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I may have this wrong, so you old timers correct me.

A long time ago, maybe in the early 70s, the Chiefs were going to play the Raiders and their QBs we're hurt. So they came out in a wishbone and won the game. Ran all over them. I think they threw a couple passes when the Raiders crowded the line, and they went for big gains.

I may have the teams or year wrong, but it did happen in pro ball.

Obviously, we don't want to run it.

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This is the thread that put me on vacation from colts forum.  See u guys next wk.


Hey,  no need to hurry back!      You can make it two weeks!      Or even three!


Maybe even a month.....     or even a season!


Relax.....    enjoy the year watching games at home!             :wave:

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This is the thread that put me on vacation from colts forum. See u guys next wk.

Hmmm! Do you have a bone to pick? Lol!

I believe we ran several option plays many years ago with Gary Hoogeboom (sp?)

Would I do it with Luck? No! With our practice squad qb maybe? As many of you know you just can't run a system, you have to practice it. Without practice a good chance on a fumble on the fb dive, a wide pitchout on tb too many bad without practice.

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I could see having some success with it inside the red zone or at the goal line and deep in enemy territory taking out one of our TE's(Fleener) sliding TY into his place, sending him in motion and faking a hand off to him while sending Allen up to blocking the ROLB and Castonzo to block the ILB and pitching it to one of our speedier Backs (problem is we don't have 1 of those really that is healthy) and a few other ideas come to mind deep in enemy territory but if your asking if I would want to run it on a regular basis.....No....But yes I fully believe it could work if it was used from time to time...But I am of the belief that certain players we have on offense should never leave the field...Namely Hilton and Allen......Those 2 give the team the most versatility...regardless of formations, players.......Our  O Line has to block better to do anything consistently....The team has the offensive weapons to be very versatile, The limits are the O Line, Peps imagination and what our offensive weapons can take in....But again primarily O Line http://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0LEVj5rQRVUZg8A.zgPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBsa3ZzMnBvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--?_adv_prop=image&fr=yhs-ironsource-fullyhosted_003&va=wishbone+offense+plays&hspart=ironsource&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003


36 blast end around


Several of these plays could work.......This is my personal favorite and best defines the play I tried to describe above, Just take out that extra TE (Fleener) and put Hilton in sending him in motion, Also taking out the FB and Fleener while adding a 2nd WR.......Again I think it would work once in a while just to show something different primarily in short yardage situations or deep in enemy territory but I would not make it a regular deal, Using 11 personnel package is the strength of our offense

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I could see having some success with it inside the red zone or at the goal line and deep in enemy territory taking out one of our TE's(Fleener) sliding TY into his place, sending him in motion and faking a hand off to him while sending Allen up to blocking the ROLB and Castonzo to block the ILB and pitching it to one of our speedier Backs (problem is we don't have 1 of those really that is healthy) and a few other ideas come to mind deep in enemy territory but if your asking if I would want to run it on a regular basis.....No....But yes I fully believe it could work if it was used from time to time...But I am of the belief that certain players we have on offense should never leave the field...Namely Hilton and Allen......Those 2 give the team the most versatility...regardless of formations, players.......Our  O Line has to block better to do anything consistently....The team has the offensive weapons to be very versatile, The limits are the O Line, Peps imagination and what our offensive weapons can take in....But again primarily O Line http://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0LEVj5rQRVUZg8A.zgPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBsa3ZzMnBvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--?_adv_prop=image&fr=yhs-ironsource-fullyhosted_003&va=wishbone+offense+plays&hspart=ironsource&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003


36 blast end around


Several of these plays could work.......This is my personal favorite and best defines the play I tried to describe above, Just take out that extra TE (Fleener) and put Hilton in sending him in motion, Also taking out the FB and Fleener while adding a 2nd WR.......Again I think it would work once in a while just to show something different primarily in short yardage situations or deep in enemy territory but I would not make it a regular deal, Using 11 personnel package is the strength of our offense

great post

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