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Colts have blocked Chudzinski from all of his interview requests - Rapoport


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The Colts cannot block Head Coach interviews...anything below that, they can.

...and they wouldn't be blocking anything without first checking with Chud.

Apparently Chud is very valuable working with the offense...more valuable than Pep...

...which raises the question "Why the Heck is Pep still the OC?"


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based on what?


Well lets see He has had Major success at the Collegiate level as OC for the Hurricanes. Upon entering the NFL as an OC with Cleveland, coached them to being ranked the 8th overall offensively, he also sent 4 offensive players to the pro bowl that same year. Might i remind you we are talking about the Browns who then finished 10-6 that season in the AFC.  


When he became the Panthers OC he took one of the leagues worst offense and turned it into a top 10 Offense in 2010, set the tone for the career and success Cam Newton is having. The panthers finished that year in 7th overall on offense and 5th in the league in points scored.


His Resume speaks Volume. Much more than Pep's has!!!

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I think Pep's philosophy is dependent upon a strong running attack.  I think that he has struggled to adapt without that feature.

Adapt? Is that why the Colts lead the league in offense for the bigger part of the year? What running backs did he have to work with? Injury and T Rich were kind of hard to adapt with not to mention 13 different starting offensive lineups.

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I take it you know him well to say this?

Know his play call style well enough. Makes no adjustments. Sticks to his game plan and hopes it works. Most creative play I can think of that Pep has ran since coming here was vs Denver in Indianapolis when DHB came in motion then went back out in the flat for a TD catch. That was a great play. Other than that and maybe a handful of others, Pep's offense is very bland. Nothing really "cerebral" about it.

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 Most creative play I can think of that Pep has ran since coming here was vs Denver in Indianapolis when DHB came in motion then went back out in the flat for a TD catch.


He had another somewhat unique play to get a 1st with DHB vs. Seattle.  After that stretch of games, I thought we might be going somewhere.  Since then, you have the recurring play where Fleener slips back across the defense.  That's about it.  About three plays in two years. 

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He had another somewhat unique play to get a 1st with DHB vs. Seattle. After that stretch of games, I thought we might be going somewhere. Since then, you have the recurring play where Fleener slips back across the defense. That's about it. About three plays in two years.

My sentiments exactly. Just feel like we have too much talent to not have an exciting offense. Hilton & Moncrief should be use more creatively than just sending them on Go routes. Don't get me wrong, it's fun sitting on the edge of the seat when Luck launches one down field and you're waiting for it to come down, especially against the Texans. But there should be more POP to our offense than what we've seen

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My sentiments exactly. Just feel like we have too much talent to not have an exciting offense. Hilton & Moncrief should be use more creatively than just sending them on Go routes. Don't get me wrong, it's fun sitting on the edge of the seat when Luck launches one down field and you're waiting for it to come down, especially against the Texans. But there should be more POP to our offense than what we've seen


Yeah we haven't seen any pop at all to our offense.  :rollseyes:

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Many things I would like to see.  You could definitely use Luck's athleticism more.  We've run the keeper a few times, but have we run a naked bootleg since SF?  Watch Wilson.  It's easy money a few times a game.  Arians ran a designed QB draw, and, through play design, left Luck with more run/pass options in the red zone.  Haven't seen much of that since.  No, I don't want Luck to be rookie year RGIII, but you could do a little more.   

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I wouldn't mind replacing Pagano with Chud..... 


What has Chud done to warrant this? He got fired from Cleveland and I don't think anyone really knows exactly what his role has been since he's been in Indy.


I'd think there are a ton of college programs that would hire Pep as OC, even if it meant opening up their OC position to do so. 


A more likely scenario would be SF or one of the other NFL teams with an OC opening hiring him, if he were on the open market. 


Highly doubt Pep would want to leave an OC position with Luck as his QB to go anywhere else to be the OC -- definitely not down to college to be an OC (maybe to be a head coach) and I highly doubt to Kaepernick and the 9ers.  Maybe if Green Bay or a team with a stud QB and great offense in place could lure him from Indy.  He is in his second season here and we were a top 5 offense.  Should only improve as Luck's growth continues and we continue give him the support he needs.


100% spot on.

,They seem to never have a plan to attack opponent to start a game. Everything reactionary....almost like they don't watch film....then they see it live and after they fall behind they say "aha! So that's what they do"


We were a top 6 scoring team in the league this year (we were up higher before we got blown out by Dallas, a game which our backups saw a good deal of time) and Luck was forced to come from behind much less than the previous 2 years.  I know a lot of people don't like Pep on these boards, but I find it pretty hard to complain very much about him when you look at his track record.  He has made pretty good adjustments, IMO, especially considering we don't have the OL to support a strong run game.


I wouldn't be surprised if Colts "mutually part ways" with Pep. 


Pep just directed this team to be a top 3 team in the league in total offensive yards and top 6 in points.  I don't think that is grounds for firing or 'parting ways' with a coach, especially one that is in his 2nd year in the league with a team that is still in rebuild mode.  I know some will say "Pep has Luck, he should be doing more" -- well we averaged more yards per game than Peyton Manning (who has better weapons, a better run game, a better defense and a better OL), and more yards per game than Aaron Rogers' Packers, Tom Brady's Patriots, Russell Wilson's Seahawks, Matt Ryan's Falcons, Tony Romo's Cowboys, etc. etc... I'd argue that every one of these teams (except maybe ATL) has a much better OL than Indy and the majority of them have weapons that compare to, or exceed, ours (excluding run game) after Reggie got hurt.

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Highly doubt Pep would want to leave an OC position with Luck as his QB to go anywhere else to be the OC -- definitely not down to college to be an OC (maybe to be a head coach) and I highly doubt to Kaepernick and the 9ers.  Maybe if Green Bay or a team with a stud QB and great offense in place could lure him from Indy.  



Solid post all around. Just to be clear, I was saying basically the same thing as you. My point was if Pep was on the open market--obviously not the case--he'd more likely to take one of the open NFL OC jobs over a college one. 

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We depend too much on big plays, not afan of that style


I'm not sure if I agree with this.  We ranked 5th in the league in time of possession (http://www.sportingcharts.com/nfl/stats/team-time-of-possession-statistics/2014/).  Big plays have certainly helped us in certain games, but we controlled the ball pretty well for the most part.  Our OL and lack of run game do not make it easy to do so well with time of possession, so I think it's pretty impressive that we were able to rank 5th in the league in that category.  It's not a shock to me that the Cowboys (who IMO have the best OL in the league and the leading rusher) won the time of possession category this past season. 


If our line improves, our run game should improve, and our dependency on the big play should continue to decrease.  IMO, this year we relied on the big play far less than either of Luck's first 2 seasons and Pep relies on the big play far less than Arians did.

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Know his play call style well enough. Makes no adjustments. Sticks to his game plan and hopes it works. Most creative play I can think of that Pep has ran since coming here was vs Denver in Indianapolis when DHB came in motion then went back out in the flat for a TD catch. That was a great play. Other than that and maybe a handful of others, Pep's offense is very bland. Nothing really "cerebral" about it.

I in know way shape or form agree with you.  Nor do the team/s that have talked to him about a job.  Being first in total offense most of the year is not cerebral?  Lets ask Grigs, Pags and Andrew the same question.

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I in know way shape or form agree with you. Nor do the team/s that have talked to him about a job. Being first in total offense most of the year is not cerebral? Lets ask Grigs, Pags and Andrew the same question.

The Andrew Luck effect. He's the reason for the #1 offense, not Pep

And then also doesn't hurt that there were garbage yards in the blowout losses like in Pittsburgh

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he is number one in the forum on those. He has admitted to rarely actually watching games. The ones he does watch he has little idea to what's actually happening

I have tried not to be my old mean self...hard to do with ridiculous responses.  I would never consider myself worth of a response if I did not watch the games.  In fact, there was one I totally missed and did not respond all week.  I think you all thought I was dead :)

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The Andrew Luck effect. He's the reason for the #1 offense, not Pep

And then also doesn't hurt that there were garbage yards in the blowout losses like in Pittsburgh



At the end of the 3rd quarter in Pittsburgh it was 42-34 --- a one score game.  Pittsburgh beat us and looked like a much better team, but we were in that game with a chance to win  until very late.... so I don't think we should consider any yards in that game to be "garbage yards", though if we did, then we should also not forget our backups played the majority of the 2nd half in Dallas and Tennessee, so our yard totals may actually have increased had we not done that


Luck is a very good QB, and is in the argument with the elite QBs, but I think it's a bit premature to rank him as the NFL's best.  


This is a quote from a previous post of mine, and it should be noted that we were 5th in the league in time of possession (with a pretty bad OL) --


"At the end of the year, we averaged more yards per game than Peyton Manning (who has better weapons, a better run game, a better defense and a better OL), and more yards per game than Aaron Rogers' Packers, Tom Brady's Patriots, Russell Wilson's Seahawks, Matt Ryan's Falcons, Tony Romo's Cowboys, etc. etc... I'd argue that every one of these teams (except maybe ATL) has a much better OL than Indy and the majority of them have weapons that compare to, or exceed, ours (excluding run game, where all of those teams are better) after Reggie got hurt."


 -- I'm not quite buying your logic that Pep isn't a big part of the reason why our O is so good.

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8 touchdowns for 2 TE's on our team is surely somethibg to do with Chud.

Perhaps. I hadn't thought about that.

Grigson said today that they want to keep good, valuable people from leaving. We could see Chud being given a new title or some new responsibility, to go along with a new contract. Or maybe he scoots once his deal expires. But it's obvious that the team wants to keep him. And I would think that, if he told Grigson that he would, under no circumstances, be remaining with the team, that we wouldn't have blocked his interviews.

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