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Da'Rick Rodgers Arrested Last Night, released (merge)


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At least in a colt uni it does . For real though best of wishes to him hope he lands on another team and keeps his butt out of trouble .

He will definitely land on another team. He has freakish athletic skills.  Just depends on which team really needs a one-trick-pony with a history of getting into trouble with the long arm of the law.  Being out that late and trying to take advantage of not having to work the next day on a late night drinking stupor is just bad for a Colts player to try to do. 

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A worthy replacement, but are we rolling with only 5 WRs?

We have a good receiver core...unless someone goes down there is no reason to bring another one up. TY, Reggie, Nicks, Moncrief, and Whalen all bring it every game. Also with Fleener and Allen and Doyle we have plenty of offensive guys. We have more concerns in our secondary losing Landry that we may need to pull guys up from PS to have ready to back up or play special teams. Honestly Rogers only ever ran a 9 route....he really didn't add anything to the roster so I'm not worried about it. Drop the knuckleheads we don't need the attention that some other teams are getting....just be happy it was a dui and not something worse like messin around with college girls or beating someone (not that a dui is condoned!).

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They have no need to, the team's service is on-call for them 24-7.



I know but if you are out drinking maybe you dont have or remember the info so call yellow cab. That number should be in every bar.

I have no clue the circumstances and probably way off base so this is just totally a shot in the dark but my guess...they get picked up around IUPUI campus by campus police....probably partying with college kids (girls) and didn't want to notify the team why they are out at 3:30 hanging with 18yr old kids etc and drinking...and probably not a yellow cab number on the dorm room wall. Besides look uncool that they have to get a cab after drinking with the kidos...I mean best to look like bulletproof in front of them then keep your job. Totally unsubstantiated but just a guess on my part. We wonder why guys don't move up from PS or special teams etc when we think they have so much talent....but we don't have a clue what is going on in the background at practice etc...I mean do we really think this is a one time deal for them? And then do we think that after nights of partying like this that they are showing up for work in the morning and practicing and watching tape at a high level...probably not...and thus no matter how talented they may be...its not being achieved...and likely won't be. Rogers may reach his potential (long shot) but it won't be here.

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No it isn't.  People have the right to be out at any time of day or night that they want to be.


Most of the rest of your post I agree with.

I absolutely agree that people have the right to be out anytime they want.


I am was just saying from my personal experience you have a greater chance of being stopped at 3 am than say 3 pm or even 11pm. I don't live in Indy don't know how things work there but the places I have lived that is how it worked.

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I absolutely agree that people have the right to be out anytime they want.


I am was just saying from my personal experience you have a greater chance of being stopped at 3 am than say 3 pm or even 11pm. I don't live in Indy don't know how things work there but the places I have lived that is how it worked.

I agree it's more likely to happen.  It was your phrase of "reason enough..." that I took issue with is all.

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True. I would assume this sort of thing would continue. It just seems a bit odd that the teams owner does the same thing (but worse). Smacks of hypocrisy, but that's life in the big city. It's not hard to avoid driving around drunk. 


I've got to believe that by now, you completely know that what the team's owner did and what the player did were NOT the same?


The team's owner has a problem with prescription pain meds.


The team's player went out and got drunk.


You really thing those two things are the same?

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I've got to believe that by now, you completely know that what the team's owner did and what the player did were NOT the same?


The team's owner has a problem with prescription pain meds.


The team's player went out and got drunk.


You really think those two things are the same?

Yes. Driving under the influence is a selfish decision, regardless of motivation, reason, or excuse. 


Please excuse me, I'm not getting into the "disease" debate again. It never ends well. 


Suffice to say, I see little difference here. Two men making bad decisions that put all of us at risk while sharing the road with them. 

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I've got to believe that by now, you completely know that what the team's owner did and what the player did were NOT the same?


The team's owner has a problem with prescription pain meds.


The team's player went out and got drunk.


You really thing those two things are the same?

I think what Irsay did was way worse.    But Irsay owns the team and Rogers was an unnecessary part of the Colts team who was already riding on thin ice.  Rogers may have been cut soon without the DUI.    

He was "legally drunk", but blowing those numbers, he wasn't really drunk.   Maybe a little tipsy.  

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Both Irsay and Rogers were wrong, but to say what Irsay did is way worse is ludicrious.  a DUI is a DUI regardless.  As well, I do believe Irsay has been punished severly enough and Rogers knows or should have known to be on his best behavior.  It's both their repective faults and they both are dealing with the consequences.  Just be thankful it was Rogers and not Nicks, Bradshaw, Wayne.  A player with major importance to this team. 

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