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Andrew Luck will be greatest ever


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This thread is straight up dorky. Seriously, the thread title is pure dork. Unfiltered dork from the pristine waters of a dork spring. So much dork. Very little not dork. 

Well, dorks rule the world so that's high praise


Anyway, I am really happy to see such positive stories leading up to a colts-broncos match.  Perhaps we are mostly past the drama


Also, I learned some nicknames that I will want to remember


prodigy in the pocket

fourth quarter come back artist

precocious quarterback

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 A Big asterisk goes with all stats from this era of wussy rules, turf, and indoor stadiums.

Get with the times or get left behind. The days of dirty ball playing are over. No more chop blocks. No more head slaps. No more double teaming a players knees. No more cloths line hits. The NFL is a business and the owners are going to do what it takes to keep their investments on the field. If everyone had your opinion the NFL would have been losing fans. It is more popular now than it's ever been.  The NFL of today is based on talent, not brawn.

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Yeah .. funny how the cards fell . We lost Elway , which made Manning possible. PM misses one year in 15 and it's the year that brought us "luck," Then you need to add into it that both guys would have been 1.1 or 1.2 in the draft if they came out a year earlier. I've been a Colt fan since 1960 and it's been a crazy ride for sure. Robert Irsay really was just what his mother thought he was.

Lost Elway, which made Manning possible? I think you lost a few years there. It was still Baltimore Colts when they lost Elway. Jeez.

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Well, dorks rule the world so that's high praise


Anyway, I am really happy to see such positive stories leading up to a colts-broncos match.  Perhaps we are mostly past the drama


Also, I learned some nicknames that I will want to remember


prodigy in the pocket

fourth quarter come back artist

precocious quarterback

Oh don't get me wrong, I love me some Andy Luck. I just find this concept of "the greatest ever" to land a bit on the borish side. Such a silly idea to discuss.

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Well, dorks rule the world so that's high praise


Anyway, I am really happy to see such positive stories leading up to a colts-broncos match.  Perhaps we are mostly past the drama


Also, I learned some nicknames that I will want to remember


prodigy in the pocket

fourth quarter come back artist

precocious quarterback

Luck is a dork as well. He owns a flip phone, plays Settlers of Katan(sp?), compliments pass rushers, and I just heard Kravitz say that he asked Luck what he was reading, Luck said he was reading a book on the history of concrete.

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Mornin Crow

Johnny U meant something special to 18 as you know so you & many Baltimore fans have something in common they recognize class & perfection as does our former QB .

The history of the COLTS is complicated with many highs & lows with old & new fans mixed in & in its 2'nd home as in its first the QB position is well represented & has a young Colt with great promise for the future going against the old Colt a Bronco looking for another chance to make it to the big dance this for me is the SB . Could you imagine a Johnny U - Joe Flacco game :woah:

I do envy you Crow as a Indianapolis Colts fan there is much I never got to enjoy while IMO you have & thats why I appreciate your posts while recognizing your passion for football. I have enjoyed since 1984 the highs & lows of our Cardiac Colts .

How sweet it is ...

You guys don't have it easy with Manning- Luck. It would be horrible if young Joe would have played old Unitas in San Diego , or something.

Since being on this forum I understand the passion of the Indy fans towards the Colts. I have my good memories of the Baltimore Colts, and now the current Ravens, so it's all good. Both games coming up in the AFC have great story lines. I think the four most winning AFC teams , with the Steelers in the mix in other years, are in the divisional playoff games. What a weekend !

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 A Big asterisk goes with all stats from this era of wussy rules, turf, and indoor stadiums.

Asterisks are actually really small (*)!  See?  I don't know why people always says a big asterisk :)


The sport is actually about athleticism now!  If you want to see a rough matchup go watch rugby...

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I disagree 3 years in Luck has looked better than Manning did at 3 years with less , And thats not just my opinion - these kinda articles  give you perspective from a person with a high I.Q in professional football And confirms what most Colts fans already knew 12 is special ..


In the 2012 draft all the pundits & many on these boards believed in the overrated RG3  now 3 years in we see the ROY will most likely be the only thing RG3 ever Wins while the # 1 pick goes on too greatness I view the article as a progress report .




12 & 18 each have  1  Win & I like the Colts chances in Denver if the Colts come home with a Win there will no doubt more articles & at the end of the day those people who are just HATERS the same people who HATED on 18 when the Colts started doing good no matter what he accomplished here in Indy so there opinions are clouded & easily ignored ..

You realize Luck has a horrible OL and that matters more than having great WR's.  A good QB makes an average WR look like a pro bowler.  It happens time and time again!

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Explain why these articles are pointless. Sports articles are written for sports fans to read. If Jim Fassel said that about Luck so what? He has his right to his opinion just like you or me. I highly doubt that anyone calling Luck over rated is something to worries about. Matter of fact Luck, what difference does it make if some call Luck over rated? I think that happens to just about every QB or player in the NFL at one time or another because it is based on opinion.

Chill out. If you read the comments to that article, all it is is people talking crap about Luck. Because people don't think he should be called a future hall of famer at year three. It just gives people something to hate on basically. But a lot of it has to do with people being jealous of him not being our qb lol.

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Yeah, I hear ya and don't totally disagree.  It's one thing when its a guy like Terrell Davis who only played a couple yeras in the league.  But when we're talking about guys who play a "complete" career and put up crazy numbers throughout, I think the career length factor is a little less important.  So I am with you, if Megatron's numbers started to fall off in the next year or two and he wasn't putting up such obscene numbers, I'd say Rice is the GOAT. 



By way of example, if Receiver A put up 12,000 yards over 9 seasons and Receiver B put up 18,000 over 18 seasons, I'd say that Receiver A was more dominate, even though Receiver B has the career record.  That's just me.  I get that others may say Receiver B was the GOAT.  It's a compelling argument.  I just wouldn't say that one is the undisputed.  That's all.


I think there is a subtle difference between being the most dominate player and being the goat.  Sort of like the subtle but important difference between it being called the Hall of Fame and being called the Hall of great players. (As you know several players in the Hall where not really that great of players of their own right.  Namath and Terry Bradshaw come to mind.)


I might agree with you that Calvin Johnson is a more dominate receiver then Rice but at the same time say that Rice is the GOAT.


And I think a huge part of it is proving that you can still do it when your physical gifts start to diminish.  Right now Calvin Johnson can simply out athlete most anyone on the field.  Will he still be putting up 1000 yard season though when his body has worn down a bit and he can't just out athlete everyone and he has to do it with better route running, better hands, better understanding of the game, better body control etc?  

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Chill out. If you read the comments to that article, all it is is people talking crap about Luck. Because people don't think he should be called a future hall of famer at year three. It just gives people something to hate on basically. But a lot of it has to do with people being jealous of him not being our qb lol.

Like I said, who cares what people think? Haters will be haters no matter.

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Sorry but you need to explain the correlation between 1983 and 1998. For the statement that the Colts losing Elway had anything to do with the Colts getting Manning is a stretch in your imagination.

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I think there is a subtle difference between being the most dominate player and being the goat.  Sort of like the subtle but important difference between it being called the Hall of Fame and being called the Hall of great players. (As you know several players in the Hall where not really that great of players of their own right.  Namath and Terry Bradshaw come to mind.)


I might agree with you that Calvin Johnson is a more dominate receiver then Rice but at the same time say that Rice is the GOAT.


And I think a huge part of it is proving that you can still do it when your physical gifts start to diminish.  Right now Calvin Johnson can simply out athlete most anyone on the field.  Will he still be putting up 1000 yard season though when his body has worn down a bit and he can't just out athlete everyone and he has to do it with better route running, better hands, better understanding of the game, better body control etc?  

To your last point, yeah I don't think that'll be the case.  Anything is possible.  But even for Hall of Famers, Jerry Rice was a special breed of football player.  I mean, who can play that well for that long?  I certainly can't think of any other HOF who played at an elite level for nearly 20 years off the top of my head that wasn't a punter or kicker.  Not to mention the shelf life for players is just so much shorter than it used to be for most positions, especially running backs.

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Oh don't get me wrong, I love me some Andy Luck. I just find this concept of "the greatest ever" to land a bit on the borish side. Such a silly idea to discuss.

I hear you.

But that's the way it goes......one week they are dissing you and literally the next week they love you.  It's how they reach all the lovers and all the haters.

I'm just glad there is no drama


Had to google borish to see how that word applied and I don't think it does.


As far as the greatest ever.......I don't see anyone stopping talking about that any  time soon.  I don't believe there will ever be agreement but it's a subject that will not go away.

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It just gives people something to hate on basically. But a lot of it has to do with people being jealous of him not being our qb lol.

Ah you are probably right.  I had not thought of that. For sure all those superlatives seemed over the top.  Designed to draw in smack talk


Sigh, and I thought maybe somebody posted something nice for a change

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Sorry but you need to explain the correlation between 1983 and 1998. For the statement that the Colts losing Elway had anything to do with the Colts getting Manning is a stretch in your imagination.

If Elway had signed with the Colts and played the same amount of years , he would have been our QB in 1998. It's very unlikely that we would have had the worst record in football with John Elway as our QB , so we don't have pick 1.1 in the 1998 draft that we selected Peyton Manning. Much like saying that if Peyton Manning does not miss the 2011 season , we don't get pick 1.1 in the 2011 draft and don't have Luck. 

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Personally,   I wish Fassell had never said this.     It's the kind of comment that fuels the Luck-haters,  and we all know who we're talking about.....


As someone who considers himself a huge Luck fan,  I've said it before and I'll say it again.....


-- I don't think Luck will be the greatest of all time.


-- I don't think Luck will be better than Peyton Manning.


And I don't think it matters.    If Luck is as good as he can be,  then he'll be plenty good enough and he'll be a Hall of Famer and the Colts will hopefully win at least one Super Bowl if not more...


There are too many things out of Luck's control.   The quality of the team around him being the biggest.    And if you don't get a great team around you,  then your chances of being the Greatest of all-time are much less likely....

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If Elway had signed with the Colts and played the same amount of years , he would have been our QB in 1998. It's very unlikely that we would have had the worst record in football with John Elway as our QB , so we don't have pick 1.1 in the 1998 draft that we selected Peyton Manning. Much like saying that if Peyton Manning does not miss the 2011 season , we don't get pick 1.1 in the 2011 draft and don't have Luck. 

That's still a stretch. Cmon man.

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That's still a stretch. Cmon man.



Why would that be a stretch ? If Elway signed with the Colts , the Colts would have done everything possible to keep him there. He was still playing in the year that the Colts finished with the worst record in football. Where is the big stretch ? Plus having a guy like Elway for a QB would have totally changed the face of the franchise. It's really not a stretch but more of a probability.

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Why would that be a stretch ? If Elway signed with the Colts , the Colts would have done everything possible to keep him there. He was still playing in the year that the Colts finished with the worst record in football. Where is the big stretch ? Plus having a guy like Elway for a QB would have totally changed the face of the franchise. It's really not a stretch but more of a probability.

"If" is the biggest 2 letter word in the dictionary. No one can go back in time and know what would have happened. You can speculate, wish, dream, fantasize or have an opinion but none of those are fact.

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"If" is the biggest 2 letter word in the dictionary. No one can go back in time and know what would have happened. You can speculate, wish, dream, fantasize or have an opinion but none of those are fact.

 Wouldn't had just been easier for you to say you didn't realize Elway was still playing when the Colts drafted Manning ? Then you still couldn't see the correlation when I posted their career records showing that. Yu still didn't get it...


Of coasre nothing is for certain. The Colts could have finished 0 -16 in the year Manning missed and still had the first pick to draft Luck. That doesn't stop people from saying that if Manning didn't have the injury , we would not have Luck. But whatever... I'm a little tired of taking you're insults and nicely explaining things you didn't follow. Adios.

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 Wouldn't had just been easier for you to say you didn't realize Elway was still playing when the Colts drafted Manning ? Then you still couldn't see the correlation when I posted their career records showing that. Yu still didn't get it...


Of coasre nothing is for certain. The Colts could have finished 0 -16 in the year Manning missed and still had the first pick to draft Luck. That doesn't stop people from saying that if Manning didn't have the injury , we would not have Luck. But whatever... I'm a little tired of taking you're insults and nicely explaining things you didn't follow. Adios.

My insults? Just because a person don't share your opinion or your thinking process doesn't mean you are being insulted. I did know when Elway retired and Manning started. I don't need a NFL history lesson from you. Just because I said your opinion was a stretch you get your panties all in a bunch? You have a ignore, use it if you don't like my opinions or comments.

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My insults? Just because a person don't share your opinion or your thinking process doesn't mean you are being insulted. I did know when Elway retired and Manning started. I don't need a NFL history lesson from you. Just because I said your opinion was a stretch you get your panties all in a bunch? You have a ignore, use it if you don't like my opinions or comments.


From you....

"Sorry but you need to explain the correlation between 1983 and 1998. For the statement that the Colts losing Elway had anything to do with the Colts getting Manning is a stretch in your imagination."


When someone tells me I'm imagining things , I take it as an insult. And nice try but you had no idea that Elway was playing at the same time as Manning. Your posts make that pretty clear. Anyway , I understand that you had a rough time following through that and It's OK. I understand .

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From you....

"Sorry but you need to explain the correlation between 1983 and 1998. For the statement that the Colts losing Elway had anything to do with the Colts getting Manning is a stretch in your imagination."


When someone tells me I'm imagining things , I take it as an insult. And nice try but you had no idea that Elway was playing at the same time as Manning. Your posts make that pretty clear. Anyway , I understand that you had a rough time following through that and It's OK. I understand .

I have been watching and following the NFL for 53 years. You have no clue as to what I know. I am sorry if you take anything that don't agree with you as an insult. Like I stated before. If you don't like my comments use your ignore button. It is very easy. If you have a problem I am sure one of the mods could help you out.

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Personally,   I wish Fassell had never said this.     It's the kind of comment that fuels the Luck-haters,  and we all know who we're talking about.....


As someone who considers himself a huge Luck fan,  I've said it before and I'll say it again.....


-- I don't think Luck will be the greatest of all time.


-- I don't think Luck will be better than Peyton Manning.


And I don't think it matters.    If Luck is as good as he can be,  then he'll be plenty good enough and he'll be a Hall of Famer and the Colts will hopefully win at least one Super Bowl if not more...


There are too many things out of Luck's control.   The quality of the team around him being the biggest.    And if you don't get a great team around you,  then your chances of being the Greatest of all-time are much less likely....

I believe we have the pieces to be a great team. Yes, we do need to draft good OL men. As a matter of fact I believe that's all we should draft this year. If we protect Luck. He will lead us to many great years. I also believe he will be one of the top 3 greatest QB's ever.

Remember also.. Luck is the type to take control.. not let things get out of control.. He makes players around him better

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Sometimes, I tend to forget that Luck is in only his third year, due to what level he already plays at. When he does make a bad read or bad throw, the natural reaction is "Ahh geez Andrew, bad throw."  When really, it's just growing pains. I think that speaks volumes to how truly talented he is so early in his career, when the positives out weigh the negatives that greatly that it's like he is a 10 year vet playing in the prime of his career.


Scary to think (for other teams, not us) when he gets to that level, exactly how great will he be? When he has reading the defenses mastered and doesn't force the ball like he tends to do at times now... 10 seasons of 50TD, 0INT!


Not really, but no, really...

Luck is not more accomplished than several recent QBs.  Roethlisberger won a Super Bowl in his 2nd year, Brady also.

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