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Collin Kaepernick allegedly being investigated for sexual assault.


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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 12, 2014 - inappropriate
Hidden by Nadine, April 12, 2014 - inappropriate

* a female trainer deserves some respect.  

It was a terribly immature thing to do...and I believe he mooned her or stuck his butt in her face...what you described is much worse and I don't believe that was what he was reported as doing...not to make it any excuses. We all know everyone has done some things that they regret...like leaving your pregnant gf....I mean I have things too that I would like to take back from my youth...but I don't know why we need to drugde all this up now. lol

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The solution is to obstain from ALL appearances of evil. I don't condone one bit judging someone but the best way to make sure your name/honor is clean and clear...don't behave or run around with those that act immorally. You can keep out of trouble and have a very very enjoyable life...most do it. That said people shouldnt jump to presume anything and should be open minded BOTH ways in this situation that either party could be telling the truth. To me he is innocent until proven guilty and at the same time she was assulted until otherwise shown....we can believe both if you keep an open mind.

Very well said. I can't like it enough.

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Just wondering if perhaps things like being put on these registries and having publicly being outed so to speak is a reason why there are serial rapists or repeat rapist...because people are aware of avoid or do not allow these people to be in places that may allow them to commit these crimes again. Not saying that is the lone reason but I can't help think there could be a correlation.


I can't say specifically for rape, but in general, any criminal who has gone to prison and reintegrates into society is at a disadvantage when they are "outed" as you say.  And by that, I mean, they don't get hired, people who do know of their history dissociate from them, etc.  So, when the world makes rehabilitative progress harder, these types of people, who generally have a lower IQ and mental stability return typically regress into who they were before being arrested.  The most common reason is, they dont' believe they can do it, the world tells them tehy can't do it, so why even try?  It doesn't make a lot of sense to us, especially with rape, but that's the psychology of it anyway.

 I do think common sense should previal in most cases but sometimes some of these lesser crimes if gone unpunished/reported etc might allow someone to move on to the next level in their degradation. Say example I find it difficult to believe that a majority of rapists etc first crime is the rape...I would imagine but I have no proof so take that for what it is that these people have grown enbolded by doing smaller things first

This is absolutely true in the vast majority of cases, and with the internet, it's becoming much easier for teens to essentially feed these types of cravings which evolve into more serious issues.  Everyone has their impulses, but most keep it in check.  But whether your born with it or not, it's almost always cultivated.



Also given how many rapes go unreported/prosecuted every year...of course there is going to be less serial rapists. They never got caught the first time or prosecuted...the social stigma that women face after going through something like this needs to stop...anything to encourage them to step forward and follow through with putting these men away would do society a great justice. Things like groping a women (assualt) and so called date rape etc I feel often go unpunished and enbolden further worse acts. If people learned to respect women and society would get its act together and teach some morals the specialness of sex between men and women might cause people to not act the way they do. Cheaping sex the way we have...we almost have condoned these acts unfortunately. No wonder in many cultures men were castrated for far less...can't say I would have an issue...that might deter a few people if they thought that was a possibility.


You could say this about virtually any detestible trait of human society.  But to stay on topic, women used to be property, not to mention the oldest profession on earth, and it's no wonder they are objectified in today's society.  That being said, women don't really help themselves much when they give in to the narrative, whether its' from consenting to do pornography or modeling for sports illustrated's swimsuit mag.  It brings money and there's people willing to do it, so I think it's less of a respect thing (althought that is an element) and more of a false portrayal of what the gender boundaries really are.  Pornography, TV shows (and especially reality as of late), magazines, everything is always male oriented.  It's like relationships and marriage are bogus, but there's this one true person out that that will never make you sad, marriage will be easy, and oh by the way, she'll be an 11 out of 10 and look like your favorite celebrity but have sex like it's a porno at least once a day.  And if that marital partner isn't there to serve you 24/7, then you can divorce the first tmie marriage gets hard.  That's not marraige.  It's hard work, i'ts being miserable, it's laying in bed getting woken up every other hour because your beached whale of a pregnant wife needs you to help her relax, it's all the little things, because at the end of the day, when you've worked you butt off in a difficult marriage, you can look in the mirror and know that you've done your best and the woman next to you is doing just the same and that train wreck of a marriage all the sudden becomes beautiful because it's not about one or the other, it's about the journey of how two become one.



Sorry about that.  Got pretty derailed there. I just get passionate about this stuff.  Without getting into details, I have experience with a family member in the sex offender list, I do marriage counseling for my church (not like a psychologist, btu like mediators - the step before professional counseling), and then we got on how society has deteriorated the sanctity of marriage and I just kinda went into a trance.

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Quoted for truth lol. I have found Graveling and Complementing her beauty can often raise that success rate significantly...however if she has a headache....its still 0 lol.


Oh and a good foot massage doesn't hurt as I found out last night!! ZING!!! : )

haha.  My wife is 6 months pregnant, so I'm pretty much hosed at the outset.  So for now, I do it for free.  I always think it's funny when I see younger guys in like college talking about aphrodisiacs and whatnot.  Yeah, she's just going to take those slimy  oysters down and then the clothes are just gonna fly off.  If anything, it's going to send her to a toilet for 15 minutes. 

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Please quit this. I am interested in reading what your thoughts are on the topic. Thanks, QuizBoy.

We have quit, and I have posted my thoughts about the topic several times. I know it is a long thread but I commented back on first and second page initially I believe. Basically: I won't say Kaep is innocent or not, no one can, but I'm of the opinion that this will definitely affect that big pay day that he had been hoping for. And of course if he and or his team mates are convicted, well...he won't even be in the NFL anymore of course.

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It was a terribly immature thing to do...and I believe he mooned her or stuck his butt in her face...what you described is much worse and I don't believe that was what he was reported as doing...not to make it any excuses. We all know everyone has done some things that they regret...like leaving your pregnant gf....I mean I have things too that I would like to take back from my youth...but I don't know why we need to drugde all this up now. lol


You left your pregnant girlfriend? As long as you support the child and have a relationship that's cool in my book.

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We have quit, and I have posted my thoughts about the topic several times before I got trolled. I know it is a long thread but I commented back on first and second page initially I believe. Basically: I won't say Kaep is innocent or not, no one can, but I'm of the opinion that this will definitely affect that big pay day that he had been hoping for. And of course if he and or his team mates are convicted, well...he won't even be in the NFL anymore of course.

I realized after I sent my post that both of you had agreed to stop. Thanks.

Yes, this may affect his next contract but it is too early to tell. So far, there seems to be only circumstantial evidence.

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I realized after I sent my post that both of you had agreed to stop. Thanks.

Yes, this may affect his next contract but it is too early to tell. So far, there seems to be only circumstantial evidence.

Yeah, just the initial first stages of what will surely be an investigation now, whether it is the league, Miami P.D. or both. I'm going to reserve judgment on the matter till all of the truth comes out. Right now though, who knows, but according to what the victim has said so far I don't think things are going to go well for the perpetrators.

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I can't say specifically for rape, but in general, any criminal who has gone to prison and reintegrates into society is at a disadvantage when they are "outed" as you say.  And by that, I mean, they don't get hired, people who do know of their history dissociate from them, etc.  So, when the world makes rehabilitative progress harder, these types of people, who generally have a lower IQ and mental stability return typically regress into who they were before being arrested.  The most common reason is, they dont' believe they can do it, the world tells them tehy can't do it, so why even try?  It doesn't make a lot of sense to us, especially with rape, but that's the psychology of it anyway.

This is absolutely true in the vast majority of cases, and with the internet, it's becoming much easier for teens to essentially feed these types of cravings which evolve into more serious issues.  Everyone has their impulses, but most keep it in check.  But whether your born with it or not, it's almost always cultivated.


You could say this about virtually any detestible trait of human society.  But to stay on topic, women used to be property, not to mention the oldest profession on earth, and it's no wonder they are objectified in today's society.  That being said, women don't really help themselves much when they give in to the narrative, whether its' from consenting to do pornography or modeling for sports illustrated's swimsuit mag.  It brings money and there's people willing to do it, so I think it's less of a respect thing (althought that is an element) and more of a false portrayal of what the gender boundaries really are.  Pornography, TV shows (and especially reality as of late), magazines, everything is always male oriented.  It's like relationships and marriage are bogus, but there's this one true person out that that will never make you sad, marriage will be easy, and oh by the way, she'll be an 11 out of 10 and look like your favorite celebrity but have sex like it's a porno at least once a day.  And if that marital partner isn't there to serve you 24/7, then you can divorce the first tmie marriage gets hard.  That's not marraige.  It's hard work, i'ts being miserable, it's laying in bed getting woken up every other hour because your beached whale of a pregnant wife needs you to help her relax, it's all the little things, because at the end of the day, when you've worked you butt off in a difficult marriage, you can look in the mirror and know that you've done your best and the woman next to you is doing just the same and that train wreck of a marriage all the sudden becomes beautiful because it's not about one or the other, it's about the journey of how two become one.



Sorry about that.  Got pretty derailed there. I just get passionate about this stuff.  Without getting into details, I have experience with a family member in the sex offender list, I do marriage counseling for my church (not like a psychologist, btu like mediators - the step before professional counseling), and then we got on how society has deteriorated the sanctity of marriage and I just kinda went into a trance.

I think I understood most of that lol...I agree 100% about culture and society and how it has eroded our moral compass as a nation....and I agree many people have been rehabilitated and it shouldn't deter them from being hired. I know there are certain injustices all over and its certainly a hard climb after being convicted of a crime but it can be done. All in all we all have a responsibility to better our society and too often we don't do what is necessary to make a difference...whether its improving the morals of our youth, protecting and honoring our women, or teaching and rehibilitating our young men.

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I think I understood most of that lol...I agree 100% about culture and society and how it has eroded our moral compass as a nation....and I agree many people have been rehabilitated and it shouldn't deter them from being hired. I know there are certain injustices all over and its certainly a hard climb after being convicted of a crime but it can be done. All in all we all have a responsibility to better our society and too often we don't do what is necessary to make a difference...whether its improving the morals of our youth, protecting and honoring our women, or teaching and rehibilitating our young men.

That was a much more concise and succinct way of saying what I said lol.  Life's a heck of a thing ot have happen to someone, you know? 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 12, 2014 - inappropriate
Hidden by Nadine, April 12, 2014 - inappropriate

haha.  My wife is 6 months pregnant, so I'm pretty much hosed at the outset.  So for now, I do it for free.  I always think it's funny when I see younger guys in like college talking about aphrodisiacs and whatnot.  Yeah, she's just going to take those slimy  oysters down and then the clothes are just gonna fly off.  If anything, it's going to send her to a toilet for 15 minutes. 

Lol...good luck man...congratulations and my condolences all in one lol!! I will say some women however act differently when pregnant...some are quite the horny devils but I agree..you have a different calling for the next several months...good luck!

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Oh I see. Jack lives with Tom a Giselle in Boston. Lucky kid. 

He is a lucky child and Tom is a lucky father...however (the act of having) children out of wedlock I would not consider something to be proud of but I think it is great they have a respectful relationship. I'm sure that was hard being left for another women when you were pregnant...all in all doesn't make anyone bad...nor does pulling a prank and mooning the training assistant..and none of this has anything to do with this thread.


Just means we may not all be proud of every single thing that happens in our life is all.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 12, 2014 - inappropriate
Hidden by Nadine, April 12, 2014 - inappropriate

Ok so what I got from skimming this thread is That TMZ reported Kaepernick who is good looking, but should've been at home watching direct tv but wasn't, teamed up with Ricardo Lockette to tea bag and moon a female personal trainer in Miami and that apparently Andrew Luck is next. Someone with a backbone turned them in, but the Death Star fired shots........

Does that about sum it up???

This is really serious folks!!!! How is this not getting 24 hr coverage on the news.

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where is the evidence that he is a stoner?

The article I read said that him, a teammate, a Seahawk, and the girl were gathered in a private room passing a bong.


Do I need to conduct a blood test to form a conclusion?  "Evidence" is a code word used to require facts that in no way can be known, in order to suppress adverse judgment based solely upon perception.


Smart, perceptive people don't need "evidence" to be correct.

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What on earth does the way he play QB have to do with the topic at hand?  Are you a Hawks fan?


Don't be naïve. Some people like him because of his style of play and his appearance, and will therefore excuse the situation he chose to put himself into.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 12, 2014 - inappropriate
Hidden by Nadine, April 12, 2014 - inappropriate

Topics like this confirms why people like Manning are so well respected and is considered the face of the league.

Manning had his reputation on the line in collage when he exposed himself and rubbed his pelvis in a females face so don't think he is squeaky clean. She won a lawsuit that was hidden by Tenn. University.

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How is this relevant? The language in your posts says more about you and your character than your button-down shirts and khakis do. At least Kapernick sounds respectful.


I'm glad it says a lot about me.  I'm not respectful to people who dress to gain cred with a certain crowd, hang in the same room with bongs, and take advantaged of stoned women.   The fact that it applies to Kap, a QB whose style of play is a component of a grade inflating QBR definition, makes it relevant to the topic.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 12, 2014 - inappropriate
Hidden by Nadine, April 12, 2014 - inappropriate

Manning had his reputation on the line in collage when he exposed himself and rubbed his pelvis in a females face so don't think he is squeaky clean. She won a lawsuit that was hidden by Tenn. University.


Yep.  Kids grow up.  Lets hope that Kap, and others like him, do too. 


And like many players, I believe Manning kept an apartment downtown Indy for a long time.  Don't know if he always slept by himself, either.  But its likely what ever happened there had the appearance of two grown-ups making reasonable decisions, unlike Kaps situation. 

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He is a lucky child and Tom is a lucky father...however (the act of having) children out of wedlock I would not consider something to be proud of but I think it is great they have a respectful relationship. I'm sure that was hard being left for another women when you were pregnant...all in all doesn't make anyone bad...nor does pulling a prank and mooning the training assistant..and none of this has anything to do with this thread.


Just means we may not all be proud of every single thing that happens in our life is all.



Of course not. Those are highly worshipped rich white men in Brady and Manning. They will have an easier time with any "fooling around" they do. They don't have this "thug black" image......right?


I mean lets face the facts here. A lot of people judge those by how they look or what their perceived image is to the public.  And race does have a role in this whether people agree to it or not out loud.

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Yep, I feel that way about porn (hard or soft) across all possible media outlets in our lives. There has been a de-sensitization towards treating women/men (in some cases) for what they deserve i.e. respect as human beings instead of objects of lust.


Combine that with a society that gets more and more withdrawn (heck, people would rather text someone across the room instead of having a conversation) without personal relationships, the de-sensitization with more solitude multiplies, IMO.


Heck, that Cleveland kidnapper of those 3 girls, even though he blamed porn as a last resort, may not have been that off base with what he said regards to porn having an impact on his attitude towards life. Like a former President said "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."


Every man needs to be aware and scared of his own possible depravity and has to guard against it all the time.


Good stuff Chad. I love when I see a man actually be able to admit out loud that pornography can be a problem for some out there. It's the most searched thing on the internet is it not? It is an excellent tool for brainwashing and corruption of the male mind sometimes starting at a young age while exploiting people. (mostly women) And it all makes money in the end sadly, A LOT.


And yes people need to talk more with people they know instead of just texting.....absolutely.

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