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brazill's suspension a blessing in disguise?


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The only blessing I can see from the suspension is a chance for LB to get the help and support he needs to clean up his life and hopefully resume his career.

Great post. I couldn't agree more! Nothing positive about losing competition at any position group. Nor is there anything good about a player suffering from addiction other than identification and recognition, so that they can get the help they need. Get well LB!

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - Removed crow posts and replies and references

It's getting really hard to try to find your point.  Every time I address your point you change it and pretend like it's about something else and that what you spent time typing is not the issue.


And I didn't call you out as a victim, you claimed you were the victim earlier in the thread.  You may not have used the word victim but you were crying just the same when you stated, "Sometimes I have to change the subject because even though I try to respond to all comers, other friendly Midwesterners accuse me of repeating the same points . If I answer someone in a thread , I'm a repeater , if I change the subject, I'm wrong also. "  The impression is poor Old Crow, he just can't get his point across when responding to the mean mid-westerners. 


But here's the thing, you click on the "quote" button on one of my posts that means you are responding to me.  Discussions you have with other posters really have no bearing on your response to the post you are quoting, so that excuse really doesn't fly.

Your points are fair and reasonable , unlike some of the others I've seen. My point is I'm generally opposed by sometimes ten other forum members that do not agree with some of my points. That is fine , but I try to explain to each of them my point of view, and answer and debate their points. If I ignore them, I'm lambasted for avoiding their comments , if I explain my point, I'm repeating . The one poster wants me never to mention Irsay, but it is very much linked to Mathis and Brazill , and is national news. As owner, he will always be news on any Colts forum.

I laid down the same line on Ray Rice, and the other Ravens that goofed up, but I'm still unreasonable and one-sided , because I'm not giving the owner and players a pass in that they need to show remorse, and should be punished in some capacity. You have read many posts where the excuses are flying , and some that seem to get it. The lies you say I perpetrate is more a point of view, or perception. As I'm surrounded by Midwest people on this forum, and seem to get, for the most part a similar point of view, I have to assume this is the dominant thought in Colt's nation , although I realize some like you, may have a different take.

I'm not complaining, I enjoy this forum and realize as a Raven 's fan, that I will be generally be a minority opinion . If you browse through the various threads , you will see I am consistent on NFL behavior issues, no matter what team it is. I'm all for forgiveness and rehabilitation, but I'm also for personal responsibility and accountability from

Individuals. It is as simple as that.

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You've said this several times. It's not based in fact, and that's been pointed out and proven h several times, yet you keep saying it.

Manning leaving the Colts was in his own words the best for both parties. It was a 50-50 position by both him and the Colts. My comment was made to those who lay all the blame on the Colts and Irsay. It did not take a rocket scientist to know the Colts were in bad shape with the cap space. I for one believed both what Irsay and Manning stated in their press conference. All this time has passed yet there are still those that dwell on old news. Both Manning and the Colts have benefited from that cross road stale mate both were in. Manning didn't want to start over with a rebuilding team and the Colts were looking to the future. It was that simple but yet there are those who think way too much was at the center of it all. Irsay made an offer to Manning and it was him that turned the offer down. I am not saying he should have but the offer was made just the same. 

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Manning leaving the Colts was in his own words the best for both parties. It was a 50-50 position by both him and the Colts. My comment was made to those who lay all the blame on the Colts and Irsay. It did not take a rocket scientist to know the Colts were in bad shape with the cap space. I for one believed both what Irsay and Manning stated in their press conference. All this time has passed yet there are still those that dwell on old news. Both Manning and the Colts have benefited from that cross road stale mate both were in. Manning didn't want to start over with a rebuilding team and the Colts were looking to the future. It was that simple but yet there are those who think way too much was at the center of it all. Irsay made an offer to Manning and it was him that turned the offer down. I am not saying he should have but the offer was made just the same.

Please provide me a link of this fictional offer you speak of

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Manning leaving the Colts was in his own words the best for both parties. It was a 50-50 position by both him and the Colts. My comment was made to those who lay all the blame on the Colts and Irsay. It did not take a rocket scientist to know the Colts were in bad shape with the cap space. I for one believed both what Irsay and Manning stated in their press conference. All this time has passed yet there are still those that dwell on old news. Both Manning and the Colts have benefited from that cross road stale mate both were in. Manning didn't want to start over with a rebuilding team and the Colts were looking to the future. It was that simple but yet there are those who think way too much was at the center of it all. Irsay made an offer to Manning and it was him that turned the offer down. I am not saying he should have but the offer was made just the same. 


That's not how I remember it at all.  By my recollection it went something like this:


Irsay: If manning is healthy then I see no reason why he wouldn't be a Colt next season

Manning: I would love to finish my career in Indy

Irsay: His current contract doesn't really work with his neck situation.  His contract would need to be reworked

Manning: I'm more than happy to renegotiate the contract due to the neck concerns

Irsay: ok we can restructure his contract, but we're still drafting Luck and I want an open QB competition going into camp

Manning: ok Irsay wants Luck as his starting QB next season.  That's fine.  I'm out

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That's not how I remember it at all. By my recollection it went something like this:

Irsay: If manning is healthy then I see no reason why he wouldn't be a Colt next season

Manning: I would love to finish my career in Indy

Irsay: His current contract doesn't really work with his neck situation. His contract would need to be reworked

Manning: I'm more than happy to renegotiate the contract due to the neck concerns

Irsay: ok we can restructure his contract, but we're still drafting Luck and I want an open QB competition going into camp

Manning: ok Irsay wants Luck as his starting QB next season. That's fine. I'm out

Got a source that said peyton was willing to re-negotiate?

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That's not how I remember it at all.  By my recollection it went something like this:


Irsay: If manning is healthy then I see no reason why he wouldn't be a Colt next season

Manning: I would love to finish my career in Indy

Irsay: His current contract doesn't really work with his neck situation.  His contract would need to be reworked

Manning: I'm more than happy to renegotiate the contract due to the neck concerns

Irsay: ok we can restructure his contract, but we're still drafting Luck and I want an open QB competition going into camp

Manning: ok Irsay wants Luck as his starting QB next season.  That's fine.  I'm out

I guess you are one of the few I was commenting on. Seems like selective memory is alive and well.

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I guess you are one of the few I was commenting on. Seems like selective memory is alive and well.


I don't have selective memory at all.  I thought it was very clear by Irsay's actions and comments that, if they were going to get the #1 pick, that Luck was his QB and he was going to move on from Manning.  I don't fault him for the decision.  I don't think it was a bad decision.  I just thought it was shady the way Irsay handled it.  


He could have just come out and said that he couldn't pass up on the chance to draft Luck so the Colts would be moving on from the Manning era.  No one would have faulted him.  Instead it seemed as if he kept posturing and trying to force Manning to be the one to leave rather than him being the one to push Manning out the door.

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I don't have selective memory at all.  I thought it was very clear by Irsay's actions and comments that, if they were going to get the #1 pick, that Luck was his QB and he was going to move on from Manning.  I don't fault him for the decision.  I don't think it was a bad decision.  I just thought it was shady the way Irsay handled it.  


He could have just come out and said that he couldn't pass up on the chance to draft Luck so the Colts would be moving on from the Manning era.  No one would have faulted him.  Instead it seemed as if he kept posturing and trying to force Manning to be the one to leave rather than him being the one to push Manning out the door.

That is exactly what was said in the press conference by both Irsay and Manning. You said it seemed? Well I go by what was reported and said directly

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If they had a video of the interview where he explicitly said that then it'd make it easier for me to believe because I know I remember hearing him in an interview say the exact opposite.  



Here is the Thread on it with links, I did not check the whole thread or links

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That is exactly what was said in the press conference by both Irsay and Manning. You said it seemed? Well I go by what was reported and said directly

I'm referring to the number of press conferences and interviews that were held in the months leading up to the point when the decision was officially announced. Before anything had been formally announced
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I'm referring to the number of press conferences and interviews that were held in the months leading up to the point when the decision was officially announced. Before anything had been formally announced

Oh well it's old news so it's not a big deal. The emotions were really strong for all Colt fans that we all can agree on. When speculations, rumors and opinions get mixed together it's easy to draw many different views. 

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Oh well it's old news so it's not a big deal. The emotions were really strong for all Colt fans that we all can agree on. When speculations, rumors and opinions get mixed together it's easy to draw many different views.

Very true
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I don't think it's a blessing. Sure it might make final cuts a little easier but final cuts being hard is a good thing because it means you gave a lot of talent. Anytime you lose talent it takes away from competition which normally pushes people to bring their best. Then to lose talent because of a very poor off the field choice is disappointing.

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Manning leaving the Colts was in his own words the best for both parties. It was a 50-50 position by both him and the Colts. My comment was made to those who lay all the blame on the Colts and Irsay. It did not take a rocket scientist to know the Colts were in bad shape with the cap space. I for one believed both what Irsay and Manning stated in their press conference. All this time has passed yet there are still those that dwell on old news. Both Manning and the Colts have benefited from that cross road stale mate both were in. Manning didn't want to start over with a rebuilding team and the Colts were looking to the future. It was that simple but yet there are those who think way too much was at the center of it all.


That doesn't mean that he wanted to leave the Colts, or that he chose to leave the Colts. 


Irsay made an offer to Manning and it was him that turned the offer down. I am not saying he should have but the offer was made just the same.


There were no reports of an offer from Irsay to Manning. The main problem with his contract with the option bonus, and that couldn't be renegotiated or restructured.

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That doesn't mean that he wanted to leave the Colts, or that he chose to leave the Colts. 



There were no reports of an offer from Irsay to Manning. The main problem with his contract with the option bonus, and that couldn't be renegotiated or restructured.

So the option bonus is not part of a contract?

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That doesn't mean that he wanted to leave the Colts, or that he chose to leave the Colts. 



There were no reports of an offer from Irsay to Manning. The main problem with his contract with the option bonus, and that couldn't be renegotiated or restructured.



I always wondered about this.....


If I understand you correctly.   you're saying the option bonus could NOT be renegotiated or restructured?    That's part of the CBA??


I never heard that..........

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I always wondered about this.....

If I understand you correctly. you're saying the option bonus could NOT be renegotiated or restructured? That's part of the CBA??

I never heard that..........

Not after the regular season ended. Option bonuses can be renegotiated, but Manning's bonus was due in the 2011 league year, and couldn't be renegotiated after the last regular season game.
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I don't think it's a blessing. Sure it might make final cuts a little easier but final cuts being hard is a good thing because it means you gave a lot of talent. Anytime you lose talent it takes away from competition which normally pushes people to bring their best. Then to lose talent because of a very poor off the field choice is disappointing.


thats the point though. no one is gonna sign brazill so we can sign back next year since wayne or nicks will be gone

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thats the point though. no one is gonna sign brazill so we can sign back next year since wayne or nicks will be gone


I think it's just time to move on from Brazill. He can't stop failing drug tests, obviously. That means he can't be depended on.


But not only that, he was fighting for the 5th or 6th spot on the roster. Sure, he has some upside, and has made some plays, but he's just a guy. There are other players like Brazill out there, most of whom aren't in Stage 2 of the substance abuse program. It's time to find the next guy, so we don't feel the need to run back to Brazill after his suspension is over.


Also, while I think it's unlikely that both will be back, it's possible that Wayne and Nicks remain with the Colts next year. We're a long way off from trying to figure out that decision.

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