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Pats in AFCCG game for 9th time in Brady/Bill era


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Yea, they were nothing short of awful tonight and Manning looked like a very average QB with zero arm strength on his throws..  Honestly its baffling, he has all those weapons and could only manage 13 points at home in his own stadium with the crowd on his side and everything...  Very bizarre, he has no excuses at all for that either...  Denver's defense played pretty well too, and if not for the strip sack on Manning that lead to points they did a pretty good job.



Some of this is actually funny. If you look , I said around 10 weeks ago he had no arm left and was on the verge of not being able to play anymore. Naturally most thought he could play another 2-3 years and I got the yeah rights.


Anyway , he does have an excuse and it's not baffling. It's called being a couple months short of your 39th birthday. Throwing around 10,000 passes , plus all the throws in practice. Other than Bret Favre , who had tons of arm strength , most QB's are done at 39. Hello ... at some point it does end for all these guys.

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Some of this is actually funny. If you look , I said around 10 weeks ago he had no arm left and was on the verge of not being able to play anymore. Naturally most thought he could play another 2-3 years and I got the yeah rights.


Anyway , he does have an excuse and it's not baffling. It's called being a couple months short of your 39th birthday. Throwing around 10,000 passes , plus all the throws in practice. Other than Bret Favre , who had tons of arm strength , most QB's are done at 39. Hello ... at some point it does end for all these guys.

I will give you full credit. You had posted to me back in Sept when Brady was struggling that aging Qbs when they do lose it, lose it fast. I think we saw that unfold the second half of the season for Manning. I really am not sure it is his neck or just his age. He has defied all the odds playing as long as he has at the level he has. I think we take him and Brady for granted and Favre too for that matter.

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I feel bad for Baltimore. The way patriots ran those ineligible players in and they ran routes but I guess they are not allowed to catch the ball. The refs again screwed up. They needed to at least tell Baltimore who was eligible and who is not. I normally always hear the refs announce who is eligible etc.. Patriots mounted a comeback with that deception. Can't really say much to patriots either cause they played the deception game within the rule book. It was all the refs fault for not letting Baltimore counter that.


I overheard two guys talking about cold fusion the other day. Didn't chime in, since I know nothing about cold fusion.


No offense with this analogy, but you clearly don't understand the rule, or what happened. (I didn't either, prior to last night.)


The ineligible players did not run routes.

The refs did inform the Ravens each time. It was announced to the crowd as well. 


You're also talking about 3 plays out of around 70. 


You wanna bash/hate, that's cool. But do it from a position where you actually know your stuff. 

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Eric Walden was ejected from a game for removing the refs hand from his arm. Brady bumped into the ref and was screaming in his face. I have seen flags thrown for far less


I missed the bump. You sure that happened? I saw Vinovich (sp?) with his hands on Brady, and yes Brady was yelling, but yelling and making contact are distinctly different things. 


I'm not doubting you... just saying I saw the replays at the time and saw no bump. 

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haha that is pretty good..... maybe it should be changed to....

"Hey dad what's a Super Bowl? I don't know son, I think it's something the pats used to win but for some reason have failed to do since 2004."


" Hey dad, why is there always a * next to the Patriots early championships? Because the patriots are cheaters son."

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haha that is pretty good..... maybe it should be changed to....

"Hey dad what's a Super Bowl? I don't know son, I think it's something the pats used to win but for some reason have failed to do since 2004."


" Hey dad, why is there always a * next to the Patriots early championships? Because the patriots are cheaters son."

To your first comment, it's a valid point and it is true. However, only 7 teams have, in fact, won a Super Bowl since 2004, and simply put its just not that easy to win it every year. And careful...that Colts Super Bowl win is getting pretty far back in the rear view mirror as well, so it might not be the best 'insult' to use when trying to pump up your own team while putting down the other!

And to your second comment...ehhh nevermind. It's not worth it ;)

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To your first comment, it's a valid point and it is true. However, only 7 teams have, in fact, won a Super Bowl since 2004, and simply put its just not that easy to win it every year. And careful...that Colts Super Bowl win is getting pretty far back in the rear view mirror as well, so it might not be the best 'insult' to use when trying to pump up your own team while putting down the other!

And to your second comment...ehhh nevermind. It's not worth it ;)

Awwwww c'mon man let me have it, it's all in fun anyway right? I couldn't resist the spygate jab, can't call it a "model franchise" when they got BUSTED for cheating, not something a "Model franchise" does.

And yes it's true we have not won a SB since 2006, but that's still more recent then the Pats, so there you go....

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haha that is pretty good..... maybe it should be changed to....

"Hey dad what's a Super Bowl? I don't know son, I think it's something the pats used to win but for some reason have failed to do since 2004."


" Hey dad, why is there always a * next to the Patriots early championships? Because the patriots are cheaters son."

What a bunch of garbage.

Show me these official *'s.

Jimmy Johnson would laugh out loud at the ridiculousness of your post . As would Dungy. And Polian.

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What a bunch of garbage.

Show me these official *'s.

Jimmy Johnson would laugh out loud at the ridiculousness of your post . As would Dungy. And Polian.

Oh no, Jimmy, Dungy, aaaand Polian? They're all gonna laugh at me? Oh the horror!!! Seriously, is that somehow supposed to validate anything?

As for the oh so famous *, will this do?


Put all of that condemning info together including cheating admissions by bill himself and you get a nice little * next to any wins during that time-period. You know IMO, once a cheater, always a cheater, who knows what they've been up to since then, it's obvious after the little trickery during the Ravens game that they are still trying to find ways to bend/break the rules......and yeah I know it's legal, blah blah doesn't make it right on a gamesmanship level, but what would you expect from a team that cheats and runs the score up on opponents(well used to). Cheers!

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haha that is pretty good..... maybe it should be changed to....

"Hey dad what's a Super Bowl? I don't know son, I think it's something the pats used to win but for some reason have failed to do since 2004."


" Hey dad, why is there always a * next to the Patriots early championships? Because the patriots are cheaters son."

Excuse me- we have 3 *.    Count em' THREE


If we win 4 we just gotta find the 4th *  Shouldn't be too hard

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So no, no official records or sites.

Thanks for validating what anyone who knows football already knew.

Well, hard to get the physical records/proof since they were "destroyed" by Goodell after the investigation, but a simple Google search will find you all the online info you need....multiple ex Patriots staff members admitting to the taping, bills admission to the taping, and so on and so forth....the patriots were fined and punished for the incident as you well know, record fines, that usually doesn't happen when there was no wrong doing. You can keep denying it like it never happened, most pats fans do, or change the subject to the 3 rings*

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Well, hard to get the physical records/proof since they were "destroyed" by Goodell after the investigation, but a simple Google search will find you all the online info you need....multiple ex Patriots staff members admitting to the taping, bills admission to the taping, and so on and so forth....the patriots were fined and punished for the incident as you well know, record fines, that usually doesn't happen when there was no wrong doing. You can keep denying it like it never happened, most pats fans do, or change the subject to the 3 rings*

And what do you think they showed other than what you saw? 


All 6 tapes were on TV for one day (or less) until they were pulled. I watched the first two and then stopped. They were so boring- down distance repeat and rinse.


Teams stole signals by zoom lenses and a writer jotting down the signals. Camera was easier is all. And it wasn't too hidden was it. Right in the open. Go figure.

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One game away from the SB buddy. I'm not an * lol.

I also already said I would take that level of success. But for how long they've "hung around" it feels like it should be more than just 3 SB a decade ago. That's my only point.


I hear you but they have been to 5 SBs so its 5 out of 8 chances to date, which is not that bad of a winning percentage.   You just confused me when you talked about 3 successes which only refers to their SB wins, which requires 2 wins from the AFCCG stage. 


Yes they are one game away from the SB, which they are to date 5 out of 8. (0.625)

And are two games away from a SB victory, which they are to date 3 out of 8. (0.375)       


So agree with you that it may seemed like they should have more, but it would be interesting to see what the success rate is of the team from the AFCCG game on is.  Just to do some rough numbers here, of the two other great teams in the AFC, Pitt and Indy we have the following numbers since 2001.


Pitts been to 5 AFCCGs


3 of 5 to get to SB (0.600)

2 of 5 to win SB (0.400)


Indy/Manning been to 4 AFCCGs


3 of 4 to get to SB (0.750)

1 of 4 to win SB (0.250)


And if we were to add Baltimore going back to 2000 (their SB victory year) we have 4 AFCCGs


2 of 4 to get to SB (0.500)   - w/out 2000 its 1 of 3 (0.333)

2 of 4 to win SB (0.500)       - w/out 2000 its  1 of 3 (0.333)


So yes the pats have been to more AFCCGs than their peers, but from that point on the winning percentage of the 4 teams is kind of the same.  It is tough to win a SB.  And again, with my half full point, it is more of the pats getting to the AFCCGs more often than is it is of them not closing the deal at that stage going forward as all four teams have roughly the same success rate at closing the deal at that point.  

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Spygate is this forums version of Godwin's law.... 


The horse has been reduced to fine powder with the beating it's taken. 


And as always...the ones who are the loudest about it are also the ones who know least about it.


Spygate has become the assumed 'trump card' for the misinformed.

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And what do you think they showed other than what you saw?

All 6 tapes were on TV for one day (or less) until they were pulled. I watched the first two and then stopped. They were so boring- down distance repeat and rinse.

Teams stole signals by zoom lenses and a writer jotting down the signals. Camera was easier is all. And it wasn't too hidden was it. Right in the open. Go figure.

Goodell only let out what he wanted the public to see, to save the league and the pats the embarrassment, then destroyed all the evidence, because he knew people like Arlen Specter would want to investigate further. Why were the Patriots and billy boy the only ones fined and docked a draft pick? did I mention it was a record fine? Oh I see, the pats were martyrs for the cause? I get it.

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Goodell only let out what he wanted the public to see, to save the league and the pats the embarrassment, then destroyed all the evidence, because he knew people like Arlen Specter would want to investigate further. Why were the Patriots and billy boy the only ones fined and docked a draft pick? did I mention it was a record fine? Oh I see, the pats were martyrs for the cause? I get it.

And once again I'll ask you what you think the others showed that the first one didn't??????


More than one was let out but for a very short time (as in hours). As I said I watched 2 of the 6 and got bored because it was the same thing over and over.


Gee a teacher takes away something you did wrong with and disposes it.


Why were they fined? Because they broke a rule. Which btw if it wasn't the NFL to which BB is obliged to could easily be disputed in court or arbitration with the way it was written.


So again what do you think they showed?  Can you at least answer that?

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Easy answer: the patriots knowingly breaking the rules, which is why they were fined. Did we see all the tapes, I doubt it. Why were they only shown for such a short period of time? Why have ex pats staff members and players admitted to more wrong doing yet it was brushed under the rug?

And a teacher might toss away a spitball or rubber band, but something more damning would probably be kept as evidence in case of future infractions or for further investigation.

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"Spygate" videos were played on a loop at the NFL press conference announcing the punishment. 


And Arlen Specter was on the Warren Commission (hence a co-creator of the "magic bullet" theory). So yeah... hitch your wagon to that guy. Solid. 


I'm still going to someday make some money on my "Kiss My Asterisk" t-shirt idea. 

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