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colts talent level and weak spots


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the colts talent level is average as a team because of some weak spots.below average talent on a  weak o-line on run blocking and pass blocking; below average talent at pass rush,a very serious weak spot. below average talent at run stuffing either system, coaches or players or all of those. with these weak spots and talent level we may squeak into the playoffs because of a weak division, but I for one predict 1 and done. to compete against the top teams we need huge talent upgrades

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the colts talent level is average as a team because of some weak spots.below average talent on a  weak o-line on run blocking and pass blocking; below average talent at pass rush,a very serious weak spot. below average talent at run stuffing either system, coaches or players or all of those. with these weak spots and talent level we may squeak into the playoffs because of a weak division, but I for one predict 1 and done. to compete against the top teams we need huge talent upgrades

It's gonna be a rematch from last year. Colts vs chiefs in indy. Had the cheifs stayed healthy last year, they would have most likely won. 

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freeman is usually a stud jackson is garbage

Did you watch the game? Freeman looked worse than Jackson (didn't think possible). Freeman I think was inflated by Colts fans due to the lack of any talented LBer to have ever dawn a Colts uniform. He's talented yes but he isn't someone you frame a defense around.

Look at Baltimore (where Pagano came from) what's the first thing they went and got? A LBer who can lead their defense. We still have yet to have a game changer like that in the middle of our defense.

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The ground game all phases of it is a weak spot. The backs, the line. The other blockers. The whole thing needs to be looked at this off-season.

Colts just need more play makers on defense. Outside of Mathis (who is hurt) and Davis they are a no name defense who has solid players but not great players who make plays. Newsome looks like he might be a major find by Grigson but other than that the big money spent on defense has been a flop. Landry was a flop. RJF and Redding got blown off the ball tonight. I am not sure I heard Werner's name once. Walden did very little and Jackson did less. Jones was hurt it would have been nice to have him tonight thats for sure. Toler is solid not a playmaker. Frankly after Davis and Newsome your could argue Grigson's best pick up for the defense right now is Mike Adams who is just a stop gap player.

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No Jackson is the problem, or so it seems because he can't stop anything. I hope going forward we see more of Newsome and others out there. We need major changes on defense.

i am all for Newsome playing more but he plays outside and Jackson plays inside so Jackson isn't the one who would come out for Newsome. Walden or Werner is. McNary is the top back up MLB. I'd rather stick with Jackson and Freeman than go back to McNary.
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i am all for Newsome playing more but he plays outside and Jackson plays inside so Jackson isn't the one who would come out for Newsome. Walden or Werner is. McNary is the top back up MLB. I'd rather stick with Jackson and Freeman than go back to McNary.

I'm well aware, but I'm for whole sell changes at this point. 

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I'm well aware, but I'm for whole sell changes at this point.

i am for improvement. Playing a guy who you know is worse in McNary just because you don't like the starter isn't going to fix things.

As for Newsome I am all for him playing more, he's made a bigger impact in half a season than Werner has in a year and a half maybe getting benched for a late round rookie would wake Werner up.

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the colts talent level is average as a team because of some weak spots.below average talent on a  weak o-line on run blocking and pass blocking; below average talent at pass rush,a very serious weak spot. below average talent at run stuffing either system, coaches or players or all of those. with these weak spots and talent level we may squeak into the playoffs because of a weak division, but I for one predict 1 and done. to compete against the top teams we need huge talent upgrades

This is the deal. This game is indicative of one thing that remains constant in Colts/Patriots matchups. Its belief. The Patriots just believe that they will work harder, hit harder, outplay the Colts every time they play. Even in the Colts victories, they usually come very hard fought, and very SELDOM do the Colts just kick the Patriots butt like the Patriots always seem to do to the Colts. Its mental now. No matter who lines up against the Colts, they turn into world beaters and look like Walter Peyton against this team because of a belief system that Bill B. instills in his team. There is NO way that this team should systematically destroy ANY Colts team, no matter who's playing, every year unless its mental. The Colts just HOPE they'll beat the Patriots, while the Patriots BELIEVE they will always beat the Colts. And that's on the coaching staff. Every time I see this going on, I realize that Bruce Arians is the ONLY coach that the Colts have had in recent years that can change their BELIEF system. Chuck P is a nice guy and all, but he has NO clue about motivation outside of the usual cliches. Hes trying his best and I wish him well, but he has failed miserably to motivate this team properly to perform at the level of greatness required to change the mindset of this team, The same teams that have owned us in the past STILL own us. Steelers, Patriots, etc. And these are the teams we have to go through. Trust me, the Steelers will be there at the end. And we aren't even competitive with these teams on the road and against the Patriots, at home either. So, although I see whats happening, if the team can understand that they don't have to fire any body or do anything drastic, they have to understand the power of the mind to do great things. Because that's the only solution to this beat-down the Patriots consistently give the Colts. The mental determines the physical. Just like Morpheus said to Neo in the Matrix....you cant think you are the best, you have to KNOW you are...believe. The Colts have got to let go of fear, doubt and disbelief.

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I do expect more emphasis on defense in year 3. Pagano looked as though he delivered before the Pitt game and now this fiasco proves otherwise.

He better get them fired back up in a hurry because they are all over the map. Be it through the air or on the ground our defense is not even a sieve. Unfortunately it is much worse with little to no resistance offered.

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the colts talent level is average as a team because of some weak spots.below average talent on a  weak o-line on run blocking and pass blocking; below average talent at pass rush,a very serious weak spot. below average talent at run stuffing either system, coaches or players or all of those. with these weak spots and talent level we may squeak into the playoffs because of a weak division, but I for one predict 1 and done. to compete against the top teams we need huge talent upgrades

I disagree. Our on-field talent is excellent.

But one and done is the best we could possibly expect. The problem is not on the field.

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The ground game all phases of it is a weak spot. The backs, the line. The other blockers. The whole thing needs to be looked at this off-season.

Colts just need more play makers on defense. Outside of Mathis (who is hurt) and Davis they are a no name defense who has solid players but not great players who make plays. Newsome looks like he might be a major find by Grigson but other than that the big money spent on defense has been a flop. Landry was a flop. RJF and Redding got blown off the ball tonight. I am not sure I heard Werner's name once. Walden did very little and Jackson did less. Jones was hurt it would have been nice to have him tonight thats for sure. Toler is solid not a playmaker. Frankly after Davis and Newsome your could argue Grigson's best pick up for the defense right now is Mike Adams who is just a stop gap player.

You could make an argument that Werner was actually the best player on the front seven last night. 


Careful aout Newsome, he is a pass rusher and not stout enough to hold up to the run

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You could make an argument that Werner was actually the best player on the front seven last night. 


Careful aout Newsome, he is a pass rusher and not stout enough to hold up to the run

id agree that's probably a fair concern about Newsome however I feel Walden was better last night than Werner and I would still say no one played well in the front seven last night which was the problem.
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You missed Hughes.  He got pushed back often.  Chap wasn't bad.

the problem is for a 3/4 to work against good running team you need a guy Wilfork who sucks up the middle and takes two guys to block him to free up everyone else. The Coltd don't have that in Hughes, Chap, or Kerr. Looking at the whole season the only one I notice making plays on a regular basis is Kerr. DT has been and remains a problem for this team.
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the problem is for a 3/4 to work against good running team you need a guy Wilfork who sucks up the middle and takes two guys to block him to free up everyone else. The Coltd don't have that in Hughes, Chap, or Kerr. Looking at the whole season the only one I notice making plays on a regular basis is Kerr. DT has been and remains a problem for this team.

Agreed.  The plays that I see Kerr making is when he is penetrating the line or moving down the line.  Neither he nor Hughes seem to be particularly good at simply holding their ground, shedding, then stuffing.  Most of the Patroit's runs were between the tackles.


Of the three, I think Chapman got moved off of the ball less.


Wilfork was a fitst round pick I believe, and has been in the league for years.  He was good in college at a major university, and good as a rookie and got better.  I think Chap can be effective over the long term.  I'm having my doubts about Hughes.

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This is the deal. This game is indicative of one thing that remains constant in Colts/Patriots matchups. Its belief. The Patriots just believe that they will work harder, hit harder, outplay the Colts every time they play. Even in the Colts victories, they usually come very hard fought, and very SELDOM do the Colts just kick the Patriots butt like the Patriots always seem to do to the Colts. Its mental now. No matter who lines up against the Colts, they turn into world beaters and look like Walter Peyton against this team because of a belief system that Bill B. instills in his team. There is NO way that this team should systematically destroy ANY Colts team, no matter who's playing, every year unless its mental. The Colts just HOPE they'll beat the Patriots, while the Patriots BELIEVE they will always beat the Colts. And that's on the coaching staff. Every time I see this going on, I realize that Bruce Arians is the ONLY coach that the Colts have had in recent years that can change their BELIEF system. Chuck P is a nice guy and all, but he has NO clue about motivation outside of the usual cliches. Hes trying his best and I wish him well, but he has failed miserably to motivate this team properly to perform at the level of greatness required to change the mindset of this team, The same teams that have owned us in the past STILL own us. Steelers, Patriots, etc. And these are the teams we have to go through. Trust me, the Steelers will be there at the end. And we aren't even competitive with these teams on the road and against the Patriots, at home either. So, although I see whats happening, if the team can understand that they don't have to fire any body or do anything drastic, they have to understand the power of the mind to do great things. Because that's the only solution to this beat-down the Patriots consistently give the Colts. The mental determines the physical. Just like Morpheus said to Neo in the Matrix....you cant think you are the best, you have to KNOW you are...believe. The Colts have got to let go of fear, doubt and disbelief.

I agree 100% percent, the Pagano vs Bellicheck, is by far the biggest mismatch on the field, everytime we play the Pats. I like Pagano to. but we will not win very many chess matches, against the opposing coaching staffs. Pagano seems like a very good man and guys want to play for him, but when it comes to X&O's we are at a bid disadvantage, especially against Bellicheck.

Bellicheck seems to prefer playing the Colts, because he believes that he can out physical the Colts, and like you said it's a mental thing, he has no doubt that he can beat the Colts, and the Colts hope they can beat the Pats, it's not enough for him to beat the Colts, he wants to humiliate and embarrass the Colts, total domination. I don't think Bill feels he has to run the ball to beat us, we have no pass rush, they would have whipped us throwing the ball too. Brady had all the time he needed to pick us apart, it's just so much more satisfying for him to just run it down our throat and humiliate us.

I agree with everything you said, and yes Bruce Arians is the one coach who could have changed that, he gave this team a fear nobody attitude. This is a "mental thing", and unfortunately, I don't think coach Pagano is the coach that can change this. This blowout was on our home field, with no running game or pass rush, are there any Colts fans out there who really believe we can go to New England, Denver, or Pittsburgh in January and not get completely blown out.

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I agree 100% percent, the Pagano vs Bellicheck, is by far the biggest mismatch on the field, everytime we play the Pats. I like Pagano to. but we will not win very many chess matches, against the opposing coaching staffs. Pagano seems like a very good man and guys want to play for him, but when it comes to X&O's we are at a bid disadvantage, especially against Bellicheck.

Bellicheck seems to prefer playing the Colts, because he believes that he can out physical the Colts, and like you said it's a mental thing, he has no doubt that he can beat the Colts, and the Colts hope they can beat the Pats, it's not enough for him to beat the Colts, he wants to humiliate and embarrass the Colts, total domination. I don't think Bill feels he has to run the ball to beat us, we have no pass rush, they would have whipped us throwing the ball too. Brady had all the time he needed to pick us apart, it's just so much more satisfying for him to just run it down our throat and humiliate us.

I agree with everything you said, and yes Bruce Arians is the one coach who could have changed that, he gave this team a fear nobody attitude. This is a "mental thing", and unfortunately, I don't think coach Pagano is the coach that can change this. This blowout was on our home field, with no running game or pass rush, are there any Colts fans out there who really believe we can go to New England, Denver, or Pittsburgh in January and not get completely blown out.

Amen, brother...Amen. Its not rocket science, although its too deep for the average * to comprehend. This staff needs less *s.

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