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lesean mccoy the cheapskate?


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One thing I never really understood at restaurants is why the tip is based on a % of the meal.

If I order a $50 steak vs. $5 burger, im expected to tip the waiter/waitress more even tho the amount of work remains the same.


because that's how the server's income is reported to the IRS.  No matter how much you tip on your meal, the server has to claim to the IRS that he made at least 10%.  If you leave no tip at all on a $50 check, the server still has to report that he made at least $5.  

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The owner posted the receipt, here is his statement:



I would like to address the LeSean McCoy tipping situation and our role in it.

For starters, I take total and complete responsibility for sharing this receipt. It was not our server's decision, it was mine. I am to blame.

I decided to take action after some serious thought. And while I'd like to apologize to Mr McCoy, I cannot in good conscience do so. I stand by my actions one hundred percent.

Mr McCoy and his three companions came into my place on Monday afternoon, and immediately the whole staff was excited. Mr McCoy is a skilled athlete and is one of our beloved Philadelphia Eagles. A true Philly legend and a sports hero. Understandably my staff was really pumped, especially on the heels of they terrific win the day before. (Go Eagles!).

Mr McCoy and his friend sat inside at a booth next to my management and next to me. They were given excellent service. Impeccable service. If anything, our server was a little nervous as was our food runner, because they are big, big fans.

He and his group, from the moment they sat down, were verbally abusive to our staff in the most insulting ways. The derogatory statements about women and their sheer contempt for the staff serving them wasn't the end, however. After Mr McCoy and his group left I looked over and saw their server, my friend, with his head bowed down and with a very confused look on his face. I took the receipt out of his hand and I couldn't believe that anyone could be so callous. Mr McCoy had left a .03% tip for our staff. Our staff that was beyond excited to see him walk into our burger joint and was excited to serve him. That's twenty cents on a tab of over $60. Twenty cents that our server has to split with the food runner and the bartender. Two dimes from an insulting multimillionaire.

I bet Mr McCoy is usually an awesome dude. And everyone has their bad days. But I'm from Philly and have had the pleasure of meeting many of our bad butt sports heroes. Ron Jaworski I met as a kid and I love. Iverson I loved. Mike Schmidt! You name 'em. I love all of our athletes past and present. Hometown heroes who treat those below them with some respect. And maybe Mr McCoy was having a "bad day" after his big victory all that, but the reports of him receiving "bad service" is a complete slanderous lie, and my crew here is better than that and deserves better than that.

At the end of the day, I did what I felt my heart told me to do. And I don't want anything from Mr McCoy, but...maybe an apology to his server who gave him excellent service would be cool.

Again, I am the owner and I take full responsibility for my actions. Eagles fans, I feel ya. Id be * too. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and stick up for his friends.

Hate mail should be directed to tommy@pytburger.com. I will respond to you right after I catch up on this mornings hate mail.



Is this just an example of Philly fans being Philly fans???

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One thing I never really understood at restaurants is why the tip is based on a % of the meal.

If I order a $50 steak vs. $5 burger, im expected to tip the waiter/waitress more even tho the amount of work remains the same.

yeah I feel the same way, it's one thing if the bill racks up because, specialty drinks/appetizer/entrée/dessert/ etc. as that is more work, running for the server & thus deserves being reflected in the tip...

but if you only order entrees why should the table that ordered the fillet, tip more than the table that ordered the salad???

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because that's how the server's income is reported to the IRS.  No matter how much you tip on your meal, the server has to claim to the IRS that he made at least 10%.  If you leave no tip at all on a $50 check, the server still has to report that he made at least $5.  


I'll join in on the fun.


So, this to me would be incentive to make sure i was super nice to all of my patrons. I never understood why people thought they should be entitled to a tip even after offering horrible service.


I've done what others have suggested in this post already, I normally give the 20%, if the service is lacking, IE you never check on me for a refill or something like that, then I'll knock it down to 15%.


Only once did I give someone a tip like Mr McCoy. It was at a Buffalo Wild Wings (which has subsequently went out of business, why? I don't know but I assume it was the service). Let's just say the service was the WORST I had EVER had.

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"Again, I am the owner and I take full responsibility for my actions. Eagles fans, I feel ya. Id be * too. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and stick up for his friends"

Just make sure you stick up for your friends several days after the fact and don't do anything when you're LITERALLY sitting right next to the guy that is verbally abusive and demeaning women in a business that you own.


Exactly.  If you're scared of upsetting the millionaire athletes into a frenzy, get security to come first, then confront them in a calm but confident manner.

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The owner posted the receipt, here is his statement:



I would like to address the LeSean McCoy tipping situation and our role in it.

For starters, I take total and complete responsibility for sharing this receipt. It was not our server's decision, it was mine. I am to blame.

I decided to take action after some serious thought. And while I'd like to apologize to Mr McCoy, I cannot in good conscience do so. I stand by my actions one hundred percent.

Mr McCoy and his three companions came into my place on Monday afternoon, and immediately the whole staff was excited. Mr McCoy is a skilled athlete and is one of our beloved Philadelphia Eagles. A true Philly legend and a sports hero. Understandably my staff was really pumped, especially on the heels of they terrific win the day before. (Go Eagles!).

Mr McCoy and his friend sat inside at a booth next to my management and next to me. They were given excellent service. Impeccable service. If anything, our server was a little nervous as was our food runner, because they are big, big fans.

He and his group, from the moment they sat down, were verbally abusive to our staff in the most insulting ways. The derogatory statements about women and their sheer contempt for the staff serving them wasn't the end, however. After Mr McCoy and his group left I looked over and saw their server, my friend, with his head bowed down and with a very confused look on his face. I took the receipt out of his hand and I couldn't believe that anyone could be so callous. Mr McCoy had left a .03% tip for our staff. Our staff that was beyond excited to see him walk into our burger joint and was excited to serve him. That's twenty cents on a tab of over $60. Twenty cents that our server has to split with the food runner and the bartender. Two dimes from an insulting multimillionaire.

I bet Mr McCoy is usually an awesome dude. And everyone has their bad days. But I'm from Philly and have had the pleasure of meeting many of our bad butt sports heroes. Ron Jaworski I met as a kid and I love. Iverson I loved. Mike Schmidt! You name 'em. I love all of our athletes past and present. Hometown heroes who treat those below them with some respect. And maybe Mr McCoy was having a "bad day" after his big victory all that, but the reports of him receiving "bad service" is a complete slanderous lie, and my crew here is better than that and deserves better than that.

At the end of the day, I did what I felt my heart told me to do. And I don't want anything from Mr McCoy, but...maybe an apology to his server who gave him excellent service would be cool.

Again, I am the owner and I take full responsibility for my actions. Eagles fans, I feel ya. Id be * too. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and stick up for his friends.

Hate mail should be directed to tommy@pytburger.com. I will respond to you right after I catch up on this mornings hate mail.

Funny, the owner says the server is an Eagles fan but the article linked in the first post states the server is not a Philly fan but a Raven's fan.

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because that's how the server's income is reported to the IRS. No matter how much you tip on your meal, the server has to claim to the IRS that he made at least 10%. If you leave no tip at all on a $50 check, the server still has to report that he made at least $5.


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It's really a shame that we even know about this. 

I agree...I don't know the truth...anything I say is so uninformed its worthless really...we don't know if the owner was lying about the treatment etc or perhaps Mccoy was bad...maybe Mccoy signed autographs etc and was very gracious. Perhaps someone handles Mccoys money and he didn't even add the tip. All in all even if its true this sounds like two people that handled things incredibly jerkish. Like I said...this could have been handled privately. I don't know what to think of Mccoy because I don't know the whole story. I do know enough of the story to know the owner sounds like a jerk and I would NEVER eat at his establishment....and thats sad because I'm sure there are lots of people that think like me and not only perhaps Mccoy screw over his servers etc...but now he has too!

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Here in So. Cal where I live,  most everything that's better than fast food,  is right around that price for a burger, fries and a drink....


I've even spent more than $12.    I'm not happy about it and don't spend that kind of money very often....   but in So. Cal,  it's not hard to do........



At the end of the day the owner above released a statement owning the fact he released the receipt to the public because he took it personal that a wealthy person didn't leave a more generous tip at his establishment and for his employee.  He basically admitted he did it to make McCoy look bad.

Edited by Superman
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At the end of the day the owner above released a statement owning the fact he released the receipt to the public because he took it personal that a wealthy person didn't leave a more generous tip at his establishment and for his employee.  He basically admitted he did it to make McCoy look bad.


He realsed the receipt to the public because McCoy and his colleagues were being incredibly rude to his staff

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He realsed the receipt to the public because McCoy and his colleagues were being incredibly rude to his staff


I read the owner's comments above again.  It's his claim that McCoy and his crew were rude while there but there's no proof.  I'm surprised no one in that place was recording it with a cellphone since that's what so many people do today when they see someone famous.  There could be a video out there that hasn't surfaced yet.

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