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Manning Says: If He Can, He Will. Absolutely.


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Peyton Manning and Jim Irsay agree on one thing: The Manning Era isn’t over in Indianapolis.

Manning said yesterday he hopes to return to practice this year and still holds out hope of playing if doctors say he is finally healed from his Sept. 8 neck surgery. Irsay, the Colts’ owner, said he expects the four-time MVP still has some good years left.

There are some big questions looming. The Colts must decide whether to opt out of Manning’s five-year contract or pay a $28 million bonus to keep him on the roster. And if they have a high draft pick next year, the Colts will have to decide whether to take Manning’s heir apparent, someone like Andrew Luck or Landry Jones.

Manning hasn’t played since having surgery to repair a damaged nerve that caused weakness in his throwing arm. It was his third neck procedure in 19 months.

“I think it’s too early to bury this era,’’ Irsay said.

A few hours earlier, Manning made his second impromptu locker room appearance of the season, telling reporters that he’s spending every day in rehab and that he hopes to practice with his teammates in December and play in a game this season.

But he hasn’t been cleared for football activity by the doctors. Irsay said there was less than a 50 percent chance Manning would appear in a game this season.

Without their franchise quarterback, the Colts are 0-8 for the first time since 1997.

“I miss playing, I really do. If I get cleared to play and I’m good enough, would I play? Absolutely,’’ he said. “I’d love to because that’s how I’m wired, that’s my job and I love my job.’’

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Manning wanted to play in the second half of the Jets game to go for the perfect season, but was told that he wasn't going to play. He wanted to play and was physically able to play, but he and some of the starters sat out because they were told to sit out.

Sounds to me that it's very possible that the FO would tell him not to play, and Manning would sit out even if he is cleared to play.

Besides, what would we gain from having him play?

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He knows what he feels.

We'll know Dec. 1...that's the 3-month recovery window we've been told.

That's the next date that matters.....If he's not cleared to throw on Dec. 1...he's out till next August..

..but we need to see him play and he needs and wants to play....so we know..about draft plans

I also think he feels he owes it to his teammates to get out there and win one if he can .

There is NO CHANCE he would be told not to play if he could...NONE

I'm optimistic..

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I just don't wanna see him die behind that O-line to prevent 0-16... I know he is better with the whole "pocket awareness" thing, but it only takes 1 shot, and he could be toast! Not worth it, in my opinion.

On the brighter side, I liked seeing him in the full "head nod" mode he goes into when talking to reporters, tossing in a few shoulder shrugs. He is handling the press conferences well!

Sorry, I'm looking for any signs of optimism I can find. I know time is short, and I will always be a true Colts fan, but Manning has been my favorite player since Tennessee, and I will miss him terribly should the Luck era begin soon... :Cry:

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It's really not his decision to make. oldunclemark is scared of the 0-16 tag. Listen, we are bad this year. 0-16 and 1-15 - mot much difference, really. Especially with the prospect of owning that 1st pick. That is gold, whether it is used on Luck or traded or whatever...

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The question is "can he?" before the end of the season? I don't think so.

Whew! Thanks for putting my mind at ease. I'm glad we have an expert voice in the matter telling us the opposite of all the doctors, trainers, and other persons immediately involved. At least we now know for sure it won't be possible.

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Whew! Thanks for putting my mind at ease. I'm glad we have an expert voice in the matter telling us the opposite of all the doctors, trainers, and other persons immediately involved. At least we now know for sure it won't be possible.

Wow. You are giving me a run for snarkiest poster on this board.

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I just don't wanna see him die behind that O-line to prevent 0-16... I know he is better with the whole "pocket awareness" thing, but it only takes 1 shot, and he could be toast! Not worth it, in my opinion.

On the brighter side, I liked seeing him in the full "head nod" mode he goes into when talking to reporters, tossing in a few shoulder shrugs. He is handling the press conferences well!

Sorry, I'm looking for any signs of optimism I can find. I know time is short, and I will always be a true Colts fan, but Manning has been my favorite player since Tennessee, and I will miss him terribly should the Luck era begin soon... :Cry:

he's not going to die behind the O-line. is that realisitic...?

I plead guilty to not wanting us to go 0-16....

Its up to him..and you can see what he says...

I'm optimistic

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Manning wanted to play in the second half of the Jets game to go for the perfect season, but was told that he wasn't going to play. He wanted to play and was physically able to play, but he and some of the starters sat out because they were told to sit out.

Sounds to me that it's very possible that the FO would tell him not to play, and Manning would sit out even if he is cleared to play.

Besides, what would we gain from having him play?

We dont have to waste out pick on a QB..and we can address our REAL needs.

Plus 0-16 is forever..as a long time Colts fan....I want to do everything possible to prevent that.

Next year realistically wont be affected by what Manning does in a 16th game..

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If Peyton puts on a uniform and takes the field in a game this season, I will be absolutely shocked beyond belief. There is really no way that he can be fully healed in that timescale, and with a fusion, if it hasn't fully taken and fused, a single high tackle could break the fusion and risk even greater injury to Peyton. Since the season is in the crapper already, there is simply zero sense in putting a player recovering from this surgery in harms way until they are truly 100%.

Jim Irsay knows it, Peyton knows it, the front office knows it.

Let me ask you all, assuming a worst case scenario of no wins without Peyton, and somehow Peyton's neck miraculously fuses in the next 4-5 weeks, is 1-15 or 2-14 so important that you would risk Peyton Manning's future career and ability to walk to gain the one or two wins? Let's just be honest, put PM on the IR and talk again in February.

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If Peyton puts on a uniform and takes the field in a game this season, I will be absolutely shocked beyond belief. There is really no way that he can be fully healed in that timescale, and with a fusion, if it hasn't fully taken and fused, a single high tackle could break the fusion and risk even greater injury to Peyton. Since the season is in the crapper already, there is simply zero sense in putting a player recovering from this surgery in harms way until they are truly 100%.

Jim Irsay knows it, Peyton knows it, the front office knows it.

Let me ask you all, assuming a worst case scenario of no wins without Peyton, and somehow Peyton's neck miraculously fuses in the next 4-5 weeks, is 1-15 or 2-14 so important that you would risk Peyton Manning's future career and ability to walk to gain the one or two wins? Let's just be honest, put PM on the IR and talk again in February.

It would not be a miracle..

This isnt a knee or a foot injury....He's either OK or he's not. There's no degrees of OK with vetebrae

The projected healing time is 3 months..That's what the doctors said.. If he's cleared (a big 'if') he plays.

If there's no sense in continuing to play 'meaningless games' ...why is Austin Collie out there..when we're 0-8?

Concussions are cumulative. Collie is much more likely to be hit very hard than Manning because of the position he plays and is far more likely crippled for life at any moment than anyone in the NFL is...because of 3 past concussions..

But players play. That's what they do.

You hear what Manning's saying...'Absolutely'

Please explain how Manning returning in late December its any more of a risk NOW than it will be in the first exhibition game next August...

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He won't play this yr.. I really can not understand why it is so important to Oldunclemark for him to play 1 or 2 games. He must have a substantial bet with somebody that Manning would play at least 1 game this yr., otherwise, I really don't see why anybody would be so absolutely obsessed with him getting into a game in total waste of a season. It's overwhelmingly stupid for him to take that risk. And for the record he did not say he would "absolutely play", he said "absolutely, I would love to play" thats a huge difference no matter how much Oldunclemark wants to twist it.

Edited by Balzer40
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He won't play this yr.. I really can not understand why it is so important to Oldunclemark for him to play 1 or 2 games. He must have a substantial bet with somebody that Manning would play at least 1 game this yr., otherwise, I really don't see why anybody would be so absolutely obsessed with him getting into a game in total waste of a season. It's overwhelmingly stupid for him to take that risk. And for the record he did not say he would "absolutely play", he said "absolutely, I would love to play" thats a huge difference no matter how much Oldunclemark want to twist it.

I dont want to go 0-16....and we need to know who to draft...

..as Ive said before......

..Healthy players play.. That's what they do.

I want to win...

Dont throw away games.. ever. Clear enough.?

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It would not be a miracle..

This isnt a knee or a foot injury....He's either OK or he's not. There's no degrees of OK with vetebrae

The projected healing time is 3 months..That's what the doctors said.. If he's cleared (a big 'if') he plays.


Please explain how Manning returning in late December its any more of a risk NOW than it will be in the first exhibition game next August...

Vertebrae do not heal even near completely in 3 months. Fusion surgery recovery is typically about a year, depending on the type of fusion. 3 months is not long enough for the fusion to happen and complete, especially as Peyton has already stated that it hasn't yet fused. The idea that somehow it fuses and Peyton get's in game shape and practices sufficiently to be on the field in December is ridiculous. And I will line up to post how ridiculous it is if the team does put him on the field in December.

Collie is cleared to play, as you have pointed out, concussions are cumulative. So there's no recovery time and they're also a crap-shoot because you don't know whether 1 more concussion or 10 more will be catastrophic for the individual. I haven't commented on Austin Collie playing, and won't here. But I do know something about spinal fusion. I also know that with Peyton's fusion happening in the neck area, if that fusion fails and Peyton suffers a neck injury in the process, the word quadriplegic isn't out of the question. Obviously a severe enough neck injury for a totally healthy player can result in that kind of damage as well, however a player with a incomplete spinal fusion, is far, far, far more prone to a severe outcome than a healthy one. so why take that chance? Why not go through the full recovery? In my mind there is zero reason to put Peyton out on the field this season at all. the front office and medical personnel will have all the information they need to make a sound decision in February. They know what kind of player Peyton is, they can evaluate his state of health and prognosis then. You don't need to see Peyton on the field in December to make a decision in Februrary.

As to returning in December vs returning next August. Let's just count the months shall we, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July; OK, I make that 8 months. That's 8 months for the fusion to knit and harden, it's 8 months for the nerves to regenerate and the muscle to recondition/regenerate, it's 8 months for Peyton to recover and recondition himself and make any adjustments to his throwing action that are required. But the absolute point is that 8 more months of healing results in a far stronger fusion that is far safer for Peyton in a game than it will be this December. So, how will it be safer? I would hope you can see that yourself from what I just said.

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Then get behind the team and painter and support them like crazy.

You had me until the Painter comment :no:

The doctors interviewed (I do not know what Peyton's doctors say) said this is a 3-month recovery period.

they disagree with your medical knowledge..

Manning clearly has been told there's a possibility he can play..So has Irsay..

If he was hesistant about returning..I'd say..let it go.

But he's not./ Clearly. Lets accept that he wouldnt risk his life to play and let him decide

My question is: relative risk...and its obvious that Collie is far more at risk on every play as an unprotcted receievr in coverage than Manning would be even behind OUR offensive line..Far more.

I worry about Collie every time i see him get hit.

But its HIS decision.

You and I can debate risk..but they dont. they play.

If its stupid for Manning..its even stupider for Collie.....but as a fan, I nat him to do waht he thinks is best.

It just so happens that agrees with what I think is best

Once he's cleared..I want him to play..his quotes indicate he wants to play and we need him to play.

Let a player play.

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If Peyton puts on a uniform and takes the field in a game this season, I will be absolutely shocked beyond belief. There is really no way that he can be fully healed in that timescale, and with a fusion, if it hasn't fully taken and fused, a single high tackle could break the fusion and risk even greater injury to Peyton. Since the season is in the crapper already, there is simply zero sense in putting a player recovering from this surgery in harms way until they are truly 100%.

Jim Irsay knows it, Peyton knows it, the front office knows it.

Let me ask you all, assuming a worst case scenario of no wins without Peyton, and somehow Peyton's neck miraculously fuses in the next 4-5 weeks, is 1-15 or 2-14 so important that you would risk Peyton Manning's future career and ability to walk to gain the one or two wins? Let's just be honest, put PM on the IR and talk again in February.

I disagree 100%. The players in the NFL have a high desire to play the game they grew up playing since they were 6 yrs old. Yes they get a paycheck but players like Manning, Ray Lewis, Big Ben and Tom Brady are not like us. They are competitiors that want to help their team, teammates and do what ever possible to compete and get a win. If the doctors clear P. Manning and he has enough time to get in shape, prepare and practice he will be on the field late December and I wish him the best. It would not be about getting wins in December, its about P. Manning and his desire to get back on the field.

Edited by tfunky14
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The doctors interviewed (I do not know what Peyton's doctors say) said this is a 3-month recovery period.

they disagree with your medical knowledge..


Hmmm... well, the doctor I know who performed two spinal fusions on someone very close to me indicated that a fusion can take about a year to completely harden. 3 months post op was considered early in the recovery period. I don't know what talking head doctors were interviewed, but I honestly think they are not being realistic. Nor do I think some fans are being realistic. Wishful thinking is one thing, fooling ourselves is another.

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Hmmm... well, the doctor I know who performed two spinal fusions on someone very close to me indicated that a fusion can take about a year to completely harden. 3 months post op was considered early in the recovery period. I don't know what talking head doctors were interviewed, but I honestly think they are not being realistic. Nor do I think some fans are being realistic. Wishful thinking is one thing, fooling ourselves is another.

Could be...but you read what he said

...why would they tell him he can play with no risk if that wasnt true./ Who gains what?

..again though...His actual doctors are not making any public statements that I know of..

I want what's best for him and the Colts.

He says: If cleared..he's playing and obviously that's best for the Colts..

I dont really think its very controversial...Everybody out there is at risk

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It would not be a miracle..

Please explain how Manning returning in late December its any more of a risk NOW than it will be in the first exhibition game next August...

I am no doctor, tho I was somewhat of an "after-hours" gyno in college. Hence the WoolMagnet nick-name I received at my fraternity initiation.

On a serious note,

Wouldn't it stand to reason that the "fusion" of the vertibrae would be stronger next year than say, this december?

Also, even after the "fusion" is cleared by doctors, it will take Manning a while to get back into "football shape" and get the "feel" of being in the pocket back.

Remember how he was tentative after the bursa-sack thing a few years ago? He just didn't seem comfortable in the pocket for weeks. Its not good to play when you are tentative about taking hits. This can lead to hesitation and possibly other potential injuries.

I'm gonna stay in a holiday inn express tomorrow night and I'll be back here Sunday with a definitive answer.

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No matter what our record is or who we're playing that week. When Peyton Manning is cleared to play you have to play him. His football smarts would prevent him from injury. You have to play him for the fans and the players on this team.

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I just don't wanna see him die behind that O-line to prevent 0-16... I know he is better with the whole "pocket awareness" thing, but it only takes 1 shot, and he could be toast! Not worth it, in my opinion.

On the brighter side, I liked seeing him in the full "head nod" mode he goes into when talking to reporters, tossing in a few shoulder shrugs. He is handling the press conferences well!

Sorry, I'm looking for any signs of optimism I can find. I know time is short, and I will always be a true Colts fan, but Manning has been my favorite player since Tennessee, and I will miss him terribly should the Luck era begin soon... :Cry:

LOL Funny enough that is probably more grounds for optimism than anything said recently by Irsay or Peyton on that front. :D

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I dont want to go 0-16....and we need to know who to draft...

..as Ive said before......

..Healthy players play.. That's what they do.

I want to win...

Dont throw away games.. ever. Clear enough.?

Unless they are undefeated with two easily beatable opponents remaining.

Edited by Blue Horseshoe
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