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Belichick calls out Welker for hit on Talib


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Does not change the fact that his injury changed the game.

Agree.   He is known for some dirty plays himself, if I am not mistaken.


Steve Smith ring any bells up there...????



I want to add   I don't believe Welker  should or Will be fined for that.

Edited by Just another Fan
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Got to disagree one player does not change a team maybe game plan for both teams,They would've went elsewhere with the ball away from him.

Losing a shut down corner completely changes the defensive game plan as he was shutting down Denver's best threat in D. Thomas who then began shredding the Pats when he went out. Shut down corners are as critical as QBs. That is why Revis is getting paid better then most QBs and why Sherman will get paid even more when his contract comes up ...

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Losing a shut down corner completely changes the defensive game plan as he was shutting down Denver's best threat in D. Thomas who then began shredding the Pats when he went out. Shut down corners are as critical as QBs. That is why Revis is getting paid better then most QBs and why Sherman will get paid even more when his contract comes up ...

Still say Denver wins hands down lol there runners were shredding your line and if Ball had more carries would've been worse than it was !And when its all said and done Broncos vs Seahawks 2 teams I picked from get go.

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Talib should have iced up son.

Yeah, how about some ice after? Really thought he should have tried to get back in there. I expect the Pats to franchise him as I am not sure if you can sign him to long term money with the injury history. Do you happen to know the franchise tag for CBs? I am thinking it is high because of the Revis deal.

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Yeah, how about some ice after? Really thought he should have tried to get back in there. I expect the Pats to franchise him as I am not sure if you can sign him to long term money with the injury history. Do you happen to know the franchise tag for CBs? I am thinking it is high because of the Revis deal.


They don't have enough cap space to tag him.

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Yeah, how about some ice after? Really thought he should have tried to get back in there. I expect the Pats to franchise him as I am not sure if you can sign him to long term money with the injury history. Do you happen to know the franchise tag for CBs? I am thinking it is high because of the Revis deal.

It was about 10 million last year

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If you tag Talib you're going to lose Edelman and probably Blount.

$10 is not as bad as I thought. Edelman will not cost a lot and neither will Blount. Both moves are expected but Talib is the wild card. Pats have not paid top dollar for a CB since Ty Law but I think they have to this time and Bill really seems to like him. I think what has not been discussed on this thread much is the fact that I think Bill said what he did not to take a jab at Welker but to back up Talib. Bill actually said he felt bad for Talib with the injury and that is a pretty strong endorsement from Bill he usually never goes out of his way to single out players, not even Brady. So I think that was Bill's endorsement of Talib. That being said, Talib is going to get some huge offers to the Pats may have no other choice but to tag him. He is the only FA they have worth tagging anyways.

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$10 is not as bad as I thought. Edelman will not cost a lot and neither will Blount. Both moves are expected but Talib is the wild card. Pats have not paid top dollar for a CB since Ty Law but I think they have to this time and Bill really seems to like him. I think what has not been discussed on this thread much is the fact that I think Bill said what he did not to take a jab at Welker but to back up Talib. Bill actually said he felt bad for Talib with the injury and that is a pretty strong endorsement from Bill he usually never goes out of his way to single out players, not even Brady. So I think that was Bill's endorsement of Talib. That being said, Talib is going to get some huge offers to the Pats may have no other choice but to tag him. He is the only FA they have worth tagging anyways.


How much do you think Edelman and Blount would get on the FA market? Tagging Talib puts them $3MM over the cap. Cutting Adrian Wilson and Isaac Sopagao still puts them at ~$300,000 over the cap.

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How much do you think Edelman and Blount would get on the FA market? Tagging Talib puts them $3MM over the cap. Cutting Adrian Wilson and Isaac Sopagao still puts them at ~$300,000 over the cap.

Blount will be next to nothing. He ran for 600 yards this year. Edelman is probably 3-4 mil a year. The Pats will easily make room for both of them. Like I said Talib is the wild card. They very well may make him a long term offer to spread out the cap hit.

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Lets put the Aquib Talib injury into perspective. Too much weight is given to it.


While Aquib Talib was playing, Peyton was 8-13, 111 yards with a 29 yards completion to Demariyus Thomas. Its not like he shut Peyton down.


Peyton actually mentioned in the post game conference that with or without Aquib, DT was a big part of offense. Translation, he would have thrown to him.


Even in Foxboro during the game tying drive, DT was targeted twice on big plays and came up big with catches and TD ( Aquib was covering him )


Shall we put this excuse to bed now?.

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Must have been some of the numbskulls banned from this forum.....you can have them am!!  HA HA!



what does Talib have to do with the New England offense being terrible up until garbage time?



Moving it is one thing, scoring on just about every possession after he went out and never punting is quite another ...



Losing a shut down corner completely changes the defensive game plan as he was shutting down Denver's best threat in D. Thomas who then began shredding the Pats when he went out. Shut down corners are as critical as QBs. That is why Revis is getting paid better then most QBs and why Sherman will get paid even more when his contract comes up ...



Talib should have iced up son.



Still say Denver wins hands down lol there runners were shredding your line and if Ball had more carries would've been worse than it was !And when its all said and done Broncos vs Seahawks 2 teams I picked from get go.




For what it's worth, on a local show in Boston,  two former Patriot's players, one of them, Troy Brown a former Patriots WR, and neither former player thought it was a dirty play by Welker.


They both thought it was an unfortunate play brought about because the game is so fast and you're not sure which way the other guy is going to go -- high or low -- and it sometimes turns into a game of chicken.    


But both guys thought it was simply an unfortunate play,  but definitely NOT a dirty play.


Interesting that both Patriots players disagree with Belicheck...      glad they did.    Hopefully helps put this to rest....



They were running directly at each other...how is that blind side?



Old and BITTER...    



Okay, so I've finally investigated this. Bill just went jealous school kid on Welker. Funny stuff. A missed call prompts him to suggest his former star WR was trying to hurt his guy and he should be fined? Mole hill meet mountain. 


only time for 1 comment today


many a so called analyst said


Re Welker play Play 


Mike & Mike , & other shows   Chris Carter, Mike Ditka, Tim Hassablback, & Ron Jawarski  

all said it was legal'
'Motrenson said sources from NFL said leagl, said both run same play and noth tteams know it
Donta Stallworth, past pat said BB is full of it and he knows it
also as ball hit DT at same time its a legal block too if u want to go that way
Great article
What Belichick said? Appalling. Mean-spirited. Classless, even dangerous.
Awfulness of Belichick comment > awfulness of Sherman comment (times 50)
same analysts


How Peyton Checkmated Belichick
They said the audible from, a pass on 3rd and 9 to a run and moreno got 20+ yards to the 11 blew away Belichick and had him totally wondering about what peyton may call after that play and how to game plan him for rest of game, losing Talib was just 1 thing , Peyton outsmarted BB in this one
of interest whenever Peyton has lost to a team in a year & plays them the same year again     post that loss  he is I believe a TV graphic showed 7 & 0, know has never lost, they said he simply watches how was played against and comes up with new things to do that work's & wins
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only time for 1 comment , many a sso called analyst said


How Peyton Checkmated Belichick
They said the audible from, a pass on 3rd and 9 to a run and moreno got 20+ yards to the 11 blew away Belichick and had him totally wondering about what peyton may call after that play and how to game plan him for rest of game, losing Talib was just 1 thing , Peyton outsmarted BB in this one
of interest whenever Peyton has lost to a team and plays them the sam,e year he is I believe a TV graphic showed & & 0, know has never lost, they said he simply watches how was played against and comes up with new things to do that work


This whole thing about Peyton being in Bill's head and vice versa is a bunch of hog wash IMO. Peyton took advantage of a weakened secondary once Talib left. In the end it is about match ups. Denver was the better team and that was the case before Talib went out.

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I think the only time I/we? make 'excuses' for a loss is if we are really ticked off on the officiating and sometimes when we get a receiver with a case of the drops.  A lineman misses a block....Coaches make wrong situational play call...refs suck. OOOPS...already mentioned the officiating...throw the flag... :flag:  :flag:  :flag:  :edit:  :edit:  :edit:  :ref:  :ref: !!


OK we make excuses all of the time  :spit: !!!  

which is quite frequently

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It was not the reason we lost. Anybody that said that was delusional. However, it was a foul and should have been called.

Don't say that. It's bad taste for Colts fans to speak the truth.

Pats fans though? Shout it from the mountains. Lol.

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It was not the reason we lost. Anybody that said that was delusional. However, it was a foul and should have been called.

That wasn't the point though. There was just as much whining about that as on this thread. And no one is saying Talib is the sole reason for the loss but his absence completely effected the defenses ability to stop Denver at all.

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That wasn't the point though. There was just as much whining about that as on this thread. And no one is saying Talib is the sole reason for the loss but his absence completely effected the defenses ability to stop Denver at all.

One was a legal play, one was not. Neither effected the outcome of the game

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The verb you're both looking for is "affect". "Effect" is a noun.


Jvan, just because something wasn't called make it a legal play. By that logic, all the non-calls that worked out in our favor were well and good. I don't think anyone here is going to come to an unbiased determination as to whether it was clean, because we're on opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to out relative affection for all things Patriots. The other boards I post on were fairly mixed in their reaction, so it's not very clear even to fans without a horse in the race.


Not that it matters anyways, I'll repost this once again because it's really all that needs to be said:



I think it was intentional. I think the hit on DRC was intentional. It's no secret that BB had issues with Welker even when he was here, and this is just an extention of the hostility that exists between them. It's not the reason why we lost. I hate when people make excuses. You can point to the final score and try to claim that the game was competitive, but anyone who actually watched the game knows it wasn't. We looked hopeless on offense before Talib wen't out, and we looked hopeless afterwards. We were never going to outscore Denver, even if their point total was slightly lower, which wasn't a guarantee should Aquib have stayed in.I love how hypotheticals always play in the favor of those that use them as well (e.g. Aquib was going to shut down DT). Who's to say that he doesn't have a terrible 2nd half and get burned a couple of times? It's completely useless to speculate.

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The verb you're both looking for is "affect". "Effect" is a noun.

Jvan, just because something wasn't called make it a legal play. By that logic, all the non-calls that worked out in our favor were well and good. I don't think anyone here is going to come to an unbiased determination as to whether it was clean, because we're on opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to out relative affection for all things Patriots. The other boards I post on were fairly mixed in their reaction, so it's not very clear even to fans without a horse in the race.

Not that it matters anyways, I'll repost this once again because it's really all that needs to be said:

No, it was legal because the block occurred at the same time the ball hit DT in the hands.

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One was a legal play, one was not. Neither effected the outcome of the game

I wasn't talking about the penalties but the fact that Talib left the game and did not come back. That DID effect the game and was the biggest factor in the outcome. It would be akin to Luck hurting himself on the Vellano trip and not returning to the game.

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