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Clowney says "Luck better have his head on a swivel"


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I hadn't heard of the guy until about three weeks ago. Of course Carr has been rumored due to obvious ties but I think it would be a reach for anyone to take Savage in the second, but that's just my opinion on the guy. Watch us draft him 33rd now haha

They might take a RB at 33 and try to get Savage in the third round. They need someone to be a solid backup RB and potential starter if Foster goes down.

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Nope, he's a bust. I'm confident in that. His ceiling was Jevon Kearse (if he was lucky), but now i think its Jamaal Anderson. I'm elated they took him!

You will eat those words in the coming years...

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They might take a RB at 33 and try to get Savage in the third round. They need someone to be a solid backup RB and potential starter if Foster goes down.

I would eat my shoes if we draft a runningback this high. There will be plenty of them for depth in the 4th or 5th rounds for sure. If we don't go QB I hope we go DL again or maybe even another receiver, as having Nuk right now is great but Andre won't be around forever. I wouldn't mind a trade back either for the right price.
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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, May 11, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, May 11, 2014 - personal argument

Ooh I must have hit a nerve. If we did a poll of most ignorant or disliked posters on the forum you would be above me, believe that. You're a negative poster who likes to get a rise out of me among other guys and you've been baiting ever since I first commented on this thread. Obviously I've said things in the past that I was wrong about but that has what to do with this conversation? Maybe I should have said donkey rather than elephant because it is much more fitting. Get back at me when you have a better retort then bringing up Crap from a year and a half ago.

How I'm I a negative poster? And who do I try to get a rise out of? Give me one example. I don't try to get a rise out of you, you just aren't a knowledgable poster....and you prove it time an time again.

And you probably more well liked than me on this forum....most of the people here, much like you, don't know squat about football.

And I apologize for bringing up your past stupidity.

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I would eat my shoes if we draft a runningback this high. There will be plenty of them for depth in the 4th or 5th rounds for sure. If we don't go QB I hope we go DL again or maybe even another receiver, as having Nuk right now is great but Andre won't be around forever. I wouldn't mind a trade back either for the right price.



I hope you guys take Savage...truly. He's a wonderful young man. He has all the tools to compete at this level. Even though i HATE you, because of our rivalry,...i love Tom Savage. He can shake us up...keep us on our toes! I want 10 years of hating you.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, May 11, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, May 11, 2014 - personal argument

How I'm I a negative poster? And who do I try to get a rise out of? Give me one example. I don't try to get a rise out of you, you just aren't a knowledgable poster....and you prove it time an time again.

And you probably more well liked than me on this forum....most of the people here, much like you, don't know squat about football.

I would actually affirm that the majority of posters on here have an above average football acumen. The average, casual football fan doesn't even watch the draft, let alone scout prospects by position. I find that while there are many diverse opinions on here, most typically seem to be rooted in quantifiable evidence and statistics. While these do not necessarily constitute facts, it does suggest a basic ability to discuss football with other knowledgable individuals, as well as an understanding of the game at the very least. No hostility on my end, I just think that everyone on here deserves more credit than "don't know squat about football." Colts Nation, you are much appreciated! It is great having a place to escape to and talk Colts Football with you erudite ladies and gentlemen. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, May 11, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, May 11, 2014 - personal argument

How I'm I a negative poster? And who do I try to get a rise out of? Give me one example. I don't try to get a rise out of you, you just aren't a knowledgable poster....and you prove it time an time again.

And you probably more well liked than me on this forum....most of the people here, much like you, don't know squat about football.

Dude the posts speak for themselves. I'm on my phone at the moment but you exude sarcasm and straight up snobbish behavior towards posters you don't like I guess or people who make comments or have opinions you don't agree with. This goes back to when I first joined the forum, I noticed who does what and while I admitted to you once before that you are not a homer (as evidenced by your opinion on Rich among other things?) but you still come across wrong and disrespectful. Even now..what are you basing my lack of football knowledge on? Would me and these other posters you mentioned be better than everybody else if we were at your level of superior knowledge of a backyard game? Enlighten me, explain to me how I am any less of a fan or knowledgeable than you are...and don't say it is because I'm a trolling Texan fan, please.
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I hope you guys take Savage...truly. He's a wonderful young man. He has all the tools to compete at this level. Even though i HATE you, because of our rivalry,...i love Tom Savage. He can shake us up...keep us on our toes! I want 10 years of hating you.

haha I think we will find out the answers to this and more tonight. We gotta keep the rivalry spicy, and hopefully competitive!
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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, May 11, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, May 11, 2014 - personal argument

Dude the posts speak for themselves. I'm on my phone at the moment but you exude sarcasm and straight up snobbish behavior towards posters you don't like I guess or people who make comments or have opinions you don't agree with. This goes back to when I first joined the forum, I noticed who does what and while I admitted to you once before that you are not a homer (as evidenced by your opinion on Rich among other things?) but you still come across wrong and disrespectful. Even now..what are you basing my lack of football knowledge on? Would me and these other posters you mentioned be better than everybody else if we were at your level of superior knowledge of a backyard game? Enlighten me, explain to me how I am any less of a fan or knowledgeable than you are...and don't say it is because I'm a trolling Texan fan, please.

I'm basing it on your 6741 posts on this forum.

And love they way you act like I'm am the one that is out of line, when it was you who called me a stubborn elephant for no apparent reason....other than my disagreeing with you.....but whatever.

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haha I think we will find out the answers to this and more tonight. We gotta keep the rivalry spicy, and hopefully competitive!



Tom's your guy...congratulations. The best QB prospect in the draft and you got him in the second. You'll love him...i do. His story is quite unique and interesting. Be patient with him and develope him, because he's behind to a degree. Not many guys i could lose to and smile, but tom's one of those guys. I see many epic luck/savage battles in the future.

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Dude the posts speak for themselves. I'm on my phone at the moment but you exude sarcasm and straight up snobbish behavior towards posters you don't like I guess or people who make comments or have opinions you don't agree with. This goes back to when I first joined the forum, I noticed who does what and while I admitted to you once before that you are not a homer (as evidenced by your opinion on Rich among other things?) but you still come across wrong and disrespectful. Even now..what are you basing my lack of football knowledge on? Would me and these other posters you mentioned be better than everybody else if we were at your level of superior knowledge of a backyard game? Enlighten me, explain to me how I am any less of a fan or knowledgeable than you are...and don't say it is because I'm a trolling Texan fan, please.

U mad or nah?

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, May 11, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, May 11, 2014 - personal argument

I'm basing it on your 6741 posts on this forum.

And love they way you act like I'm am the one that is out of line, when it was you who called me a stubborn elephant for no apparent reason....other than my disagreeing with you.....but whatever.

It was an analogy lol. Elephants are stubborn, and it isn't a bad thing, just something that I attribute to both you and myself. It is probably one of the reasons we can't ever seem to come to an agreement on here, two hard heads. I've been here like two years now my post count should be high lol.
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I would actually affirm that the majority of posters on here have an above average football acumen. The average, casual football fan doesn't even watch the draft, let alone scout prospects by position. I find that while there are many diverse opinions on here, most typically seem to be rooted in quantifiable evidence and statistics. While these do not necessarily constitute facts, it does suggest a basic ability to discuss football with other knowledgable individuals, as well as an understanding of the game at the very least. No hostility on my end, I just think that everyone on here deserves more credit than "don't know squat about football." Colts Nation, you are much appreciated! It is great having a place to escape to and talk Colts Football with you erudite ladies and gentlemen.

I will stick by my "don't know squat" comment lol

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Right...keep living in denial. Why be so hostile to someone not talking down on your team at all unless you're intimidated? We were the champions in the South two out of the last three years, so don't pretend like it can't or won't happen again. Now chill out kid, I'm really not in the mood for a flame war.


Not hostile at all, just keeping it real. Houston is nothing compared to the Colts at the moment. We are the current champions, while your team is going nowhere. Plan and simple. We are on top of the division and with Luck that isn't going to change. Your teams have no one at QB who are even close to the caliber of Luck, and you wont get him anytime soon. All the Clowneys of the world is never going to tip the scale the Texans' way.

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It was an analogy lol. Elephants are stubborn, and it isn't a bad thing, just something that I attribute to both you and myself. It is probably one of the reasons we can't ever seem to come to an agreement on here, two hard heads. I've been here like two years now my post count should be high lol.


Speaking of stubborn; you and I had a debate early last year (2013 season), sometime around week 3. Man you would not see that Schaub needed to go. You stuck by him through thick and thin, even when it was clearly evident that he was hurting your team. So I agree with your assessment.


I will be the first to admit that the Texans are only a decent quarterback away from competing against the Colts. It will also be interesting to see what RC does with all of the talent on the Texans defense. 


You all will give us fits this year. 

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Oh, that's what made the texans secondary get burnt by TY.....thanks for the education.


Loser Texan logic for you:


Starting around week 3, after the Texans got manhandled by Baltimore, all you hear about is how bad of a coach Kubiak is, and how much he is holding back the Texan franchise.....blah blah blah.  Except in this one case against the Colts during week 9.  During week 9, and only during week 9, Kubiak is a great coach, and this week only, his NOT being able to coach the second half is actually the reason they LOST the game.  Then, of course, the next 5 losses before he got fired, those losses went back to being completely Kubiak's fault and attributed to his lack of coaching.


So, to summarize loser Texan fan's coping mechanism logic to themselves:


Offseason, Preseason - Kubiak is a great coach that will be leading us to the Super Bowl

Weeks 1 - 8: We're 2-5.  Kubiak sucks and needs to be fired.

Week 9, first half of Colt game:  We're up 21-3.  Kubiak is a great coach.

Week 9, second half of Colt game:  We lost the game because Kubiak wasn't here to coach the second half.

Weeks 10 - 14:  We're 0-5.  Kubiak sucks and needs to be fired.

Right after Week 14 - Kubiak gets fired.

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He has to get away with simply relying on his god-given talents - and learn what hard work and dedication to his art really mean. He may, and if he does - and only if he does - he could be a dominating player in this league.


Anyone taking any bets?



This is exactly right.  He's like the 7 foot basketball player in high school who plays against people who are 6'3.  We'll see how good Jadaveon is now that he's playing against other 7 footers.


Also, you never hear of any other franchise cornerstone defensive players having "work ethic" issues tied to them as you do with this guy.  Quite the opposite, actually.  I'm sure it's just 100% unfounded, though, and they just randomly picked Clowney to appy that tag to, for no reason whatsoever.

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Not hostile at all, just keeping it real. Houston is nothing compared to the Colts at the moment. We are the current champions, while your team is going nowhere. Plan and simple. We are on top of the division and with Luck that isn't going to change. Your teams have no one at QB who are even close to the caliber of Luck, and you wont get him anytime soon. All the Clowneys of the world is never going to tip the scale the Texans' way.

Well we won the division with a rookie third string quarterback and with Schaub once so yeah...I don't know what imaginary land you live in but whatever helps you sleep at night.
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Speaking of stubborn; you and I had a debate early last year (2013 season), sometime around week 3. Man you would not see that Schaub needed to go. You stuck by him through thick and thin, even when it was clearly evident that he was hurting your team. So I agree with your assessment.

I will be the first to admit that the Texans are only a decent quarterback away from competing against the Colts. It will also be interesting to see what RC does with all of the talent on the Texans defense.

You all will give us fits this year.

Yeah I am the first to admit when I make a mistake and Schaub was indeed a big part of us losing last year, though we still did even with Case starting. I guess last year was just a bad year for us (too many of those) but yeah I look forward to our two games this year. Colts and Texans vying for the South...wouldn't have it another way.
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This is exactly right.  He's like the 7 foot basketball player in high school who plays against people who are 6'3.  We'll see how good Jadaveon is now that he's playing against other 7 footers.


Also, you never hear of any other franchise cornerstone defensive players having "work ethic" issues tied to them as you do with this guy.  Quite the opposite, actually.  I'm sure it's just 100% unfounded, though, and they just randomly picked Clowney to appy that tag to, for no reason whatsoever.

Didn't Clowney play in the SEC against the best college players in the country? Didn't they double and triple team him all last year? How many of the NFL linemen have seen a 6'5" 265 pound player as fast and strong as Clowney? Our left tackle will need lots of help to stop this bad boy.

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Didn't Clowney play in the SEC against the best college players in the country? Didn't they double and triple team him all last year? How many of the NFL linemen have seen a 6'5" 265 pound player as fast and strong as Clowney? Our left tackle will need lots of help to stop this bad boy.


Yep.  I watched him every week.  I saw a guy who has a limited arsenal of moves & who depends solely on his physical gifts, which are extraordinary.  But that's why he recorded 3 sacks the entire year.  Opposing coaches simply needed to double team him to take him out of the picture, cause that's all he has in his bag of tools.  What.....you don't think people get double teamed in the NFL?  Great pass rushers get double teamed all the time in the NFL.  They have to tools to deal with it though.


Not to mention it's been documented that he has work ethic issues and takes plays off.  And why wouldn't he?  He simply hasn't needed to work as hard as everyone else to be better.  That lack of work ethic, drive, motor and focus won't work in the NFL, though.  And don't think that his lack of coverage skills won't be exploited every game, either.

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Didn't Clowney play in the SEC against the best college players in the country? Didn't they double and triple team him all last year? How many of the NFL linemen have seen a 6'5" 265 pound player as fast and strong as Clowney? Our left tackle will need lots of help to stop this bad boy.

Man, you are persistent.

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Didn't Clowney play in the SEC against the best college players in the country? Didn't they double and triple team him all last year? How many of the NFL linemen have seen a 6'5" 265 pound player as fast and strong as Clowney? Our left tackle will need lots of help to stop this bad boy.

I think it's funny that people say clowny is some once in a lifetime talent. He is a Julius Peppers, Jevon Kearse clone. We have seen guys with his size and speed before.

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I think it's funny that people say clowny is some once in a lifetime talent. He is a Julius Peppers, Jevon Kearse clone. We have seen guys with his size and speed before.

That is odd. I think most of the experts see him as a once in a decade talent like Andrew Luck.

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Hyperbole, they say that every year about someone

Yes, they do and they were right about Andrew Luck and they are going to be right about Clowney too. He is going to the perfect team with a good defense in place and the best defensive player in football playing with him. Yes, he will need to work on technique but that size, speed and strength will reek havoc on some teams and some QBs.

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A regression.... In the third year lol. Maybe the texans can avoid a 20 game losing streak. How does the cellar smell? You've been there often.

You were there for a while before last year lol. Run along now.
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Personally I don't like players that trash talk.  IMO, they should let their play do their talking for them.


That being said, if this quote was a from a player the Colts were likely to draft, many of the fans on this forum would be praising that player and saying things like, "that is the kind of fire this defense needs." or "That is the attitude that has been missing from this D since Mike Curtis..."

That's why I like Watt so much. No trash talk, he just gets it done on the field. I think he'll rope Clowney in a bit as far as the attitude goes. But I STILL think he's overrated.

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Yes, they do and they were right about Andrew Luck and they are going to be right about Clowney too. He is going to the perfect team with a good defense in place and the best defensive player in football playing with him. Yes, he will need to work on technique but that size, speed and strength will reek havoc on some teams and some QBs.

Like Blake Bortles ;)

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Man, you are persistent.

I don't know about that but I am a big fan of Clowney and I thought Houston would take him with the number one pick a long time ago instead of taking one of the touted QBs who are not franchise level. I would have thought Mack would have been a good choice too and he might be better right now but he doesn't have Clowney's upside. I wish the Colts had either one of them.

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Like Blake Bortles ;)

I don't fault the Jags for taking Bortles. The interviewed him and worked him out many times. If they were convinced that he was their future franchise QB, they had to take him. He won't have to carry the load right away because the Jags still need a lot of work but they are getting better.

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That's why I like Watt so much. No trash talk, he just gets it done on the field. I think he'll rope Clowney in a bit as far as the attitude goes. But I STILL think he's overrated.

As a Colt fan I cannot stand Watt.  As a football fan he is a lot of fun to watch and, IMO, the single most disruptive defensive player in the NFL.  But he does need some help along the line (I watched several Texans games where teams basically had the tackle, guard and a TE or RB all dedicated to Watt on around 50% of the snaps.  I think though, that by the time Clowney is ready to provide that help, Watt will be starting to slow down a bit.

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