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Colts Tried To Trade Hughes, Got No Takers


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Why do 4-3 ends have their hands on the ground? to start low for leverage. Leverage is that important when our blocker is directly in front of you. A 3-4 OLB doesn't need leverage because he has distance, he doesn't have to worry about someone getting underneath him because he's built up speed already and is trying to just get around.

If a 4-3 DE tried standing up and just run around the blocker, he'd just get pushed out of the play.

Edited by JoKeR
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Jerry Hughes continues to be the poster boy for Bill Polian draft ineptness in recent years.

Hughes missed a key block on a punt attempt in the second quarter. Pat McAfee's punt was then blocked and recovered in the endzone by the Titans' Jason McCourty.


What in the world is he doing blocking on the line for special teams? He is a freaking stand up blitzing linebacker! People are labeling him a bust for the management's incompetence. This has become a joke in Colt land.

Edited by BobbyMorris94
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What gets me mad is that the colts lack creativity. If Jerry Hughes is a so called "outside linebacker" in a 3-4, then just let him play stand up DE in our defense... I mean how clueless can you be? It's not a matter of putting your hand on the ground, it's a matter of getting to the quarterback on passing plays and holding contain while fighting off blockers on running plays.

It's just a 4-3 that we run, who cares if the DE stands up of no. It doesn't matter!

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Our lack of innovation really is the reason our guys are looking like scrubs. Name me one guy on our defense that didn't look like a scrub in the Saints game? The only bright spot I saw yesterday was Angerer. And our *ic Tampa 2 puts him in a position to fail more times than not.

Everyone wants to label Hughes a bust...Can anyone name me one time in the last two years when Mathis and Freeney were lined up at DE and we blitzed Hughes to his strengths at OLB? I can't think of once...But there is a reason we have had the worst defense over the last decade and every team other than our own knows it. It's like a dirty little secret around the league. lol. And let me put it like this, it doesn't have a lot to do with our players. Remember the one time Dungy went away from Tampa 2 and we put Freeney and Mathis in a lot of zones and changed our defense? I do. It was the last time we won the Super Bowl. We had another Super Bowl won with our new aggressive D in 09, but come second half someone high up over the coaches (wonder who that could be?) ordered Tampa 2 and Brees exploits us. Been Tampa 2 since and it has been downhill. Cutting Hayden and Tryon only aggravates the problem to the worst defense in the modern era.

Polian wants bigger CBs who can play man? About 10 years too late wouldn't you say?

Edited by BobbyMorris94
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Sorry dude, you are clueless to what I am saying. This is not about the 3-4. I'll say it 50 times so you can get it through you head. This is not about the 3-4. This is not about the 3-4. This is not about the 3-4. This is not about the 3-4. This is not about the 3-4. This is not about the 3-4. This is not about the 3-4. This is not about the 3-4. This is not about the 3-4. This is not about the 3-4... Okay that should be enough.

Now I'll emphasize my other point. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3. We run a 4-3.

I don't understand why you're trying to argue with me about how good the 3-4 is and how "you don't know who is coming." Are you even responding to me???

I'm talking about the 4-3 defense, you know with 2 DE's right? Now what I'm saying is instead of Hughes putting his hand on the ground like a normal DE, he should just be a standing up DE if he is better standing up. Not a 3-4 OLB because we don't run a 3-4! We run a 4-3 defense and Jerry Hughes would be a defensive end who is standing up!

If you don't understand this then... I don't think you are reading the right post.

You need to re read the very first post you responded to.. first of all who's position is he going to take as a stand up DE? second based on the fact that with a 3-4 you wont know whos coming he would have more success in it... hence if he was cut some team would pick him up and he would eventually turn into a really good player... that was my previous point and what i started on.

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playing a 3-4 would be interesting. nevis is big enough to play NT along with AJ and freeney and mathis can play ends dont have to convert. then we could play both connor and angerer inside with wheeler and sims outside to rush on accusation along with corners playing bump and run with powers and thomas instead of a cushion.

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Jerry Hughes continues to be the poster boy for Bill Polian draft ineptness in recent years.

Hughes missed a key block on a punt attempt in the second quarter. Pat McAfee's punt was then blocked and recovered in the endzone by the Titans' Jason McCourty.


Forserious? That was Hughes that whiffed on that? I was so disgusted I didn't even care who it was.
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You need to re read the very first post you responded to.. first of all who's position is he going to take as a stand up DE? second based on the fact that with a 3-4 you wont know whos coming he would have more success in it... hence if he was cut some team would pick him up and he would eventually turn into a really good player... that was my previous point and what i started on.

Maybe he would be more successful in a 3-4, but I don't know. We run a 4-3 so it's our job to make him successful in our defense.

Freeney and Mathis don't play every down, they rotate in and out and are almost always in on passing situations. Hughes would just have to substitute with Jamaal Anderson and Tyler Brayton to get playing time.

I haven't seen Jerry enough to tell if he is not effective as a DE with his hand on the ground. I remember he got a nice sack against Tampa Bay, bringing down Josh Freeman. What I'm saying is that if Jerry cannot play with his hand on the ground then we should just try him standing up from a normal DE spot. If that doesn't work then the colts should analyze his problems and determine whats best for him to do. Is he getting overpowered? Then he should either gain 10 lbs. of muscle and get stronger. It's not as hard as people think.

Hughes also needs to play as the 3rd pass rusher from the inside at the DT spot. We need to see what he has got. There's a reason that he was drafted in the 1st round of the NFL draft, so he has a lot of talent and the coaches need to put him in a situation for him to succeed. Even if he has a poor practice, what's to lose? Were 0-8 and if we can spark him going then we will have our 3rd pass rusher and eventual replacement at DE for the future. By the way I definitely want us to resign Robert Mathis, we need 3 pass rushers not just 2.

Edited by Ramblinwreck7
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Big words on the internet from the couch in your mom's basement.

Besides, that isn't what I said. I stated that people use the word nepotism as if it's ALWAYS a bad thing. They associate it with a negative connotation based on the misguided sociological viewpoint taught in our crappy education system.

Most people don't know it's application, or they use it when it doesn't apply. You did that very thing. You simply assumed that an heir selected via family tree is automatically bad ju-ju, despite the subject at hand being completely unrelated. It is also possible that Chris Polian worked his tailed off to get to where he is and actually earned the spot in the eyes of the FO. Crazy, I know, but sometimes that is possible.

Funny,you remind me of the guy who got his lunch stolen and never had a girlfriend.
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Maybe he would be more successful in a 3-4, but I don't know. We run a 4-3 so it's our job to make him successful in our defense.

Freeney and Mathis don't play every down, they rotate in and out and are almost always in on passing situations. Hughes would just have to substitute with Jamaal Anderson and Tyler Brayton to get playing time.

I haven't seen Jerry enough to tell if he is not effective as a DE with his hand on the ground. I remember he got a nice sack against Tampa Bay, bringing down Josh Freeman. What I'm saying is that if Jerry cannot play with his hand on the ground then we should just try him standing up from a normal DE spot. If that doesn't work then the colts should analyze his problems and determine whats best for him to do. Is he getting overpowered? Then he should either gain 10 lbs. of muscle and get stronger. It's not as hard as people think.

Hughes also needs to play as the 3rd pass rusher from the inside at the DT spot. We need to see what he has got. There's a reason that he was drafted in the 1st round of the NFL draft, so he has a lot of talent and the coaches need to put him in a situation for him to succeed. Even if he has a poor practice, what's to lose? Were 0-8 and if we can spark him going then we will have our 3rd pass rusher and eventual replacement at DE for the future. By the way I definitely want us to resign Robert Mathis, we need 3 pass rushers not just 2.

Freeney and mathis dont play every down but the downs they dont play are running downs and Jerry would not be much help there compared to anderson and brayton.. when it comes to Playing at DT that is a bad idea because the colts need a push up the middle... Jerry does not have any moves and i dont see him over powering any center or guard... unless they use him as a blitzing LB or something like that he will not get any playtime

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Sorry fellas, but to me, this BPA approach really needs to stop

It's not so much the approach, but rather the execution. BPA only works if you actually draft the best player available.

Clearly, looking back with perfect hindsight, Jerry Hughes was not the BPA.

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Freeney and mathis dont play every down but the downs they dont play are running downs and Jerry would not be much help there compared to anderson and brayton.. when it comes to Playing at DT that is a bad idea because the colts need a push up the middle... Jerry does not have any moves and i dont see him over powering any center or guard... unless they use him as a blitzing LB or something like that he will not get any playtime

We used to use Raheem Brock as a pass rusher at DT while he was a DE, so why can't we use Jerry Hughes like that? They drafted him to be the 3rd pass rusher and that is where the 3rd pass rusher plays on passing downs, inside.

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It's not Hughes' fault. It's Pats. He should have seen the block coming, threw the ball down, and kicked the guy coming in for the block right in the face, booting his head up into the 4th row. While that was distracting everyone else, someone could have snuck over to the ball, scooped it up, and ran it away for a TD. This is simple stuff here. Football 101.

Not to mention it would be the most entertaining thing we've seen this season...

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Too bad... that makes it several years now for first round busts from the Colts. Anthony Gonzalez, Tony Ugoh, Donald Brown, Jerry Hughes. Good to see they don't like him either, but I'm not surprised no one wants him, he's useless on defense and on special teams (using the example that Barry said).

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I dont think you know what your talking about, brown is a downhill runner.. he isnt not the dancing back... he see's a hole and he takes it.. if brown was on another team he would be the starter... the colts are a passing team hence they need a blocking RB and donald isnt that, ive seen donald at UConn and the guy does not dance. Hughes was meant to be on a 3-4 team, its obvious the guy does not have any moves when it comes to pass rushing... the guy is a LB playing DE and he is out of position so yea i can bet if he was on another team he would produce... and how would he be able to beat brayton and anderson when they both can do play so many positions. Gonzo may be a bust but if he was out on the field i think he would be producing, ugoh was never a 1st round pick talent.. ive never known a LT that ran track and i never felt like ugoh was worth a 2nd round pick.
Smitto are you still talking about Donald at UConn :smack: Playing football in the Big East is like playing a Division 3 school every week. I can go play in the Big East right now and gain 1,000 yards and im in a wheelchair. At some point you will realize Donald Brown isn't who you thought he was.
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Funny, I come to the conclusion when I read your post. Donald Brown is a slasher, dance in the hole runner. Did you not see his play on the second and short in the second half of the Titans game? He took the handoff, stopped and tried to stutter step into the hole. Of course he was stopped short and the CBS cameras caught Caldwell, for one of the few times in history getting mad and yelled at Brown for his running style. Brown tried to run straight ahead on the td run but I believe it was more so because of the tongue lashing from Caldwell rather than he suddenly becoming a downhill runner. Brown is too light and goes down far too easily to ever be considered a downhill runner.

I don't think Caldwell was saying anything to Brown when the camera focused on him. I thought it was very clear he was yelling to the officials, "You gotta measure that...you gotta measure that" He was asking for a measurement...not saying anything to Brown.

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Big words on the internet from the couch in your mom's basement.

Besides, that isn't what I said. I stated that people use the word nepotism as if it's ALWAYS a bad thing. They associate it with a negative connotation based on the misguided sociological viewpoint taught in our crappy education system.

Most people don't know it's application, or they use it when it doesn't apply. You did that very thing. You simply assumed that an heir selected via family tree is automatically bad ju-ju, despite the subject at hand being completely unrelated. It is also possible that Chris Polian worked his tailed off to get to where he is and actually earned the spot in the eyes of the FO. Crazy, I know, but sometimes that is possible.

YAWN..... :shh:

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