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Tom Brady Shared a Broment With Rob Gronkowski and Julian Edelman Last Sunday


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How neat, especially to catch up to Julian like that. But isn't that a penalty to leave the sidelines, especially that far.

Also did anyone see them poke fun at the keep away game after Brady passed Drew Brees on the TD list? It was after the TD that was called not a TD later.

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How neat, especially to catch up to Julian like that. But isn't that a penalty to leave the sidelines, especially that far.

Also did anyone see them poke fun at the keep away game after Brady passed Drew Brees on the TD list? It was after the TD that was called not a TD later.

I didn't know it was a penalty to leave the sidelines. Is that a new rule for this year?


yeah, the game of keep away was pretty funny. Seems like they may be something they do all year long.

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Longer versions:




Wilfork on sideline: "We got Tom Brady, baby. Greatest that ever lived. Tom Brady"


Also, here's another good one:




I love the ominous music that plays when it gets to Gronkowski, like someone is in deep, deep, deep trouble.


I've never seen a QB's fiery personality and intensity elevate the team like Tom's leadership does. His body language and zeal sets the bar for the personality of the entire team.

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Will revisit this thread when he has a bad game and Pats fans are talking about Jimmy G again. Oh how everyone has forgotten about that so easily....


LOL!!! it wasnt Pats fans talking about Jimmy G... it was bitter fans and media that were foaming at the mouth and bringing him into the conversation.


Most knowledgeable Pats fans shared the same mindset as  BB with his look of total disgust and embarrassment for the reporter that asked him if the QB position was going to be evaluated..


I love this team so much this year.. I just have this vibe and feeling about them similar to 2003-04  when everyone was all over them and attacking them for every little thing that happened in a game and trying to tear them down.. and they just kept plowing forward, winning games and having the haters make excuses for why they were winning.


Im so proud of this team regardless of what happens.. i love following the Patriots, they represent everything that is great in men...  Just ignoring the noise of average peons and going about their business and getting %^#$ done.  The media and bitter rival fans just want them to go away, but they refuse to go away and continue to be a top contender in the league.


I love that it annoys everyone, I love that it irritates everyone that they just keep winning despite all of the nonsense noise that people love to throw around that they're overrated, cheaters, selfish, classless, soft, over the hill, blah blah blah...  the opinions of average to below average humans mean nothing to them.. They're a special breed of men and they won't let common peasants in the media or even the "Godlike" Peyton Manning stand in their way of greatness.


I love it..    I'm so proud of being a Patriot fan... so proud of being a New Englander, one of the roughest and hardest breed of American there is... and just so happy with life in general... it feels so good to be alive, to enjoy the things that we enjoy and to have the privilege of arguing on an internet message board over sports teams etc...


The Patriots represent all of the positive characteristics that can carry you through life, whether it be personal, work or romantic relationships... Generosity... Charitable...  Respectfulness... Mental toughness...  Modesty... Resilience... Character... Class... Integrity... Perseverance... Teamwork... Patience...  Sacrifice and confidence...


No hater on earth can diminish these things.. they can spew their hate all they want.. but deep down inside their gut they know that the Pats are for real and that is what upsets them so much.


There is such a poetic justice to a victory like they had over Denver that is so unbelievably gratifying that it feels almost like a Super Bowl..  Obviously, that game was not of that magnitude in the grand scheme of things because there is still a lot of football to be played... but just given how they started, and how so many people just sprinted as fast as they could to take a dump on them when they weren't playing "perfect" football.. and to just come out and totally annihilate the "best" team in the NFL and the "greatest" pizza selling QB to ever play this game...


Man...  so awesome.. i don't care if they don't win the Super Bowl this year... this team just continues to make me proud to be a fan and shows so many astounding characteristics that people can emulate and carry over to every facet of their life to make a better world for themselves and the people around them.


All the negativity and hate in the world cannot drown out all of the positive light that emulates from this team and other teams like it. 


Go Pats!

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As long as he's not cussing at refs, predicting Superbowl scores, or talking about how he loves to blow people out, he's alright in my book.


Funny.. its convenient that people like you forget that it was Plaxico Burress that was PREDICTING a Super Bowl score... Brady was just trying to react to it in as professional a manner as possible.


Its great... the Patriots NEVER talk trash before a game... the Giants talked trash and Brady was just responding like "Wow.. really?  I dunno.. I would like to think we would score more than that many points seeings how we broke the record for the most points scored EVER by an offense... oh and the fact that we BEAT the Giants 4 weeks ago and scored over 30?"


It was an OFFENSIVE comment by a New York Giant, and yet Brady is the one that is somehow painted in some negative light... Since the Giants won, everyone likes to jump back in time and act like Brady was the one behind the Microphone talking trash...  It really is amazing to see how haters spin things to support their incredibly bias mindset.


So hilarious... you're completely OK with talking trash before a game has even started, so long as your ridiculous and arrogant "prediction" holds true.


Any decent human being or competitor doesn't make such an arrogant comment before a game is played... but that is what Plax and the Giants were all about.. making noise.. Reminds me of the New York Jets for the last several years... Talking, talking talking....  Luckily for the Giants, a miracle catch off of a helmet along with an easy pick that was dropped by Asante Samuel allowed them to barely escape with a victory... but bias haters like you will sit back and act like Brady was being completely outlandish in responding to an insanely arrogant and insulting statement from the opposition.

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Will revisit this thread when he has a bad game and Pats fans are talking about Jimmy G again. Oh how everyone has forgotten about that so easily....

Except that it wasn't Patriot fans calling for Jimmy G....

They were calling for a fixed O-line... And look what has happened...

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Brady's pure enjoyment of the game is the other side of his tenacious competitiveness. When things go well, like for anyone else, he's obviously having fun and comes off like a wild-eyed kid. When they don't, he chases refs down the tunnel and gets all p-o'd. He and Belichick are often accused of being "sore losers" when they fail, and rightfully so. But it's that inner fire that makes him special, and that's what every team (including the Pats) missed in the 2000 draft. You can't quantify it or measure it. But it's why he's the runaway biggest winner in NFL history. 

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Brady's pure enjoyment of the game is the other side of his tenacious competitiveness. When things go well, like for anyone else, he's obviously having fun and comes off like a wild-eyed kid. When they don't, he chases refs down the tunnel and gets all p-o'd. He and Belichick are often accused of being "sore losers" when they fail, and rightfully so. But it's that inner fire that makes him special, and that's what every team (including the Pats) missed in the 2000 draft. You can't quantify it or measure it. But it's why he's the runaway biggest winner in NFL history. 


I agree with all the above... what I don't get how the same traits in Manning are portrayed in such a negative way by Pats fans. In fact I don't get why people, on both sides of the fence, completely forget their sanity and manners when it comes to talking about certain teams/players.


I'm a Colts fan, so yes I "dislike" the Pats because the are a rival but it doesn't have to be such a negative thing. Out of the friends I have over here who are NFL fans one is a Pats fan so there has been some pretty good natured shots at each other but for the most we're just two guys who like football and like to talk football. The fact that some people seem derive such pleasure from such negativity is mind boggling sometimes. 

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I agree with all the above... what I don't get how the same traits in Manning are portrayed in such a negative way by Pats fans. In fact I don't get why people, on both sides of the fence, completely forget their sanity and manners when it comes to talking about certain teams/players.


I'm a Colts fan, so yes I "dislike" the Pats because the are a rival but it doesn't have to be such a negative thing. Out of the friends I have over here who are NFL fans one is a Pats fan so there has been some pretty good natured shots at each other but for the most we're just two guys who like football and like to talk football. The fact that some people seem derive such pleasure from such negativity is mind boggling sometimes. 


To your later point, as a Patriots fan who spends his fair share of time on a Colts board, I'm with you, lol...


It doesn't have to be negative and snippy. I like getting lots of perspectives; sometimes you agree with them, sometimes you don't. Good natured shots are fun. I mean dang, when it comes to Brady, I love a good Uggs joke as much as anyone! (Any Pats fan who denies his fruity nature is delusional!)


Manning is more gracious in defeat than Brady (or BB)... the fire's there, but I think in a slightly different way. I loved that he ran down the field in that preseason game and yelled at Swearinger for the Welker hit. "Money well spent" was also an epic quote when he was asked about that fine! 

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To your later point, as a Patriots fan who spends his fair share of time on a Colts board, I'm with you, lol...


It doesn't have to be negative and snippy. I like getting lots of perspectives; sometimes you agree with them, sometimes you don't. Good natured shots are fun. I mean dang, when it comes to Brady, I love a good Uggs joke as much as anyone! (Any Pats fan who denies his fruity nature is delusional!)


Manning is more gracious in defeat than Brady (or BB)... the fire's there, but I think in a slightly different way. I loved that he ran down the field in that preseason game and yelled at Swearinger for the Welker hit. "Money well spent" was also an epic quote when he was asked about that fine! 


Sorry re-reading my post it was a little more rant like than I intended so I'm glad you could see the intent behind it!

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Brady's pure enjoyment of the game is the other side of his tenacious competitiveness. When things go well, like for anyone else, he's obviously having fun and comes off like a wild-eyed kid. When they don't, he chases refs down the tunnel and gets all p-o'd. He and Belichick are often accused of being "sore losers" when they fail, and rightfully so. But it's that inner fire that makes him special, and that's what every team (including the Pats) missed in the 2000 draft. You can't quantify it or measure it. But it's why he's the runaway biggest winner in NFL history. 

Funny- last few years he's had that business approach including the last SB and AFCCG he lost. Nothing wrong with that but when he gets the fiery kid emotion like the early years there's a big difference. Starting with that 1st drive against the Bengals. That was a pure anger drive including the two QB sneaks which was more than just sneaking lol. So far he's kept that up and the results seem to show it.

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Funny- last few years he's had that business approach including the last SB and AFCCG he lost. Nothing wrong with that but when he gets the fiery kid emotion like the early years there's a big difference. Starting with that 1st drive against the Bengals. That was a pure anger drive including the two QB sneaks which was more than just sneaking lol. So far he's kept that up and the results seem to show it.


There seems to be something special to this year's team... time will tell. But they have a 2003/2004 aura about them. 

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There seems to be something special to this year's team... time will tell. But they have a 2003/2004 aura about them. 

More like 2003.


2004 was a walk in the park with Dillon. I think we all knew the Pats would repeat. Records were broken that year too. Steelers ended the win streak (remember that ugly game) but its still the record :)

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More like 2003.


2004 was a walk in the park with Dillon. I think we all knew the Pats would repeat. Records were broken that year too. Steelers ended the win streak (remember that ugly game) but its still the record :)


True. The 2003 team kept us on the edges of our seats a bit more. 

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