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If the Super Bowl is Pats/Seahawks, who do you want to win


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Forget Brady. No Colt fan wants Wilson with three rings and Andrew with none. Believe me. Hawks fans are more insufferable than Pats fans. lol.


I'm not sure this is really true. I mean, I can't stand the Hawks and would be perfectly happy if they lost every single game they play until they dump their coach and certain players. That said, Wilson does not compare to Luck. He doesn't. Wilson to the Colts and the Colts are NOT in the AFCCG. Luck to the Seahawks and they would be guaranteed to win again this year. Wilson is a very good QB. BUT, he does not have the same talent level as Luck and he is on an absolutely LOADED team. I seriously doubt any objective person would say Wilson was better than Luck even if Wilson wins back to back rings.

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I'm not sure this is really true. I mean, I can't stand the Hawks and would be perfectly happy if they lost every single game they play until they dump their coach and certain players. That said, Wilson does not compare to Luck. He doesn't. Wilson to the Colts and the Colts are NOT in the AFCCG. Luck to the Seahawks and they would be guaranteed to win again this year. Wilson is a very good QB. BUT, he does not have the same talent level as Luck and he is on an absolutely LOADED team. I seriously doubt any objective person would say Wilson was better than Luck even if Wilson wins back to back rings.

yeah Wilson and Luck are far apart in a different land. Can't see them ever be compared- unless 7 years later they continue to be the top 2 QBs...then that's another story.............;)

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There is still a game being played despite the questions as to the legitimacy behind one of the teams. Go put your head back in the sand


Just sayin....some people are bring a little dramatic when talking about how the game is ruined and they refuse now to watch.


It should still be a great game with lots of great storylines.

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It won't matter though because apparently none of you are watching the Superbowl this year....right??? ;)

I won't be. There's a team playing in the Super Bowl that cheated while playing to get in. OH....and then they looked the nation in the eyes and lied to them. I have no respect for your team, and just last Tuesday I was priding on them. 

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I won't be. There's a team playing in the Super Bowl that cheated while playing to get in. OH....and then they looked the nation in the eyes and lied to them. Your team is scum, and I don't watch scum. 


Sure you do. You watch it every time you see the Ravens play. You watch it every time you see the Patriots play. There are lots of scumbags in this league, and you watch it all.


Well that's too bad that you've decided to boycott because you're going to miss one heck of a game.

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Just sayin....some people are bring a little dramatic when talking about how the game is ruined and they refuse now to watch.


It should still be a great game with lots of great storylines.

Correct, the reigning champs vs the reigning cheats. I'm still going to watch but honestly could care less what happens. If seattle wins good for them, if NE wins its clearly undeserved and does nothing but make the NFL look even worse

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Correct, the reigning champs vs the reigning cheats. I'm still going to watch but honestly could care less what happens. If seattle wins good for them, if NE wins its clearly undeserved and does nothing but make the NFL look even worse


So you are still clinging to this 'if they win it isn't deserved' thing, huh? To discount any hard work the players themselves have put in all season...they way they destroyed their opponent in the AFC Championship game etc.?


Many have already admitted that the ball deflation itself isn't a big deal at all, its more their attitudes towards the 'integrity of the game', their being repeat offenders, that's off putting and making everyone lose their minds about this. To make a blanket statement like 'its undeserved' is nonsense. They worked just as hard as every other team this season to get where they are.

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So you are still clinging to this 'if they win it isn't deserved' thing, huh? To discount any hard work the players themselves have put in all season...they way they destroyed their opponent in the AFC Championship game etc.?


That's on your team. That's their fault, not ours. 

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So you are still clinging to this 'if they win it isn't deserved' thing, huh? To discount any hard work the players themselves have put in all season...they way they destroyed their opponent in the AFC Championship game etc.?


Many have already admitted that the ball deflation itself isn't a big deal at all, its more their attitudes towards the 'integrity of the game', their being repeat offenders, that's off putting and making everyone lose their minds about this. To make a blanket statement like 'its undeserved' is nonsense. They worked just as hard as every other team this season to get where they are.

Pure patriot fan deflection. Look at your banner. "cue the duckboats", that's cute. 2001-2004 are marred by spygate. 2004 and 2007 had manny and papi taking roids to finally break the "curse", 2013 big papi was still crushing the ball. you have two legit titles. your town is a joke and your messiahs are frauds

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So you are still clinging to this 'if they win it isn't deserved' thing, huh? To discount any hard work the players themselves have put in all season...they way they destroyed their opponent in the AFC Championship game etc.?



Say you take a 100 question test and you cheat off of the guy sitting beside you on 5 questions. You got 80 of the 95 you didn't cheat on correct, and you got all 5 of the ones you did cheat on correct. You stayed up all night and studied, and you never missed a class all semester. You ended up with an 85 out of 100 and got a B. While you did put in time and effort 5 of the points you got were not earned. So you got a B either way, but those five additional points added just enough to your GPA to give you an A for the semester. On paper you are an "A" student, however in reality you are a "B" student. Cheating is cheating and it sullies the entire semester.

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Many have already admitted that the ball deflation itself isn't a big deal at all, its more their attitudes towards the 'integrity of the game', their being repeat offenders, that's off putting and making everyone lose their minds about this. To make a blanket statement like 'its undeserved' is nonsense. They worked just as hard as every other team this season to get where they are.

:agree:  I agree somewhat with the bolded.     


It's the "repeat offender" coupled with  the overall smug attitude,  giving off a a "vibe"  of haha yeah whatever.. Try and PROVE it...??  


And then throw in the "lying".  My personal biggest pet peeve of all.

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Say you take a 100 question test and you cheat off of the guy sitting beside you on 5 questions. You got 80 of the 95 you didn't cheat on correct, and you got all 5 of the ones you did cheat on correct. You stayed up all night and studied, and you never missed a class all semester. You ended up with an 85 out of 100 and got a B. While you did put in time and effort 5 of the points you got were not earned. So you got a B either way, but those five additional points added just enough to your GPA to give you an A for the semester. On paper you are an "A" student, however in reality you are a "B" student. Cheating is cheating and it sullies the entire semester.

You need to remember you are speaking to a New England Patriots fan here. They don't think the way normal people do. They would think as long as they would have passed anyway with the 80 then getting an 85 was ok. Fortunately this is how it works at prestigious universities but not for classless NFL teams.

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Say you take a 100 question test and you cheat off of the guy sitting beside you on 5 questions. You got 80 of the 95 you didn't cheat on correct, and you got all 5 of the ones you did cheat on correct. You stayed up all night and studied, and you never missed a class all semester. You ended up with an 85 out of 100 and got a B. While you did put in time and effort 5 of the points you got were not earned. So you got a B either way, but those five additional points added just enough to your GPA to give you an A for the semester. On paper you are an "A" student, however in reality you are a "B" student. Cheating is cheating and it sullies the entire semester.


And that's a fair point, if that's the analogy you want to compare it to. But here's another way to think about it:


Say you were speeding and you got pulled over, the cop asks you how fast you were going and you lied and told him you were going 5 MPH less than you actually were. He may have an idea that you were going a bit faster, but he let's you off with a warning. 


A few weeks over you get pulled over again, but this time it's only because you failed to use your turn signal. The cop recognizes you from last time, so he elects to give you a ticket this time. Sure...we all know you should use your blinkers but come one, its not really that big a deal. But he gave you a ticket just because you were a 'repeat offender' of the rules of the road. 


You take the punishment and go, everyone in the world knows that failing to use your turn signals is like the smallest thing in the world, but you have a ticket on your record and some people would look at you as a reckless driver. 

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You need to remember you are speaking to a New England Patriots fan here. They don't think the way normal people do. They would think as long as they would have passed anyway with the 80 then getting an 85 was ok. Fortunately this is how it works at prestigious universities but not for classless NFL teams.


You need to stop with this attitude and the not so hidden shots at us as fans....we are no different than any other fans and we have nothing to do with this situation...we have just decided not to lose are freaking minds over something that hasn't even been answered for us yet. You are the one acting irrationally at this point...pulling the whole 'guilty until proven innocent'...we are waiting to see what comes of this before we get all crazy.

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And that's a fair point, if that's the analogy you want to compare it to. But here's another way to think about it:


Say you were speeding and you got pulled over, the cop asks you how fast you were going and you lied and told him you were going 5 MPH less than you actually were. He may have an idea that you were going a bit faster, but he let's you off with a warning. 


A few weeks over you get pulled over again, but this time it's only because you failed to use your turn signal. The cop recognizes you from last time, so he elects to give you a ticket this time. Sure...we all know you should use your blinkers but come one, its not really that big a deal. But he gave you a ticket just because you were a 'repeat offender' of the rules of the road. 


You take the punishment and go, everyone in the world knows that failing to use your turn signals is like the smallest thing in the world, but you have a ticket on your record and some people would look at you as a reckless driver. 

Except last time the NFL knows exactly what the Patriots did vs. your assumption they didn't, similar to guessing speed for a speeding ticket. In the Pats situation, the cops knew they were going 90 in a 45, and yes the balls are like the blinker, a smaller offense done in a championship game. This isn't a witch hunt. The Patriots cheated before and got caught red handed, and were cheated again on something else, albeit not as bad as the first. That's called multiple offenses and should warrant stricter punishment.

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You need to stop with this attitude and the not so hidden shots at us as fans....we are no different than any other fans and we have nothing to do with this situation...we have just decided not to lose are freaking minds over something that hasn't even been answered for us yet. You are the one acting irrationally at this point...pulling the whole 'guilty until proven innocent'...we are waiting to see what comes of this before we get all crazy.

Your fan base is arrogant and blind to facts just like your team is arrogant and proven cheaters. They are guilty until proven innocent in the nation's eyes because they are habitual cheaters!

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Except last time the NFL knows exactly what the Patriots did vs. your assumption they didn't, similar to guessing speed for a speeding ticket. In the Pats situation, the cops knew they were going 90 in a 45, and yes the balls are like the blinker, a smaller offense done in a championship game. This isn't a witch hunt. The Patriots cheated before and got caught red handed, and were cheated again on something else, albeit not as bad as the first. That's called multiple offenses and should warrant stricter punishment.


Even with your edits, the story remains unchanged. Actually, it applies even more: Say the cop had a speed gun and knew exactly how fast you were going, so he gave you a ticket the first time. You have a ticket on the record and you were hit financially as well. Then you get pulled over a few weeks later for something so small and insignificant like neglecting to use a turn signal, but because its the same cop and he recognizes you, he gives you another ticket. If it was anyone else they would have gotten a warning and that would be the end of it...but because it was 'you', it became a bigger deal than it should have.


It wont change anyone's perception of you as a driver, and thats expected...but for the offense ITSELF, it truly wasn't worth all the hoopla and fallout that came from it.

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Your fan base is arrogant and blind to facts just like your team is arrogant and proven cheaters. They are guilty until proven innocent in the nation's eyes because they are habitual cheaters!


You must have some hidden facts somewhere in that head of yours that nobody else is aware of, because the NFL doesn't have them, I certainly don't have them...what are these 'facts' you speak of?


Because from here it looks like you are speculating...

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Even with your edits, the story remains unchanged. Actually, it applies even more: Say the cop had a speed gun and knew exactly how fast you were going, so he gave you a ticket the first time. You have a ticket on the record and you were hit financially as well. Then you get pulled over a few weeks later for something so small and insignificant like neglecting to use a turn signal, but because its the same cop and he recognizes you, he gives you another ticket. If it was anyone else they would have gotten a warning and that would be the end of it...but because it was 'you', it became a bigger deal than it should have.


It wont change anyone's perception of you as a driver, and thats expected...but for the offense ITSELF, it truly wasn't worth all the hoopla and fallout that came from it.

Correct, if this was Tampa, or Tennessee, this would not be an issue. It is a big issue because it happened in a championship game followed by an off week and it is by the team that got caught cheating once before.

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You must have some hidden facts somewhere in that head of yours that nobody else is aware of, because the NFL doesn't have them, I certainly don't have them...what are these 'facts' you speak of?


Because from here it looks like you are speculating...

the Facts are 11 balls and the proof is occam's razor.

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Posted · Hidden by SteelCityColt, January 26, 2015 - Inflammatory
Hidden by SteelCityColt, January 26, 2015 - Inflammatory

You must have some hidden facts somewhere in that head of yours that nobody else is aware of, because the NFL doesn't have them, I certainly don't have them...what are these 'facts' you speak of?

Because from here it looks like you are speculating...

Thats all tthey've done since Monday is speculate, and then repeat themselves over and over, getting worked up into a frenzy over it.

They made up their minds before they even clicked to read the first article, all they saw was the headline and they were convinced.

Now they want the Pats thrown in prison for life for not using a turn signal, before it's even been proven to be true from an ongoing investigation.

It's going to be just like old times.. we'll all debate here for the next 10+ years and we'll have to hear about both gates all the time.. this is nothing new in that regard, they just have to type another word in their sentences

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And that's a fair point, if that's the analogy you want to compare it to. But here's another way to think about it:


Say you were speeding and you got pulled over, the cop asks you how fast you were going and you lied and told him you were going 5 MPH less than you actually were. He may have an idea that you were going a bit faster, but he let's you off with a warning. 


A few weeks over you get pulled over again, but this time it's only because you failed to use your turn signal. The cop recognizes you from last time, so he elects to give you a ticket this time. Sure...we all know you should use your blinkers but come one, its not really that big a deal. But he gave you a ticket just because you were a 'repeat offender' of the rules of the road. 


You take the punishment and go, everyone in the world knows that failing to use your turn signals is like the smallest thing in the world, but you have a ticket on your record and some people would look at you as a reckless driver. 

You broke the law twice. I agree the turn signal thing is small in the big picture, but it's still a law. Also you lied to the lied to the cop the first time. You are breaking laws, no matter how small the crime it is still a crime. You shouldn't be jailed and lose your job, but if you get a ticket you did it to yourself. I'm not asking for BB and Brady to be hanged in the town square, but for me to just shrug it off and say well it only broke a small rule is just silly. I get your argument and your stance. I love that you stand by your team, even if I don't agree. You bring up good discussion points and I enjoy engaging in debate with you. When I'm speaking about the Patriots it's about them and not you, so even if you haven't yet don't take anything personal.

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Probably won't watch a lot of it but I want the HAWKS anything about Russell doesn't mean a thing to me he is what he is because he has a great team around him and he has a running back that is the reincarnated Jim Brown!! If he's disgruntled at his team we could put up with him and we wouldn't need a line he would carry the other team on his back all alone!!!

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