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Question of the Day - 09/24


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:blueshoe:   Everyone - myself included - was gravely concerned over the state of the offensive line as the season kicked off 3+ weeks ago.  During those 3+ weeks injuries have healed - players have returned to the practice field - and - what was considered a "patchwork" offensive line has gelled.


:blueshoe:   The announcement has been that A.Q. Shipley will continue to man the center position.



:blueshoe:   Thumbs UP - or - down ??  Justify your opinion.

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Both, thumbs up because Shipley has been playing pretty good (I don't think he's as good as some on this board) and I think cohesiveness along the oline is more important than the talent of the individual players.


Thumbs down because it means that Holmes is not as good as some of us suspected or as much as Grigs lead us to believe in the offseason.

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Both, thumbs up because Shipley has been playing pretty good (I don't think he's as good as some on this board) and I think cohesiveness along the oline is more important than the talent of the individual players.


Thumbs down because it means that Holmes is not as good as some of us suspected or as much as Grigs lead us to believe in the offseason.

Yeah...we already knew that though :)   :thmup:  :thmup:


Two thumbs up for Shipley.


Two more for Holmes to be ready at a moment's notice...!!   :thmup:  :thmup:

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Both, thumbs up because Shipley has been playing pretty good (I don't think he's as good as some on this board) and I think cohesiveness along the oline is more important than the talent of the individual players.


Thumbs down because it means that Holmes is not as good as some of us suspected or as much as Grigs lead us to believe in the offseason.

Way to be bold & break with the majority there CD. But, you did kind of ride the fence there though. The question was "Thumbs UP - or - down ??  Justify your opinion." Not both. That's a cop out.


If you had to pick a side, where do you lean more heavily if both Shipley & Holmes are healthy? Who should start at center if you got to pull the trigger & make the call? I'm just curious. 


It's all good CD. I don't usually color between the lines or follow directions either. LOL! It's the rebel in me who often re-writes the question too so you're in good company my friend. 

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Way to be bold & break with the majority there CD. But, you did kind of ride the fence there though. The question was "Thumbs UP - or - down ??  Justify your opinion." Not both. That's a cop out.


If you had to pick a side, where do you lean more heavily if both Shipley & Holmes are healthy? Who should start at center if you got to pull the trigger & make the call? I'm just curious. 

I'm not a conformist.


And I did justify my opinion, I explained what I think it is both good and bad.

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I'm not a conformist.


And I did justify my opinion, I explained what I think it is both good and bad.

I admire that you're not a conformist CD. But, an either or question can't be both. It's like a little kid sitting on a see saw playground toy. You're either on the ground or up in the sky. 


It's just a pet peeve of mine with the word or in the sentence. It's not an equal comparison. Pick 1 option & only 1 option. Saying both does not answer the question. JMO. 


If it helps, put a percentage on it. You favor Shipley over Holmes 20% to 80% or Holmes to Shipley 60% to 40% for instance. 


My point is this: Any person in an either or question can indicate where they lean or which player they put more credibility in to get the job done at center. No, IMO you never answered the question. 

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I admire that you're not a conformist CD. But, an either or question can't be both. It's like a little kid sitting on a see saw playground toy. You're either on the ground or up in the sky. 


It's just a pet peeve of mine with the word or in the sentence. It's not an equal comparison. Pick 1 option & only 1 option. Saying both does not answer the question. JMO. 


If it helps, put a percentage on it. You favor Shipley over Holmes 20% to 80% or Holmes to Shipley 60% to 40% for instance. 


My point is this: Any person in an either or question can indicate where they lean or which player they put more credibility in to get the job done at center. No, IMO you never answered the question. 

SWI, I like you as a poster, I enjoy reading your posts, you have a lot of good insight into some things and your enthusiasm for the Colts comes through even on a message board.  If we ever met up at a tailgate or a bar, I'd insist on buying you a beer and probably two and I think we would have a good time hanging out.  


All that being said, I don't really care if, in your opinion, I didn't answer the question.  I'm sorry if that bothers you, my intent was not to annoy SouthWest1 but I answered the question based on my thoughts about the subject and I justified my opinion on both.

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SWI, I like you as a poster, I enjoy reading your posts, you have a lot of good insight into some things and your enthusiasm for the Colts comes through even on a message board.  If we ever met up at a tailgate or a bar, I'd insist on buying you a beer and probably two and I think we would have a good time hanging out.  


All that being said, I don't really care if, in your opinion, I didn't answer the question.  I'm sorry if that bothers you, my intent was not to annoy SouthWest1 but I answered the question based on my thoughts about the subject and I justified my opinion on both.

I appreciate everything you said on my behalf. Thank you. Trust me, the feeling is mutual. I have a ton of respect for you too. You know your football & you can probably dissect why a play did or did not work better than I can. 


I'm not picking on you or singling you out. At least, that wasn't my intent anyway. I'd say what I said about the either or remark to anybody my mother, my sister, my dad, my boss, my nephew. When I get confused, I ask for clarification. It's noting personal. Okay fine, let's just agree to disagree. I respect you CD & I apologize if I upset you in anyway way. My bad. We're cool. I have no problems with you whatsoever. 


I know you explained your position. I get that. My only issue & it's a tiny one is that I couldn't figure out who you preferred more. Shipley or Holmes? Water under the bridge if you think you did. So be it. A lot of stuff goes over my head in this world. I will freely admit that. 


" I justified my opinion on both"...The word thumbs up or thumbs down means the premise of the question mandates that you can't pick both. That's my point. I understand your reasons both ways but I still have no idea which center you like more if both men are healthy. 


If I offered to buy you a sundae or an ice cream cone at a Culvers restaurant & you said both please. I would be somewhat confused by your response wouldn't I? That's what I getting at CD.


Maybe you were just trying to play devils advocate & looking at the pros & cons of both centers. I understand that. I do that a lot myself. Fine, I'll drop it now. 

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Thumbs up. 


A.Q. Shipley has earned his starting spot with solid play (Mewhort too). I can't help but say how was worried I was about having such a relatively young offensive line coming into the season however you have to start somewhere & take a few chances to get things right. Andrew Luck has been kept upright for the most part which is a major plus & the much maligned run game is now much improved. All of this has me very optimistic for the future of the big men upfront as a unit. As well as the rest of our team.

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