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ake a gander at this when you get a minute. There are some teams that would kill for a one-and-done. The Cowboys, a premiere sports organization, hasn't been in the playoffs in four years. The Chiefs haven't won a playoff game in 20 years.


Dallas problem is their  owner is their GM  make bad choice on picks . second  never head a great o'line under romo tell this year . third romo  is a up and down qb.

 chiefs made too the playoffs . had sucky qb last few years.

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People complain (including myself) because of the WAY we're winning. Our team wins the ugliest games I've seen in the NFL.

1.) We start off slow, and finish late. You could argue a win-is-a-win, but digging a hole early is not how you beat talented teams.

2.) We're one-dimensional, namely because our starting RB can never pick up more than 2-3yds, at most.

3.) Our OC refuses to bench said RB we wasted a 1st rounder on despite a much better RB on our roster.

4.) Wait, why DID we use a first-rounder on a RB anyways? Aren't they a dime a dozen?

5.) Trent Richardson

6.) Trent Richardson



100.) Trent Richardson




7) sucky O'line  can't figure how too play center are RG . LT playing hurt we suck at backup LT's

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People complain (including myself) because of the WAY we're winning. Our team wins the ugliest games I've seen in the NFL.

1.) We start off slow, and finish late. You could argue a win-is-a-win, but digging a hole early is not how you beat talented teams.

2.) We're one-dimensional, namely because our starting RB can never pick up more than 2-3yds, at most.

3.) Our OC refuses to bench said RB we wasted a 1st rounder on despite a much better RB on our roster.

4.) Wait, why DID we use a first-rounder on a RB anyways? Aren't they a dime a dozen?

5.) Trent Richardson

6.) Trent Richardson



100.) Trent Richardson

Don't take this personal, and I don't mean to offend, but the Trent complaints are the main annoyance. And part of the reason is because they won't stop. Like this post. You have four points, and three are about the same thing. Then you double up on it three more times. It's old, like, really old.

And honestly, the staff has adjusted his role significantly. Boom gets more touches. Before that, Bradshaw got more touches.

There are legitimate complaints. Some of them, though, just come across as whining.

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I said something similar on another topic, but I think we all have to be realistic.  53 active players on a team.  Grigson has replaced like 49 of them since took over.  In three years.  It is hard to get good players bringing in an average of 16 a year.  Sure this team in faulty, but it is just too much to expect so much can be changed over so quickly.  I think it took Manning nine years to win a SB and like 5 to win a playoff game.  We have already done better than that.  I want Super Bowls too.  But we really have to be realistic.  That much change in that short of time cannot yield good or great players across the board.   I think it is good to hope for the best, but realistic about where we are talent wise and what more pieces we need to add.  But Pagano and Grigson shouldn't be fired.

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I swear with each passing week this forum gets more and more negative.


WE HAVE THE #2 Offense




Some of you are asking for the coaches head, dissing everything they have accomplished. Jeez some of you guys are acting like were fans of the raiders or jags. Were a winning team and all some of you can do is complain.


To be honest, The Colts have done well ths year, BUT, there are a lot of us, myself included, that see what the potential this team has.


Ever since Manning left, some posters refuse to believe that the Colts can hang with the Broncos or any other AFC elite team, and with that thought, they also assume that the Colts and their fans should be happy with the #3 seed thinking that we "overachieved".


I see greatness in this team, and I want the Colts to succeed beyond 11-5 and I want that first round bye, and I want that #1 offense, and I want Luck to be the #1 QB in the NFL, so don't think we are all being "negative" some of us just think that the potential 11-5 or 12-4 season that is coming down the pipe to us, is underachieving.

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People are happy to be winning. People also recognize that this team isn't playing quality team football going into the playoffs. This team isn't above criticsm. Everyone recognizes the accomplishments of this team. We just want these guys to put it together and make a deep playoff run


And people need to realize that refusing to be a blind optimist isn't being negative. It's just being realistic. That's how fans should be. You shouldn't just buy into everything the organization does just because. There's a difference between being overly critical (demanding everyone be fired) and being realistic.

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I swear with each passing week this forum gets more and more negative.


WE HAVE THE #2 Offense




Some of you are asking for the coaches head, dissing everything they have accomplished. Jeez some of you guys are acting like were fans of the raiders or jags. Were a winning team and all some of you can do is complain.

i tend to agree. ive been a colt fan since Unitas. Some on here seem to believe they, the fan, can change how the team is managed (they can't). Or that their next morning will be better or worse, depending on how the Colts play. Its a game, not life. I follow them as close as most. All I can say is- Thank God we're in the AFC south. Can't imagine the criticism if we played Seattle and San Fran twice a year instead of Jax and Tennessee....
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so true

negativity gets all the attention. that's why trolls exist


you might have 10 or 20 negative people out of thousands, but it seems as if those 10 or 20 take up maybe 90% of the activity on the board. most of that is the reaction


you see the same thing in any form of media

so true

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Lack of balance is the problem. Find a fault and hone in on it, while ignoring any good stuff. Then rinse and repeat. Us cheerleaders understand the faults and know things need to change. We also know there are 31 other teams who want to beat us, and a league who wants us all to be equal.

"Our O-Line is terrible, we need a new O-Line". If only it were that simple. I make no apology for knowing that wanting something, and getting it are two different things altogether.

I joined the Colts family in 2004, and I am in no way spoiled. Just for the record.

I like my team, and get frustrated, but I'm not going to spend all my time crying about our deficiencies. And yep, Coby Fleener is just too soft....

This post is very well written & you do a nice job of presenting your central thesis: Yes, INDY isn't perfect, but what team in the NFL is? For a Scotsman, your sarcasm is spot on too. 


I just like forum members who remind us all that there's a reason INDY keeps winning division titles: Leadership in management positions & on the field of play. Playoff appearances don't just fall out of the sky. 


I guess what I'm trying to say is this: You always make me laugh & 99% of the time BHC is right on the money. SW1 will drink to that.  :thmup:

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Winning, but getting blown out in the playoffs by the same team everytime 


Why shouldn't we complain? 

I understand your frustration TK. I'm not fond of losing playoff games either. But, just like INDY in 2006 & the NY Giants in 2007, if you get into the post season; anything can happen man. 


I always remember what Tony Dungy said "We are not going to panic & we are going to do less." Now that didn't mean not focusing on tackling fundamentals. It just meant that let's not go to defcon 1. Calmness is what wins in the playoffs & having faith in the guys around you. Tom Brady has that, Aaron Rogers has that, & Andrew Luck has that. 


The key here is to focus on what we did well in games & replicate it. Okay, turnovers are an issue yes, but if guys on your roster are selfless & know that we are capable of precision drives, good results usually follow suit. 

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The problem isn't that people complain; it's that the complaints permeate and overwhelm everything!

A positive thread can't be started to talk about what people liked about a game or a player's performance without it eventually being taken over by all the things other people hate, as if there aren't five other active threads to do that in it.

There's supposed to be room for everybody's opinion, even the less negative ones. Not all of us are ready to soil our pants in frustration.

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Winning, but getting blown out in the playoffs by the same team everytime 


Why shouldn't we complain? 

Since the Colts had not lost to the Ravens in the playoffs until 2012 I can only guess you are talking about the Pats here.  You do know until last year the Colts had not lost in the playoffs to the Pats since 2004 right?  In fact the last time they had played in the playoffs before last year the Colts won.  So no the Colts don't get blown out by the same team in the playoffs everytime.  Even if that was true, which it's not, they had a complete make over from the times they had to lost to New England in the playoffs to the team that lost last year so what good does complaining do if they had completely overhauled the roster since the last time they lost to New England in the playoffs?  The only guy on the team in 2004 that was on the team last year was Reggie other than that it was literally 52 new guys and a new coach and new front office for that matter. 


If you want to complain that's fine there are fare things to complain about but complaining that they get blown out by the same team in the playoffs everytime is not factually accurate. 

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