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For one, you should stay off these forums. I mean seriously. If I were a Patriots fan, the last place I would WANT to be posting on is the Colts forum. :blueshoe: :blueshoe:

I've been posting on this Colt forum since you were in diapers, so I'll contine to post wherever and whenever I want.

And incase you might have missed it, there is this thing called the "NFL General" section, which is where I do 95% of my posting. If you don't like opposing view points, maybe you should stick to the Colts Football section on the shallow end of the pool.

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If that;s his attitude, then Gronk is dumb too...really dumb. Its called breaking the rules. If you want to break the rules, and the macho-game being played by Gronk is... the person who breaks them worse then the other guy wins.....

......then Gronk shouldn't live in a country that has Second Amendment protections.

They're letting players bring guns onto the field now?

You guys are spinning this in such crazy directions.. Gronk shoves a JAG safety who has a bigger mouth than game and people are bringing up second amendment rights, Aaron hernandez murdering someone, ejections, etc.

It's insane haha, he physically blocked him across the field and out of bounds. Nobody outside this forum thinks it's a big deal, including people in the media that work for the NFL

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Why are you saying what? It's a honest question. Last season he head butted Delanie Walker during a game. It was a scum bag move and is unacceptable. You're trying to make me seem hypocritical and it's not working. Erik Walden can be an butt and I will admit it.

Do you think Walden is scum?

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He pushed him into the camera cart, ten yards outside of the field of play. It was a dirty play. I'm not being sensational and worrying about what could have happened, I'm talking very specifically about what DID happen. It was not a football play, it was about Gronk going overboard.

TJ Ward tried to tackle Gronk the best way he could. It wasn't a dirty play. It was unfortunate, but Gronk showed last night why players try to go low at him. There was no intent to injure, and most importantly, it was a football play.

Again, this is ironic of you, if not downright hypocritical. You can determine TJ Ward's intent, but heaven forbid anyone say that Gronk intended to hurt Brown. Ward is dirty, but Gronk was just playing football, and you hope he does it again. Yeah, forget about ironic. It's hypocritical.

Your own post is hypocritical, you're trying to say that Gronk intentionally shoved him into a cart, along with every Colt fan, as if it were 100% fact.

He was engaged with him legally and drove him across the field. This stuff happens a lot, only it's more obvious when it's someone with Gronk's power.

Why is it that the main stream media doesn't think its a big deal? They're the kings at overblowing events to make a story out of it, and they have zero problem with it.. but us classless, scummy Pats fans are evil!

Another thing, why isn't anyone bringing up why the camera crews would park a big cart right next to the fied.. plays go out of bounds a lot.. that seems to be the only piece of this equation that Colts fans are fixated on.

Never seen an NFL football player let himself get manhandled so badly either.. he tried to do a dirty swing on Gronk but lacked the strength to pull it off.

At the end of the day, Colts fans are making this way more of a big deal than it actually is because they're still emotionally upset over the loss.. and I get that, but to suggest Gronk is scum and deserved his injuries, or that this behavior from 1 play in 1 game after the fact is the reason players go low on him is simply LUDICROUS.

You must be an "the end justifies the means" guy

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They're letting players bring guns onto the field now?

You guys are spinning this in such crazy directions.. Gronk shoves a JAG safety who has a bigger mouth than game and people are bringing up second amendment rights, Aaron hernandez murdering someone, ejections, etc.

It's insane haha, he physically blocked him across the field and out of bounds. Nobody outside this forum thinks it's a big deal, including people in the media that work for the NFL

I'm not going there.  The play in question with Gronk got a flag...it broke the rules....and many pats fans or "tough-guy" fans are saying that it was justified.....against someone who only ran his mouth in a way that didn't break the rules.


IOW, congratulating someone...encouraging someone...to retaliate against someone else by breaking established rules..leads to a lot of problems. 


Apparently, Gronk thinks what he did was justified.  If a player is judged by how he can best break the rules....I'm sure there are a lot of players who can beat Gronk at that game.


And to the extent that Gronk gets into verbal exchanges with the public...which I believe he has a history of...he better be careful.


People who think its justified to break the rules typically become victims of otherpeople who break rules.

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Your own post is hypocritical, you're trying to say that Gronk intentionally shoved him into a cart, along with every Colt fan, as if it were 100% fact.

He was engaged with him legally and drove him across the field. This stuff happens a lot, only it's more obvious when it's someone with Gronk's power.

Why is it that the main stream media doesn't think its a big deal? They're the kings at overblowing events to make a story out of it, and they have zero problem with it.. but us classless, scummy Pats fans are evil!

Another thing, why isn't anyone bringing up why the camera crews would park a big cart right next to the fied.. plays go out of bounds a lot.. that seems to be the only piece of this equation that Colts fans are fixated on.

Never seen an NFL football player let himself get manhandled so badly either.. he tried to do a dirty swing on Gronk but lacked the strength to pull it off.

At the end of the day, Colts fans are making this way more of a big deal than it actually is because they're still emotionally upset over the loss.. and I get that, but to suggest Gronk is scum and deserved his injuries, or that this behavior from 1 play in 1 game after the fact is the reason players go low on him is simply LUDICROUS.

You must be an "the end justifies the means" guy

You missed a play along the sidelines earlier in the game where Gronk tried to fling Sergio out of bounds on a block, and Sergio ended up carrying Gronk to the sidelines with him, actually getting the better of the exchange.  Gronk got beat by Sergio rather badly.

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You just contradicted yourself.

And Ward said prior to the game with the Pats that he would try to tackle and injure Gronk again and then he went out and tried but Gronk saw it coming it and jumped up ...

And you can actually tackle a player low without dive bombing at their knee ... twice.

You're lost. I didn't contradict myself at all.

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Your own post is hypocritical, you're trying to say that Gronk intentionally shoved him into a cart, along with every Colt fan, as if it were 100% fact.

He was engaged with him legally and drove him across the field. This stuff happens a lot, only it's more obvious when it's someone with Gronk's power.

Why is it that the main stream media doesn't think its a big deal? They're the kings at overblowing events to make a story out of it, and they have zero problem with it.. but us classless, scummy Pats fans are evil!

Another thing, why isn't anyone bringing up why the camera crews would park a big cart right next to the fied.. plays go out of bounds a lot.. that seems to be the only piece of this equation that Colts fans are fixated on.

Never seen an NFL football player let himself get manhandled so badly either.. he tried to do a dirty swing on Gronk but lacked the strength to pull it off.

At the end of the day, Colts fans are making this way more of a big deal than it actually is because they're still emotionally upset over the loss.. and I get that, but to suggest Gronk is scum and deserved his injuries, or that this behavior from 1 play in 1 game after the fact is the reason players go low on him is simply LUDICROUS.

You must be an "the end justifies the means" guy

You're trying so hard...

I never said Gronk intentionally shoved him into the cart. Review the record.

I'm also not making a big deal out of this. One thing we agree on, that rig was oddly placed. I don't remember it ever being that close to the field.

My sticking point is your defense of, even encouragement of, what Gronk did. It was dirty, and rather than admit that -- and heaven knows how much you would be crying if the tables were turned -- you actually said you hope he does it again.

Try all you want to bend this into being about me, but the truth is that your stance is hypocritical.

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You're trying so hard...

I never said Gronk intentionally shoved him into the cart. Review the record.

I'm also not making a big deal out of this. One thing we agree on, that rig was oddly placed. I don't remember it ever being that close to the field.

My sticking point is your defense of, even encouragement of, what Gronk did. It was dirty, and rather than admit that -- and heaven knows how much you would be crying if the tables were turned -- you actually said you hope he does it again.

Try all you want to bend this into being about me, but the truth is that your stance is hypocritical.

Not to answer for JM, but aren't you the one who consistently (and rightly) has said not to predict what others would say in the same situation ?
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Far be it from me to say that the loss was anywhere but squarely on the shoulders of everyone on the team, but there were a couple of calls that just completely flabbergasted me.  The fact that TY was pin-balled between 2 defenders and basically thrown to the ground and same thing happened to Reggie on that play.  There were technically 4 PI's on one play. 


Yet the one that really uhhh. . . family friendly. . makes me mad :) is the play with that punk tight end from NE.  His play on Brown was way overboard and if it would have been on another team like the dolphins, or raiders he would have been ejected but since it was Kraft's team, its just a 15yd walk-off and a taunting penalty.  I'm sorry but he shoulda been ejected.  He said that Sergio was flapping his gums and he had to "throw him out the club" well your supposed to rise up, not let it bother you but since the Patriots are the prima donnas of the NFL, its ok.






Where to start. 

On the play where Ty Hilton "pinballed' you need to go watch the play again.  T.Y. went to change his route and hit the Pats player, lost his balance and then hit Browner causing him to fall down..  That's on T.Y.  Not the Pats players.. And that didn't happen to Wayne on that play..

On the play regarding Gronk and Sergio Brown.  Brown punched Gronk in the face.  Or did you decide to ignore the fact that when they went to a close-up on the sidelines, Gronk's mouth was bloody?  The "I threw him out of the club" comment came during the Post-Game interview, not during the game.  You can't penalize a player during the game for something that happens afterward.  

Considering the rule changes that have come because of Irsay and the Colts, Colts fans should be the LAST ones complaining about Kraft and any supposed misconduct.  

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Nobody is saying the officials cost us the game. That doesn't change the fact that they were complete trash and they have been in nearly every game this year.


Not sure where you guys are getting that the officiating was horrible last night. The officiating was actually pretty good.  And please don't say that I believe that because I'm a Pats fan.  I believe it because they let them play and only called the most egregious.  There were plenty of holdings calls that could have gone both ways.. 

OH, and btw, Colts fans should never ever talk about the lack of DPI considering that Kelvin Hayden was draped all over Reche Caldwell in the Endzone in the 2006 AFCCG and it wasn't called.  And yes, the point of emphasis had already been changed to DPI at that point.  

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Gronk is a punk and what he did was malicious and his intent was to try and hurt Brown... if it wasn't he would have thrown him to the ground instead of pushing him to a piece of equipment and then doing it.  Pretty chicken ***t of Gronk to do it after the whistle blows but that is the kind of thing a punk does.


That being said, IMO it's up to Brown, in that situation, to grow a pair and stop it.  If he can't stop it, well then he shouldn't be running his mouth.

Gronk isn't a punk. Clearly your bias is getting to you.. And you clearly have your events mixed up because Gronk didn't thrown Brown to the ground after pushing him into a piece of equipment.  

Here is the replay..  


Clear as day that Gronk is shoving him backwards and that it's the momentum that carries him into the piece of equipment.  You can ALSO see that Brown has a hold of Gronk's Jersey prior to him loosing his footing... 

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What is wrong with you? Honestly? He should not have even done it to begin with. I don't care that the camera cart was there in that specific spot and he happened to land on it, you just don't do that, at all.

What is wrong with YOU??? Go back and watch the replay.  Brown is tugging on Gronk's jersey as much as Gronk is shoving him.. Maybe you should stop with your bias and realize that there was no malicious intent behind it and all Gronk did was shove the guy he was tied up with.  OH, yeah.. You might also want to realize that Brown had just punched Gronk in the face prior to the tie up.. That's why the shots of Gronk on the sidelines afterwards showed Gronk's mouth bloody.. 


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Gronk was a punk long before that play.  And Brown may be a punk as well.


I know, there is no evidence that would make you change your preconceived ideas.  That is pretty typical of Patriots fans.  All I can say is watch the replay.  He has Brown engaged, when the whistle blows is when he drives him, not out of bounds but towards a piece of equipment and then picks him up and slams him down.  He has about 80lbs and quite a bit of strength on Brown, he could have done that at any point.


Like I said Gronk is a chicken ***t little punk but the incident was handled correctly on the field a 15 yard penalty, and if he gets fined for it, then like Gopats said, it would be money well spent.  I am more disappointed that a Colt player let himself be bullied like that any animosity towards Gronk for doing it.

This is nothing but a complete set of lies.  Gronk did NOT pick Brown up and slam him down.  All Gronk did was shove him while they were tied up.. The replay CLEARLY shows that Brown had ahold of Gronk's jersey prior to the shove.  ..  

Only punks like yourself make up lies about things that happened.  It's plain as day that Gronk did NOT pick Brown up and slam him to the ground.. Saying he did is disgraceful and a bold-faced lie on your part.  



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Gronk isn't a punk. Clearly your bias is getting to you.. And you clearly have your events mixed up because Gronk didn't thrown Brown to the ground after pushing him into a piece of equipment.  

Here is the replay..  


Clear as day that Gronk is shoving him backwards and that it's the momentum that carries him into the piece of equipment.  You can ALSO see that Brown has a hold of Gronk's Jersey prior to him loosing his footing... 

What can I say?  Your bias is stronger..  Watch as Gronk, while they are on the sideline, pull him closer and then shove.


he's a punk.

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Where to start. 

On the play where Ty Hilton "pinballed' you need to go watch the play again.  T.Y. went to change his route and hit the Pats player, lost his balance and then hit Browner causing him to fall down..  That's on T.Y.  Not the Pats players.. And that didn't happen to Wayne on that play..

On the play regarding Gronk and Sergio Brown.  Brown punched Gronk in the face.  Or did you decide to ignore the fact that when they went to a close-up on the sidelines, Gronk's mouth was bloody?  The "I threw him out of the club" comment came during the Post-Game interview, not during the game.  You can't penalize a player during the game for something that happens afterward.  

Considering the rule changes that have come because of Irsay and the Colts, Colts fans should be the LAST ones complaining about Kraft and any supposed misconduct.  

Where to start.


I didn't know being shoved from behind while running a route was his fault, and yes Reggie was also being interfered with. All I needed to see was one time.  Regarding Sergio punching your TE.  Please, show me the proof.  Players get bloodied up all the time, its a violent sport.  Heck JJ Watt starts starts bleeding as soon as he puts on a helmet.  I said nothing about his comments.  my only bone of contention is that fact after he punked him across the field. doing it out of bounds was unnecessary and could have seriously hurt someone. 


So before you come in here, read my first post and try to spout off your contrarian dribble.  Check out what I'm actually saying before just trying to be a troll with your handful of posts.


BTW if there is video of punching your TE in the mouth.  Suspend him.  I don't want a guy like that on my team.  I said the same thing when Walden headbutted a player last year.



try again troll!

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This is nothing but a complete set of lies.  Gronk did NOT pick Brown up and slam him down.  All Gronk did was shove him while they were tied up.. The replay CLEARLY shows that Brown had ahold of Gronk's jersey prior to the shove.  ..  

Only punks like yourself make up lies about things that happened.  I


your not gonna last here.  I hope you enjoy your brief stay

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TY was arm-barred from coming back for the ball, no flag, and Collinsworth calls it a good play.

TY is pin-balled by two or three defenders, no flag, and Collinsworth calls it physical defense.

Gronk shoves Brown into a camera and Collinsworth says that its justified because Brown is simply running his mouth. (You'd think that taking out Gronks knee would be justified now)


And...I forgot to mention...Toler just touches a Pats WR, gets flagged, and Collinsworth calls it a good call.


There is more to it than just simple bias.  A commentator doesn't lie...lie....about what he sees clearly on a replay without something bigger going on.  Its beyond bias...its propaganda.


If the NFL can shoot up players with PED's, stuff them with illegal use of prescription drugs to mask the pain, they can certainly have a subtly choreographed WWE element to the season.  Part of that is to have an announcer stooge telling the audience what they should be seeing.


Complaining about a call, or lack of a call, is different from suggesting that the NFL is an orchestrated scam where teams get "scripted" wins. You watched the game. The refs had nothing to do with Jonas Gray running all over your defense. They had nothing to do with Bradshaw dropping that pass when he was wide open. Their impact on this game and the outcome was minimal at best. If you took a nationwide poll, only the state of Indiana might disagree. 


Honestly, if that's how you feel about NFL football, I'm not sure why you'd watch the sport. To use your comparison, I know I lost interest in wrestling when I was about 10 and realized that none of it was real. 

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Complaining about a call, or lack of a call, is different from suggesting that the NFL is an orchestrated scam where teams get "scripted" wins. You watched the game. The refs had nothing to do with Jonas Gray running all over your defense. They had nothing to do with Bradshaw dropping that pass when he was wide open. Their impact on this game and the outcome was minimal at best. If you took a nationwide poll, only the state of Indiana might disagree. 


Honestly, if that's how you feel about NFL football, I'm not sure why you'd watch the sport. To use your comparison, I know I lost interest in wrestling when I was about 10 and realized that none of it was real. 

The only thing the flag would have changed was that the game would have been closer in the fourth quarter. The Patriots still win the game regardless.


Also I never watched wrestling because I thought it was real. It was and is ridiculous and that's part of the appeal to me.

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Not sure where you guys are getting that the officiating was horrible last night. The officiating was actually pretty good. And please don't say that I believe that because I'm a Pats fan. I believe it because they let them play and only called the most egregious. There were plenty of holdings calls that could have gone both ways..

OH, and btw, Colts fans should never ever talk about the lack of DPI considering that Kelvin Hayden was draped all over Reche Caldwell in the Endzone in the 2006 AFCCG and it wasn't called. And yes, the point of emphasis had already been changed to DPI at that point.

If Toler tackled receivers like the Pats did several timeshe would have been benched for the massive amount of penalties garnered. Meanwhile he was called for illegal contact while they never called it on the Patriots. Yes you are biased.
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Sergio Brown's series of now-deleted tweets from yesterday ought to tell you guys everything you need to know here. (Doesn't matter that the team lost as long as he played well! )


Look, let's all be honest...


Our opinions of this little incident are (naturally, and understandably) going to be colored by our rooting interests. Patriots fans saw it as one of our premiere players putting a guy in his place for running his mouth. It was a play that further cemented the tone of the entire evening... "we're going to come into your house, and we're going to bully you."


Indy fans, meanwhile, naturally see it as a dirty play. I get that. 


Both sides need to be more realistic. Pats fans need to acknowledge that Gronk did was against the rules and he deserved the penalty and probably a fine for it being pretty egregious. (You can still condone it, as I do.) 


Indy fans need to realize that Gronk, while a big playful dope, is not a malicious player with anger issues. Nothing like this has ever happened with him before. Brown got in his ear and he decided to do something about it. But no one was trying to injure another guy. 


The whole thing has me wondering about the extra point attempt in 2012 when Brown broke Gronkowski's arm, actually. That, coupled with Adams pathetic little "slap" at Gronk's stiff-arm on his TD, make me wonder. 


But for crying out loud, just be honest. If this happened the other way around, of course I'd be angry. As it stands though, I'm glad he did it, and Brown (especially with his Twitter nonsense) is the one looking foolish in the end.

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Complaining about a call, or lack of a call, is different from suggesting that the NFL is an orchestrated scam where teams get "scripted" wins. You watched the game. The refs had nothing to do with Jonas Gray running all over your defense. They had nothing to do with Bradshaw dropping that pass when he was wide open. Their impact on this game and the outcome was minimal at best. If you took a nationwide poll, only the state of Indiana might disagree. 


Honestly, if that's how you feel about NFL football, I'm not sure why you'd watch the sport. To use your comparison, I know I lost interest in wrestling when I was about 10 and realized that none of it was real. 

I didn't say that the offcials cost the game.  I didn't say there was an orchestrated scam where teams get scripted to win.  I said subtle choreography.  Seriously, MLB runs a phony HR derby for a decade with steriods.  Its a known fact that the NBA officials favor home teams and stars. 


Its undisclosed cheating that everybody knows about but doesn't directly acknowledge.


And you think absolutley no choreography of events weighs into an NFL season?  Why would the NFL be any different than MLB or the NBA?  Or wrestling or NASCAR for that matter. 


Why would an announcer on a prime time broadcast tell bold faced lies about what he was seeing clearly on replays?


Seriously, I'm asking the question...why would he do that?

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