have to be hard evidence linking Brady to the football fiasco. Only evidence sufficient enough that he most likely knew what was going on. The fact he refused to cooperate, hand over emails pertaining to the footballs with the training staff, and the emails of the Patriot employees themselves , does that more than satisfactorily. The Saints had a potentially great season ruined by less evidence.

Huh? Gregg Williams admitted to running the hit operation right from the start.

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I don't care about the league. They can go ahead and hand out 10 games to Brady. He will take them to court and not only win but embarrass them when his legal teams tears that report apart ...

He will also have to hand over his phone and computers. Brady will also have to address the fact he lied about knowing McNally. Good luck with that

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lol. No they are not as they refs screwed up the pre game check with no written record of the psi or what gauge they even used and also screwed up the halftime measurements using two different gauges that gave different results and only measuring 4 Colts balls to the Pats 11 and one of the 4 Colts balls had to be disqualified because of a faulty reading ... this has incompetence everywhere.


I am becoming more and more convinced that you did not read the report. It was already obvious that if you did read the report that you were not comprehending it.


First of all, the refs do not normally write the pressure of the game balls down ever. It is normal practice to check them and make sure they are between 12.5 and 13.5, and if they are then they get a passing grade. If not then air is added or released. the only reason why the measurements were taken at half time and/or after the game was due to the questioning of how the balls were getting deflated. This had to be done, only because the patriots were cheating to begin with.


Second of all, had you read the report, then you would know that only 11 patriots balls were tested at half time, because the referees did not want to reuse the ball the Colts had intercepted. And time only allowed for the referees to check 4 Colts balls, because half time was over and the game needed to continue. 


You can spin this (in your own mind) anyway you want to, but the facts are crystal clear. The patriots cheated, and brady was behind it. 

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lol. No they are not as they refs screwed up the pre game check with no written record of the psi or what gauge they even used and also screwed up the halftime measurements using two different gauges that gave different results and only measuring 4 Colts balls to the Pats 11 and one of the 4 Colts balls had to be disqualified because of a faulty reading ... this has incompetence everywhere.


LOL.  This is the Patriots PR machine spinning at it's best.   This poster is smart enough not be believer her own spin, but I heard some poor sucker Pats fan who took this spin to heart and was all emotional and outraged about 4 Colts balls being under inflated.  He bought this argument from the NE spin team and came off sounding like a fool.  Poor sucker is believing all the spin.  Sad part is that many will.. guess that's the PR spinners  job is to paint this believable deception.

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He will also have to hand over his phone and computers. Brady will also have to address the fact he lied about knowing McNally. Good luck with that

You must have missed the Yee media tour. Brady has no issues handing over his stuff to actual authorities just not an "independent" firm hired by the league trying to prove his guilt. Not to mention his private phone is none of their business given this league is notorious for its leaks. And also he is part of the union as well and would set a dangerous precedent if he were to hand it over.

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How is that clear? because he took a pee? You realize that is not evidence of anything?


He wasn't suppose to take the footballs from the locker room to the field to begin with. The fact that he left the locker room without the referees permission proves subordination to the rules. 

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what did that have to do with Payton and loomis?

Payton lied that he knew anything about it and then the league found his emails to Williams. But one Williams admitted the hit operation, it was all down hill after that. And not burst anyone's bubble, but the league is just a tad bit more concerned about player safety than it is ball pressure ... so the comparison is a joke.

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I expect a punishment. A harsh one. I am actually hoping for it as Yee made it clear that even a one game suspension means Brady will take the league to court ...

He isn't taking anything to court because he's guilty and he knows it. Those emails and other lies he's hiding will have to come out then.
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I don't care about the league. They can go ahead and hand out 10 games to Brady. He will take them to court and not only win but embarrass them when his legal teams tears that report apart ...


One can only hope brady is stupid enough to do that. It will be awesome to watch him suffer that type of public humiliation.

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He wasn't suppose to take the footballs from the locker room to the field to begin with. The fact that he left the locker room without the referees permission proves subordination to the rules. 

Sure but it does not prove ball tampering ...

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You must have missed the Yee media tour. Brady has no issues handing over his stuff to actual authorities just not an "independent" firm hired by the league trying to prove his guilt. Not to mention his private phone is none of their business given this league is notorious for its leaks. And also he is part of the union as well and would set a dangerous precedent if he were to hand it over.

I doubt a court will even take the case. A suspension is a league and union issue. Not a court of law

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You must have missed the Yee media tour. Brady has no issues handing over his stuff to actual authorities just not an "independent" firm hired by the league trying to prove his guilt. Not to mention his private phone is none of their business given this league is notorious for its leaks. And also he is part of the union as well and would set a dangerous precedent if he were to hand it over.


Mama's Wrong Again!


Page 21:


"Similarly, although Tom Brady appeared for a requested interview and answered

questions voluntarily, he declined to make available any documents or electronic information
(including text messages and emails) that we requested, even though those requests were limited
to the subject matter of our investigation (such as messages concerning the preparation of game
balls, air pressure of balls, inflation of balls or deflation of balls) and we offered to allow Brady‟s
counsel to screen and control the production so that it would be limited strictly to responsive
materials and would not involve our taking possession of Brady‟s telephone or other electronic
devices. Our inability to review contemporaneous communications and other documents in
Brady‟s possession and control related to the matters under review potentially limited the
discovery of relevant evidence and was not helpful to the investigation."
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